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First Aid Course General

Final Exam
Istanbul, 2020

Prepared by: Yasmin Samy Fouad

ID No. : 4D190084
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1. Three people who have attended a first aid course have traveled intercity. While going on the road, they
see a minibus that fell over the edge of the road. They try to see the accident by slowing down, they see
that there are people who need help at the accident site and go to the overturned van. They evaluate the
case environment. According to the initial evaluations, there are 8 people in the minibus, 4 of them
standing. Two people who are not thought to be injured by the people standing; they take out a 40-year-
old woman (Victim 1) who is left in the vehicle, unconscious, breathing stopped. On the other hand, there
is another person lying on the ground. This person is an unconscious but breathing teenager who is lying
on the ground at the age of 15 (victim 2). As they approached the teenager, they realize that his right arm
had deformity. On the back seat of the van, he cried at the age of 65 (Kazazede 3), There is a victim 65
years old (victim 3), was holding his ankle by crying, and says "My wrist was cut.", his ankle was
bleeding strong and interruptly. There is no one around, except for the driver, who is afraid outside, who
takes his head from despair and who sits outside without knowing what to do. In this case; (50p)
a. What are the problems in this scenario for you? Please describe.
b. Indicate what is the purpose of the first aid attempts you will make according to this scenario.
c. Write the first aid applications according to the scenario in order of priority together with the steps of
the procedure.
2. Mr. A. went to his older sister for breakfast to visit his older sister and 9-month-old niece, whom he
had not seen for a long time. Seeing that the baby threw an olive in his mouth and swallowed it during
breakfast, Mr. A. noticed that the baby could not make a sound and started to turn purple. On the other
hand, he saw that her sister tried to stand up quickly and the hot tea glass on the table, which her sister hit
with her hand, was poured into her arm and hand. First, her older sister screamed because of the burn, and
then "Why doesn't my baby sound?" He observed that she was shouting and asked for help from Mr. A. In
this case; (40p)
a. What are the problems in this scenario for you? Please describe.
b. Indicate what is the purpose of the first aid attempts you will make according to this scenario.
c. Write the first aid applications according to the scenario in order of priority together with the steps of
the procedure.

3. Explain the importance of first aid for your department.? (5p)

4. For you, what is the most useful dimension of this course, explain shortly? (5p)

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1 a) issues in this scenario are: security, first aid must ensure that the accident area is safe and that
someone watches the road to save the first aid and support the wounded. The ambulance service should
be called immediately. the woman (victim 1) requires an urgent artificial respiration and she also requires
to get out of the minibus properly by Rentek Maneuver is unconscious, the teenager on the ground needs
to get his arm repaired to be in a comma position to he should not be moved before the emergency service
arrives. The old man who's in the van's back seat needs assistance to stop his bleeding.

1 b) Environmental protection for the safety of first aid workers should be carried out to allow them to
make the interventions required. To get emergency assistance, call 112.Women (victim 1) need urgent
artificial respiration to have opening airway so that they can breathe again and prevent their case from
getting worse and not have a cardiac arrest, and Rentek Maneuvra can hold it.To open air before artificial
respiration, head down chin up position is maintained because tongue can return or any foreign object can
close airway. His vital signs should be evaluated and put on coma position for the unconscious teenager
to allow for lung Expansion . His right arm may be broken or dislocated . For the old man sitting in the
back seat of the overturned car, urgent action is needed to stop bleeding so as not to lose his
consciousness and evaluation of the nature and extent of the damage is required to ensure that there is no

c) first aiders must first determine their seriousness, primary first aid applications, first aid process, and
health. they should be calm and make decisions quickly. they should count the number of victims who
require assistance. There are three people in this case who need an urgent response and three first aid
personnel who can assist individually. There are three people. First helper(1) should go to the 40-year-
old woman (1), and take the woman properly from the minibus rather than the two guys. She's
unconscious and could be injured. It was to be carried to her by Rentek Maneuvra, the first assistant to
ask one of the two men, who are thought to be uninjured, to call the emergency 112 and to register the
accident and the number of victims and their cases. The other man goes to make sure that the road is clear
and warn the other cars by sign or other signals available to them that there is an accident and slows down
to ensure the safety of primary aid workers and people in an accident, so that first-aid workers can
intervene and assist the injured. The first assistant (number1) should make her asware by telling her if
she's all right!And he's sure his knees don't catch in the accelerator and force the seatbelt out; he's and put
his hands under her axilla and grab the arm with his one hand and hold the other to lift it out of the car.
The ABC is checked afterwards. First mouth is seen and tight clothes are opened on the neck or thorax
after the object is threw out. The head is chin up position: one hand is put to the head and two fingers are
put on the chin. Tongue is therefore taken away. It's open and air way. The second (B) breath is managed
with the listening sensation method after opening airway in about 10 seconds.When regular breathing is
still missing, the first aid will immediately start artificial breathing. Thirdly, you feel your pulse in the
throat by pressing your first and middle finger to the side of your neck.If breath or pulse is not yet present
or pulsation is weak.The CPR should begin at once. First aid should sit on the heels near the woman and
push on the heart. Sternum is found and the last part of the bone is pulled on the first side, the fingers
should not touch the thorax and arms should be kept as straight as 5 cm of sternum in a minute as 100
times as often. The chin up is repeated at the head down. Nose is closed to the forehead with hand fingers.
A normal breath is received with your head down chin and your mouth is placed in the mouth of the
patient. 30 cardiac massages (30,2). 30,2. It should be done until the signs of life are returning or
emergency care is coming. The second one helps the child, first of all he must examine ABC. First of all

