Dynamic (Vibration) Analysis of A Three Axle Trailer

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Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Table of contents

Chapter page
1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................1
1.1 Description and Specification of trailer..........................................................................................1
2 VIBRATION THEORIES.........................................................................................5
2.1 Elementary parts of vibrating system.............................................................................................5
2.1.1 Spring elements.......................................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Mass or Inertia element...........................................................................................................8
2.1.3 Damping elements...................................................................................................................9
2.2 Degree of freedom..........................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Multiple degrees of freedom..................................................................................................10
2.3 Vibration analysis procedure........................................................................................................11
2.4 Newton’s second law to derive equations of motion....................................................................12
2.5 Matrices........................................................................................................................................13
2.6 Coupling.......................................................................................................................................14
2.7 State space equations....................................................................................................................14
2.8 The matrix eigenvalue problem....................................................................................................16
3 MODELING.............................................................................................................18
3.1 Suspension system........................................................................................................................18
3.1.1 Leaf spring suspension........................................................................................................18
3.1.2 Suspension system modeling...............................................................................................19
3.1.3 Suspension spring rate or stiffness......................................................................................19
3.2 Tyre 21
3.2.1 Standard tire specifications...................................................................................................22
3.2.2 Tyre model.............................................................................................................................23
3.2.3 Tyre stiffness or tire spring rate.............................................................................................24
3.3 Trailer modeling...........................................................................................................................25
3.3.1 Equivalent spring rate (Keq)..................................................................................................26
4 ANALYSIS................................................................................................................30
4.1 Analysis with two springs.............................................................................................................30
4.2 MATLAB.....................................................................................................................................35
4.3 Analysis with three springs...........................................................................................................39
5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................49
5.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................49
5.2 Recommendations.........................................................................................................................50

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer


Vehicles have vibrational problems due to surface unevenness (irregularities) of road in which
the wheels can rise (vibrate in a vertical direction) more than a centimeter off the track at high
speeds and faulty design or poor manufacture. The faulty of design may be on location of the
center of gravity, or wheel base of the vehicle.
When the base or support of a system undergoes harmonic motion in which it exerts a
harmonic force of some magnitude to the system, it is said to be base excitation. The
topography of Ethiopia is mountainous and the roads are much rough irregular or uneven) that
it gives excitation to the vehicles (trailers and others) traveling over these roads to cause
excessive vibrations.
Whenever the natural frequency of a vibrating system coincides with the frequency of the
external excitation, a phenomenon called resonance occur, which leads to excessive deflections
and failure. In this situation, the vehicle structure or the components such as axle may fail
because of material fatigue resulting from the cyclic vibration of the induced stresses.
Especially those vehicles that have faulty in design are more vulnerable to these effects. When
the length of the trailer is modified (reduced) from 7.5m to 7.0m its wheel base was not
changed which would be one fault for causing excessive vibrations.
After the problem was realized, the study on the static analysis (interpolation) recommended
that the wheel base be changed from 3.8m to 3.45m and this project proceeds on investigating
and comparing the dynamics of all the three options stated previously.

1.1 Description and Specification of trailer

A trailer is the one that is pulled by the cargo draw bar and is usually incorporated to transport
additional loads and doubles the capacity of loading.
The specifications of both trailers (7.5m and 7.0m) are given as follows:

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Trailer – 1
Overall length: 7500mm
Overall width: 2500mm
Front board height: 1400mm
Side and rear board height: 700mm
Side and rear grill height: 600mm
Load capacity 20ton
Wheel-base 3800mm
This case is the original dimension of the trailer

Figure (1.1) 7.5m Trailer

Trailer – 2
Overall length: 7000mm
Overall width: 2500mm
Front board height: 1600mm
Side and rear board height: 900mm
Side and rear grill height: 600m
Load capacity (pay load) 20tone
This case is the modified length of the trailer without any change on the wheelbase. These are
the one that are with the problem.

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Figure (1.2) 7.0m trailer with wheelbase 3.8m.

Figure (1.3) currently used (modified) 7.0mtrailer with wheelbase 3.45m.

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Generally the trailer is made up of several components. Some of the basic components that
constitute the trailer are listed below.
I. Platform: chequred plate, chassis, internal cross members, external cross members,
central & side omegas, front, rear, and side beams, ring fixing beams, and pockets
II. Boards: front board, rear board, side board
III. Stands: front stand, rear stand and side stands.
IV. Insert
V. Grills: side grills and rear grills.
VI. Trolley
VII. Draw bar
VIII. Reserve fuel and wheel carrier

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

The field of dynamics deals essentially with the interrelation between the motion of objects and
the force causing them.
Any motion that repeats itself after an interval of time is called vibration or oscillation. The
theory of vibration deals with the study of oscillatory motion of bodies and the force associated
with them.
Mechanical vibrations may be caused by forces whose magnitudes and/or directions and/or
points of application vary with time.

2.1 Elementary parts of vibrating system

Mass, spring, and damper are the most basic building blocks of vibrational analysis. A
vibrating system, in general, has a means for storing potential energy (spring or elasticity), a
means for storing kinetic energy (mass or inertia), and a means by which energy is dissipated
(gradually lost) (or damper)
The dynamic behavior of many engineering systems can be approximated with good accuracy
by the mass-damper-spring model.

2.1.1 Spring elements

A linear spring is a type of mechanical link that is generally assumed to have negligible
relative motion between the two ends of the spring. A force is developed in the spring
whenever there is relative motion between the two ends of the spring. The spring force is
proportional to the amount of deformation and is given by:
F=k x

Figure(2.1) Spring

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Where F is spring force

X is the deformation (displacement of one end with respect to the other)
K is the spring constant (spring stiffness)
The work done in deforming a spring is stored at strain or potential energy in the spring and is

1 2
given by: u kx
Where U: is the work done.
Combination of springs
In many practical applications, several linear springs are used in combination. These springs
can be combined into a single equivalent springs and have two cases as discussed bellow.

a) When springs are combined in parallel

The expression for the equivalent spring constant of springs connected in parallel as shown in
the case bellow is derived as follows.

Fig. (4.2) Parallel spring connections

When load W is applied, the system undergoes static deflection as shown. The free body
diagram shown gives the equilibrium equation to be:

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

 st  1   2
Let Keq denote the equivalent stiffness.

w  keq *  st ,
 keq  k1  k2
Thus, if we have n springs with spring constants K1, K2,…..Kn in parallel, then the equivalent
spring constant Keq can be obtained;

keq  k1  k2  k3   kn
b) When springs are connected in series
The expression for the equivalent stiffness of springs connected in series is shown bellow
considering the two springs shown in the case bellow.

