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1 вопрос


 Island of Man is famous for own government

 Hebrides- fishing

 Oakneys- oil transport

 The biggest – GB

 Shetland Islands – Scottish pony

2 вопрос

The relief is represented by Highlands, Lowlands, deep valleys, plains. The highest parts are in Scotland.
North Wales, North of England and the central region of England.

 Mineral:
o Coal and iron: Yorkshire and Longshore, South of Wales, Central Scotland and the
o Oil and gas: from continental shelf in the North Sea
o Non-ferrous metals: in Devon and Cornwall
o Clay, chalk, sand and gravel important for building industry
o Kind of salt for chemical industry
 Rivers:
o Flow into the North Sea
 Scotland – Tweed, Dee, Tay
 England – Trent, Humber, Tees
o Flow into the Irish Sea
 Scotland – Clyde
 Wales – Wye
 England - Eden

3 вопрос

1. Iberians – 3000 BC (Neolithic)

 Come from territory of the present Spain
 They accorded the EC in small bats
 They lived in Ireland and the West GB
 Made axe of stone
2. The Breaker Folk – 2400 BC
 Come from East of Europe
 Known for their pottery that was found in their graves
3. The Picts – 1000 BC
 Live in Scotland
 Deviated into: group of Celts and mixture of Iberians and Celts
4. The Celts – 800 BC
 From central Europe
 Celtic irangers:
o Gaelic Celts (700 BC) – in Scotland
o Brythonic Celts (600-500 BC) – in England, Wales
o Belgae (100 BC) – central part of GB
 Celtic words: the Severn, London, Britain, «Avon» means water Celtic, prefix «mac»
5. The Romans – 55 BC
 Julius Caesar attacked Britain
 Reason: economy – Britain was important food producer; politic – for slaves for army
and riches
 Brought writing and reading and the traditions of bath
 Words:
o Food, drink (cheese, peas, wine)
o Building (road, street)
o Bishop, mess, belt, monastery
 Roman’s town ending ‘chester’, ‘custer’ (Manchester, Chester, Lancaster)
 Built road, towns, walls (Hadrian’s wall)
6. The Anglo-Saxons – 5th century AD
 Germanic tribs:
o Angles (Denmark)
o Saxons (Germany)
o Juts (Denmark)
 Regected slavery
 the begging of feudalism
 Worlds:
o Germanic words – Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday
o Danish – neck, skin, shirt, sky
 Germanic kingdoms:
o Angles — East-Anglia, Kent, Mercia, Northumbria
o Saxons — Wessex, Essex, Sussex
o Jutes – kingdom of Kent

4 вопрос - Describe the Danish raids on England (Alfred)

 In the 9th century the Vikings from Denmark and the north men from Scandinavia started to
attack England
 It started from 793
 The most powerful kingdom of England was Wessex
 The first king of Egbert (9th century). He united the kingdoms in 829
 Alfred became the king in 871 (871 – 901)
 The great battle was in 891 at Maldon
 The battle of Edighton in 878
 Alfred:
o built the first English Navy
o He worked out a code of laws
o He translated from Latin into Anglo-Saxons the Church history and parts of Bible
o He started the famous Anglo-Saxons Chronicle
o He encouraged education
o He chose English languages than Latin
o 886 – Wedmore Treaty – the county was divided into two parts: under Saxons and
under Danes (The East and the North-East)
o Some names ending: ‘by, toft, son, thorpe’ (Jason, Lovstoft, Wikinson)

5 вопрос - the Norman Conquest

 The last of the conqueror was the Normans from France

o 1066 – William became the king of England after the battle of Hastings
o 1086 – William wanted to know how many people lived in England. ‘DOMESDAY BOOK’
o 1096 – the first crusade begins
o 1169 – Hangry 2 of England started conquer Ireland
o 1282 – Wales was actually conquered by the Norman English
o 1314 – the battle of Bannockborn (with scitlaned)
o 1536-1542 – two acted of union between England and Wales.
o 1603 – Monarchial union of England and Scotland
o 1707 – acts of union of GB
o 1797 – Scotland and England had single Parliament
o 1801 – Ireland joined with GB
o Since 1921 – UK of GB and NI in its today borders
o 664 – Christianity was officially adopted in England
 The French became official
 Feudalism formed:
o The king owned all or most of the land and gave it to his leading vassals in return for
their loyalty and military service. The nobles in turn held land that peasants, including
serfs, were allowed to farm in return for the peasants' labor and a portion of their
 Domesday book – name of William’s register (учет). This is the first official record of property
owners in England.

