Origami USA Convention 1989

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5 The Friends of The Origami Center of America Convention ‘89 Program ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Another year, another convention program! We had good material with which to work; almost all the models presented here are originals , some having evolved from other models, others quite new in concept. Most of the models have not been published elsewhere. Still, this book owes its quality, clarity and appeal largely to the long hours given by our volunteer staff. We gratefully acknowledge and thank our backbone staff-- Douglas M. Caine Michael Shall ‘Adele Cooper Jan Polish Rosa Gluz Bob Stack Matt Harnick Eunice Stack Mare Kirschenbaum Kathleen O'Regan Ray Lutz Maria Velazquez Claudia Morrison Barbara Turner We also thank the many other people who contributed-- Ethel Axelsen Sumako Barnes Mari Omberg Lin Balinsky Gary Merrill Gross Dr. and Patricia Sisler Susan Ballensweig Tim Hoffpaint Carol Tams Jean Baden-Gillette Ed Jazwinsky Bob Voelker Sherri Bush Mark Kennedy Donna Walcavage Pearl Chin ‘Suzanne Lavoie Cecille Weber JoAnn Czekalski May Leo Cindy Weniger Kay Eng Linda Levin MaryAnn Wilk Esta Fischer Plyllis Meth rq ey Din hens Lita Win bile { Tony Cheng | Bella Lee Sue Cardi Ann Wilk MANAGING EDITORS. Be wRBeaHeeeeeHeHe ee Hee Pe eee This publication is produced by The Friends of The Origami Center of America, @ not-for profit educational arts organization committed to the sharing of origami around the world. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from ‘The Friends of The Origami Center of America 15 West 77th Street New York, New York 10024-5192 8 = simple L= Low Intermediate | = Intermediate HI = High Intermediate ¢ = Complex ANIMALS Florida ‘Gator s | | Business cara Fish S| | Ftopping sirs/eutterty s ChrisiJoan Schneider p23. |_| Chris Schnelder pes | | ED. Sullivan p26 Cat Mobile ur} | snake it| | 09 u Lore Schirokauer p28 | | Louise Cooper p30 | | Zawin Corre p33 Rabbit and Tophat Fox U | | two-cotored Fish ' Edwin Corrie Eauvin Corrie a7 | | amin Young p38 Canada Goose Lizard 1) | ast Y ‘Marvin Goody Steven Casey p42 | | Doboran claypoot pas ‘Y | \ be Ga Toad c Action Frog c on Jerry Harris p103| | Robert Lang p105| | Mark Bolitho pr08 \ I Wastebasket S| | origami Buitaing Block | | one-snett omament s Douglas Caine ptt4| | mark Kennedy pit7| | part Coplit pig Box s | | Horizontal Picture Frame S$ |_| vertical Picture Frame s ED. Sullivan p120 | | Laura Kruskal pi2t | | Laura Kruskal pie s > ‘Cement Trowel uu Pienic Napkin Ornament u Dreidet u ‘Steven Casey pi24 Allce Gray pis ‘Sherri Bush: p126 \\ pete || de FA : Ricky W. K. Wong pi29 Aldo Putignano p130 Edwin Young p32 ) | Q\ eH Bowl r Vacuum Cleaner t ‘Menorah t Aldo Putignano p134 | | Brian O'Connell p137 ‘Sherri Bush p139 FLOWERS Inside-Out Flower S | | Fourite Flower uw Florence Temko p150 | | Lore Schirokauer 153 uty. HY | Roz HI Mark Kennedy 159 | | Alex Barber p160 MONEY FOLDS aA Double-Headed Arr Moby Buck s Cyril Tessier p64 ED. Sullivan p16 Moneyfold Tree Omament —§ Dorothy Kaplan p167 | cae elie i ili Two Bucks Box U | | three-Dowar Rose u | | space ring u Timothy Murphy 168 | | Dorothy Kaplan p170_| | Florence Temko pi7t Rings ‘Star of David Moneytold = Kenneth Kawamura p174 | | Rosalind Joyce 179 | | Fred Rohm 183 Dollar BIN Guitarist Mare Kirschenbaum 189 HEARTS Heart Card/Frame S| | Heart Lapel Pin Hs Hoart with Stand 1 ‘Aldo Putignano p198 | | Francols Ziegler paot ‘Prneow p202 LI, Purple Heart 1) | sweet Hearts ! Heart Stick Pin 1 Francis Ow p208 | | Ranana Benjamin (7206 David Stas p208 Valentine Gift Box Martha Mitchen HI p2it GEOMETRICS AA Ditterent Kind of Star Don Sigal s 45 Dogroe Star Unit u Nick Robinson 219 ‘Stx-Piece Coaster Francis Ow sO Se Gea [Seer is p22t Modular Cubes Bonnett Amstein Hyperbolic Parabola 1 Don Sigal p23t Yule Star 1 Ranana Benjamin p232 FANTASY/TOYS ‘Sea Serpent 1) | pragon #1 HL Dragon #2 a Don Sigal 238 | | eawin Young 236 | | Eawin Youn 9 p38 Five-Headed Dragon 41) | chinese Dragon a a Kenneth Kawamura 240 | | Loulse Cooper 245 | | steven Casey p24g Rocking Horse at | | Gargoyle | | sack-in-tne-Box c Stephen Welss 250 | | sorry Haris p2s3| | Marc Kirschenbaum p29 ga Hek 2 = — FLYING AND SAILING THINGS Wind Surter ‘Nick Robinson s p263 Slow Filer s E.D. Sulllvan p265 Improved SST Airplane u Airplane Tower u| | Hot Air Batioon 1 James Sakoda p269 James Sakoda p269 | | Jack Gibson part \\ Sailboat Lettermark 11 | saumoard 1 | | pac’ copter HM Datla uae Koss: 273 | | Timothy Murphy p276 | | mark Kennedy 279 ORIGAMI BASICS TABLE OF CONTENTS ramones euodeyp apa soie pex0qs9 TeuObEIg say aa rpers/seia03 BUEN Tau :Ajespeud enow JO Base Ue 81290] 1 posn ove spiom wewpuel s0R0S :SHUVINGNY 1 “sopi0q mes 10 pepjoy & s| a6p9 uy 0p3 ‘pis 12410 24} Uo pesojo0 pu apis au uo enum si Jeded tre UO a8pa qz0us Soy ‘saded up 0 Y9eq BUI 10 a9e} OU S! APIS aS aap 2u0y $3903 GNV S3dis ‘Ayre 40) ssasBo1d uw, days & moys suonens Uuorenisny yore :peaye days ‘suorionuisut da1s-Aq-dars ut peluesasd axe sjopoyy Sd3LS NOILONGOULNI puryeg Plog AN i (I ‘apisuyepun plo quo UI PIO ‘enol pinom puey snod se onow Aau ‘uonoe AUB quayo sjoquiAs 8seu| :SMOHHY IWNOLLOAYIG “@ul] ysep-Jop Buoye NoA wos Aeme seded pos POTENT | | 3 uy ysep Buore nok premoy soded pio PROT ROTEA ‘omy yeuyquioo euros 10 sodA} omy Jo auo Ayjeoiseq 6y0 Auy 7104 uopeoddy joquiks uondiaseq/PiOM SCHOM GNV STOGWAS a es es Ss a Ss Se Se Se SSS Se RSE ES SE =) of NY Gs 7 jes ce a ‘Auep s0} az1s eGueyo swes6eIG ATWOS days yxou oy) 40} uonesedoxd 4y Se Yo! PUR YOR PIO} UEIUNOW PUE PIO} AAIIEA. 