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School of Education

Bachelor of Education (Primary)

‘Night-time Activities’ Committee

Meeting held on 13 March 2020 1:30pm at RMIT Brunswick Campus


Attendance:​ Chichak Aliyeva, Elizabeth Hajar, Tigest Neguisse & Rebecca Williams

Acceptance of Minutes: ​(record any amendments needed to the minutes)

All attendees approve and accept

Business Arising: ​(record what occurred in relation to the previous minutes, don’t replicate what
will be said in the committee reports)
1. First class meeting took place on 6 March 2020 at 12pm when attendees put their name
down to lead night-time activities for the camp.
2. Motions previously made by Jason:
● Camp will be held on 24-26 June 2020 (Wed 11am – Fri 3pm) – ADANAC CYC
(47 Hoddle Street, Yarra Junction, VIC) – Cost: $214.22
● Formation of subcommittees is required. Roles/responsibilities outlined as below:
○ Duty groups – meals prep, clean up, set up, logistics
○ Incident forms – in case of emergencies
○ Activities – groupings, rotations, teaching/instruction each activity
■ First aid within each activity/risk assessment
■ Emergency procedures for all activities
■ Risk management plan for all activities
■ First aid qualifications
○ Wet weather activities
○ Nighttime activities – entertainment at night - possible ‘Pub Night’
happening on the second night?
○ Medical condition considerations – asthma, diabetes
○ Rooming team: Room name list, accommodation, evacuation procedures,
○ Fundraising
3. Motion by Chichak:
● No amendments on our chosen subcommittee and its roles/responsibilities.
4. Motion by Rebecca:
● Let’s start thinking of some activities

General Business: ​(submitted to the secretary for inclusion, record the task and who is responsible
for accomplishing the task)
1. This is the initial meeting by the subcommittee and therefore, there is no record of previous
2. Brainstorm of ideas on night-time activities that can be implemented at camp and what may
be required to run a successful activity:
● Trivia Night:
○ Gathering questions for the following topics: entertainment (music, movies,
tv shows), science, sports, arts/literature, history, geography
○ 5 rounds - 10 questions in each category
○ Teams of 5 (approx. 5 groups)
○ Teams can have a name and a specific buzzer
○ Prizes for winners - stationery (e.g. stickers, diary/pen, colouring pencil
○ Snacks/drinks for everyone (microwave/kettle availability necessary)
○ Decorations - banner, table decorations for each group, lights
○ Scoring - the team with the most points wins
● Talent Show Night:
○ A costume/prop box
○ Who will be the judges and host?
○ Speakers/microphone and sound system required
○ An elevated area to represent a stage would be interesting
○ Snacks/drinks for everyone (microwave/kettle availability necessary)
● Pyjama Party/Disco Night:
○ Decorations for the hall - banner, streamers, balloons, spinning disco ball,
○ Playlist will need to be curated - can take song requests from everyone
○ Snacks/drinks for everyone (microwave/kettle availability necessary)
● Movie Night:
○ Range of movies to pick from - preferably multiple genres and people will
need to vote (the one with the most votes will be played)
○ Snacks/drinks for everyone (microwave/kettle availability necessary)
○ Will require a TV/projector and sound system
○ Comfortable seating - blankets, bean bags, pillows?
● Games Night:
○ Range of games will be required - e.g. Articulate, UNO, Monopoly,
Scrabble, Twister, Pictionary, Cluedo, Operation, etc.
○ What is the best arrangement to involve everyone: pair/small-group/whole?
○ Flexibility in choice of game?
● Pub Night:
○ Not sure if approved but this would mean
○ Will need to contact the pub next to ADANAC to book - find details on
○ Timing uncertain
3. After discussion, since the Pub Night will take up the space for one night, having two
activities ready is the wiser choice in case of emergency. However, we need to confirm
whether the Pub Night will need the whole night dedicated to it.
4. All attendees prefer Trivia Night and Pyjama Party/Disco Night to be two ideas to be
planned and implemented. However, this will need to be put onto a vote so that all course
members approve of the choices.
5. All attendees planned the following tasks to be completed for our subcommittee:
● First aid & risk assessment/management for activities
● Emergency procedures
● Poll on the OSC Facebook group to see what people prefer out of the activities
● Planning of each activity using a ‘lesson plan’ format?
● Research the ADANAC website for details on venue/facilities or contact camp
commander to get them to ask ADANAC
● Do we have a budget? - Are snacks/decorations/etc supplied to us?
● How long will the activities need to be?