Fig (4.3) Series connection of springs

Under the action of a load W, the springs undergo elongations and, as shown .The total
elongation of the system st is given by

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

 st  1   2 …………………………… (2.1)
Since both springs are subjected to the same load, the equilibrium equation for the free body
diagram shown is;

w  k1 * 1 ………………………………… (2.2)
w  k2 *  2 …………………………………. (2.3)
If the equivalent stiffness is denoted by Keq, then for same static deflection,

w  keq *  st ………………………………... (2.4)

From equations 2, 3 and 4

k1 * 1  k2 *  2  keq *  st .

keq *  st keq *  st
 1  , 2  .
k1 k2
Substituting these in eqn.1
keq *  st keq *  st
  st  
k1 k2

1 1 1
 .  
keq k1 k2
Thus the equivalent stiffness for n springs connected in series is given by
1 1 1 1
   ……………………… (2.5)
keq k1 k2 kn

2.1.2 Mass or Inertia element

Even though it is known that mass has some degree of internal flexibility, the mass or inertia
element is assumed to be a rigid body; it can gain or loss kinetic energy whenever the velocity
of the body changes.

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

From Newton’s second law of motion, the product of mass and its acceleration is equal to the
force applied to the mass. Work is equal to the force multiplied by the displacement in the
direction of force and the force is stored in the form of kinetic energy of the mass. For constant
mass the Newton’s second law gives:
F  ma
Where a - is the acceleration and.
F- is the applied force

2.1.3 Damping elements

The difficulty with the analysis of systems without damping is that the systems never stop
moving; they oscillate forever, some thing that clearly doesn’t happen in the real world. In
many practical systems, the vibrational energy is gradually converted to heat or sound. Due to
the reduction in the energy, the response, such as the displacement of the system, gradually
decreases. The mechanism by which the vibrational energy is converted in to heat or sound is
called damping. Though the amount of energy converted to heat or sound is relatively small,
the consideration of damping becomes important for an accurate prediction of the vibration
response of a system. In practical systems, it is difficult to determine the cause of damping.

2.2 Degree of freedom

The minimum number of independent coordinates required to determine completely the
position of all parts of a system at any instant of time is known as the degree of freedom of the
A system for which one coordinate is sufficient to completely specify the position of the mass
at any time is known as single degree of freedom system.

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Figure (4.5) Single degree of freedom system.

The above figure is a single degree of freedom because only one coordinate (x) is sufficient to
specify its position.

This type of system has the differential equation

m ẍ +c ẋ + k x =F
Systems that require two independent coordinates to describe their motion are called two
degrees of freedom systems.

Figure(4.6) Two degree of freedom

2.2.1 Multiple degrees of freedom

Most engineering systems are continues and have an infinite degrees of freedom .The vibration
analysis of continuous system is to some extent complex, but the analysis of a multi-degree of
freedom systems requires the solution of a set of ordinary differential equation which is
relatively simple, hence for simplicity of analysis continues systems are often approximated as
multi-degree of freedom systems.
The equation of motion can be obtained from Newton’s second law of motion or by using the
influence coefficients. There are n – natural frequencies each associated with its own mode
Shape for a system having n degrees of freedom.
The general rule of for the computation of the number of degrees of freedom can be given as
Number of Number of masses in the system
degrees of freedom = *Number of possible types of

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

of the system motion of each mass

Fig.(2.7) Multiple degree of freedom

2.3 Vibration analysis procedure

A vibratory system is a dynamic system for which the variables such as the excitation (input)
& response (output) are time dependent .The response of the vibratory system generally
depends on initial conditions as well as the external excitations. Most practical vibrating
systems are very complex and therefore it is impossible to consider all the details for a
mathematical analysis.
Only the most important features are considered in the analysis to predict the behavior of the
system under specified input conditions. The overall behavior of the system can be determined
by considering a simple model of the complex physical system. The analysis of the vibrating
system usually involves the following procedures:
 Physical modeling
 Mathematical modeling
 Derivation of the governing equations
 Solution of the equations
 Validity of the solution
 Interpretation of the results
i. Physical modeling
The system is physically modeled by taking simplified assumptions and the basic parts are
identified with relevance to the problem.

ii. Mathematical modeling


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

The purpose of mathematical modeling to represent all the important features of the system so
that it is possible to derive the mathematical equations describing the behavior of the system

iii. Derivation of governing equations

Once mathematical model is provided using the principle of dynamics we derive the equations
that describe the vibration of the system .The equations of motion can be derived conveniently
by drawing the free body diagrams of all the masse involved.

iv. Solution of the equation

In order to find the response of the vibrating system the equation of motion must be solved
.Based on the nature of the problem one of the following technique can be used for finding the
 Standard method of solving differential equation
 Lap lace transforms methods
 Matrix methods and Numerical methods

v. Checking the solution

The solution should be valid (i.e. should not be out reality)

vi. Interpretation of the results

The solution of the governing equation gives the displacements, velocities, and acceleration of
the various masses of the system.

2.4 Newton’s second law to derive equations of motion

The following procedures can be used to derive the equations of motion of a multi-degree of
freedom system using Newton’s second law of motion;
 Set up suitable coordinates to describe the motion of various point masses and rigid
bodies in the system. Assume suitable positive directions for the displacements,
velocities, and accelerations the masses and rigid bodies.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

 Determine the static equilibrium configuration of the system and measure the
displacements of the masses and rigid bodies from their respective static equilibrium
 Draw the free-body diagram of each mass or rigid body in the system. Indicate the
spring, damping, and external forces acting on each mass or rigid body.
 Apply Newton’s second law of motion to each mass or rigid body shown by the free
body diagram.
Newton’s second law of motion states as “The rate of change of momentum of a mass is equal
to the force acting on it.”
Thus, if mass m is displaced a distance x (t) when acted up on by a resultant force F(t), in the
same direction, Newton’s second law of motion gives:
d  dx(t ) 
F (t )  m 
dx  dt 
If mass m is constant, the equation reduces to

F (t )  m 2 x(t )  mx
……………………………. (2.6)
x  m 2 x(t )
Where x  m 2 x(t ) is the acceleration of the mass.
For a rigid body undergoing rotational motion, Newton’s second law gives:

M (t )  J  …………………………………... ( 2.7)

Where M is the resultant moment acting on the body and  and  = 2  (t) are the resulting
angular displacement and angular accelerations respectively. Equation (1) and (2) represents
the equation of motion of the vibrating system.

2.5 Matrices
The mathematical language which is most convenient for analyzing multiple degree-of-
freedom vibratory systems is that of matrices. Matrix notation simplifies the preliminary

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

analytical study, and in situations where particular numerical answers are required, matrices
provide a standardized format for organizing the data and the computations. Matrices are
mathematical entities which facilitates the handling of simultaneous equations.

They are applied to the differential equations of a vibratory system. There is one equation of
motion for each degree of freedom, and is if generalized coordinates are used, for each degree
of freedom there is one generalized coordinate. This makes the matrix of the equation of
motion have an equal number of rows and columns or square matrix. This has the same
differential equation for single degree of freedom system.