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Jo pseu By) |99} NOK W SPIO} daIs axe "9 'E Plo} 0} SOD 1 Se apow ou Jo] se Sou 814 ye AeUL | ‘panoidust aq 219 SuOHoBO! JOU Aq Wel ue aoueApe Ut jopou aut ajdoad exanas Yoee “G ‘wout 10} wey ‘eojoedd ‘eai}oe1d ‘oe “y 0} y6noue Jou Inq "389 r up YBNoue yy ‘eouayadu09 Jo JoA9}.s1UOpNIs ou} 0} 1yBNe} Buleq Japow By YOrEUI OF Au, ‘jem Aran Bulyoea) axe NOK yapour ayp PIO} 0 wea] pow eidws yw uiBag “s|UEpNIS PsoUBAPE eULe|U ‘2O|A0U JO SINS Ot PURISIEPUN) ~E 40 ‘3414 'e|6ueU) pasojoo se yons ‘uoryduosep eu) se sadeys spnyou} “y aSn NOK Bus S41) By) WH ue ouyap shemy ‘Bu1yee) ueum sue) esoul Bsn OL ‘A pur Arpinqeoon jwe6i0 yw sassnok azyENUe Z ‘sJoyjoue uu) se2e919 SuoHonN}sul SJe49B6} UO SeYELU TEU S! 1 Yym pueyssapun oj Ax} pue “s1249eA} NOK OF Sep jweBuo Ue 404 axedasd nok dyay, 0} Stequiow Burysea} Aq paroyo axe sci Bumono} UL SSv10 3HL auOs3a Injsseoons uBeq sey Sulyoeay au) ‘suEWARsIYOE cn uopn oxy exqeue 0181 Burjoeo! webu jo 200 eu) ‘eouauedxe Bulyoea} Burdjay snup ‘sseuoeer ui eoue0iju09 pI UNp ssequieu sno oF nydhau aq AeUL Sd seyd ‘senbmuyo 04980) Pak -n9S JO SB0P} BU} 12 (Gno.g oney an ‘BuIyse9) ‘yBnowyt exeus 0} sroquiow aBeinoous 01 poredaxd uuaeq sey serdeyo sii “sieyoeet 10) peau sno seop -Jsnyque pue sioquinu UI UMos6 sey oITezIUeBIO snG, SdiL DNIHOVAL 22 “aun au Jo aseme dooy “L ‘Jone) 4s wwesedd seu puokag 9M sjepoUs Plone OL siuapnys aBesnooue “Jex2Moy ‘og “JouLoBoye REGO ‘wos wun ereueM én sn Aou."jenuasse 1ea16 auo eu) 88 SquEpns ey “pus Aso} ‘1 uapnis uy aiqeue 01 Aesse0at Aauepnis ay) 1a] pue dais aun piowun ‘24y} UO BAOW OY) WHOHEd 0} aABY NOK ‘sjepou ssoqubiou J1OyL YUM sjapoUL sau asedULOD Sepjo} Jeu YSeHENg *G ‘21QeUO}LO ISOUL aU YOU S} ue jain ave sjuapnis snok tueo nok se jwawiaBesnooue anqysod ue eoueunsse yonuu Se Sse|9 eu) EAI “eoed o_eS SUI] BUOKIBN@ JOU — SuoI}9—1100 pue SUN 10K ut Bulusjeesyi-uou pue anjuoddns og *Z ‘em (sox89}9 Ajinyadou) waseyyp AnyBiis # ul suoHONIS ayy Auv aguas Nok ue suoIsseidx@ feorzzINb 40 YUEIq 10} YOO? “sPUeY 2184} Isnt OU puR ‘Ajinjoze9 sJuepNis NOK YOIEM “9 -eaymy anouu yoo ajesISUOWaG “H IdweNE Kau) o10}9q BAOU! @ JO LON -Bs1SOWEP sNOK BAIOSQO 01 SlUEpNIs ay AGENDUS °S ‘Ayoauoo dats stud powwoyad sey suapnis snof jo yore yeyp pous4u0o ‘net NOK tun Gurydeel enuNuoD 1uog ‘jepoul eu Jo uoteqwoy0 pue ONPG MeL aU ~spuioo ywoseid oy) Asuep! veauy “Aiesseou 11 umop episdn jepour aut PIO} 0} wseal — Bupjo} axe siuopnis snk Aem aues cup aidures ‘goed au} “eWl2U sy Bsn ‘pjo} B Bul 1988p UBUM “b ‘Areingeoon jwe6yu0 jo wed 0q 0} yGnous esjoard jou axe ,21ay J2A0, a> SP0M 40 , 2284}, ,’SIYL, . Il, @4y] SUNOUONd Jaquieway “eseq 40 PIO} Yee Bquosep Oo} AJEINqeooA iWeBII0 BSN Oo} Aly “E B40} SB NOK y UBB NOK eYM MoU! snof yey} 21ns ee NOK ssojun BuluUIbeq “azoudsoute jueseeid 2 912919 0} djoy jm SIULL “@AOU & YsiUy 0} SIUAPNIS ay} JO} EM NOA ayy ‘WoU} @sn ‘eeUS 0} SaUO}s 10 Sexo! oUIOs enBY NOA J1-SSBj9 BY noYGno.YN slassNOk AofUZ "WIOOs AUN Jo OPIS ‘yobs Jo} Aressooou se sewn AUeUL Se days youe jeados "gouo Je Nok gas ueO auoksana jou | ‘ejduies ou) ue spuey snok ees ued sluapnys OU owjoeds s} “yoqee19 S,/epous ay} aPOw! Auf ‘yJesiNok Bonpontul “t -ssej0 nwe6yo ue Buynp esn Jo} sraquiaw Buryoeat Aq pasajjo axe sdiy BuIMONO} SUL. ssvi0 3HLONIUNG . Florida ‘Gator by Chris and Joan Schneider (FL) 23 This ‘gator was adapted by Chris and Joan Schneider in 1986 from the ‘talking fish" in Folding Paper Puppets by Shari Lewis and Lillian Oppenheimer. These original drawings and instructions were done by Joan Schneider in January, 1989. Accurate folds are very hard to do on this model and with this paper, and fortunately are NOT essential for a good working ‘gator. #1 #2 #1. Cutan 8-1/2 by 11" sheet of copy paper into thirds crosswise. This will give you three ‘gators. Dark green looks great. #2. Valley fold the paper in half lengthwise, then unfold. #3. Valley fold each corner to a point near the center (an airplane-point fold, but about a finger-width apart). Should look as figure #4 does. #4, Make another set of valley folds (airplane points) also a finger-width apart as indicated to get figure #5. 46, If teeth are desired, turn model over and draw teeth as shown. Turn model back over and make a quarter turn. #7. Valley fold model in half lengthwise along center crease. ——\ oie 24 #8 #9 mm <> Wf) #8. Hold model (with thumbs and forefingers pointing upwards) at dots. Move fingers toward one another, allowing model to spread open in center. #9 and #10 show fold in progress. #11, Continue moving fingers toward one another until points meet. Then slip one point inside the other as far as it will go, as shown in figure #11. Keep blunt points even. #12, Hold points between the fingers of one hand with the points facing downward, being careful to not let the points slip apart. Use the forefinger of the other hand to "karate chop" gently on the rounded section facing upward, along the enter crease line, to form a concave effect. Figure #13 is in progress. #14. Flatten model between thumb and forefinger on one hand while holding snout with other hand. #15a and #15b. Completed models. Draw eyes if desired, making sure that each eye is on the upper jaw and near the high point of the head. #16. Hold each rear flap between