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Impact of Electro Magnetic Fields & Different Ways of EMF Shielding

A Brief Report


Impact of Electro Magnetic Fields


Different Ways of EMF Shielding

Submitted by: Punpreet Singh

Date of submission: 19/09/2007

Submitted to: Dr. R. M. Mehra

Impact of Electro Magnetic Fields & Different Ways of EMF Shielding

List of Contents

What is EMF………………………………………………………. Page 1

Different Sources of EMF…………………………………………. Page 2
Effect of EMF on Human Body…………………………………… Page 7
EMF Shielding and Products Used………………………………... Page 8
Conclusion…………………………………………………………. Page 11
References…………………………………………………………. Page 12


Figure 1 Electric & magnetic fields around a wire when there is current
flowing…........................................................................................... Page 1
Figure 2 Lightening and
Thunderstorm……………………………………………………… Page 2
Figure 3 Kitchen Appliances………………………………………. Page 3
Figure 4 Air Conditioner…………………………………………… Page 3
Figure 5 High Tension Electric Wire Poles………………………… Page 4

Table 1 Typical electric field strength of household appliances at various

distances.......................................................................................... Page 5
Table 2: Typical magnetic field strength of household appliances at various
distances.......................................................................................... Page 6

What is EMF?

According to WHO (2007), Electro Magnetic Fields also, known as EMF, are a
combination of both electric as well as magnetic fields. Electro magnetic fields are
energy waves with frequencies below 300 hertz or cycles per second.

Current, by definition, is the flow of charge. One amp of current is produced when
one coulomb of charge passes by a point in one second. As current flows down a
wire, the charge density at any point along the wire changes, as a function of the
current at that point in time. This charge density creates a field that radiates as a
vector directly away from the wire (see Figure 1). Electric fields are created by
difference in voltage; with rise in voltage the electric filed becomes stronger. This
field remains constant even if the current is not present.

Figure 1: Electric and magnetic fields around a wire when there is current

Source: Brooks, D. (n.d.)

When current flows, there is also a magnetic field that is generated around the wire.
This is the fundamental concept behind an electromagnet. This magnetic field radiates
away from the wire in a circular fashion (Brooks, n.d.). Stronger the current, greater is
the magnetic field.

The combination of these two fields creates an electromagnetic field. It is not possible
to have a current flow without an electromagnetic field. The magnetic field can’t get
out in front of or lag behind the electric field. The electrons can’t get in front of or lag
behind either of field. All three must travel together. That is why signal propagation
time is determined, not by how fast the electrons can travel in a wire, but by how fast
the electromagnetic field can travel in the medium it travels through.

Different Sources of EMF:

Electro Magnetic Fields are everywhere in the environment. They are not only outside
our homes but are also found very much inside. Electric fields are produced by the
local build-up of electric charges in the atmosphere associated with lightening and
thunderstorms. The earth's magnetic field causes a compass needle to orient in a
North-South direction and is used by birds and fish for navigation as the magnetic
waves travel from North towards South.

Figure2: Lightening and Thunderstorm


Beside natural sources these Electro Magnetic Fields are produced through man made
products which consist of electrical use. For example: Electrical appliances which are
daily used like Microwaves, Mixers, Juicers; Geysers, Television, Mobile phones and
bases. These fields are also created through Medical equipments like X-ray Machines,
Cancer treating machines, CT Scanners, Ultra Sound Machines etc. In Brief, each and
every product which runs on current produces these electro magnetic fields.

Some of the regularly used appliances can be seen in the following pictures:

The following picture (Figure 3 clearly depicts kitchen appliances like electric gas,
oven, dishwasher.
Figure 3: Kitchen Appliances


Another major EMF producer is an Air conditioner (Figure 4). It is a devil in disguise
as has become more of a need than luxury in present times.

Figure 4: Air Conditioner


The major part of the electro magnetic waves are created by the man made high
tension cables( Figure 5), which are carriers of enormous amount of electric current.
Figure 5: High Tension Electric Wire Poles


Following tables (Table 1 and Table 2) provide a basic view of the strength of the
electric and magnetic field produced by the appliances and the impact of the waves
from different distances.
Table 1: Typical electric field strength of household appliances at various distances

Distance from Source

(Strength in mG) - median
6" 1' 2' 4'

Hair dryers 300

Electric shavers 100 20
Blenders 70 10 2
Can openers 600 150 20 2
Microwave ovens 200 40 10 2
Electric ranges 30 8 2
Refrigerators 2 2 1
Toaster 10 3
Washing Machine 20 7 1
Vacuum cleaners 300 60 10 1
Color TV's 7 2
Electric blankets 3
Drills 150 30 4
Power Saws 200 40 5
Fluorescent Lighting 6 2 2 1

This table clearly shows the effect of the electromagnetic waves from different areas.
Farther the product from the body, lesser is the EMF effect.

