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Escriba los tres atributos de las siguientes preguntas de ensayo.

“Technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today. Given time,

technology will completely replace the teacher in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree

with this statement”?

the scope: 'technology' and 'education'

Keywords: ‘increasingly prevalent'.

Instruction: Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

yes I agree People throughout history have evolved to a great extent, discovering new

horizons and theories that have allowed them to develop in society and specifically have

acquired knowledge and together with this evolution of science and technology, knowledge

is To be able is to get along well with what you do and allow life to make sense, but for that

it is necessary that what you teach or learn is useful for us and not only for a certain

moment, but we must continue to advance and learn with each revolution.
“Public transportation is a great way to travel, particularly within a metropolis. The metro

is the most convenient way to get around a city. Do you agree or disagree?”

Scope: “transportation” and “mobilization”

Keywords: great way to travel

Instruction words: Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

I agree through public transport we have the facility to move anywhere and it is also very

economical, it is a form of transfer from one place to another highly recommended.

“Increasingly, the western world has been outsourcing its labour-related jobs to cheaper

alternatives available in less-developed countries. Although this creates opportunities for

people in poorer nations, it is a policy that is criticized by many in the west. Write an essay

response supporting the case for the outsourcing of labour related jobs.”

Scope: outsourcing, “Increasingly”

Keywords: jobs to cheaper, opportunities

Instruction words: Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

If I am a little in agreement with this idea since on the one hand people with low economic

resources are given work and on the other hand the problem that is generated is that as

technology evolves, companies seek to replace labor with machines they do the work faster

so there should be a point of balance.

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