a forefinger and thumb on the dot. Pull flaps apart and together to open and close the mouth. If you open the mouth with a slight snap of your fingers, it will make a noise similar to that made by baby ‘gators when they call to their mothers. And remember, a blunt snout is essential for the alligator. It is the crocodile which has a pointed snout. #4 #15a : ors #2 Happy Folding. Joan E. Schneider @ 1989 Business Card Fish by chris Schneider (FL) 25 Editor's note: This is a very easy model for kids. Folds do not have to be accurate. You can use a business card or half a sheet of origami paper. For colored fish, start with the color side facing you 1. Valley fold upper left-hand corner down on dashed line. 2. Valley fold lower left-hand corner up on dashed line. 3. Valley fold upper right-hand corner down on upper dashed line. 4, Mountain fold lower right-hand corner up on dot/dashed line. 5. Completed business card fish stands on base of final fold. INSTRUCTION (CHILDREN'S PARTIES ORIGAMI My Business isa Creasing Joan Schneider 351-5471 Flapping Bird/Butterfly by €. v. sumvan (wa) 6 Neotraditional: Creator unknown. Created by &. D. Sullivan 28 Cat Mobile by Lore Schirokauer (NJ) ‘Squares for tail and head must be the same size. z CAEN) Se Bopy ‘Square for body should be 1/2" longer. ® Pull up. TT tet ty The aa \ ' it ‘ Le eft 4 roa 1 jl it oO ® TAL ® 3! ii 3 J ‘ ©1989 yo tre Reverse fold and then fold back again, 29 CAT MOBILE ASSEMBLY Thread head with about 6-7" of strong black thread through point K. Secure with a dab of white glue. Refold point. Thread tail the same way as for head. Secure knot with glue. Refold mountain and valley folds. Balance body on tip of needle to find the speot so that when it hangs AB will be about parallel with the wire; secure knot inside with glue, Cut a piece of flower wire not too thick a fraction longer than length of body plus about 1/4” each end to bend a loop 30 Snake by Louise Cooper (CA) for the Year of the Snake 1, Kite base (sides go almost to center crease) 2. Fold edges to the back almost to the center. white side up. Thin foil works best. Turn over. 3. Fold should bring edges right 1o the center line. Push edges together at center line, especially at top of model. ©1989 nRTHaRrtEwETllU Ertl EEtllUeEtlCUceEtl Uae CU OU Oe Oe Oe Oe ee ee 41. Reverse foid into model or just fold under upper layer. Optional fold: very carefully shape these triangles into fangs with a rabbit ear. 12. Reverse fold small corners under the top layer. Tum over. 31 14, Shape tongue. f Optional: make a cut in tongue so it appears to be forked, Reverse fold up. 18. By pressing the body flat at X, then pinching it closed again, the snake will strike. Shape the tail any which way that pleases youl KA x Dog by Edwin Corrie (England) © ® Une 1. Colour side up. 2. Inside reverse fold, 3. Sink. 8. Outside reverse fold. 7. Outside reverse fold. @ 9. Outside reverse fold. 10. Crimp. ©1988 Inside reverse fold. 33 34 Rabbit and Tophat py Edwin Corrie (England) For pink ears: Start with a pink/white square, white side up. oO 1. Square same size as for "Top Hat." ' * YN ©1988 8. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for other ear. WT T TOP HAT AND RABBIT 36 a a 1. Black square. white side up, same size as for "Rabbit" (page). TP iF 4, Mountain folds on top layer only. @ 7. Squash folds. 8. Combined 9. Tuck in. swiveloutside reverse fold. @ 11. Tuck in. FOX by Eawin Corrie (England) 37 1. White side up. 2. Squash comers 4. Pleated sink to form muzzle. \ LLL 7. Inside reverse fold. aj Inside reverse fold. ©1987 6. Pleated sink to form neck and shoulders. SF SS Outside reverse fold, 38 Two-Colored Fish by Edwin Young (CA) 1960 1 Use a square, color side up. Fold in half diagonally; open Fold in half the other way; leave folded, Make a kite fold. Tur over. o White out, 2, Reverse fold into model. 3. Fold up top layer only; swing point back and flatten. 5. Repeat behind, Diagrams by Louise Cooper (CA) ©1960 39 Start with medium weight bond paper. ©1989 Canada Goose by marvin Goody (Canada) To Get An Equilateral Triangle: 2. 2a 1. Foldin half vertically and pinch as shown. os + So Fold bottom right comer up to pinch mark, Tum over. 3. Fold top down to lie flush 4. Trim off flaps front and back. with layer underneath, Model: 1. Valley creases. 2. Collapse into rabbit ear. 3. Squash top flap. Diagrams by Tony Cheng (NY) ©1989 40 4. Petal fold. 5. Fold bottom layer behind, pinching along the widest part of petal fold. 7. Crease as shown. 8. Swing outer points inward, while folding bottom point up. © 9. Complete move. Tum over. 10. Valley fold in half. Rotate 90° 12. Outside reverse fold outer layers to form head, 11. Inside reverse fold neck. Neck should Use soft creases to get a sculpted look. be the same length as breast. Valley fold wings down near the tail only. oO 12a, Detail ofhead. 13. Pinch to form beak. Curl wings and back to give impression of flight. 42 Lizard by Steven Casey (Australia) a | 4. Start with colored bird base. Wrap layers around. s Re 8. "Minor miracle." © 1982 npn zoe OD a EO lc Ue lee na =z Ss OS om 44 | Bat by Deborah Claypool (GA) ——oO OS 1. Begin with coloured waterbomb base. ‘Squash fold only the flaps marked X. 2. Petal fold. Repeat behind. G ¢ 3. Bring outside comers together, rotating petal folds back. Additional diagrams by Bob Roos ©1981 45 4. Crease A-Z and pinch at A. Fold and unfold A-B. 5. Mountain fold A-Z. Spread squash A-B-C. 6. Repeat on other side. Y RY 7. Mountain fold model in half. 8. Reverse fold as far as possible. 