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Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.

            PUC  is an e-mail dated 20.04.2020 received from O/o Economic Adviser (E.A)
enclosing a list of UIDs of e-Samiksha pertaining to DPIIT for updated information.

2.         The list of UIDs attached are UID(s): 

CoS/4921/1, CoS/4921/2, CoS/4921/3, CoS/4921/6, CoS/4921/7, CoS/4921/9, CoS/4921/10,


3.         None of the above mentioned UIDs pertain to EODB Section. EODB Section has no
information to provide. If approved, we may, send the NIL information to O/o E.A as per
draft mail placed at DFA/46012. Submitted for kind consideration/ approval.

Draft e-mail

From: EODB Section

To: O/o E.A

Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to O/o Economic Adviser’s e-mail dated

20.04.2020 seeking updated status on enclosed list of UIDs of e-Samiksha portal and to say
that information, insofar as EoDB Section is concerned, may be treated as NIL.
Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.

            PUC  is an e-mail dated 27.04.2020 received from O/o Economic Adviser (E.A)
enclosing a list of UIDs of e-Samiksha pertaining to DPIIT for updated information.

2.         The list of UIDs attached are UID(s): 

S.No UIDs Actions Items

Cabinet Observations
1. OBS/2501   All Ministries may review the progress regarding resumption of
economic activities in their respective areas by both the private and
public sector agencies after easing of restrictions related to lockdown
and any constraints being faced may be suitably
addressed. Arrangements may also be made to the extent possible for
accommodating the labour near factory premises.
2. OBS/ 2502 The impact of Centrally Sponsored Schemes being administered by
various ministries and Department needs to be critically evaluated and
an assessment made regarding the rationalisation of these schemes.
3. OBS/ 2503 All Ministries to take effective steps to promote Make in India initiative
in their respective sectors. Proposals for suitable relaxation or changes
in the regulatory regime, as necessary may be formulated and
appropriate action taken.
4. OBS/ 2507 All Ministries and Departments to take necessary action to curtail
wasteful expenditure by at least 20 per cent.
5. OBS/ 2480 In order to increase self-sufficiency in essential medicines, medical
equipment etc. and reduce dependence on imports in this critical
sector, appropriate action needs to take under the Make in India
6. OBS/ 2481 Ministries should constitute teams of officials who can prepare a
clear road map for taking up key reforms and other decisions in order
to restore growth in the medium to long term. Each ministry should
identify about 10 initiatives or reforms that can be taken up.
Cabinet Decisions
7. Review of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy on Civil Aviation." item no 2 Of
Cabinet, Meeting dated 04/03/2020.
8. MoU between DPIIT, And The United States Patent And Trademark Office, for
cooperation In the field of Intellectual Property." item no 8 of Cabinet, meeting
dated 19/02/2020.
9. MoU the field of Intellectual Property cooperation between the DPIIT and the
Economic And Food Safety Authority of the Ministry of Economy, Portuguese
Republic." item no 5 of Cabinet, meeting dated 12/02/2020.

3.         None of the above mentioned UIDs pertain to EODB Section. EODB Section has no
information to provide. If approved, we may, send the NIL information to O/o E.A as per
draft mail placed at DFA/. Submitted for kind consideration/ approval.
Draft e-mail

From: EODB Section

To: O/o E.A

Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to O/o Economic Adviser’s e-mail dated

27.04.2020 seeking updated status on enclosed list of UIDs of e-Samiksha portal and to say
that information, insofar as EoDB Section is concerned, may be treated as NIL.
Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.

            PUC  is an e-mail dated 05.05.2020 received from O/o Economic Adviser (E.A) seeking
status update in respect of following action-point(s) pending with DPIIT in category of e-

Category Name : Committee of Secretaries UID(s) : CoS/4855/1 - All Ministries/Departments

may re-examine the existing budgetary outlay and realign and re-prioritize the budget
allocations to achieve the goals of the CSSS scheme. Attempts may be made to seek
convergence with existing Schemes while avoiding duplication.

3.         EODB Section does not have any CSS Scheme. EODB Section has no information to
provide. If approved, we may, send the NIL information to O/o E.A as per draft mail placed
at DFA/. Submitted for kind consideration/ approval.

Draft e-mail

From: EODB Section

To: O/o E.A

Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to O/o Economic Adviser’s e-mail dated

05.05.2020 seeking updated status on UID: CoS/4855/1 of e-Samiksha portal and to say that
information, insofar as EoDB Section is concerned, may be treated as NIL.
Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.

            PUC  is an e-mail dated 06.05.2020 received from O/o Economic Adviser (E.A)
enclosing a list of UIDs of e-Samiksha pertaining to DPIIT for updated information.

