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Topic No. 10.2
Q.1 For higher magnification, which instrument should be used
(A)Convex lens (B) Simple microscope
(C) Compound microscope (D) All of the above
Q.2 Magnifying power of an optical instrument is given by the
ratio of
(A)𝜃o/𝜃i (B) 𝜃i/𝜃o (C) 𝜃i/2𝜃 (D) 2𝜃/𝜃i
Q.3 The magnifying power of a convex lens of focal length5cm
(A)3 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 20
Topic No. 10.3
Q.4 The image of an object placed far away from a converging
lens is found behind the lens
(A)Between f and 2f (B) At the focus
(C) Between the lens and focus (D) At 2f
Q.5 A double convex lens acts as a diverging lens when the
object is
(A)Inside the focus (B) Between f and 2f
(C) At the focus (D) At the large distance
Q.6 If a single convex lens is placed close to the wyw, then it can be
used as
(A)Telescope (B) Simple microscope
(C) Compound microscope (D) Opera glass

Topic No. 10.4

Q.7 The final image produced by a compound microscope is
(A)Real and inverted (B) Real and erect
(C) Virtual and erect (D) Virtual and inverted
Q.8 The magnifying power of a compound microscope using convex
lenses of focal length fo and fe respectively as objective and eyepiece
is given by
𝐿 𝑓 𝑓 𝑑 𝐿 𝑑 𝐿 𝑑
(A) (1 + 𝑒 ) (B) 𝑜 (1 + ) (C) (1 + ) (D) (1 + )
𝑓𝑜 𝑑 𝐿 𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑜 𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑒
Q.9 In compound microscope, the focal length of objective is
(A)Small (B) Large (C) Very large (D) Both (A) and (B)
Topic No. 10.5
Q.10 Two converging lenses, each of focal length f used in
combination, become a telescope if the distance between them is
(A)f (B) 4f (C) f/2 (D) 2f
Q.11 Which of the following gives erect image
(A)Simple microscope (B) Galiean telescope
(C) Terrestrial telescope (D) All the above
Topic No. 10.6
Q.12 A spectrometer is used to study
(A)Collimator (B) Telescope (C) Refractive index (D)Spectrum
Topic No. 10.7
Q.13 The speed of light in other materials is always
(A)Greater than c (B) Less than c
(C) Equal to c (D) None of the above