2.6 Coupling
Coupling: is the term used in mechanical vibrations to indicate connections between equations
of motion. Each principal mode corresponds to one natural frequency or eigenvalue of the
frequency equation. There is the same number of principal coordinates as there are equations of
motions and principal mode so each equation is separate from every other. In matrix algebra
coupled equations of motions will cause off diagonal terms which are called coupling terms.
The equations will have inertia, damping and stiffness coupling. The coupling in a system
depends on the choice of coordinates used to describe the motion.
Static coupling: is a means of coupling which exists when the stiffness matrix is non diagonal.
Dynamic coupling: is a means of coupling which exists when the inertia matrix is non
However it is often possible to obtain equations that have no coupling terms in one or more of
the three matrices. If the coupling terms vanish in all the three matrices (that is if all the three
square matrices are diagonal matrices) the system becomes a set of independent uncoupled
differential equations with n generalized coordinates.
Any set of equations can be decoupled using principal coordinates, which is dependent on the
selection of coordinates & this will have no effect on eigenvalues or mode shapes.
A fundamental procedure for solving vibration problems in undamped systems may be viewed
as the search for a set of coordinates which simultaneously uncouples both the stiffness and
inertia matrices.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

2.7 State space equations

There are several different ways to describe a system of linear differential equations among
these the main ones are numerical methods such as euler and rungekutta method to analyze
initial value problem. For several reasons it is useful to have only first derivatives or variables
in the mode description of a dynamic system. The state space representation is given by the
x  Ax  Bu
…………………………. (2.8)
Y  Cx  Bu
Where X is an n by 1 vector representing the state (commonly position and velocity variables
in mechanical systems), u is a scalar representing the input (commonly a force or torque in
mechanical systems), and Y is a scalar representing the output. The matrices A (n by n), B (n
by 1), and (1 by n) determine the relationships between the state and input and output
For system of equation, for those variables where second order derivatives occur, new states
will be introduced.

x  u ,  x  u
……………………. (2.9)
u  x  0
The set of differential equations for the derivation of the homogenous equation n (F=0) is then:

 
x1   x1 
 
x   x 
  2  2
Mx  Cx  Kx  0, where x  u   
  x3  , and u   x 3 
   
   
    x 
 xn   n
Then the systems equation in its state space notation for the homogeneous equation (F=0) will

M 0   U   C K  U 
0    0
  I   X   I 0   X 
 


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Where M, C, and K are the mass, damping, and the stiffness matrices respectively, U and X
are the state vectors.

2.8 The matrix eigenvalue problem

The solutions of free & forced vibration problems are given in terms of solution to a
specialized algebraic problem called matrix eigenvalue problem. The differential equation for a
undamped free vibration system is:
Mx  Kx  0 ………………………… ……… (2.10)
If solution to X is assumed to be:

X  R (ve jt ) ……………………………. (2.11)

Where V is a column vector of unknown amplitudes

 : is unknown frequency
R (): signifies “the real part of,”
Substituting this in the main equation, the following equation can be obtained

KV   2 MV ………………………. ……… (2.12)

This algebraic problem is called Matrix eigenvalue problem or real eigenvalue problem .The
formal solution of this equation can be rewritten as:

( K   2 M )V  0 …………………………... (2.13)
This can be interpreted as a set of n homogenous algebraic equation for the n elements of V .
This form has always the trivial solution V =0.
It has also non trivial solutions if the determinant of the matrix multiplying the vector V is
zero, that is if :

Det ( K   2 M )V  0 ………………………. (2.14)

This form of equation is known as characteristics equation or frequency equation.

When the determinant is expanded, a polynomial of order n in  2 is obtained. The restrictions
that M and K be symmetric and that M be positive definite are sufficient to ensure that there

are n real roots for  2 . If K is singular; at least one root is zero. If K is positive definite, all

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

roots are positive. Roots of the characteristics equation  2 are known as normal values,
characteristics values or eigenvalue and the value  is called natural frequency

The eigenvalue problem does not fix the absolute amplitude of the vectors V ; only the relative
amplitudes of the n coordinate. There are n independent vectors V r corresponding to the n
natural frequencies which are known as normal modes or characteristics vectors or


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

In order that all important features of a system be represented and the mathematical (or
analytical) equations that would describe the behavior of the system are derived, proper
modeling of a system is important. The mathematical model may be linear or non linear,
depending on the behavior of the component of the system.
Sometimes the mathematical model is gradually improved to obtain more accurate results. In
this approach, first a very elementary model is used to get a quick insight in to the overall
behavior of the system. Subsequently, the model is refined by including more components
and/or details so that the behavior of the system is observed more closely. In this report, the
modeling of the trailer will be started first by describing its main components that are
responsible for its vibration and their respective modeling. These components are the inertial
component, suspension system and the tire.

3.1 Suspension system

The automobile chassis is mounted on the axles, not direct but through some form of springs.
This is done to isolate the vehicle body from the road shocks which may cause excessive
bounce, pitch, roll, or sway.
A suspension system is meant to provide both safety and comfort for the occupants. When a
vehicle encounters a road surface irregularity, the tire deforms and the suspension displaces.
Some of the energy caused by the disturbance is dissipated in the tire and the remainder is
stored in the suspension spring and then the spring releases this energy as a damped
Objectives of suspension are to:
 Prevent the road shocks from being transmitted to the vehicle component.
 Safeguard the occupants from road shocks.
 Preserve the stability of the vehicle in pitching or rolling, while in motion.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

3.1.1 Leaf spring suspension

Semi-elliptic leaf springs are almost universally used for suspension in light and heavy
commercial vehicles. A leaf spring is made up of several long plates or leaves (as shown

bellow). Because the leaf spring is made up of a series of thin leaves, one on top of another, it
does not break when bent.
The plates or leaves are held together at the center by a central bolt which passes through holes
in the leaves

Figure (3.2) Leaf spring suspension

3.1.2 Suspension system modeling

As the suspension system has energy storing and energy dissipation characteristic, mentioned
above, it can simply be modeled as a spring and a damper as shown below

Figure (3.3) Suspension system model

Where Ms is the mass of suspension, Ks is suspension stiffness, and Cs is damping coefficient.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

3.1.3 Suspension spring rate or stiffness

The softness or hardness of a spring is referred to as its rate. The rate of a spring is the weight
required per unit deflection. The spring stiffness is analyzed from SAF specification. The

loaded and unloaded cases of the trailer are shown below. The chassis-center distance for the
loaded and unloaded condition can be read and the deformation for 12Ton is determined.