2.         The list of UIDs attached pertaining to EODB Section/GCI Section are: 

S.No UIDs Actions Items

1. CoS/4829/1 The nodal Ministries for the economy indices shall be DPIIT for Ease of
Doing Business Index NITI Aayog for Global Innovation Index D/o
Economic Affairs for Financial Development Index DPIIT for Global
Competiveness Index NITI Aayog for Readiness for the Future of
Production Assessment and D/o Commerce for Globalization Index.
2. CoS/4855/4 All Ministries/Departments may ensure that the Reforms agenda, with
a focus on cross-sectoral issues, to increase ease of doing business and
investments is given high priority.
3. CoS/4855/5 All Ministries/Departments may hold stakeholder consultations to gain
a better understanding of the reforms required in their sector, identify
the hindrances to business and barriers to investment. Action plans
with timelines may be formulated to implement identified
improvements in procedures, regulations etc.

3.         Status wrt above mentioned action items was provided to O/o E.A vide this Section’s
e-mail dated 02.04.2020. There is no update in status of these points. If approved, we may,
give the same information to O/o E.A as per draft mail placed at DFA/46012. Submitted for
kind consideration/ approval.

Draft e-mail

From: EODB Section/GCI Section

To: O/o E.A

Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to Coordination Section’s e-mail

dated 06.05.2020 on the subject mentioned above and to provide the following status for
updation on e-Samiksha portal pertaining to EODB Section/GCI Section.

Status update pertaining to EODB Section/GCI Section for e-Samiksha Portal

S.No CoS No. Action Point Description Status

1.   CoS/4829/1 The nodal Ministries for It has been noted that DPIIT is the
the economy indices shall Nodal Department for Ease of Doing
be DPIIT for Ease of Doing Business Index and Global
Business Index NITI Aayog Competiveness Index assessed by
for Global Innovation World bank.
Index D/o Economic Affairs
for Financial Development
Index DPIIT for Global
Competiveness Index NITI
Aayog for Readiness for
the Future of Production
Assessment and D/o
Commerce for (Status – Implemented)
Globalization Index.  
2.   CoS/4855/4 All Ministries/Departments Departments were requested to review
may ensure that the the implementation of initiatives for
Reforms agenda, with a EoDB.  All nodal Ministries have shared
focus on cross-sectoral reform Update with DPIIT. Reforms
issues, to increase ease of undertaken by various Departments in
doing business and all 10 indicators have been shared with
investments is given high the World Bank's Doing Reform team. 
(Status – Implemented)
3.   CoS/4855/5 All Ministries/Departments A meeting under the chairmanship of
may hold stakeholder Secretary, DPIIT was held on
consultations to gain a 04.02.2020 to discuss the status and
better understanding of approach for outreach activities which
the reforms required in was attended by Nodal
their sector, identify the Ministries/Departments. D.O letters
hindrances to business and dated 10.02.2020 from SIIT to Nodal
barriers to investment. Ministries/Departments, Govt. of
Action plans with timelines Maharashtra, NCT of Delhi, Karnataka
may be formulated to and West Bengal were sent requesting
implement identified to share the details of outreach
improvements in activities undertaken by respective
procedures, regulations Ministries/Departments.   Responses
etc. have been received and being
analysed. A review meeting was
convened by Secretary, DPIIT on 11-03-
2020 to review the Outreach activities
undertaken by the Nodal
Ministries/Departments and the States.

Further, Detailed Action Plan along

with timelines for Doing Business
Report 2021 has been prepared and
shared with Nodal
Ministries/Departments, Govt. of
Maharashtra, NCT of Delhi, Karnataka
and West Bengal.
(Status – Implemented)

Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.

            PUC  is an e-mail dated 14.05.2020 received from Department of Economic Affairs
(DEA) seeking status update in respect of following action-point(s) Cabinet Secretariat
pending with DPIIT in category of e-Samiksha:

Category Name: Committee of Secretaries UID(s) :

i. CoS/3821/3 - Invitees are requested to confirm their participation (with name &
ii. 4075/1: Secretaries to the Government of India and Chief Secretaries of States
should work aggressively to get to the target of India being in top nations in Ease of
Doing Business.

2.         Status wrt action item CoS/3821/3 was provided to O/o E.A vide this Section’s e-mail
dated 02.04.2020. There is no update in status on this point. We may give the same
information as provided to O/o E.A to DEA. With respect to point no. 4075/1, status was
provided to O/o E.A last year when India’s rank was 77 on Doing Business Report. Now,
following updated status may be given for this point:

“Secretaries to the Government of India and Chief Secretaries of States are working
aggressively to get to the target of India being in top nations in Ease of Doing Business.
Last 2 years’ 37 rank jump (from 100 to 63) is due to relentless efforts of all the Senior

3. If approved, we may give the information as in para #2 above to DEA as per draft
mail placed at DFA/. Submitted for kind consideration/ approval.