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(A) the air route is inspected. The first mouth is seen and tight clothes are opened on the neck and chin on
the head: one hand is placed on the head, and the two hand fingers are on the chin, the head on the
forehead and the chin is held up. Tongue is therefore removed and the airway is opened. After the route is
opened up to the air, second (B) respiration is checked using the listening sensor method with the aid of
10 seconds. His aorta pulse in his neck by the first and middle of his finger to his side under the jaw and
to the windpipe, just beneath his neck. The boy breathes but unconsciously it must be placed in the coma
position but not in the right arm because his right arm has deformities, so that he can be broken or
dislocated and must be fixed and not moved. If the ring or watch is on its right arm that has deformation,
(edema could damage tissues). It should be removed. The first assistant will straighten the child's arm and
legs except his right arm. The left arm should be positioned at a right angle to the child's body. The knee
of the boy's right side then twists. The first helper gently flips the kid to his left side and adjusts the top
leg, while supporting the head and neck of the guy with the one hand and connecting his right arm with
the other hand, so that the hip and the knee are both bent at the correct angle. He then heads back and
ensures that the airways are clear and open. Do all this while the boy's right arm is fixed. Different
fabrics, including coats, scarf, hat, animation, etc., are used.First of all, the right arm shall be wrapped in a
soft cloth with materials such as caps, scarves, cravats, cartoons... etc attached to the chest. The first aides
should be ready for artificial respiration and CPR in the event of the boy stopping his breathing until
emergency support arrives, and should continue to check his pulse and respiration for each 3-5 minutes.
The third one helps the 65-year-old (victim 3) and tries to bring him out to end his bloody conditions. If
the old man is weak, he can easy get him out by carrying him back but if he is fat the first aide ask driver
and carryhim along (a golden cradle of two hands). The elderly man is placed on the base and the first
helper inspects the ABC. The old man speaks, so he's well aware. Then assess the wound region and
apply direct pressure immediately on the wound covered by hand or improvise barrier (with both wrist
and ankle). Then lift your old man 's legs by 45 degrees and periodically check his pulse and breath
before emergency services arrive.

2.a) issues with this situation are that a 9-month old kid chocked and needs urgent help, his sister has
burned her hand and arm and needs assistance as well.2 B) pressure is exerted on the abdomen by
"Heimilich maneuver" to release an olive and open the airway to re-air. In order to reduce the temperature
to make room for swelling it must place its hand and its arm under cool water for 20 minutes and remove
any jewel or clothing

[1] Mr.A goes to the baby first and carries out Rentek maneuvers and..For a secret handling: The baby's
face is placed on the first aid hand, the baby's chin is holding with thumb and other fingers and the baby
bends to the front, the head should be tight and down from the carcass; it is beat as five times in between
with the bracelet scapulas, the head holds and turns on the other arm, MR A checks whether it is out or
not. For a secret handling:If not, it is stored down as the head is down, and pressure is exerted as five
times with two fingers on the sternum downside to the upper side of the abdomen. MR A tell his sister to
call emergency 112. for a minimum of 20 minutes Mr A runs down his sister's arm and hand and
underneath the cool water. Cover the burn with a damp bandage or clean cloth and raise the area around
the heart.
3. First aid is important in PTR because of the nature of our profession, which includes regular exercises,
machines and tools, and patients who may have other health problems and are not accustomed to this type

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of movement pattern, which may cause sometimes, so we may see ourselves face to face with a choking
accident Or a heart attack or ... etc.

4- The ability to help in emergency situations, it is a great thing to be able to help a person save they life
instead of watching without an idea of what is happening or what you should do, especially as this may
happen to anyone, even family members.

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