10. Reverse fold backward and forward Repeat behind. Reverse fold as indicated to form to form head. Fold down wingtips, legs. 9. Fold comer inside to form back of head. 11. Fold wings forward. 12, Finished bat. Black Cat’s Head by Reuben Copen (MS) 47 Variation 1 1+ Colored side down, fold agonal, open, Turn over, 3: Water bomb base, pont down. Fold top two points to bottom point so that top horizontal edge lays on 2. Fold book folds, open, tun over. center line, 4. Lift both points upward as shown, wy From al ular edges of tp layer toward center (fold is 7. Fold top horizontal edge down (a "V" opening on top from bottom point to top horizontal. should resutt). 6. Fold complete. Turn over. 8. Fold complete. Turn over. 8. Swivel fold sides inward, 10. Fold complete. Turn over. MAS 11, Make valley folds and mountain fold to form mouth. 12. Completed model, ©1968 48 Variation 2 £ + 1. Valley fold comers to center. Repeat behind. 3. Valley fold both flaps 1/3 to center. Repeat behind. 5. Valley fold only upper layer. See 6. 7. Pleat to create lower jaw and tongue. 2, Valley fold flaps. Center point of the fold is 1/4 way down trom top. Repeat behind. he 4, Valley fold point a to point b. Be sure to fold both layers at the same time, XK XK 8. Finished cats head. Cat Mask by Joan Appel (NY) \ 2. Squash one flap only, SO Pull down (reverse fold) inside layer. 5. Open out. 6. Fold point up, Xe p/ 7. Fold point and side 8. Fold point back up as flaps down, forming far as you can (> 1/2), 9. Tuck under back flaps, ‘small squash at point. forming cat's nose, Fold under. 50 11. Fold 40. Fold up 1/3 Fold all layers at and tuck inside. top down--forms modified squash O~ : 18. Open crease in ear; cup and 12. Tuck corners inside flaps. curl forward or back. Butterfly by nick Robinson (England) ©1989 51 ‘This model can be made with Ad paper (European standard letter size) or with 8-1/2" x 11" paper (Ameri- ‘can standard letter size). The proportions are more graceful with A4 paper. If paper with color on one side is used, starting white side up will result in white wings, and starting color side up will result in colored wings. Tocreate a4 se oscar tom sae per igor vate ll and open, 2 Vay ed ged le api lagana cease, 2 Yoni eet poe pe aS «- Wis touinwtntoGec ee araaceaewes boom curser cease le gre ae vaya oot leave ni an ld model ow, Wh your rae Tete sagt ign win na incor Seas, ellis Surin eeraroo een Bhp erg eases oa, 52 La a ee ee eee 53 12. Round the body gently. 12a. Narrow the pleat on each wing by forming a 12b. Flatten and tuck the fold formed in step 12a to valley fold from the raw edge into the model. complete the shaping of the butterfly S ©1989 54 Cat Mask py pebbie Lekousis (IL) DD +1. Preoroasa along fines as shown above, then waterkomb base fold (also known as balloon base) ‘A.up to moet point B along lines shown. As you do this, flaps X and Y will open up; squash them downward. Repeat behind 193 F and G to ip of nose; then open; squash, and petal fold o form eyes (slightly open at inner comers-- S09 diagram 7). with mountain fold 7. Sink point M. Reverse fold flaps H and J upwards as far a they wil go. ‘8, Sink points K and L (if this proves too cifficull. mountain fold behind). Valley fold flaps T ‘and V upwards along lines shown, Mountain fold E and Z so thal they lock behind 8. Raise and squash flap W al the approximate place shown (or squash asymmetrical to create ‘diferent expression). Round the nose by mountain folding along its lengt rom bridge to. tip. 10. Tum down edged of lip and squash comers of mouth. Arrange 3-dimensional fulness of ‘mouth any way you like. If you want to make beady eyes, draw thom in, 55 ©1989 Manorill py serry Harris (co) Begin with coloured preliminary base. 4. 1, Squash fold right flap. 3. Fold comers to center line and unfold. il. Squash fold eft flap. : 2. On lett squash, petal fold, leaving small petal pointing down. Fold over two layers to retum to right side squash. 4. Petal fold, 5. Re-emphasize comers using creases made in step 3. 6. Sink comers. x ~~, 8. Completed move. Turn over. 7. Spread squash by bringing lower folded edges to center line. 11. Tum over. §. Onleft flap, squash then petal fold. On right flap, inside reverse fold. 10. Fold top layer so that A meets 8. Point A will ie flat and the arms will open. 14, Squash open layers between A and 8, creat two separate points. 16. Valley fold flush along layer underneath. 15. Turn over. wa XK C| N 19. Pull out flap from inside. 17. Rabbit ear flap, 18: Repeat steps 16 and 17 on right side cy ne 4 & 13, Reverse fold small flap. 1 12. Reverse fold small fiap through. _Lift top point up, unfolding the reverse folds. i 20. Squash fold. 21, Petal fold, folding small petal up. 22. Mountain fold in half. Rotate 90 4 57 23. Reverse fold all four legs at slightly 24, Mountain fold to narrow all legs. Squash head down. different angles from each other. 