Any Other Business:

● Things are likely to be affected by the coronavirus outbreak and our plans may be cancelled
- keep vigilant and listen to updates regarding camp

Next Meeting: ​(set the date, time and venue for the next meeting)
● Next meeting will be on 27 March 2020 at 3.00pm at RMIT Brunswick Campus.
School of Education
Bachelor of Education (Primary)

‘Night-time Activities’ Committee

Meeting held on 27 March 2020 3.00pm through a Video Call on Google Hangouts


Attendance:​ Chichak Aliyeva, Elizabeth Hajar, Tigest Neguisse & Rebecca Williams

Acceptance of Minutes:
All attendees approve and accept.

Business Arising:
1. Camp was cancelled
2. Fundraising committee was cancelled
3. Everyone was disappointed, especially me (liz)
4. Pub dinner cancelled
5. Waiting until census date to see final numbers in class
6. Treasurer role cancelled
7. ADANAC may need to be contacted to see what kind of food will be served - consider
allergies or dietary requirements
8. Consider transition times of activities (walking time to each activity eg. 15mins walking
● How many people in each group activity (~8-10 in each group)
● Refer to risk analysis documents (on Vic DET) for each activity
9. Poll on the Facebook group needed for rooming preferences, first aid qualifications and
activity preferences

General Business:
1. New ideas formed for activities:
● Organise a campfire session for all students
○ Will need to have a roster to divide students into groups so that it’s not
overwhelming to supervise
○ While some groups are at campfire, the rest can be spending time doing
another night-time activity
● Final decision on what night-time activities should be formed:
○ Have two activities planned for each night
■ Night 1: Games Night & Campfire
■ Night 2: Trivia Night, Talent Show or Pyjama Party/Disco Night -
put to vote on Facebook group
2. Delegation of tasks:
● Rebecca -​ Poll on the OSC Facebook group to see what people prefer out of the
● Once poll results are finalised:
○ All - ​Planning of each activity - timing and content
○ Chichak -​ Risk assessment/management for activities
○ Tigest -​ First aid & emergency procedures for activities
○ Elizabeth - ​Research the ADANAC website for details on venue/facilities
and plan the rooms for the activities and seek approval from ADANAC?
● All ​- Do we have a budget? - Are snacks/decorations/etc supplied to us?

Next Meeting:
● Next meeting will be on 10 April 2020 at 11.30am through a video call on Zoom.

School of Education
Bachelor of Education (Primary)

‘Night-time Activities’ Committee

Meeting held on 1 May 2020 11.30am through a Video Call on Zoom

Attendance:​ Chichak Aliyeva, Elizabeth Hajar, Tigest Neguisse & Rebecca Williams

Acceptance of Minutes: ​(record any amendments needed to the minutes)

● Couldn’t meet on 10 April due to stress from other assessment but looking forward to
finalising today.
● ADANAC supplies food/snacks so no need to buy our own.
● Poll results for activity preferences:
○ People not eager for a talent show
○ Trivia night seemed like a very popular second choice along with pyjama dance
● Final confirmations:
○ Night 1:​ Campfire with games night
■ If it rains, a movie night will be implemented.
○ Night 2:​ Trivia and pyjama dance party
● Changes to tasks from previous minutes:
○ Tigest:​ ​Planning of trivia questions
■ ADANAC details: venue/facilities/rooms for the activities
■ Risk assessment/management
■ First aid & emergency procedures
○ Rebecca:​ ​Planning of playlist for the dance party and campfire
■ ADANAC details: venue/facilities/rooms for the activities
■ Risk assessment/management
■ First aid & emergency procedures
○ Chichak:​ ​Planning of movie night
■ ADANAC details: venue/facilities/rooms for the activities
■ Risk assessment/management
■ First aid & emergency procedures
○ Elizabeth:​ Planning of games night
■ ADANAC details: venue/facilities/rooms for the activities
■ Risk assessment/management
■ First aid & emergency procedures
○ All members will contribute to ideas.
● All attendees approve and accept.
Business Arising: ​(record what occurred in relation to the previous minutes, don’t replicate what
will be said in the committee reports)
● Discussion on Facebook group with the other subcommittees:
○ Kitchen Duty roster times:
■ Breakfast 8.15 -9 Snack 11-11.30, Lunch 1- 2
■ Snack 3.30 - 4
■ Dinner 6 - 7
■ Supper 8.30 - 9
■ Bedtime
○ Given above times, nighttime activities will take place between 7pm-9pm.