Q.14 In Michelson’s experiment the angle subtended by an side

of the eight-sided mirror at the center is
(A)𝜋/4 (B) 𝜋/8 (C) 𝜋/2 (D) 𝜋
Q.15 The speed at which light travels within the material
depends upon
(A)Wavelength (B) Frequency (C) Refractive index (D) Velocity
Topic No. 10.9
Q.16 At some angle of incident when the angle of reflection
become 90o, this angle is called
(A)Incident angle (B) Refractive angle
(C) Critical angle (D) Phase angle
Topic No. 10.10
Q.17 Multimode graded index fiber core has diameter of range
(A)50-1500 𝜇m (B) 50-3000 𝜇m (C) 50-1000 𝜇m (D) 50-2000 𝜇m
Q.18 Using a graded index fiber, the time difference is reduced
to about
(A)15 ns/km (B) 10 ns/km (C) 1 ns/km (D) 50ns/km
Topic No. 10.11
Q.19 Digital modulation is expressed as
(A)Megabits (B) Bits (C) Terabits (D) None of the above
Q.20 With a step-index fiber, the overall time difference may be
(A)30 ns/km (B) 35 ns/km (C) 33 ns/km (D) 31 ns/km
Topic No. 10.12
Q.21 Light entering glass will not suffer change in
(A)Frequency (B) Wave length (C) Velocity (D) Direction
Q.22 Fiber optic cable carries data in the form of
(A)Light (B) Sound (C) Heat (D)Mechanical waves
Topic No. 11.1
Q.1 The ideal gas law is given in the form
(A) PV=nR/T (B) PT=NRV (C) PV=nRT (D) TV=nRP
Q.2 The average translational kinetic energy of a molecule of a
gas at absolute temperature T is proportional to
(A)1/T (B) T (C) √𝑇 (D) T2
Q.3 The unit of pressure of gas is
(A)1 Nm-2 (B) One Pascal
(C) One atmosphere (D) All of the above
Q.4 At constant temperature, if the volume of the given mass
of gas is doubled, then the density of gas becomes
(A)Double (B) ¼ the original value
(C) ½ the original value (D) Remains constant
Q.5 General gas law or general gas equation is derived from
(A)Boyle’s law (B) Charle’s law
(C) Avogadro’s law (D) All of the above
Topic No. 11.3
Q.6 The K.E of the molecules of an ideal gas at absolute zero
will be
(A)Infinite (B) Zero (C) Very high (D) Below zero
Q.7 The value of molar gas constant ‘R’ in SI units is
(A)83.10 J mol-1 K-1 (B) 0.83 J mol-1 K-1
(C) 8.89 J mol-1 K-1 (D) 8.31 J mol-1 K-1
Topic No. 11.4
Q.8 At constant temperature, the graph between V and 1/p is
(A)Hyperbola (B) Parabola
(C) Straight line (D) Ellipes
Q.9 A single equation that relates all the three variables is
given by
(A)PT/V = constant (B) PV/T = constant
(C) VT/P = constant (D) None of the above
Q.10 Let m be mass, C be the specific heat and ∆T be the change
of temperature, then the heat gained or lost ∆Q is calculated by
(A) ∆Q = mC/∆T (B) m∆T/C
(C) Cm∆T (D) ∆T/mC
Q.11 The first law of thermodynamics can be expressed
mathematically as
(A)Q = ∆U + W (B) Q = ∆U - W (C) ∆U = Q + W (D) W = Q + ∆U
Q.12 A system dos 600J of work and at the same time the has its
internal energy increased by 320J. How much heat has been
supplied ?
(A)280J (B) 920J (C) 600J (D) 20J

Topic No. 11.5

Q.13 A gas which strictly obeys the gas law under all conditions
of temperature and pressure is called
(A)Real gas (B) Ideal gas (C) Permanent gas (D) Inert gas
Q.14 The ideal gas equation PV = RT holds good for
(A)Any volume of the gas (B) One cubic meter o gas
(C) One kilogram of gas (D) One mole of the gas
Q.15 The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of
one mole of a substance through 1o K is called
(A)Specific heat (B) Heat capacity
(C) Heat o fusion (D) Molar specific heat
Q.16 The temperature of a system remains constant in
(A)Adiabatic process (B) Isobaric process
(C) Isothermal process (D) Adiabatic process

Topic No. 11.6

Q.17 The difference between Cp and Cv is equal to
(A)General gas constant (B) Plank’s constant
(C) Molar gas constant (D) Boltzmann constant
Topic No. 11.7
Q.18 A system in which there is no transfer of mass and energy
across the boundary is called
(A) An open system (B) A closed system
(C) An isolated system (D) A perfect system
Q.19 The highest efficiency of a heat engine whose lower
temperature is 17oC and high temperature of 200o C is
(A)70% (B) 100% (C) 35% (D) 38%

Topic No. 11.9

Q.20 The efficiency of a carnot engine working between higher
and lower temperature T1 and T2 respectively is given by
𝑇2 −𝑇1 𝑇1 −𝑇2 𝑇2 𝑇1
(A)𝜂 = (B) 𝜂 = (C) 𝜂 = (D) 𝜂 =
𝑇1 𝑇1 𝑇1 −𝑇2 𝑇1 −𝑇2
Q.21 If the temperature of the sink is decreased, the efficiency
of a carnot engine
(A)Decreases (B) Increases (C) Remains constant (D) First in
Q.22 The efficiency of a carnot engine is
(A)Infinite (B) Zero (C) Less than one (D) Greater than one

Topic No. 11.10

Q.23 An absolute scale of temp, was first produced by
(A)Carnot (B) Celsius (C) Kelvin (D) Joule
Topic No. 11.12
Q.24 For all irreversible process, entropy of the system
(A)Decreases (B) Increases (C) Remains constant (D) None

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