Front axle:
Deformation = normal length – length when loaded
Deformation of front axle when loaded with 12ton
= (485-455)mm= 30mm

Figure(3.4) Front suspension deformed and undeformed position

Then, stiffness of front suspension spring can be determined as
Ksf = deflection


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

1200 * 9.81
Rear axles 1 and 2:
According to the figure below the rear axles have same deformation when loaded with 12ton:

Deformation = 490-460
= 30mm
So stiffness of rear suspension springs can be determined as
1200 * 9.81
Krs1 = Krs2 =
Krs1 = Krs2 =3.924*106N/m


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Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Figure (3.5) Rear suspension system deformed and undeformed position

Section 1 Tyre
Tyres are probably the item singly most responsible for cars handling. The tire and rim
assembly is an air chamber, which when inflated to the proper pressure supports the weight of
the vehicle. It is important and perhaps surprising to note that the air pressure supports
95percent of the weight of the vehicle and the tire just 5 percent, making inflation a critical part
of a tire’s ability to perform. They have two functions. The primary purpose of the tire is to
transfer the driver’s actions such as accelerating, steering and braking to the road surfaces. The
tires grip the road to provide good traction. Good traction enables the car to accelerate, brake,
and make turns without skidding.
Second, they are air field cushions that absorb most of the shocks caused by road irregularities.
The tires flex as they meet these irregularities. Therefore they reduce the effect of the shocks
on the passengers in the car.

(a) Standard tire specifications

There’s a lot of useful information molded into the sidewall of a tire. It shows the name of the
tire, the type of car the tire is designed for, its size, and type of tire construction, whether it is
tubeless or tube type, the tire grade, inflation pressure, speed rating, maximum rated load, tread
wear, traction
and temperature labeling, materials used and the tire identification number an important, safety
warning and more. The different sidewall markings are shown on the figure bellow


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Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Figure(3.2.1) Tyre side wall markings

An example of tire size for a car might be a P 215/65R15 89H (these numbers are found or
printed on the sidewall). These mean:
 P “passenger”- Cars and most vans light trucks will use “P” series tires, although some
may use a heavier tire designed for light trucks (“LT”).
 215- The width of the tire from side wall to side wall in millimeters. This measurement
varies depending on the width of the rim to which the tire is fitted.
 65- The aspect ratio (side wall height divided by tire width) in percent.
 R – Construction: How the plies are constructed in the tire carcass. “R” Radial
construction. “B” in place of “R” if the construction is bias.
 15- The diameter of the wheel in inches.
 89- Load index


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

 H- Speed rating
The side wall also shows the type of cord and number of plies in the sidewall and under the
The amount of air pressure used in the tire depends on the type of the tire operation. Passenger
tires are inflated to about 22 to 36 psi [155 to 248 kpa]. Heavy duty tire or truck or buses may
be inflated to 100 psi

3.2.2 Tyre model

Tyres have capacity to deform and return to original form that it accumulates elastic potential
energy. Neglecting the elasoplastic nature of rubber, it is simply modeled (symbolized)
physically as a spring and mass system as shown bellow.

Figure.(3.2.2) Tyre model

3.2.3 Tyre stiffness or tire spring rate

The tire stiffness is measured by the change of wheel load per unit displacement of the wheel
relative to the ground at a specific load and inflation pressure.
Tire radial stiffness is traditionally calculated from the wheel load deflection measurement.
Statically, this stiffness serves to provide the support of the vehicle. However, this stiffness
does not provide sufficient understanding how the tire behaves dynamically: the tire first radial
modes, does not matter how were they measured, cannot be correlated with this statically
measured stiffness. A comprehensive explanation for this phenomenon is needed for better
understanding of tire dynamics and building of dynamic tire models
The size of the tyre used for the trailer is known to be 12.00R20. For this tyre from
MATADOR-ADDIS the following specification were found:
 Aspect ratio =1

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

 Total diameter=(20+12*2)*25.4=1118mm
 Unloaded tyre radius =1118/2=559mm
 Loaded (dynamic) Tyre Radius for 3750kg of load =538mm.
 Tyre deflection =559-538=21mm.

Therefore the stiffness of single tyre can be determined as

3750kg * 9.81m / s 2
Kt =
The equivalent stiffness of front tyres for four tyres in parallel will be:
Kt1=K1 + K2 + K3 + K4
= 4*Kt
Similar procedure for rear tyres
Kt2 = Kt3 = 4*Kt
= 7007142.8N/m

3.3 Trailer modeling

Here, the overall modeling is presented. When modeling the trailer, its body, the chassis,
boards, omegas etc. considered as a rigid body having a lumped mass at its center of gravity
and a mass moment of inertia about an axis through the center of gravity and perpendicular to
the axis along its length. The diagram bellow shows the trailer model when the flexibility of
the whole system is considered on the suspension system (spring and damper), tyers, and the
trailer’s body or chassis. In these models spring and damper are assumed to be linear models.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Figure (3.3.a) Trailer model with four degree of freedom

However, the deflection of the chassis is very much small when compared to the deflections of
the suspension spring and the tire that it can be considered as if it is rigidly fixed to the
suspension spring and move with it. Hence, the analysis is done by considering the flexibility
of the whole system is only on the suspension system (leaf spring) and the tyres according to
the model shown on figure below.

Figure (3.3.b) Trailer model with three degree of freedom.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

3.3.1 Equivalent spring rate (Keq)

The equivalent spring rate, Keq, is the change in wheel load per unit displacement of the
sprung mass relative to the ground. In automotive, the tire stiffness K t is in series with the
stiffness of the suspension spring k s. And from series connection of springs, it is found by the
following equation
kt k s
keq 
 m 
kt  ks 1  2 
 m1 
where m1 is the sprung mass and m2 the unsprung mass as shown on the figure above.

Figure (3.4) sprung mass and unsprung mass

 Sprung mass
The sprung mass is all the mass supported by the suspension system including portion of the
suspension member. It consists of the vehicle frame, body, and load.
 Unsprung mass
The unsprung mass is the mass of the vehicle components that are supported by the tire, and
considered to move with the wheel, but not carried by the suspension system. These
components include the wheels, tires, and brakes, parts of the axle, suspension links and other
associated components.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

According to the definition the value of the unsprung mass m 2 will be m= mass of the axle +
mass of suspension +mass of wheels+ brakes+ mass of suspension links and soon. From the
data obtained from MIE, mass of (axle + suspension) = 542kg and mass of single tyre =91kg
(i.e. for four tyres =91*4=364kg). Therefore m2 =542+364=906kg and m1 will nearly (12000-
906) kg = 11094kg. Then the ratio m1/m2=906/11094 = 0.0817(approximate value)
The front equivalent stiffness will be:
3.924 * 10 6 * 7007142.8
7007142.8  3.924 * 10 6 (1  0.0817)

Similarly the rear equivalent stiffness is:
Keq2 = Keq3 = 2508029.19N/m
Further, the model shown on figure (3.3.b) could be reduced and is modeled as a rigid beam
resting on three springs keq1, keq2 and keq3 as shown below. That is, the trailer is considered as
one body with two degrees of freedom system. Here, as can be seen, though for accurate results
the consideration of the damping is necessary, it is difficult to know and mostly it has small
value compared to the stiffness that it doesn’t much affect the result, and therefore, it has been


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

(Fig 3.3.c) Trailer model as one body with two degree of freedom.