25. Outside reverse fold tail. Reverse fold feet twice. Pleat nose and tuck it under the eyes. 26. Reverse fold tail over back. Reverse fold feet. Fold lower jaw over and over. 58 Beaver by Robert Lang (CA) Begin wih the ite side facing you and the cross hatched comer pointing down. Fold the paper in half long. ‘ach dagonal and unfold Fold the wo comers marked ‘Nand B in so thatthe 0 lower edges meet along the ‘centerline ofthe moe Fokd the botom point upward to rouch corners and 8 Bring the 1op corner the center ofthe square, making the resulting crease sharp fnly ats center Repeat on the bexom. Unfold 10 ‘Now bring the top and Dott corners the small ‘rese you ust made; again, make te cease sharp only avis cener and unfold " Fold comers A and Bio the centerline ae we cid in step 2, but tis ime so that the two upper edges meet Unfold Fold the point down, so that touches the ther edge ina miror image of ep 15. Fold the boxom point up to touch the lowes, Pinch corners A and 8 in hal 25 you do so, brag al Four edges ofthe square together atthe center line on the existing creases, Flaten the paper cut with comers A.and B poining toward the white ed of the paper. This is called a rabbit ear fla” This time well leave down. Tur te Paper over, Luke this. Now turn the paper over so that the Bortom remains the bortom. Divide the top ofthe square— ‘most erase into thirds by fokding the tip over and over Deeveen the comer and the top Luke this Tum the paper over from side 1 se downward (esumate the distance) 16 Ly In progress. Now fold the Enlarged view. Fold the Like tis. Thee side bottom point same point down tothe ight, Unfold. ‘sos begun; upward again so thar ts let comer jus the ght ison the crease touches the outer edge ofthe eadty wwe made in paper. Is left edge does act complete sep 3 ute line up withthe bosom ‘of the model and the crease runs al the way tothe corner. Fold abour 5/6 of the poine back upward Fold the 1p point down, So that couches the honontal erase at the widest part ofthe mode Fold jase che white arto the poine Sonneara, ©1989 Fold the boriom edge upward so ‘Fold the other side up so. Fold the that te fold ine les exacly atop thar the crease isthe itor model in the Botiom edge of te hidden lap image ofthe one you just half but don't Indated by the dotted lie. You made. Since there's no completely Only have co make a sharp cease den flap this ime, use the atten it yet ffom the core to the middle of the point of intersection atthe paper Unfold when youre done. Center ine as a guide, Unfold. Bing comer D ta comer Now fold edge DE of the Bring edges DE and DF Evceas. and unfold loose lap down o point F together and pinch the (ihe end of the crease) crease as far down from crease and unfold point D as you can, ‘The ‘model may open up a bit 35 you do tis Uke this. Unfold. Repeat Partially open out the front of the In progress. Close fepe 31-32 on the other model and push lie HI down so the model up and side of the model that iecums inside-out on the flaten i creases We just made, and ies berveen the layers ofthe front Ths is called an “inside reverse fold Fold the tip ofthe ear Open out the layers of Tuck the tp ofthe Upward as fa as i the paw (point D) and paw underneath til go. Repeat steps squash and rotate it Repeat on the other 36-37 on the other side, downward 25 inthe side ofthe model following diagram As you clote the The model is ow enurely closed ups fred}, squash the and the beaver is starting to tale shape top of fap C down- The head Is atthe top, and fap C is be- ‘yard, which wll coming the tai. Fold both ofthe edges fecend the fap to atthe botom onard each other and the ight on the tuck them up inside the mode using fexising creases, the creases You made ia steps 22-23. Bring edges DE and DF together Fold the top of the on existing creases simul ‘model down so that taneously, bring point D down to line GH ies along ‘meet point Eand Maken the line GE. ‘model. This is another rabbi ear fold. Repeat steps 27-30 on the other side of the model, then turn ie back over to this onentaton. This isan enlarged view of the Fald edge GH the head. Push comer J inside the ght along line HK and ‘nose (another inside reverse simulaneeusiy, squash fold) and swing the white Maps comer G downward im ether side of the nose together. ‘There's no preexisting crease this time To do the final shaping, fold the edges The finished beaver at the left coward the interior of the ‘model on the dashed lines. The paper ‘will not ie Mat. Push down on the top (ofthe to Maten tout along the Tines shown, 60 Anteater by Jerry Harris (CO) (Inspired by John Montroll 1. Form Bird Base, flaps down. 2. Raise top flap as far as possible; this Valley-fold tip to widest point. will cause the center flaps to move outwards. @jises 3. Pinch together the horizontal flaps, forming a rabbit ear tthe bottom, and swing flaps towards the top of model. 4. Complete. Turn over. BEEBE EE & BN at 5. Tuck in comers. Pleat bottom flap, aligning mountain fold on the center of the model. # 7. Crimp top flaps. Mountain fold is formed against lies against the center of the model. Turn over. thicker portion of model, and valley fold 61 “ 6. Pleat top flap as in step 5. Turn over. 8. Fold and then unfold sides of top flap together, creating a "squash" towards the bottom of the folds. 9. Crimp top flap. a 10. Simitar to step 9 (but do not unfold). Valley fold in crimp is a little less than 1/8 the length of the flap, els a alt, ee g =— am mM 8. 11. Color-change by swinging single layers 12, Squash ears. Crimp hind leg: from behind towards the front. Replace folds from Reverse fold for feat and for tail step 8, and fold model in half lengthwise. 4 14, Completed Anteater. 19. Shorten tail with a reverse fold. Form ears with petal folds. Additional diagrams by Maro Kirschenbaum 63 Jellyfish by matt Harnick (NY) ©1989 1. Begin with Frog Base, with Narrow tentacles by valley Repeat behind six times. Point of petal fold folded up. 2. Reverse fold tentacles. folding to center line, 3. Reverse fold tentacles. 