General Business:
● Each team member is working on planning the content, risk assessment for each activity
and the first aid/emergency procedures - see attached as finalised documents.

Next Meeting:
● Next meeting will be on 8 May 12.00pm via CollaborateUltra with the rest of the
subcommittees and Jason.

First aid considerations for all activities:

● First aid kit with students medicine and a folder of students with medical conditions including
health plan, medication dosages, possible triggers etc.
● Supervising teachers to carry or have the folder visible and accessible at all times.

Movie Night Planning:

6.00pm Event Setup

● Venue: ADANAC Meeting room
● Projector setup – ensuring laptop, audio and video are working for the movie to run smoothly
● Seating area setup: chairs/tables and bean bags set
● Lighting in place
● Snack area setup: Snacks on assigned table – food safety rules apply
● A whiteboard and whiteboard markers to use to tally up votes

6.30pm Room opened

● Students to place a tally on each movie option as they enter in groups (Note: All movies are
rated G):
○ Arriety
○ Monsters Inc
○ Finding Nemo
○ Paddington
● Voting is finalised and movie is picked
● Time given for students to pick snacks

7.00pm Movie Starts

● Lights off

8.30pm Movie Finished

● Lights on

8.30pm – 9.00pm Pack-up

● Student share-time and discussions about the movie
● More snacks can be eaten
● Clean-up of the area and time for bed
Games Night Planning:

Students can bring a board game of their own from home. Teachers will also supply some games.
Once students have chosen a game, they will find a space visible to the supervising teacher. List of
possible games:
● Twister
● Trouble
● Cards/uno
● Heads up/ celebrity heads
● Snakes and ladders
● Headbandz
● Guess who?
● Ping pong

ADANAC Location: Games room

Before: 7:30 - 8:00pm

● Students finish their dinner and organise themselves (showers, pjs etc.)
● Teachers organise students and walk them to games room
● Students settle in the games room

During: 8:00 - 9:00pm

● Supervising teacher explains expectations (pick a game, share/group, respect each other, play
sensibly and fair)
● Students choose a game of their choice
● Students play games/activities
● Supervising teachers roam around the room

After: 9:00 - 9:30pm

● Teacher instruct students to pack up
● Students pack up and line up to go bed
● Teachers escort students to their rooms

Campfire Planning:
Location: Campfire Area

7:30PM Event Setup

● Gather necessary equipment (i.e. marshmallows, sticks)
● Start campfire

8:00PM Start Activity

● Pull small groups out for 15 – 20 minute blocks
● Explain students need to behave responsibly as fire can be very dangerous
● Demonstrate to students how to put marshmallow on stick and hold over fire
● Provide each student with stick and marshmallow
● Inform them to be careful as marshmallow may be hot after taking out of fire
● Once all students have eaten their marshmallow send them back into games room activities

9:00PM Tidy Up
● Stay with fire until it goes out
● Clean up sticks and marshmallows

Pyjama Party Planning:

Location: Gymnasium

6:00PM Event Setup

● Speakers and music
● Disco lights and party decorations
● Food and drinks table

Allow students and staff time between dinner and event to change into pyjama party outfits

7:15 Event Starts

● Teacher supervision throughout night

9:00PM End of Event

● Clean up party decorations
● Food and drinks cleaned and packed away
● Any electronics use packed away

Trivia Night Planning:

7.00pm Trivia Room Setup

● Venue: ADANAC Meeting room
● Set up tables with five seats
● Display the prizes on a table
● A whiteboard and whiteboard markers to keep track of team scores

7.30pm Trivia Rules

● Explain the rules of the trivia––no calling out, press buzzer and be respectful
● Students pick their own teams of five