Note: The equivalent stiffness Keq1, Keq2, and Keq3 shown above are written as K1, K2, and K3
respectively for the analysis.
3.4 AutoCAD Drawing
3D assembly drawing of the trailers is drawn using the autocad software in order to determine
the following values of mass properties.
 Total mass: measure of inertia of a body. Because a density of one is used, mass and
volume have the same value when they are read from AutoCAD. Therefore to find the
correct mass it has to be multiplied by its respective material density.
 Centroid: A 3D point that is the center of mass for solids.
 Mass moment of inertia: this is used when computing the force required rotating an
object about a given axis
These are important input parameters for the analyses which are easily readable from the 3D
Note: the suspension, tire, fuel tank and its components, and turning table assembly are
attached on the 3D using equivalent steel blocks to represent their load.(Because, most of the
body material is made from steel so that density of steel could be used for the whole trailer).
The results (mass properties) obtained from the AutoCAD are tabulated as follows.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Figure (3.4) Coordinate axes representing the trailer load

Table 1 Important input data from AutoCAD for the dynamic analysis
For For For For For For
Mass trailer of trailer of trailer of trailer of modified modified
properties 7.5m 7.5m 7.0m 7.0m trailer of trailer of
length length 20 length length 7.0m 7.0m
unloaded. ton unloaded. with 20 length length
loaded. ton load. unloaded. with 20
ton load.
Mass, m 7252.464 27252.493 7108.142 27108.280 7124.145 27124.283
moment of 153734.4 560725.5 146661.55 517267.9 151277.35 521891.55
inertia, Jxx
(kg m2 )
Centroid 1.242, 1.248, 1.251, 1.249, 1.251, 1.250,
(m) (x,y,z) -1.761, -1.442, -1.946, -1.633, -1.946, -1.633,
3.597 3.709 3.455 3.489 3.515 3.505

The trailer is considered as if there are no external excitations acted up on it and hence
analyzed as a free vibration. The analysis is done in two cases: first for the vibration analysis,

to describe the motion the whole system (trailer), two coordinates, x1 and x2 have been used
by assuming the rear springs to have equal deflection and representing the trailer model with

two springs k1 and k2 as shown below so that the value of k2 is the equivalent of the two
springs. Secondly the vibration of the trailer is analyzed ignoring the first assumption hence the


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

two rear springs will have different deflections. That is the motion is described with three

coordinates x1 , x2 and x3

4.1 Analysis with two springs

The free body diagram below shows other coordinates, y 1 and y2. This is just to show the
general free body diagram that would be analyzed if there were external excitations.

Figure (4.1) free body diagram of trailer.

Newton second law of motion for the free body diagram above is:

F  ma

 k1 ( x1 - y1 )  k2 ( x2 - y2 )  mxc
 …………………………………………. (4.1.1)

M  J

 a1k1 ( x1 - y1 )  a2 k2 ( x2 - y2 )  J  ………………… …. (4.1.2)


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

A general procedure for obtaining a linear approximation is to use the expression in calculus

for approximating the variation y for a function y  Y ( x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) of n independent

y y y
y  i x1  i x2  ...  x
variables. That is  x1  x2  xn i n

The lowercase letters represent variations from the reference values,

y  y  Y - Yi

x1   x1  X 1 - X i

x2   x2  X 2 - X i
x n = x n = X n -X i
Thus, the general expression for obtaining a linear approximation for a non linear function is:
y  c1 x1  c2 x2  ...  cnxn

y y y y
Where c1   x i  lim
y 0 x1 , c2 
 x2 i  lim
y 0 x2 etc
1 x1 0 x2  0

The diagram below shows the deflection mode of the trailer and xc is a function of both
x1 and x2 , that is xc  X ( x1 , x2 ) and its value can be approximated in terms of the method

 xc1  xc2
xc  c1 x1  c2 x2 Where c1 & c2 are constants and c1  i , c2 =
 x1  x2 i

Figure (4.2) Deflection diagram


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Boundary condition is taken at the centroid and therefore a1 is taken as negative in the analysis
in which its effect is canceled when entering its value in to MatLab.
From similar triangle of the above figure (4.2):
 xc1 xc1 a2
c1  i  lim  and
 x1 x1 
xc 0
0 x1 a1  a2

 xc2 xc2  a1
c2  i  lim 
 x2 x2 0 x
xc 0 2 a1  a2

a2 x1 a1 x2
Then xc1 =c1 x1  and xc2  c2 x2 
a1  a2  a1  a2
xc1 x1 xc2 x2
These also the same as  and 
a2  a1  a2 a1  a1  a2
a2 x1 a1 x2
 xc1   xc2 
 a1  a2 a1  a2

a2 x1 - a1 x2
Then, xc  xc1  xc2  but a1  a2  L
-a1  a2

a2 x1  a1 x2
⇒ xc 
........................................... (4.1.3)

Figure (4.3) Vertical deflection and rotation about centroid of the trailer

From the geometry of fig.(4.3)

xc  x1 x2  xc
sin   and sin  
a1 a2
For small angle  , Sin = 
 a1  xc  x1 and a2  x2  xc


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

 a1  a2    a1  a2    x2  x1

x2  x1 I
    x2  x1  ……………………………….. …. … (4.1.4)
a1  a2 L

Substituting equations (4.3) & (4.4) for equations (4.1) and (4.2) respectively give:
k1 ( x1  x2 )  k2 ( x2  y2 )   a2 x1  a1x2 
a1k1 ( x1  y1 )  a2 k2 ( x2  y2 )   x2  x1 
For free vibration, y1=y2= 0, these equations become
 a2 x1  a1x2   k1 x1  k2 x2  0 …………………………………… (4.1.5)
 x1  x2   a1k1 x1  a2 k2 x2  0 …………………………………….. (4.1.6)
Being the coupled equations (4.5) & (4.6) together gives the following matrix equation:
 m m 
 L a2 a1
L   x1    k1 k2   x1 
     0 ……………………. ……. (4.1.7)
 I I   x2   a1k1 a2 k2   x2 

 L L 
The state space notation of the above equation is:
 m m 
  L a2 L
a1 0 0
0 0 k1 k2 
   
 I I u  0 0 a1k1 a2 k2  u 
 0 0    0 ……... …… (4.1.8)
 L L  v 1
  1 0 0   v 
 0 0 1 0   
 0 1 0 0 
 0 0 0 1

