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Predicting academic success in higher education and what’s more important than being


Through the journal that we have read, this journal showed that the investigated the
combined predictive validity of intelligence and also the personality factors on multiple measures
of academic achievement. This journal have been completed with the survey by the student from
college of higher education in the Netherlands which they have measured intelligence, the Big
Five personality traits, motivation, and four specific personality traits of among others students.
In this journal also, student's performance was measured with grade point average (GPA) and
time to graduation, as well as with five specific performance measured such as in regular exams,
skills training, team projects, internships, and a written thesis also have be done . The results
show that 33% of the variance in GPA and 30% of the variance in time to graduation can be
explained by combining intelligence, personality, and motivational predictors. Conscientiousness
is the best predictor across a broad spectrum of academic achievement measures and explains
five times as much variance in GPA as does intelligence. Furthermore, the practical implications
also shows that institutes of higher education should collect the personality data on students at
the outset and then help students accordingly. In this journal stated that the conscientious student
and internally motivated might potentially can be offered more challenging programs with
corresponding special commendations on their diplomas, whereas students who score low on
conscientious would receive more structure through student study groups, frequent deadlines,
shorter assignments, group assignments, clearly defined learning goals, and less second chances
for passing examinations. The most important keywords of academic success are higher
education, Intelligence, motivation and also high personality.

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