Table 2: Typical magnetic field strength of household appliances at various distances

Electric 3 cm 30 cm 1 m distance
appliance distance distance (µT)
(µT) (µT)

Hair dryer 6 – 2000 0.01 – 7 0.01 – 0.03

Electric 15 – 1500 0.08 – 9 0.01 – 0.03


Vacuum 200 – 800 2 – 20 0.13 – 2


Fluorescent 40 – 400 0.5 – 2 0.02 – 0.25


Microwave 73 – 200 4–8 0.25 – 0.6


Portable 16 – 56 1 < 0.01


Electric oven 1 – 50 0.15 – 0.5 0.01 – 0.04

Washing 0.8 – 50 0.15 – 3 0.01 – 0.15


Iron 8 – 30 0.12 – 0.3 0.01 – 0.03

Dishwasher 3.5 – 20 0.6 – 3 0.07 – 0.3

Computer 0.5 – 30 < 0.01

Refrigerator 0.5 – 1.7 0.01 – 0.25 <0.01

Colour TV 2.5 – 50 0.04 – 2 0.01 – 0.15

With most household appliances the magnetic field strength

at a distance of 30 cm is well below the guideline limit for
the general public of 100 µT.
(Source: Federal Office for Radiation Safety, Germany 1999 citied in

Note: Normal operating distance is given in bold

Effect of EMF of Human Body:

Tiny electrical currents exist in the human body due to the chemical reactions that
occur as part of the normal bodily functions, even in the absence of external electric
fields. For example, nerves relay signals by transmitting electric impulses. Most
biochemical reactions from digestion to brain activities go along with the
rearrangement of charged particles. Even the heart is electrically active - an activity
that your doctor can trace with the help of an electrocardiogram.

Impact of electro magnetic fields on the human body is a very controversial subject.
There had been many researches done to understand the impact and the amount of
effect it can cause to the human body. Heating is the main biological effect of the
electromagnetic fields of radiofrequency fields. In microwave ovens this fact is
employed to warm up food. The levels of radiofrequency fields to which people are
normally exposed are very much lower than those needed to produce significant
heating. The heating effect of radio waves forms the underlying basis for current
guidelines. Scientists are also investigating the possibility that effects below the
threshold level for body heating occur as a result of long-term exposure. To date, no
adverse health effects from low level, long-term exposure to radiofrequency or power
frequency fields have been confirmed, but scientists are actively continuing to
research this area. (WHO, 2007)

At the same time there are other sources which have come up with the following

• Just 2 hours of exposure to Cell phones caused brain cancer in rats.

• Brain Cancer and Brain Tumor have increased 25% since the release of the
Cell phone.

• Sleeping on an electric blanket is being immersed in EMF Waves the entire


• Hands-free devices DO NOT reduce the danger, in fact they increase it by

acting as an antenna drawing more EMF

• Testicular Cancer has increased 50% since the release of the Cell phone.

• Younger people are more vulnerable to EMF waves due to skull-thickness,

which is maturing and growing.

• 35% of Americans rank EMF as their #1 Environmental Health Concern -

USA Today. (Emf Buster, n.d.)

This shows that this subject is surely very controversial but also that the low
frequency electro magnetic fields do not cause any adverse effect but the high level
surely do. Therefore, the best option is to take precautions and maintain reasonable
distance from these waves.

EMF Shielding and Products used:

Even if it can be said that the subject of EMF is controversial but still there are many
scientific reasons like the magnetic waves from North towards South and proven
movements of electrical as well as magnetic fields, which makes us to consider the
impact of EMF on human body more seriously. The procedure and ways by which
one can safeguard from the effect of electro magnetic waves is known as Electro
Magnetic Shielding. This shielding is very helpful to control the adverse impact of
EMF on the physical and mental health.

