Examination Questions English Faculty (British and American Studies), 2019-2020 Great Britain

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(British and American Studies), 2019-2020

Great Britain

1. Describe the geographical position of the British Isles offering an explanation for its
advantages and disadvantages. Define the term “continental shelf”, its importance for the
2. Give an account of the physical geography of the British Isles describing the varied relief
features. Examine the main rivers and lakes of Great Britain, the climate and weather. Account
for the chief mineral resources of Great Britain.
3. Examine the main stages in the formation of the population of Great Britain (Ancient
Britain, The Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons).
4. Describe the Danish raids on England. The struggle of Alfred the Great and its results.
Scandinavian borrowings in English.
5. Outline the Norman Conquest and the establishment of feudalism in England and further
consolidation of the English state. The Norman conquest and its influence on the development
of England. The main dates in the formation of the United Kingdom.
6. Give the main characteristics of the modern population of Great Britain (size, density).
Immigration and its effects: the visible minority and its role in contemporary Britain.
7. Analyse some national traits of the British people and character. How different are the
British from other nations?
8. Describe Great Britain as a constitutional monarchy, its role and social influence.
9. Describe the structure and composition of the British Parliament. The House of Lords,
main functions and recent changes. The House of Commons: functions and role. Devolution.
The results of the latest general elections in 2019 and the changes after Brexit.
10. Discuss the British electoral system. The majority electoral system and its peculiarities.
11. The composition of the British government. The role of the British Prime Minister and the
Cabinet. Explain the term “Shadow Cabinet” and its significance.
12. Expand on the formation, development and role of the Commonwealth of Nations in the
contemporary world and of Britain’s contribution to this organization. How different are the
British from other nations?
13. Discuss the British in their private life, their love of gardens. Leisure and sports in their
14. The conflict in Northern Ireland, its solution in contemporary Britain.
15. Give a general assessment of the role of Britain in the present world. The main issues of
the home and foreign policy of the present government. Brexit and its consequences.
16. Characterize the major political parties in the UK (Conservative, Labour, Liberal
Democrats and other). The position of the major parties in Parliament after the latest general
elections (2019) and the changes after Brexit.
17. The role of the church in Britain today. The established churches in the country. Decline of
church attendance, reasons.
1. Give an account of the geographical position of the United States, its advantages and
disadvantages. The size of the country, its composition.
2. Outline the physical features of the United States. The chief mountain ranges and plains.
The main rivers and lakes. The climate and climatic regions. The main mineral resources and
their role.
3. Describe how the New World was settled paying attention to the story of the Native
Americans – unique, tragic and inspiring. How do they fare today? Their contribution to the
country and American English.
4. Examine the beginning of the colonization of North America by the first settlers from
Europe. What considerations influenced many people to move to America? Who were the
Pilgrim Fathers? Why are they held so high by the Americans? The Mayflower Compact.
5. Describe the role of immigration in the making of the American nation – a “melting pot” of
nations. Characterize the main ethnic groups. Give a brief survey of the present population of
the USA: density, distribution and other characteristics.
6. Discuss the reasons, development and consequences of the War of Independence (1775-
7. Expand on the basic values of the American nation. Explain their importance. The “frontier
heritage”, the heroes. What is political correctness? Refer to examples in language.
8. The territorial expansion of the USA in the first half of the 19 th century. The growing
antagonism between the North and the South, the violation of the Missouri Compromise of
1820 and its consequences.
9. The prelude, chief events of the Civil War (1861-1865) and its major consequences.
10. The development of the USA after the Civil War. The Reconstruction period and the great
technological progress. Territorial expansion. Imperialism.
11. Describe how and when the American Constitution was adopted. The structure of the
Constitution and its principles. The Bill of Rights and its role.
12 The role and the structure of the Congress – the supreme legislative body. Its main
13. Examine the institution of the American presidency, its power and functions. Topical
issues of the home and foreign policy of the present administration in the 21st century.
14. Describe the process of presidential elections, their indirect character. What is meant by an
“electoral college”. Comment on the results of the presidential elections of the year 2016 and
the new leadership in 2017.
15. Explain what is meant by a “strict division and separation of powers” between the
Congress, the President, the Supreme Court and the system of checks and balances under the
16. Characterize the main political parties in the USA (the Republicans, the Democrats –
history, political platform and role today after the elections in 2018.
17. Describe the national Symbols of the USA: the flag, the Great Seal, the National Anthem
and the 10 federal holidays.

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