The above equation is of the form:

M 0  u  0 K  u 
0    0 …………………………………. (4.1.9)
  I   v   I 0   v 

 m m 
  L a2 a1
L   k k2 
Where M   K  1
 I I   a1k2 a2 k2 

 L L 

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

0 0  1 0 
0  I  
0 0  0 1 

 x1   x1 
The state vectors u    and v   
 x 2   x2 
Assuming a possible solution for the above state vectors u  u e t and v  v e t
 u = u e t and v = v e t
Substituting these in equation (4.10)
M  0  u 
t + 0 K  u 
 0
  I   v 
  e I  0   
v  et =0

Factoring out the et term, the following will be obtained

 M 0  0 K u 
 

 0

 I   I

0   v 
  et =0

 M 0  0 K u 
    v  = 0

 0  I   I 0    
u  M 0 0 K  u 
    =-  I
v   I   0   
v 
u  u 
     A   ……………………………………….. … (4.1.10)
v  v 

Where the new matrix A is

M 0  0 K 
A 
0 L   I 0 
From which the Eigenvalues are calculated using Mat Lab.

It is famous commercial software for doing matrix manipulations. Since vibration analysis is
pretty much all matrix operations, MATLAB is obviously an excellent tool to use.
The following are input to M-files. The length a’s are referred on the free body diagram shown
on figure (4.1) and the mass m and mass moments of inertia J=Jxx from table 1.

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

I. For the trailer of 7.5m length without load

% vibration analysis for trailer of 7.5m length without load
% using Mat Lab tool in M-file
m=7252.464; % mass of trailer(7.5m) without load in Kg
J=153734.4; % moment of inertia of trailer about an axis through C.G and
perpendicular to axis along the trailer length in kg m2.
k1=2508029.19; % equivalent stiffness of spring for front suspension system and tyre in
k2=5016058.38; % equivalent stiffness of spring for rear suspension system and tyre in

a1= -2.847; % distance measured from centroid to K1 in m.

a2=1.633; % distance measured from centroid to K2 in m.
L=4.48; % length of trailer b/n K1 and K3 in m.
M=[-m*a2/L m*a1/L; J/L -J/L]; % mass or inertia matrix
K=[k1 k2; a1*k1 a2*k2]; % stiffness matrix
A=-1*inv([M zeros(2);zeros(2) -I])*[zeros(2) K;I zeros(2)];
Similarly for the other options, the same command is used only by changing the values of the
variables tabulated bellow.
Table 2 Input variables to mat lab for the analysis
Variables I. II. III. IV. V.
to be For For trailer For trailer For For
changed trailer of of 7.0m of modified modified
7.5m length with 7.0m with trailer trailer with
length out load 20 without 20 ton load
with 20 ton loaded load
ton load

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

m 27252.464 7108.142 27108.142 7124.145 27124.145

J 560725.5 146661.55 517267.9 151277.35 521891.55
a1 -2.959 -2.705 -2.739 -2.765 -2.755
a2 1.521 1.775 1.741 1.365 1.375
L 4.480 4.480 4.480 4.13 4.13

Result displayed

I. 7.5m trailer without load loaded

0.6934 -0.8989 0.8989 0.6934
0.7199 0.4329 -0.4329 0.7199
-0.0215 0.0609 0.0609 0.0215
-0.0223 -0.0293 -0.0293 0.0223

Lambda =
-32.2283 0 0 0
0 -14.7659 0 0
0 0 14.7659 0
0 0 0 32.2283

II. 7.5m trailer with 20 ton load

0.7031 -0.8884 0.8884 0.7031
0.7085 0.4408 -0.4408 0.7085
-0.0423 0.1148 0.1148 0.0423
-0.0426 -0.0570 -0.0570 0.0426

Lambda =
-16.6163 0 0 0
0 -7.7359 0 0
0 0 7.7359 0
0 0 0 16.6163

III. 7.0m trailer without load

0.6785 -0.9057 0.9057 0.6785
0.7340 0.4186 -0.4186 0.7340
-0.0208 0.0600 0.0600 0.0208
-0.0225 -0.0277 -0.0277 0.0225


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Lambda =
-32.6145 0 0 0
0 -15.0897 0 0
0 0 15.0897 0
0 0 0 32.6145

IV. 7.0m trailer with 20 ton load

0.6784 -0.9004 0.9004 0.6784
0.7323 0.4171 -0.4171 0.7323
-0.0406 0.1120 0.1120 0.0406
-0.0439 -0.0519 -0.0519 0.0439

Lambda =
-16.6949 0 0 0
0 -8.0377 0 0
0 0 8.0377 0
0 0 0 16.6949

V. 7.0m modified trailer without load

0.7077 -0.8916 0.8916 0.7077
0.7058 0.4470 -0.4470 0.7058
-0.0218 0.0649 0.0649 0.0218
-0.0217 -0.0326 -0.0326 0.0217

Lambda =
-32.4980 0 0 0
0 -13.7305 0 0
0 0 13.7305 0
0 0 0 32.4980

VI. 7.0m modified trailer load

0.7060 -0.8863 0.8863 0.7060
0.7057 0.4433 -0.4433 0.7057
-0.0424 0.1199 0.1199 0.0424
-0.0424 -0.0600 -0.0600 0.0424

Lambda =
-16.6552 0 0 0


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

0 -7.3923 0 0
0 0 7.3923 0
0 0 0 16.6552

These MathLab results are summarized in the table bellow.

Table 3 dynamic results for each option.

For For For For For For
trailer trailer trailer trailer modified modifie
Mass properties of 7.5m of 7.5m of 7.0m of 7.0m trailer of d trailer
length length length length 7.0m of 7.0m
without with 20 with out with 20 length with 20
load ton load load ton load without ton load
Eigen(natu 1 14.7659 7.7359 15.0897 8.0377 13.7304i 7.3923

ral) [rad/sec]
frequencies 2 32.2283 16.6163 32.6145 16.6949 32.4984i 16.6552

at 1 V1 0.8989 0.8884 0.9057 0.9004 0.8916 0.8863
V2 -0.4329 -0.4408 -0.4186 -0.4171 -0.4470 -0.4433
at 2 V1 0.6934 0.7031 0.6785 0.6784 0.7077 0.7060
vectors V2 0.7199 0.7085 0.7340 0.7323 0.7058 0.7057
at 1 X1 0.0609 0.1148 0.0600 0.1120 0.0649 0.1199
X2 -0.0293 -0.0570 -0.0277 -0.0519 -0.0326 -0.0600
at 2 X1 0.0215 0.0423 0.0208 0.0406 0.0218 0.0424
nt vectors
X2 0.0223 0.0426i 0.0225 0.0439 0.0217 0.0424
Ratio (X1/X2) at 1 2.0785 2.014 2.1661 2.1580 1.9908 1.9983
Ratio (X1/X2) at 2 0.9641 1.009 0.9244 0.9248 1.005 1.000


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

4.3 Analysis with three springs

For the vibration analysis, to describe the vibrational motion of the trailer, three coordinates:
x1 , x2 and x3 have been used. Similar to the first case free vibration is considered and

coordinates: y1 , y2 and y3 have been used for general analysis

Figure. (4.4) free body diagram of trailer.

