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Calculations as per



* Design Temperature 420degree REV-00

* Size 12" Class 900
1 Material for tubsheet = SA-182 F321
2 Outside Diameter of tubsheet A = 609.6000 mm
3 Bolt circle diameter C = 533.4000 mm
4 Diameter of holes in element pattern d = 16.2000 mm
5 Modulus of elasticity for tubsheet at design temp(420degree) E = 167500.00 Mpa
6 Diameter of gasket load reaction G = 350.8380 mm
7 Thickness of the centre of the tubesheet h = 86.0000 mm
8 Gasket moment arm hg = 91.2810 mm
9 Design pressure P = 4.1188 Mpa
10 Minimum pitch of element holes in any direction p = 21.0000 mm
11 Radius to the centre of the outermost drilled hole ro = 132.0000 mm
12 Allowable stress for tubsheet plate at design temp (420degree) S = 87.0736 Mpa
13 Allowable stress for tubsheet at atmospheric temp Sa = 137.9384 Mpa
14 Bolt load for the gasket seating condition W = 1616723.1198 N
15 Bolt load for the operating conditios Wm1 = 636206.7038 N
16 Minimum required thickness of tubsheet extns (hr)
hr = [Max(SQRT((1.9*W*hg)/(Sa*G)),(SQRT((1.9*Wm1*hg)/(S*G))] hr = 76.11826812086 mm
17 Ligament efficency (µ)
µ = (p-d)/p µ = 0.23

18 Calculate (h/p) h/p = 4.10

19 Calculate E*/E as per UHX 11.4 (square pattern)

for subsituting µ for µ* E*/E = 0.264800

20 Effective modulus of elasticity of tubesheet in perforated

region E* = 44354 Mpa

21 Effective poisson's ratio in perforated region of tubesheet as per

UHX 11.4 (square pattern) for substituting µ forµ* v* = 0.334800

22 Calculate (Do)
Do = 2ro+d Do = 280.2 mm

23 Calculate diameter ratio (ρ)

ρ=(G/Do) ρ = 1.252098501071

24 Calculate moment (MTS) due to pressure P on the tubesheet rim

MTS=(Do^2/16)((ρ-1)(ρ^2 +1)P) MTS = 13083.08297221 N

25 Calculate diameter ratio (K)

K =(A/Do) K = 2.175588865096

26 Calculate coeffcient (F)

F=((1-v*)/E* ) * (E * LnK) F = 1.952641772041

27 Calculate Moment (M*)acting on tubesheet

M*= MTS+((W*hg)/(∏*Do)) M* = 180730.9508549 N-mm

28 Calculate maximum bending moment :-

1. At the periphery of tubsheet (Mp)
Mp= [(M*-(Do^2/32)F*P)/(1+F)] Mp = 54526.96 N -mm

2. At the centre (Mo)

Mo = Mp+((Do^2/64)*(3+V*)*P Mo = 71376.83 N-mm

29 Determine the maximum bending moment on EIH plate (M)

M = Max(Mp,Mo) M = 71376.83 N-mm

30 Calculate the tubsheet bending stress(σ)

σ =(6*M)/(µ*h^2) σ = 253.3317881177 Mpa
σ ≤ 2S Not Safe
31 Calculate the average shear stress (τ)
τ =(1/4µ)*(Do/h)*P τ = 14.67771497093 Mpa
τ ≤ 0.8S The provided thickness is acceptable for Shear
Rev 02
By :- P.M

Gasket Seating and Operting Condition Calculation

Flange thk 10 mm Pressure 0.0015 N/mm2

Flange ID 1512 mm Flange OD 1642 mm
Flange RFID 1512 mm Flange RF OD 1642 mm
Gasket ID 1520 mm Gasket OD 1640 mm
BCD 1590 mm
PTFE m 3 Y 11.7215 N/mm2
Design Temperature °C 115
Bolt MOC SA 320 Gr L7
Bolt M16 Root area 138.324 mm2 From TEMA
Nos of Bolt 34
Distance to Full Face Gasket OD Centroid h'g 12.565 mm
From PvElite
Distance to Full Face Gasket ID Centroid hg 17.369 mm

Gasket Width 60
Conversion factor Cb -(S.I) 2.5198
Effective Gasket Width (b)
b=(BCD-Gasket ID)/4 17.5 mm

Gasket Reaction Diameter :

G = C-2*hg G 1555.2620 mm
Required bolt load for the operating condition Wm1

Wm1 = H +Hp+H'p 4682.94 N 477.2671 kgf

H = 0.785 X G^2 X P 2849.63 N 290.4228 kgf

Hp = 2b X 3.142 X G X m X P 769.546748124 N 78.44513 kgf

Full Face ID Gasket Compression :

H'p=Hp*hg/h'g 1063.7689986602 N 108.4372 Kg

Full Face ID pressure Load :

H'GY=b*PI*G*Y*Hg/H'GY 1385440.9241995 N 141227.4 Kgf

Required bolt load for the gasket seating (min) Wm2

Wm2 = 3.14 X b X G X y+H'GY 2387687.7 N 243393.2 kgf

Wmax =max(Wm1,Wm2) 243393 Kgf (Used for further Calculations.)