Draft e-mail

From: EODB Section


Subject: Status Update on action items related to e-Samiksha portal – reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to D/o Economic Affairs’ e-mail

dated 14.05.2020 on the subject mentioned above and to provide the following status for
updation on e-Samiksha portal pertaining to EODB Section.

Status update pertaining to EODB Section for e-Samiksha Portal

S.No CoS No. Action Point Description Status

1. CoS/3821/3 Invitees are requested to The meeting was attended by
confirm their participation Secretary, DPIIT and Joint Secretary
(with name & designation). (Shri Shailendra Singh)
(Status – Implemented)
2. CoS/4855/4 4075/1: Secretaries to the Secretaries to the Government of India
Government of India and and Chief Secretaries of States are
Chief Secretaries of States working aggressively to get to the
should work aggressively target of India being in top nations in
to get to the target of India Ease of Doing Business. Last 2 years’ 37
being in top nations in rank jump (from 100 to 63) is due to
Ease of Doing Business. relentless efforts of all the Senior

(Status – Implemented)

Subject: Status Update on action items of Cabinet Secretariat pending with DPIIT – reg.

            PUC  is an e-mail dated 22.05.2020 received from Department of Economic Affairs
(DEA) seeking status update in respect of following action-point(s) of Cabinet Secretariat
pending with DPIIT:

Category Name: Committee of Secretaries UID(s):

i. CoS/4821/1: All Ministries/Departments/State Governments may ensure

dissemination of reforms made to all stakeholders. Stakeholder consultations and
outreach programs may be completed before 29.02.2020. Capacity building of
officers interacting with public and stakeholders also may be taken up to ensure both
implementations of reforms as well as awareness of the implementations.
ii. CoS/4821/2: Detailed Action Plan to be taken up by concerned
Ministries/Departments is enclosed in Annexure I. All Ministries/Departments/State
Governments may ensure expeditious compliance.

2.         Status wrt above action items was earlier provided to O/o E.A vide this Section’s O.M
dated 11.03.2020. There is no update in status on this point. We may give the same
information as provided to O/o E.A to DEA. Draft e-mail to DEA is placed at DFA/ for kind
consideration/ approval.

Draft e-mail

From: EODB Section


Subject: Status Update on action items of Cabinet Secretariat pending with DPIIT – reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to D/o Economic Affairs’ e-mail

dated 22.05.2020 on the subject mentioned above and to provide the following status of
Cabinet Secretariat pending with DPIIT pertaining to EODB Section.

Status update pertaining to EODB Section

S.No CoS No. Action Point Description Status

1. CoS/4821/1 All Ministries/Departments/State  A meeting under the
Governments may ensure chairmanship of Secretary, DPIIT
dissemination of reforms made to all (SIIT) was held on 04.02.2020 to
stakeholders. Stakeholder discuss the status and approach
consultations and outreach programs for outreach activities which was
may be completed before attended by Nodal
29.02.2020. Capacity building of Ministries/Departments. D.O
officers interacting with public and letters dated 10.02.2020 from SIIT
stakeholders also may be taken up to to Nodal Ministries/Departments,
ensure both implementations of Government of Maharashtra, NCT
reforms as well as awareness of the of Delhi, Karnataka and West
implementations. Bengal were sent requesting to
share the details of outreach
activities undertaken by
Responses have been received
and being analysed.
(Status – Under Implementation)
2. CoS/4821/2 Detailed Action Plan to be taken up Detailed Action Plan along with
by concerned timelines for Doing Business
Ministries/Departments is enclosed Report 2021 has been prepared
in Annexure I. All and shared with the Nodal
Ministries/Departments/State Ministries/Departments,
Governments may ensure Government of Maharashtra, NCT
expeditious compliance. of Delhi, Karnataka and West

(Status – Implemented)

Subject: SGoS-07 Economy: Updated input for e-Samiksha and PPT for SGoS-07– reg.

            PUC  is an e-mail dated 01.06.2020 received from O/o Economic Adviser (E.A) on the
subject cited above.

2.     O/o E.A has requested to provide updated inputs on the concerned schemes/initiatives.
Updated list of schemes/initiatives and sample format of required information for the same
are annexed at pg./c.

3.         The scheme related to this Section is Ease of Doing Business Ranking. The information
as per the annexure has been updated and placed at DFA/. If approved, we may, send the
information to O/o E.A as per draft mail (DFA/). Submitted for kind consideration/ approval.

Draft e-mail

From: EODB Section

To: O/o E.A

Subject: SGoS-07 Economy: Updated input for e-Samiksha and PPT for SGoS-07– reg.

            PUC  is an e-mail dated 01.06.2020 received from O/o Economic Adviser (E.A) on the
subject cited above.


The undersigned is directed to refer to O/o Economic Adviser’s e-mail dated

01.06.2020 on the subject cited above and to annex the requisite information wrt EoDB

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