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The second contrast that we get from the both video is about high dependency social media.

From the first video by Bailey Parnell, we know that her dependency on social media is high and
she have been grown up with it in academically, professionally, and personally since she was
young and she feel very comfortable with it. High dependency on social media can cause our
daily activities to be delayed such as the example that have been given by the presenter is she
always has no time to eat because she spend more time with the social media. Besides that, there
are three diagnoses that have been stated which are anxiety, depression and stress. In the other
word is, these three diagnoses are also categories as bad side effect when we spend more time on
social media. In addition, social media will make we feel addiction which is we will feel good
when gain more social currency. We need to minimize our time on social media because some
time it can rising up level of anxiety and also depression. Compared to the second video by
………. which is the presenter has not used the phone since she was younger with only grew up
with a healthy environment and less time on social media. The presenter has more time to
communicate with the people around her and at the same time she also has been taught to be self-
reliant since she was young for example she was able to create her own toys since she are used to
it. This way are more better because we have been trained to explore what's around us with
creative things and this has allowed our minds to be more open to new ideas. We should think
the all the possibilities with off our phone instead of on our phone because there are more things
that we can do without gadgets and social media furthermore we can avoid and decrease the
disturbance on that.

The next contrast from the video is about developing skills. From the second video, the
presenter has been explain that she can live without the phone and there are more skills that she
developed from her surrounding with creating various type of toys. Though this skill, she have
more opportunity and time to create something new for example she have been successful create
her project when she was still in study. This is proved that disconnecting with other on social
media also can help us to connect and create something creative with the skills. When we spend
less time on phone or social media, this allow us to more communicate to others, more eyes
contact and more new experience that we get compared to the first video which is the presenter
at the beginning she are unable to get used to it without her gadget and social media since she
has been used them from young. In other aspect, we should be aware of this because we are not
trained to seek the experience and we will not develops any skills when we spend too more time
on social media and in addiction we will lack of communication face to face. Besides, spending
more time on online also will turn people to the dark side and we should prepare the preventative
strategies and coping strategies to avoid it. What we can conclude from this paragraph is, we
should practice to use our own hand to make something creative and not just spend time to see
and find anything on the social media.

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