Newton second law of motion for the free body diagram above is:

F  ma

 k1 ( x1 - y1 )  K 2 ( x2 - y2 )  k3 ( x3 - y3 )  mxc
 (4.3.1)

 M  J
 a1k1 ( x1 - y1 )  a2 k2 ( x2 - y2 )  a3 k3 ( x3 - y3 )  J  …………………… (4.3.2)


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Figure (4.5): Deflection diagram

Centriodal displacement xc and first rear axle displacement x2 can be linearly approximated

with front and second rear spring displacements x1 and x3 respectively. From similar triangles

of the above figure linearization for xc and x2 will be:

xc1 x1 xc2 x3
  and 
a3 a1  a3 a1 a1  a3

a3 x1  a1 x3
 xc1   xc2 
 a1  a3 a1  a3

a3 x1  a1 x3
Then, xc  xc1  xc2  but a1  a3  L
a1  a3

a3 x1  a1 x3
 xc  …………………………………… ………… (4.3.3)
x21 x1 x22 x3
  and 
a3  a2  a1  a3 a1  a2  a1  a3

 x21 
 a3  a2  x1  x22 
 a2  a1  x3
a1  a3  a1  a3

 a3  a2  x1   a2  a1  x3
Then x2  x21  x22  and a1  a3  L
a1  a3 a1  a3

 x2 
 a3  a2  x1   a2  a1  x3 ………………………………. ……. (4.3.4)

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Figure (4.6) Vertical deflection and rotation about centroid of the trailer
From the geometry of fig.(4.3)
xc  x1 x3  xc
 and 
a1 a3

 a1  xc  x1 and a3  x3  x1

 a1  a3  ( a1  a3 )  x3  x1

x3  x1 1
   ( x3  x1 ) …………………………………………… (4.3.5)
a1  a3 L

Substituting equations (4.3.3) & (4.3.4) for equations (4.3.1):

 (a  a ) x  (a2  a1 ) x3  m
k1 ( x1  y1 )  k2  3 2 1  y2   k3 ( x3  y3 )   a3 x1  a1 x3 
 L  L

For free vibration, y1  y2  y3  0

m  a  a  x   a  a  x 
 a3 x1  a1x3   k1 x1  k2  3 2 1 2 1 3   k3 x3  0
L  L 

 a3 x1  a1x3   k1  2  a3  a2   x1   2 (a2  a1 )  k3  x3  0 …………………. .. (4.3.6)

m k k

L  L  L 
Similarly substituting equation (4.3.5) in equation (4.3.2) and rearranging gives

 x1  x3   a1k1  a2 (a3  a2 ) 2  x1  a3k3  a2 (a2  a1 ) 2  x3  0 …………… …..... (4.3.7)

I k k
L  L  L
Being the coupled equations (4.3.6) & (4.3.7) together give the following equation:
 m m  
 a2  a1   k3   x 
k k2
  L a3 a1    k1  2  a3  a2 
L  1
x L L
      0 ………….. (4.3.8)

 I I x k k x
   3   a1k1  a2 2  a3  a2  a2 2  a2  a1   k3a3   3 
 L L   L L 

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

The state space notation of the above equation is:

 m  
 a2  a1  
m k2 k2
  L a3 a1 0 0 0 0  a3  a2 
k1  k3 
    
 I I  u   k k2 u 
 0 0   0 0 a1k1  a2 2  a3  a2  a3 k3  a2  a2  a1      0
 L L  v  L L 
 0      v 
 0 1 0  1 0 0 0 
 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 

……………………………………………………… ………………………………… .. (4.3.9)

The above equation is of the form:
M 0  u  0 K  u 
0    0 ………………………………….. (4.3.10)
  I   v   I k   v 

 m m  
 a2  a1   k3 
k2 k2
  L a3 a1 k   a3  a2 
L   1
Where M    K  
 I 
I   a k  a k2  a  a  k2
a2  a2  a1   k3a3 
 L L   1 1 2 L 3 2 L 
0 0 1 0
0= 0 and I = 0
 0
  1

 x1   x1 
The state vectors u    and v   
 x 2   x2 
Assuming a possible solution for the above state vectors u  u e t and v  v e t
 u = u e t and v = v e t
Substituting these in equation (4.10) and rearranging as in the first case
u  M 0 0 K  u 
    = - 
v   I 
 0   
v 
u  u 
⇔    = A   ……………………………………………………… ..(4.3.11)
v  v 

Where the new matrix A is

M 0 0 K
A = -  I 0 
0  I  

Again from which the solutions (eigenvalues) are obtained using MatLab.

Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

The following are input to M-files for this case. The length a’s are referred on the free body
diagram shown on figure (4.4) and the mass m and mass moments of inertia J=Jxx from table 1

I. For the trailer of 7.5m length without load

% vibration analysis for trailer of 7.5m length without load
% using MatLab tool in M-file

m=7252.464; % mass of trailer(7.5m) without load in Kg

J=153734.4; % moment of inertia of trailer about an axis through C.G and
perpendicular to axis along the trailer length in kg m2.
k1=2508029.19; % equivalent stiffness of spring for front suspension system and tyre in
k2=2508029.19; % equivalent stiffness of spring for rear suspension system and tyre in
k3=2508029.19; % equivalent stiffness of spring for rear suspension system and tyre in
a1= -2.847; % distance measured from centroid to K1 in m.
a2=0.953; % distance measured from centroid to K2 in m.
a3=2.313; % distance measured from centroid to K3 in m.
L=5.16; % length of trailer b/n K1 and K3 in m.
M=[-m*a3/L m*a1/L; J/L -J/L]; % mass or inertia matrix
K=[k1+(a3-a2)*k2/L k3+(a2-a1)*k2/L; a1*k1+(a3-a2)*a2*k2/L a3*k3+(a2-a1)*k2*a2/L];
% stiffness matrix
A=-1*inv([M zeros(2);zeros(2) -I])*[zeros(2) K;I zeros(2)];
Similarly for the other options, the same command is used only by changing the values of the
variables tabulated bellow.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Table 4 Input variables to mat lab for the analysis