6 вопрос - Give the main characteristics of the modern population of Great Britain. Immigration

 The population of the UK is about 65 million

 Average population density is 250 persons per square
 84% - England; 9% - Wales, 5% - Scotland, 3% - Ireland
o England is the most populated part of UK – 49 million people. In London – 7 million
(densely population – 380 persons)
o Scotland – the population – 5 million (density – 64 persons)
o Wales – about 3 million (density – 141 persons)
o NI – about 2 million (density – 120 persons)
 The second largest city is Edinburgh 449 000
 White British – 87.2%, Black British – 3%, Mixed – 2% Indian – 2.3%, Pakistani – 1.9%,
Bangladeshi – 0.7, Chinese – 0.7%, another ethnic group – 3.7%.
 Languages: English is the main languages
o In Wales 20% speak Welsh
o In Scotland over 700 000 speak Scottish
o In NI some families speak Irish
 from Poland (831,000), India (795,000), Pakistan (503,000), Germany (286,000).

7 вопрос - Analyze some national traits of the British people and character.
 Geographical position was one of the most important factors which making a distinctive character of
 The British are known as a self-assured, absolutely confident in their national, tolerant,
 Like travel
 The coast is the popular place of spending time
 Camping holidays with tents
 They live in the house (terraced house, detached, semi-detached houses), they didn’t like flats
 They like competitive sport
 One of the most popular hobbies is gardening. They make pride in their garden, decorate it.
 Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, upper (light snack)

8 вопрос - Describe Great Britain as a constitutional monarchy

 The UK is constitutional monarchy

 The Queen Elizbeth 2 doesn’t make any important decisions without Prime Minister
 She is the symbol of the national union.
 She is head of:
o the state
o the Parliament
o judicial system (судебная система)
o army and navy
o the Anglican church
o the Common Wealth of Nations
 Her functions:
o summons and dissolves parliament
o gives her royal assent to both houses of parliament
o she appoints prime minister and all other ministers
o can give title
o she declares war
 The Constitutional: the power of a monarch is limited by the Constitutional
o There is no written constitution in Britain
o It's not complied in any single document
o 1215 – “Manga Carta” – is the document according to which the power of monarch is
o 1265 – the 1 Parliament was summoned
o 1698 – the bill of rights – was important legal step to constitutional monarchy
 Parliament was to be free elected
 Its members were to have freedom of speech
 The king had no power to stop any law
 No roman catholic could succeed to the throne
o 1701 – the act of Settlement – gave Parliament the rights to decide upon the succession
of the throne
o 1918 – the Representation of the People Act – woman got the rights to vote
o 1999 – the act of 1999 – canceled hereditary principle in the House of Lords
9 вопрос - the British Parliament

 British Parliament (in Westermister Palace, elected every 5 years, has limited power)

The House of Lord

o Consist of – Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal

o Members aren’t elected
o The head of house – LORD Chancellor
o 1999 – important reform – hereditary lords lost the right to sit in House
o Functions:
 Cannot start bills
 Can consider decisions of house of commons, but cannot block it
 Checking and challenging decisions

The House of Commons

o Is the center of parliament power

o Elected every 5 years
o The chief man – the Speaker

Functions of Parliament:

o Make, chancel, change laws

o Taxation
o Discussing the questions

The bills go through the both houses

Devolution – granting of power and its distribution from the central government of a sovereign state to
government at a subnational level.

The Reserve Matters – are the questions for which UK Parliament is still responsible.

10 вопрос - Discuss the British electoral system

 The electoral system of UK is called “Simple” - the candidate who will have the majority of votes
become the winner
 The House of Commons is elected
 The UK divided into 650 districts. Each district elects one candidate. The member who wins the
majority of the votes becomes the leading party and its leader is Prime Minister and forms the
 The second party become official opposition
 Can elect:
o In age 18
o Live in Britain
o The voting is usually Tuesday
 Since 2019 – Boris Johnson from Conservative party.

11 вопрос – The role of the British Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Explain the term “Shadow

 The party which wins a majority of the votes becomes the leading party and its leader is Prime
 His functions:
o Informs the Queen about the general business of the Government
o Monitors the work of Government, Departments
o Answer to Parliament for all actions of Government
o Make, change the Government
o Form the Cabin
 The Cabin is a conventional organ of Government. Consist of 20 important ministers (Secretary
of state of home departments, foreign and commonwealth affairs, education and science)
 Its functions:
o The find determination of politics
o Control of Government and Departures
 ‘Shadow Cabinet’ – every minister has a shadow minister who check his work. Shadow minister
always from official opposition.