5. Squash bell into an octagon shape, Mlate the bell of the jellyfish slightly. letting tentacles tangle below. oS 7. Form bell by bringing together the two mountain folds-- the bell wll become slightly conical. 8. Detail of lock-- lock bell by folding over the double folded edges. 8. Tentacles not shown. Round out bell by valley folding corners. Pull out secondary tentacles. Saif 10. Variations of tentacles. Diagrams by Tony Cheng (NY)@1989 Barracuda by John Montroll (MD) 2 Fold up and unfold. Unfold. Unfold, ©1989 a dn pros “Q- ouNL uo son °G Pue @-C auil uo sav “T eM 0S Plod a 0% “EY our wo som] Y JU}Od yeu} OS UMOP Pld au “puryod weaday ‘oswaxo Bunsixo “Ploy ySenbs 24N Uo ploy yseNbs, 66 67 puryoq weaday “a ony Ploy 0} ANYBHS Wado “puryag yeadau, puryaq yeadau, “punjaq yoda “a-y aur arp uo SOIL Y JuTod Yer} 05 UmOP Prog puryoq ywoday “prowun “puryaq yeadou yno saded ouios t1nd “puryag qwaday 70 asraAat a in} pu pyoy du “dn req ap Jo sake] doy amp pros “a 0} ¥ Prod 71 puryoq wodoy, “puryaq Teadoy epnoeueg aka at) Jo UONEULIOg J MY ED a nee v9 £9 9 puryaq yeadog ‘puruaq yeadar ‘propa peoy ou 78 puryag yeaday rey ou) 9prsc FOL, “purya pur z9a0 usny, “umop Ug 917 Ploy asx ©1989 Goldfish by Jonn montrou (MD) 72 ‘purged wader plojun pur prod days ayerpowuzayuT uy ssoseoi0 24p Suoqe asdeqiog Projan K . a USMpIe!) aULIaTUT [EUOFSUDUNNP Bary) 74 75 “puryag yeadant “puryeq yeadanr punyaq waday saded oi peaxds “poy asraazy ‘umes sy ami aun Jo ued Au 76 77 puyag qeodoy EEE EEE -puryaq qwodor, pumyaq yeodox you og “ploy aszaaas si) 205 “yno-apysuy saded ayn wang SOAR] 9B 9 BPISUT LORY INOK BCL ~pumyaq wadax "poy as1947 80 Reindeer by Peter Engel (NY) ©1988 I Divide the square horizontally into quarters. Pleat like an accordion. Crease lightly edge to edge. Repeat behind. Valley-fold the corner so it meets the crease. Re- peat behind, Swing the front face down. Valley-fold the left-hand edges to the centeriine. we on Following the edges of the existing flaps, rabbit's ear behind, Turn the model over 7 Following the edge of the existing flap, mountain- fold benind. 8 Following the edges of the hidden flaps, inside re- verse—fold and close the model. 82 12 13 Following the edge of the hidden flap, valley-fold the lower-ieft-hand corner to the upper right, Re- peat behind Valley-fold the right-hand edge to the left. The crease should lie on top of the former lower-left- hand corner. Crease firmly and unfold to step 9. Following the existing creases. crimp the entire model symmetrically. Unfold the entire square. Following the existing creases, refold the square. In the middie of the paper are two vertices where many lines meet. These vertices will plunge down. ward as the left and right sides of the paper swing upward and toward each other. Inside reverse—fold the two flaps projecting from the top. Valley-fold the two side flaps down and to the right. ‘Squash one flap. Life the loose paper upward, and close the flap. Valley-fold two flaps up and to the left, returning them to their position in step 14, Following the edge of the hidden flap, crease and unfold. Then swivel two flaps up and to the left. When you are done, the model will not lie flat. The model is now three-dimensional. The exposed white portion shows paper that is seen almost di- rectly on edge. Squash the shaded flap 83 84 20 2 2 25 6 28 Life the loose paper upward, asin step 16, and swing. ‘wo flaps down and to the right. Valley-fold the lower-left-hand corner up and to the right as far as it will go. Push with your finger from behind to form a little pyramid of the shaded square. The square will pop forward and flatten. Valley-fold the tip halfway, and unfold to step 22. Following the existing creases, open double-sink and close the flap in the same motion. This is a form of petal fold, Repeat behind. Open up and spread the loose paper. Following the existing creases, tuck the small trian- gle into the pocket behind and close the model in the same motion. Use tweezers, Repeat behind. Swivel the flap at the left of the siot counterclock- wise. The model will crimp symmetrically. 86 29 Open the model slightly and inside reverse—fold the ‘entire assembly at the right. (This procedure could be called a “closed” inside reverse fold, because it pops directly from one position to another.) The Central flap turns inside out in the process. 30 Valley-fold the white flap down and to the left. Re- peat behind. 31, 32 Make individual creases as shown. Then, in a single motion, push in at the front of the model and col- lapse it into a three-dimensional rabbit's ear. Mas- sage the creases into place. The result is symmetrical 33 Valley-fold the shaded flap up and to the right. Re- peat behind. 34 Inside reversefold through the shaded portion. Re- peat behind, 35 Swing the white triangle down and to the right. The shaded portion of the flap will automatically swing down and to the left. Repeat behind. 36 Valley-fold the shaded flap up and to the right. Re- peat behind 37 Bring the three corners of the white triangle to- gether, and collapse the loose paper like a fan. Re~ peat behind. 