Variables VI. VII. VIII. IX. X.
to be For trailer For trailer For trailer For For modified
changed of 7.5m of 7.0m of modified trailer with
length with length with 7.0m with trailer 20 ton load
20 ton load out load 20 without
ton loaded load
m 27252.464 7108.142 27108.142 7124.145 27124.145
J 560725.5 146661.55 517267.9 151277.35 521891.55
a1 -2.959 -2.705 -2.739 -2.765 -2.755
a2 0.841 1.095 1.061 0.685 0.695
a3 2.201 2.455 2.421 2.045 2.055
L 5.16 5.16 5.16 4.81 4.81

Result displayed
I. 7.5m trailer without loaded
0.6911 0.8157 -0.8157 0.6911
0.7221 -0.5747 0.5747 0.7221
-0.0214 -0.0534 -0.0534 0.0214
-0.0224 0.0376 0.0376 0.0224

Lambda =
-32.2286 0 0 0
0 -15.2675 0 0
0 0 15.2675 0
0 0 0 32.2286

II. 7.5m trailer with 20 ton loaded


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

0.7306 0.7258 -0.7258 0.7306
0.6801 -0.6759 0.6759 0.6801
-0.0439 -0.0937 -0.0937 0.0439
-0.0409 0.0873 0.0873 0.0409

Lambda =
-16.6419 0 0 0
0 -7.7458 0 0
0 0 7.7458 0
0 0 0 16.6419

III. 7.0m trailer without loaded

0.6737 0.8251 -0.8251 0.6737
0.7384 -0.5614 0.5614 0.7384
-0.0207 -0.0529 -0.0529 0.0207
-0.0226 0.0360 0.0360 0.0226

Lambda =
-32.6160 0 0 0
0 -15.6017 0 0
0 0 15.6017 0
0 0 0 32.6160

IV. 7.0m trailer with 20 ton load

0.6736 0.8204 -0.8204 0.6736
0.7367 -0.5591 0.5591 0.7367
-0.0403 -0.0987 -0.0987 0.0403
-0.0441 0.0673 0.0673 0.0441

Lambda =
-16.6957 0 0 0
0 -8.3105 0 0
0 0 8.3105 0
0 0 0 16.6957

V. 7.0m modified trailer without load

0.7079 0.7985 -0.7985 0.7079
0.7056 -0.5979 0.5979 0.7056
-0.0218 -0.0559 -0.0559 0.0218
-0.0217 0.0419 0.0419 0.0217


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Lambda =
-32.4984 0 0 0
0 -14.2778 0 0
0 0 14.2778 0
0 0 0 32.4984

VI. 7.0m modified 20 ton loaded

0.7060 0.7944 -0.7944 0.7060
0.7056 -0.5936 0.5936 0.7056
-0.0424 -0.1033 -0.1033 0.0424
-0.0424 0.0772 0.0772 0.0424

Lambda =
-16.6552 0 0 0
0 -7.6870 0 0
0 0 7.6870 0
0 0 0 16.6552

The above results are summarized in the table below.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

Table 5 dynamic results for each option.

For For For For For For
trailer trailer trailer trailer modifie modifie
Mass properties of 7.5m of 7.5m Of 7.0m of 7.0m d trailer d trailer
length length length length of 7.0m of 7.0m
without with 20 with out with 20 length with
load ton load load ton load without 20ton
load load
Eigen(natu 1 15.2675 7.7458 15.6017 8.3105 14.2778 7.6870
ral) [rad/sec]
frequencies 2 32.2286 16.6419 32.6160 16.6957 32.4984 16.6552
Vibration at 1 V1 -0.8157 -0.7258 -0.8251 -0.8204 -0.7985 -0.7944
V2 0.2082 0.3065 0.1960 0.1955 0.2031 0.2024
V3 0.5747 0.6759 0.5614 0.5591 0.5979 0.5936
vectors at 2 V1 0.6911 0.7306 0.6737 0.6736 0.7079 0.7060
V2 0.7139 0.6908 0.7213 0.7201 0.7062 0.7057
V3 0.7221 0.6801 0.7384 0.7367 0.7056 0.7056
Vibration at 1 X1 -0.0534 -0.0937 -0.0529 -0.0987 -0.0559 -0.1033
X2 0.0136 0.0396 0.01257 0.0235 0.01425 0.0262
X3 0.0376 0.0873 0.0360 0.0673 0.0419 0.0772
nt vectors at 2 X1 0.0214 0.0439 0.0207 0.0403 0.0218 0.0424
X2 0.0221 0.0417 0.0221 0.0431 0.0217 0.0424
X3 0.0224 0.0409 0.0226 0.0441 0.0217 0.0424
Ratio (X1/X3) at 1 1.420 1.073 1.469 1.467 1.334 1.338
Ratio (X1/X3) at 2 0.955 1.073 0.916 0.914 1.005 1.000

Note: In the above table the values of V 2 and X2 at each natural frequency are obtained by
hand calculation from the relation described in equation (4.4).


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer


5.1 Conclusion
Though the dynamic analysis result conducted for the three options has no significant

difference in terms of the natural frequency, a slight growth in 1 have been observed in both
the methods (analysis with two springs and with three springs) 4% and 7.3% respectively. And,
the case of 7.0m long trailer with wheelbase of 3.8m showed the largest displacement ratio in
both methods carried out (i.e. 2.1661 & 1.469 for analysis with two springs and three springs
respectively). The two other cases had lower displacements (i.e. 2.0785&1.9983 and
1.420&1.33 for first and second methods). Moreover, the results showed that with reducing the
wheelbase from 3.8m to 3.45m the growth of the natural frequency has been significantly
removed even slightly better than the original. Therefore, the modification recommended
changing the wheelbase from 3.8m to 3.45m is supported by the dynamic analysis.


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

5.2 Recommendations
i. For better accurate dynamic results, computing the three degree of freedom (3DOF)
analysis of the trailer may be important.

ii. The results obtained are based on the assumption that the value of damping has
insignificant effect. However, if better accuracy is required, there should be a vibration
measuring instrument (Seismometer). So that from successive amplitudes of the
damped system, the logarithmic decrement (measure of system damping) can be
determined from which the damping coefficient of the suspension system can be

iii. Most of our time is wasted on drawing of 3D assembly of the trailer, but it is better to
focus on the dynamic analysis by giving the 3D drawing so that a better result will be


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer

1. Robert, F Jr .Steidel, An introduction to mechanical vibration, 3rd edition, USA.
2. Benson, H.Tongue. Principles of vibration, New York, 1996.
3. William T. Thomson, Theory of vibration with applications, 4th edition, Stanley
Thornes, United Kingdom 1993.
4. Singiresu,S RAO. Mechanical vibrations. 3rded, Addison-Wesley, USA, 1995.
5. .William .H, Crouse. Donald L,.Anglin. Automotive Mechanics. 9th edition Tata Mc
6. Francis H.Raven. Automatic control Engineering.5thedition Mc Graw-Hill, USA, 1995


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

Dynamic (vibration) analysis of a three axle trailer


Final year project By Birhanu M. and Girma D

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