7.40pm Trivia Begins

8.40pm Trivia Finishes

9.00pm Award ceremony

9.00pm– 9.10pm Pack-up

● Students to stack the chairs carefully
● Get ready for supper


Entertainment Science
1. What is the name of the toy cowboy 1. How many planets are in our solar
in ​Toy Story? system?
2. Whose nose grew longer every time 2. What is a group of lions called?
he lied? A) A pride
3. What is the name of Harry Potter’s B) A collection
pet owl? C) A flock
4. Who sang ‘Shake it Off’? 3. A scientist who studies rocks is
5. What is the name of the pirate in called a what?
Peter Pan? 4. How many bones do sharks have?
6. 'Circle of Life' is a song from which 5. What is the tallest mountain in the
1994 animated Disney film? world?
7. What cartoon character is always 6. How many teeth does an adult
saying "what's up doc"? human being have?
8. In the movie Frozen, which song 7. Which is the fastest land animal?
does Elsa sing as she builds the 8. What is the liquid molten rock
castle? flowing out of a volcano called?
9. What is the name of The Lion 9. What is the hardest natural
King? substance?
10. ​What is Cinderella’s slipper made A) Coal
of? B) Rubber
A) ​Gold C) Diamond
B) ​Glass 10. What lets you experience tastes such
C) ​Silver as sour, sweet, bitter and salty?
Sports ​Arts/literature
1. What type of race is a Tour de 1. According to the Dr. Seuss book,
France? who stole Christmas?
2. How many rings does the Olympic 2. How many bags of wool did ‘Baa
logo have? Baa Black Sheep’ have?
3. Who has won more tennis grand 3. Why did Jack and Jill go up the
slam titles? hill?
A) Serena Williams 4. Can you name all of Snow White’s
B) Venus Williams seven dwarfs?
C) Nick Kygrios 5. Who had an encounter with the
4. Which game is referred to as three bears?
"footy" and "Aussie rules" in 6. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Australia? 7. Who is the bear in The Jungle
A) Baseball Book?
B) Australian Rules Football 8. Who was created by Geppetto the
C) Swimming woodcarver?
5. Crawl, backstroke and butterfly are 9. Where does the Dursley family live
different methods in which sport? in the Harry Potter series?
6. In netball, for what does WA stand? a) 6 Drill Street, Petunia Crossing
7. Ping-pong is an alternative name for b) 12 Gringott Corner, Dudley Town
which sport? c) 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging
8. How many players are there in a d) 16 Diagon Alley, London
baseball team? 10. In ​The Cat in the Hat,​ what type of
9. In which sport might you do a slam pet does Sally have?
dunk? a) Fish
10. Tic-tac-toe is an alternative name b) Hamster
for which game? c) Dog
d) Bunny

1. In which capital city would you find the Eiffel Tower?
2. In which country are the ancient pyramids located?
3. On what continent would you find The Nile River?
4. What is the capital city of Australia?
5. What is the largest desert in the world?
6. Where is the highest building in the world?
7. In which Australian city would you find the Opera House?
A) Adelaide
B) Brisbane
C) Melbourne
D) Sydney
8. What is the longest river in South America?
A) Parana A
B) Amazon
C) Maderia
9. Iceland is covered in ice. True or False?
10. How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 9


Entertainment Science
1. Woody 1. Eight
2. Pinocchio 2. A pride
3. Hedwig 3. A geologist
4. Taylor Swift 4. Zero
5. Captain Hook 5. Mount Everest
6. The Lion King 6. 32
7. Bugs Bunny 7. T​he cheetah
8. Let it go 8. Lava.
9. Simba 9. Diamond
10. ​B) Glass 10. Taste buds

Sports Arts/literature
1. Bicycle race 1. The Grinch
2. 5 2. Three
3. A) Serena Williams 3. To fetch a pail of water
4. B) Australian rules football 4. Doc, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy,
5. Swimming Grumpy, Dopey and Bashful
6. Wing Attack 5. Goldilocks
7. Table Tennis 6. Leonardo da Vinci
8. Nine 7. Baloo
9. Basketball 8. Pinocchio
10. Noughts and Crosses 9. C) 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging
10. A) Fish

1. Paris
2. Egypt
3. Africa
4. Canberra
5. Sahara Desert
6. Dubai
7. D) Sydney
8. B) Amazon
9. False
10. A) 4

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