Sa = allowable Bolt stress at ambient temp. 172.4 N/mm2
Sb = allowable bolt stress at design temp. 172.4 N/mm2

Am1 = Total C/S area @operating 27.16325 mm2 0.271633 cm2

Am2 = Total C/S area @gasket seating 13849.697 mm2 138.497 cm2

MAX(Am1,Am2) 13849.697 mm2

Rev 02
By :- P.M
(Design of Plate Flange as per Roarks Formulas)
Sr. No. Description Symbol Values Units Reference
…1 Selected Gasket Parameters m 3.00
…2 Gasket Compressive Yield Stress y 11.7215 N/mm2
…3 Operating Condition Weight Wm1 477.2671 Kg
From Previous Sheet
…4 Seating Condition Weight Wm2 243393.2431 Kg
…5 Total Load (Element Load) = max(Wm1,Wm2) W 243393.2431 Kg
…6 Inside Dia of top ring Dti 1512 mm
…7 Outside Dia of Top Ring Dto 1642 mm
…8 Material of top ring SA-240 Gr316L
…9 Design Temperature 115.00 °C
…10 AllowableStress at design temperature Sy' 115.15 MPa From ASME Sec IID
…11 Allowable stress at design temperature Sb' 115.15 MPa
…12 Width of top ring b 65.000 mm
…13 Distance Between two Gussets a 80.000 mm Consideing 68 no. Gussets
…14 Dia of Bolt Db 16.000 mm M16
…15 No. of Bolt at top plate n 68.00
…16 Hole dia for bolt Dh 19.00 mm
…17 Root area of bolt Ab 138.324 mm2 From TEMA
…18 BCD of Top plate D bcd 1590.000 mm
…20 Top Plate Bearing Pressure Calculations
…21 Total Bearing Load : F =0.25X W F 60848.3108 Kg Refer Note A
…22 Pressure Bearing Area A 302749.001 mm2
…23 Bearing pressure : F/A q 1.97 MPa
…24 Allowable bearing pressure Sb' 115.15 MPa
…25 Bearing pressure is Safe
…27 Thickness of Top Ring
…28 Ratio of a / b = a/b 1.23077
…29 β1 Factor β1 0.5083
…30 Maximum induced bending stress: (β1*q*b^2)/(t^2) σmax 42.343 Roark's Handbook Book
…31 Allowable bending stress σ allow 115.150 Table 11.4 , Case 10 a
…32 Thickness Required of Top ring : t = SQRT ((β1*q*b2)/(σmax)) tt 6.06 mm
…33 Provided Thickness of Top Plate T 10.00 mm
…41 Thickness of Top Plate is Safe
…43 Design of Bolt for Top plate
…44 Material of Bolt SA-320 L7
…45 Yield strength at design temperature Sy 724 MPa
…46 172.38 MPa ASME Sec IID
Maximum Allowable stress at design temperature Sa
…47 17.572 Kg/mm2
…48 Force on Bolts F 60848.3108 Kg
…49 Area required per bolt Ar =F/(n Sa) Ar 50.92 mm2
…50 Provided Area available per Bolt Ap= n*Ab Ap 138.32 mm2
…51 Provided bolt area is safe

NOTE A :- Force "F" is considered as 25% of "W", This force is enough to over come the leakage due to operting pressure condition.
Rev 02
By :- P.M
(Design of Gusset plate as per H.Bednar handbook)
Sr. No. Description Symbol Values Units Reference
…1 Total No of Gusset ng 68.00 Nos 68.00 Nos
…2 Width of gusset b 1.9685 in. 50 mm
…3 Height of gusset h 1.9685 in. 50 mm
…4 Inclination of angle α 0.7854 45 °
…5 Total load on gusset (From previous sheet) Ft 135083.25 Pounds 60848.31 kg
…6 Load per Gusset F 1986.5184 Pounds 894.8281 kg
…7 Geometric parameter b x Sin(α) L1 1.3919 in. 35.3553391 mm
…8 Distance from OD to Hole Centre d 1.6142 in. 41 mm
…9 Geometric ecenetricity =(d-b/2) X Sin(α) e 0.45 ͦ
…10 Material of construction of Lug SA 240 304L H. BEDNAR
…11 Design Temperature of Gusset T 115 °C
…12 Assumed thickness of gusset tg 0.3150 in. 8 mm
…13 Allowable stress at design temperature
Sa 17769.151 122.51403
…14 Sa = 18000/(1+ (1/18000)*((h*sin(α))/(0.289*tg))^2 PSI MPa
…15 R= F/2 x Sin(α) R 702.340
…16 Maximum Compressive stress
Sc 1897.622 PSI 13.0836502
…17 Sc = (R/L1*tg)+(6 X R X e/L1^2 X tg) MPa
…18 Thickness required for gusset as per Allowable stresses
tgr 0.1658
…19 tgr = F(3d-b)/ Sa X b^2 X Sin ^2(α) in. 4.2 mm
…20 Provided thickness of gusset tgp 0.3149606299 in. 8 mm Thickness Safe
…21 Stress are Safe

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