Janaki Joshi Sr. Software Engineer Verscend

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Janaki Joshi

Sr. Software Engineer

2 Agile Ceremonies

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi


 A number of ceremonies come from the practice of scrum.

 which is an iterative, time-boxed approach to implementing agile.
 The concepts behind these ceremonies can be applied to other forms of agile
like kanban.

 Sprint Planning
 Backlog Grooming
 Daily Stand up
 Iteration Review
 Retrospective meeting

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

4 Sprint Planning

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

5 Sprint Planning(contd..)

 development team, scrum master, product owner required for the meeting
 Done in the beginning of iteration
 Usually 1-2 hour for two week of iteration

 Purpose : Sprint planning sets up the entire team for success throughout the
sprint. Coming into the meeting, the product owner will have a prioritized product
backlog. They discuss each item with the development team, and the group
collectively estimates the effort involved.

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

6 Sprint Planning(contd..)

 Sprint Prioritization
 Discuss about sprint goal
 Analyze and evaluate backlog

 Sprint Planning
 Decide how to achieve sprint goal
 Create sprint backlog
 Estimate Sprint backlog in planning time

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

7 Backlog grooming

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

8 Backlog grooming (contd..)

 development team, scrum master, product owner required for the meeting
 Done before the iteration starts.
 Usually 1 hour for two week of iteration

 Purpose : Backlog grooming is when the product owner and some, or all, of the
rest of the team review items on the backlog to ensure the backlog contains the
appropriate items, that they are prioritized, and that the items at the top of the
backlog are ready for delivery. This activity occurs on a regular basis and may be
an officially scheduled meeting or an ongoing activity.

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

9 Backlog grooming (contd..)

Some of the activities that occur during this refinement of the backlog include:

 removing user stories that no longer appear relevant

 creating new user stories in response to newly discovered needs
 re-assessing the relative priority of stories
 assigning estimates to stories which have yet to receive one
 correcting estimates in light of newly discovered information
 splitting user stories which are high priority but too coarse grained to fit in an
upcoming iteration

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

10 Daily Stand-Up

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

11 Daily Stand-Up(Contd..)

 development team, scrum master and product owner needed for the daily standup.
Team stakeholders are optional.
 Usually once per day, typically in the morning.
 No more than 15 minutes. Don't book a conference room and conduct the stand up
sitting down. Standing up helps keep the meeting short!

 Purpose: Stand-up is designed to quickly inform everyone of what's going on

across the team. It's not a detailed status meeting. The tone should be light and
fun, but informative. Have each team member answer the following questions:
 What did I complete yesterday?
 What will I work on today?
 Am I blocked by anything?

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

12 Iteration Review

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

13 Iteration Review(Contd..)

 development team, scrum master and product owner needed for Sprint review.
Team stakeholders are optional.
 Usually 30-60 minutes.

 Purpose: Iteration review is a time to showcase the work of the team. They can be
in a casual format like "demo Fridays", or in a more formal meeting structure. This
is the time for the team to celebrate their accomplishments, demonstrate work
finished within the iteration, and get immediate feedback from project

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

14 Retrospective

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

15 Retrospective (Contd..)

 development team, scrum master and product owner needed for Sprint retro.
 Usually 30-60 minutes at the end of sprint.

 Purpose: Agile is about getting rapid feedback to make the product and development
culture better. Retrospectives help the team understand what worked well–and what

 Retrospectives aren't just a time for complaints without action. Use retrospectives to
find out what's working so the team can continue to focus on those areas. Also, find out
what's not working and use the time to find creative solutions and develop an action

 Continuous improvement is what sustains and drives development within an agile team,
and retrospectives are a key part of that.

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

16 Retrospective (Contd..)

 Even if things are going well across the team, don't stop doing retrospectives.
Retrospectives provide ongoing guidance for the team to keep things going well.

 Evaluate the problems your team is having with retrospectives, are they with the
concept or the implementation?

 Make sure you plan your next retrospective according to your teams most
immediate needs

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

17 Conclusion

 Some people think agile ceremonies magically make a team agile. They're wrong.

 A team's agility is built on solid engineering practices, a tactical and strategic

approach to change, and great team collaboration. Agile ceremonies simply
facilitate communication across the team.

Prepared By: Janaki Joshi


Prepared By: Janaki Joshi

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