88 38 ” 40 al 42 43 The flaps pointing up and co the left are the rear legs. Mountain-fold them, leaving the central tail lap in place. Valley-fold the white flap down and to the right, Inside reverse—fold the shaded tip. Repeat be- hind. Crimp the legs. Swing the tail all the way under- neath and forward. Narrow the whiee flap with val= ley folds, and swing it up and to the right. The shaded flaps pointing down and co the right are the front legs. Creasing lightly, lft up the flap obscuring the front leg. Repeat behind. The position of the drawing has been rotated slightly. Inside reverse—fold the tail and swing it to ward the rear. (This crease is hidden from view). Then, ina single motion, crimp the frone legs and rotate the head and neck assembly clockwise. Nar- row the hip with a mountain fold. Repeat behind. Narrow the belly with mountain folds, and tuck the loose paper into the adjacent pockets formed by the tail. Narrow the front leg, valley-folding the double thickness. Swing one white flap and one shaded flap ‘over to the left, and tuck the excess paper into the body. Repeat all folds behind. Inside reversefold the hind leg. Without making any new creases, slide the top layer off the front leg, and tuck it into the pocket beneath. Cut-away view: Squash. Repeat all folds behind. Narrow the hind leg symmetrically with valley folds, and tuck the loose paper inside with mountain folds. (The mountain folds will pinch the back of the hips slightly.) Slide another layer off the front leg. Turn the valley fold into a mountain fold, and tuck the layer into the pocket beneath. Cut-away view: Closed-sink the big flap. Squash the little lap at the top. Repeat all folds behind. 90 45 47 9 Inside reverse—fold the hind leg. Close the front leg with a valley fold. Crimp the call symmetrically, Cur- away view: Closed-sink the litle lap. Swing the big flap to the right. Repeat all folds behind. Closed-sink two head flaps. Mountain-fold the top layer of the front leg. (Part of this crease is hidden from view.) Repeat both folds behind. Squash the next head flap, and swing it to the rear. Repeat behind. Lift the tiny triangle inside the squash fold, and col- lapse it upward. The white flap at the center of the model contains the head and the ears. Swing it into view. Mountain and valley-fold the head assembly, and collapse it upward. Flatten it. Then pull the front flap down slightly to expose the inside, ‘Open the head assembly slightly, and narrow all the flaps with valley folds. Flatten again, 92 50 Open the head assembly slightly. and pull out the loose paper. Following che existing creases. flatten it into a petal fold. 51 Mountain-fold the tip of the single-ply triangle. This will be the eyes. Following the existing crease, swing the entire head assembly upward. 52 Valley-fold the head assembly to the right. 53 The model is now entirely symmetrical. Narrow the front leg with a valley fold. Repeat behind. 54 Narrow the belly with a mountain fold. Swing down the near antler. Repeat both folds behind. 55 Inside reverse—fold the adjacent antler. Repeat be- hing. oO o 94 56 Here through step 63 are details of the head. Nar- ow the projecting antier with valley folds. Repeat behind. 57 Swing the projecting antler to the rear. Repeat be- hind. 58 Inside reverse—fold the rear antler. Swing up the front antler. Repeat behind, $9 Outside reverse—fold the rear antler to form the tine. Inside reverse—fold the front antler. Repeat behind. 60 Narrow the front antler with valley folds, and swing it to the rear. Repeat behind 61 Inside reverse-fold the upper rear antler. Repeat behind. Inside reverse-fold the head through the base of the ears. 62 Separate the tines of the upper rear antler. Repeat behind. Turn the head flap inside out with valley folds on either side. The ears will pop up. 63, Outside reverse—fold the upper front tines. Spread the ears. Pull out the loose paper from either side of the neck to enlarge the jaw. Roll the tip of the head to form the nose. ‘The completed REINDEER. e198 96 Simple Lobster by marc kirschenbaum (NY) @r088 Use a square of red tissue fol, white side up, 4 \R x Ughtly crease center. Mountain top corners, Valley to center while swinging flaps to front, Valley top and bottom to “intersection.” Paull out original comers.-undo crimp at top and make new mountain creases on bottom, 5. Swing flap up while crimping--note intersections. 6. Valley flap down and then squash it. 7. Valley comer of squash. 8. Fold up, spreading out inner layers. 9. Collapse, bisecting angles (similar to reverse fold), SA 10 8a. Unfold valley from step 7. 10. Swing over layers while reverse folding top flap. Ml WA A ZA ee 7 11,114, Repeat steps 5-10 on other side. It will be necessary to unfold top reverse fold mace in step 9; replace it when you are done. 98 2 13, ik 14 15 AVE S o [SAD 12. a. "Hide" top point, keeping crimps from legs in place (open up model first). b. Swing flaps. 13. Reverse fold in and out (the "out" part uses fold from step 7). 14, Detail legs: reverse folds. 15, Four more reverse folds. CA V ae A 16 16,16a. Pre-crease, then unfold front. 17. Reverse fold, using previously formed creases. 19 20A cy 7 BA , | i 8. Pre-crease along side bisector (solid line). Reverse large flap out. 18a. Repeat steps 17-18 on other side. 19. Pull flap up at 90. 20a. Collapse by reverse folding in and out. Keeps legs raised. 20B 2l j ] 22 : ° A y 20b. Step in progress. 21. a. Fold sides to center. b. Swing legs down. 22, 22a, Stretch pleats. 22a 100 a 23, 23a. Swing down. Tum over. 24, Pre-crease along solid lines--use a waterbomb base. Untold front, keeping mountain fold intact. 25. Collapse. 