Following are some of the products which can be used to shield oneself from this

1) Magnetic Shielding Film:

These films are suitable for applications or appliances

requiring high saturation and good permeability. They
can be used small shields on magnets, motors,
speakers and appliances such as refrigerators, vacuum
cleaners etc. Also, great for lining car floor or
firewall. Perfect for full or partial wall / floor
shielding in rooms. Can be glued, taped, nailed,
screwed or riveted into place. Could even be used to make a (heavy weight) vest to
shield a person's torso! Works with AC or DC magnetic fields (0-1000 Hz), and will
tolerate temperatures from 32° to 122°F. Coating is UV sensitive, cover if installation
is exposed to direct sunlight.

2) Magnetic Shielding Foil:

Used for years in industry to shield

delicate electronic components from
EMF, magnetic shielding alloy is now
available at affordable prices for home
and office use. This 80% nickel alloy is
easy to trim with scissors and shape by
hand. This can work as magnetic
barriers on cellular phones, microwave
ovens, doorbell transformers, VDTs, buried wiring, and more. With snug fitting
shapes, get as much as 75% attenuation of the magnetic field with one thickness.
Multiple layers can be used for even greater reduction. (Less, 2007).

3) High-Frequency EMF Pollution Reducer:

High-frequency EMF pollution that is carried in wiring has

been shown to be the source of electrical sensitivity symptoms
for some people. This high-frequency EMF pollution is
produced by common household items such as electric motors
(found in hair-dryers, blenders, can openers, etc), loose wires,
and especially dimmer switches. The pollution reducer does not use electricity. It can
reduce the electricity bill and do not interfere with any computers, TV's. or other
appliances. Installation is simple and enables you to avoid expensive electrician
service calls. The suppressors are portable, so can be moved from one site to another.
This is NOT a bio-energetic device. Special electronic circuitry simply drains the
high-frequency pollution out of the wiring system (Less, 2007).

4) Full Spectrum Radiation Shield/ Contour Filters:

Contour Filters are custom-fitting glare and radiation screens

designed to fit both flat and curved monitors. Unique mount
slides easily over any shaped monitor and stays firmly in
place. They are manufactured of high quality, optically pure
annealed glass, with multiple thin film Anti-Reflective
coatings on both sides for sharp image display (Less,

5) Different EMF Shielding Fabrics/ Dress Material:

a) Natura Shield Fabric:

Advance technology has created a fiber which has the

conductive components on the inside, with pure natural
cotton on the outside. The result is a fabric which is gentle
to the skin, has a great feel, and still provides 20-35 dB from
100 MHz to 2.2 GHz, and residual performance up to 10
GHz, according to independent test results. Surface
resistivity is 109 Ohm/sq. Perfect for bedding, clothing,
drapes and most other applications where you want
shielding without the harshness of metallized fabrics.
Completely machine washable and dryable (cool) without
losing shielding performance, cuts and sews like ordinary
cotton, 125 g/m², 60" wide, white as snow with a fine grey
grid (Less, 2007).

b) RF Suit:

It is a 2-part RF shielding garment. It consists of a long sleeve

T-shirt and long pants with comfortable elastic waistband. It is
made from very comfortable 90% cotton and 10% Silver with
no other toxic metals or additives. Garment achieves 99% RF
attenuation over the frequency range from 800 MHz to 18 GHz.
In addition, the high conductivity of silver causes this suit to
have antistatic behavior, plays an important role in minimizing
body odor, and has a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of
bacteria (actually acts as an antiseptic!) (Less, 2007).

c) Apron:

This unique apron is constructed using a special cotton based

shielding fabric which is a highly effective RF shield, providing 25-
35 dB from 200 MHz to 3.3 GHz according to independent test results. Soft feel and
gentle to the skin. Completely machine washable and dryable (cool) without losing
shielding performance. Generously cut for comfort and great "neck to hip" protection
for pregnant women, computer and microwave oven users, TV or radio station
workers, research and hospital workers, or anywhere people are exposed to RF
radiation (Less, 2007).

d) Scarf:

This scarf is pure Silver Lining fabric, nicely hemmed. Light and airy
and very unobtrusive, this scarf is very user friendly. It provides 90%
or better shielding to 1 GHz and beyond (Less, 2007).