12 вопрос - the Commonwealth of Nations

 The Commonwealth is an interventional organization through which the countries with common
social, political and economic purposes connect with each other.
 The head – the Queen Elizabeth 2
 Formed in – 1949
 Members: 53
 Commonwealth Day – on the second Monday in March
 Members have mini Olympics. Some competitions.
 2018 joined Gambia
 New Zealand, Australia, Cyprus, India, Canada, Pacistan

13 вопрос - Discuss the British in their private life, their love of gardens
 Geographical position was one of the most important factors which making a distinctive character of
 The British are known as a self-assured, absolutely confident in their national, tolerant,
 Like travel
 The coast is the popular place of spending time
 Camping holidays with tents
 They live in the house (terraced house, detached, semi-detached houses), they didn’t like flats
 They like competitive sport
 One of the most popular hobbies is gardening. They make pride in their garden, decorate it.
 Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, upper (light snack)

14 вопрос - The conflict in Northern Ireland

 The problem of NI was closely connected with religion

 Irish divided into: Catholic and Protestants
 1169 – Henry 2 of England started an invention of Ireland. (Large part of Ireland was under
England, but wasn’t much direct control)
 16th century – Henry 4 of England called himself head of Anglian Church, which was Protestant,
but Ireland stayed Catholic
 Ireland was punished by taking most of their land
 At the end of 18th century – was a mass rising against the English colonizers.
 1801 – Ireland joined GB. After starting “the plantation of ulster’
 Population of Ulster became Protestant in majority
 1921 – the South part of Ireland became free state
 1949 – the Irish Republic of Eire
 NI had its own Parliament was in head of Protestants. The Catholics didn’t have equal right
 1969 – conflicted started between this groups
 1998 – the NI Assembly as restored (108 members)
 2003 – elections to NIA were held
 The NIA was established as part of the Belfast Agreement
 2007 – there was election

15 вопрос Give a general assessment of the role of Britain in the present world

Today, about 70% of people in the UK do not want to be farther into the EU

The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 and has now entered an 11-month transition period.

The UK was a leading member of the European Union. The UK also enjoys bilateral cooperation with
Belarus in a range of areas. The two countries concluded an Agreement on conditions for the
recuperation of Belarusian minors in the UK.

16 вопрос Characterize the major political parties in the UK

 dominated parties:
1. The Labour Party (1900) is a center-left political party. The leader – Keir Stamer. The
party’s platform emphasizes greater state intervention, social justice and strengthening
worker’s rights.
2. The Conservative Party (1834) is a center-right political party. Leader – Boris Johnson.
Notable members are Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill. The party has generally
adopted Liberal economic policies – favoring free market economics, pursuing
privatization, opposing Irish reunification and Welsh and Scottish independence.
3. The Liberal Democrats (1988) is a liberal political party. Leader – Jo Swinson.
4. Scottish National Party (1934) - Scottish Nationalsocial democracy party in Scotland. The
Scottish National Party sypporse and contain Scottish independence within England. The
second largest party by membership

After the latest UK general election (2019):

 Resulted
1. in a Conservative landslide getting 365 seats out of 650, that gave them an overall
majority of 80 seats in the House of Commons.
2. The Labour Party won 202 seats,
3. The Scottish National Party (SNP) won 13 seats
4. The Liberal Democrats won only 11 seats
1) the Conservatives strengthening their position on Brexit
2) Johnson securing a mandate to ensure the UK's withdrawal from the EU on 31
January 2020
 Changes after Brexit
1. The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 and has now entered an 11-month transition
2. During this period the UK effectively remains in the EU's customs union and single
market and continues to obey EU rules.
3. However, it is no longer part of the political institutions. So, for example, there are no
longer any British MEPs in the European Parliament.
17 вопрос the role of the church in Britain today

 In Britain, there is completely freedom of religious

 In Britain, there are 2 established church:
1. The Anglian Church
2. The Presbyterian
 “the established church” – is legally recognized as official church

The Anglian Church

 The national church

 Protestants
 Was established in 1534 by Henry 8
 The head of AC is the Archbishop (арчбишэп)
 The center governing body is the Central Sydon

The Presbyterian

 The center governing body is the General Assembly

 The governing by eldest, all of equal rank

Puritans organized the free church

60% of people consider themselves Christian

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