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Possessing a Time-Turner 1


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Possessing a Time-Turner 2

Possessing a Time-Turner

I believe it is a human nature to speculate on the past, to give space for an opportunity

to do something over, to fix things somehow. If there were a time machine I guess there

would be many volunteers to use it. The essay will elaborate on a speculative enterprise of

shifting events sequence of my autobiography.

If I personally could remodel something I would choose to apply for a different

master’s degree at a different university in the first place. Unfortunately, at the time I had to

make a decision on my further studies I felt seriously lost and frightened that I could not think

of changing neither my field of study nor the place I lived in. Definitely, dramatic alterations

of living standards, surroundings, and routines can provoke pure horror. They say it’s in

human nature to feel fear for everything new. Scientists define such phenomenon as defense

mechanisms and claim that “Defense mechanisms help resolve conflicts, whether triggered by

internal or external stressors” (Northoff et al. 2007, p. 142).

If there was a slightest likelihood to alter my academic choice I would prefer to obtain

a degree in theology as I have been interested in religious scholar discourse for several years

so far. Provided that I were given an opportunity to do my tuition at the Ukrainian Catholic

University in Western Ukraine I would be profoundly happier. I might even elaborate on the

subject and dream myself as a pursuer of a PhD for the reason that academic environment

tends to mesmerize me. I strongly believe that scientists play a remarkable role in society and

the way they keep their brain fit deserves appreciation.

Apparently, like many other people I have something in my personal history I crave

for changing. Although, it is just gambling, one can afford thinking of parallel realities, it

won’t do any harm nonetheless.

Possessing a Time-Turner 3

Reference List

Northoff, G, Bermpohl, F, Schoeneich, Fr, & Boeker, H 2007, ‘How does our brain constitute
defense mechanisms? First-person neuroscience and psychoanalysis’, Psychotherapy And
Psychosomatics, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 141-53.

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