6) Conductive Glass:

Conductive glass can be used as windows (in conjunction with

shielded external walls), internal partitions or enclosures to provide
very good attenuation using the "Faraday Cage Principle". Helps
prevent spying into information held on computers and loss of data or
other equipment malfunction due to Radar, Cell Phone or other
interference, and reduces human exposure to unwanted
electromagnetic radiation. The complete absence of any metal mesh
and high light transmission make the product unique (Less,

7) Shielding Window Film/ Tint:

Most RF entering or leaving a room will go through the windows.

Shielding the windows is the logical first step to reduce your
exposure. The benefits of window shielding include controlling heat
gain or loss, and improved safety, security, energy efficiency, and
appearance of your building. Window tint transmits approximately
50% of visible light and rejects up to 79% of the heat that would
otherwise come through the window. That can translate into a
savings of about one ton of air conditioning for every 100 square
feet of glass exposed to sunlight. Window film also keeps the
premises warmer in the winter months by reflecting manmade heat
back into the building. This can reduce heat loss by up to 30% to
save you money and improve occupant comfort. By blocking out
98% of UV light, it protects from the sun's harmful rays and
significantly reduces fabric and furniture fade. In addition, window
films reduce glare to improve indoor visibility, especially with respect to computer
monitors and televisions (Less, 2007).

The above mentioned examples are some of the products of the never ending list of
products, which are used for the EMF shielding purpose. But, surely they provide help
and protection from any effect caused by the electro magnetic waves.

8) High Frequency Shielding Paint:

These paints are easy to apply water-based paint for walls, ceilings,
doors and other interior OR exterior surfaces. Very effective for
blocking cell phone signals, CB, TV, AM, FM signals,
radiofrequency radiation and microwaves. Tested highly effective
up to 18 GHz. Based on a high quality pure acrylic binder, this
shielding paint offers a perfect compromise of excellent
attenuation, high water resistance and good ecology. Good
adhesion on many surfaces and substrates like latex paint,
construction boards, cement, plaster, polystyrene, masonry
surfaces, etc.

Electromagnetic waves are created not only by natural but also by man made reasons.
Everyday activities of Human beings revolve around appliances which regularly
produce elector magnetic waves. It has been found that the low level waves do not
affect the human health but high level do effect. Still there is a lot of controversial
angle towards this. To conclude it can be said that since human beings are so used to
luxurious life that the products which used to be luxury some time back have become
necessity in today’s time. But, while enjoying the lap of luxury and good comfortable
living it is very important that these electrical products should be properly used.
While using these products everyone should follow the correct procedure to shield
oneself from the effect of the electro magnetic waves by using EMF shielding
products like EMF shielding clothes, screens, paints etc so that each human being can
lead a healthy and tension free life along with enjoying environment which is
electrical pollution free.

Brook, D. (n.d.) Electromagnetic Field Basics: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
[Internet]. Available from: <
%20fields.pdf> [Accessed on 10 September 2007].

Ener-G-Polari-T (2006) Why Protect Against EMF [Internet]. Ener-G-Polari-T.

Available from: <>
[Accessed on 10 September 2007].

EMF Buster (n.d.) Know The Dangers [Internet]. EMF Buster. Available from: <> [Accessed on 11 September 2007].

Less EMF Inc. (2007) Personal EMF Shielding Devices [Internet]. Less EMF Inc.
Available from: <> [Accessed on 11
September 2007].

Less EMF Inc. (2007) EMF Shielding for CRT Computers & TVs [Internet]. Less
EMF Inc. Available from: <> [Accessed on
11 September 2007].

Less EMF Inc. (2007) High-Frequency ElectroMagnetic Pollution Remover

[Internet]. Less EMF Inc. Available from: <>
[Accessed on 11 September 2007].

Less EMF Inc. (2007) Magnetic Field Shielding [Internet]. Less EMF Inc. Available
from: <> [Accessed on 11 September 2007].

Less EMF Inc. (2007) Best selection, great prices on Conductive Plastic & Glass
EMF Shielding Devices and Materials [Internet]. Less EMF Inc. Available from:
<> [Accessed on 11 September 2007].
Less EMF Inc. (2007) EMF Shielding & Conductive Fabrics [Internet]. Less EMF
Inc. Available from: <> [Accessed on 11
September 2007].

WHO (2007) What are Electromagnetic Fields [Internet]. WHO. Available from: <> [Accessed on 11 September

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