26. Closed sinks (pre-crease first). 27,27a. Valley fold; turn over. 28,28a. Fold down tail while folding in multi-layered thicknesses; turn over. 3 sink sink .29. Fold in half as best as possible, while squashing top (model will not lay fat) 30. Fold in tips and squash (slightly 3-4). 31. a. Fold in tips of tail b. Sink sides (closed sink on top). 102 32. Make small crimps on top layer only~other layers get crimped towards front. Turn over. 33. a. Rabbit-ear sets of legs together. b. Valley tips of claws. Tur over. 34, a. Separate legs and sharpen their tips. b. Hold center tightly so model does not rip in half--and round body by bringing sides to 80 while pulling out tail to approximately $0. 103 Toad by Jerry Harris (CO) 1008 Use foil, Begin with coloured side up. Ty at i TT Ty T ! at i ald | ey zi | a 1. Foldandunfold. 2, Foldtocenter line. 3, Fold and unfold. ; 1 ll ui Uh i I i ! 4, Pleat sides (top layer only). | 4 s<4 5, Foldinhalfand 6, Reverse fold points 7. Foldtwowaterbomb —g._ Fold to left. unfold (dimensions at all corners (2 on bases. Turn over. are iow 2by 1} each side of model). : 12. Hands Bs) Fold to conter'ing, 10. Fold to centerline, 11. Fold bottom Feet (step'18) leaving small fudge factor. Repeat steps 8-100n —_ point 1o center. other side. Open out to square shape. K~ | a a 43. Hands. Turn over. 14, Reverse fold inside. 15, Tum over. 7 6. Rabbit ear 17. Reverse fold 18. Spread fingers. hands (all layers). fingers. LINz ly a 10: str Mt cate oat coe oo aes ernearenee jiagonally. 22. Rabbit ear feet. center line. ‘edges of both sides. 21. Fold diagonally. i 23. Spread toes. 24. Pleat whole body. 25. Reverse fold inside. 26. Head. Turn over. 27. Open out top layer. 28. Fold down. 29. Close up. A 7 } x, ih [ pe | | " 30. Fold up for mouth. 31. Stand up vertically. 32, Squash eyes open. A yy 105 Action Frog by Robert Lang (CA) tel means © Repet he 25. Unfold "hem" at top (model should be opened up to accomplish this). 27. Replace "hem" (again, modal should be opened temporarily). 28. Replace reverse f olds from steps 22 and 23 (the number of layers on the sides of the front will not be equal). NOTE: Step 20 does not exist! \ | arcane “eM vooe Sing 34. Pull out single layer. \\ 36. Reverse fold flap "A". 37. Roll flap A over and tuck inside. Scorpion by Mark Bolitho (England) 9 Sa _—> PS as 8 Ge \Ze 4 1 15, Repeat on other comers. 13. Scoop out paper and flatten. 81. Repeat steps 26-30 behind. 32. Reverse eck lay, Wow @ @ @ oN 34. Repeat on other end, 35. Hold at points marked and then pull down where marked. 45.Taill Legs Claw Head Fold head flap over entire body. { 46, (Head on view) Reverse tum inside out. ® @ SAA 52, Fold behind, ® 5 . = Qa 57. Bend up. Repeat 8 times, 58. Claws. = 2A a 113 if\ 51. Tall 53. Pinch and curl up. 55. Open out end paper. Crimp to form stinger. @ 60. Complete 56a 3b Legs, bird's foot 59, Open out paper from the end. 114 Wastebasket by Douglas M. Caine (NY) ©1989 1. Begin with the preliminary base, color out. Bring the folded edges to the centerline, and pinch only at the cut edges. Repeat behind. 2. Fold the upper right edge of the preliminary base, one layer, downward 50 you make a crease from the right corner to the pinch at the left. 3. Fold the cut edge back to the fold from step 2. 4, Fold the left corner to the folded edge and refold. Diagrams by Carol Ann Wilk (NYX@)1989 5. Repeat steps 2-4 behind. Minor miracle and repeat steps 2-4 twice. 6. Refold the four creases from step 4. A . Fold the upper edge of the left white triangle down to the edge of the color. Repeat behind. Minor miracle and repeat two times. Crease the bottom at the two lower points. ~ © . Fold the white triangle down over the color and unfold. Repeat three times. 116 9. Open the model. 40. Tuck each white triangle under one layer of paper. Be careful not to tear the paper here. 41. Re-crease the corners of the wastebasket and shape the bottom po el 117 Origami Building Block traditional tHe cup Diagrams by Mark Kennedy (NJ)(@)1989 OD. Top layer only. take side ego : 44, Take corner to pinch mark. 5. Take other comer to the Juncture of First Flap. & The cup base 7.14 om both cides. fold down flops over and over. x 7.18 Traditional cup is complete Broa ateehcatnaatlycacitil 7.20 Letter basket complete, 59 a] 2a PHD 5 tz 2/25/99 One-Shelf Ornament by maria Copiit ©1989 119 \ Sag 1. Start with colored fish 2. Book-fold and put base. Crease atcenter line. one rabbit ear inside the other to form shelf. 120 Box by E. D. Sullivan (WA) Pinch comers to raise sides. Fold points down and turn under. Sides fold in as ends fold down. ‘ ag TaN Fold flaps out from center. ©1989 Box cannot be unfolded. x, 9 Pull creased edges apart gently. Corners will rise to form box. Flattens as ends are pressed down, 5 Inner web swings Up. Horizontal Picture Frame by Laura Kruskal (NJ) . | 1. Fold the two long edges together. This makes 3. Fold each comer to the center crease. Unfold. center crease. Untold. 2. Fold each long raw edge to the center crease. Unfold. © | NR 4 4, Fold each comer to its nearest valley crease. (The 6. Tum the model over. corner will fall on the spot where the vertical and diagonal valley creases meet.) 5. Fold each blunted corner towards the center. Notice that two short raw edges meet on the center crease. 8. Mountain fold long raw edges in halt 9. Unfold triangular flaps so that they are perpendicu- lar to side edges of frame. The frame will ean slightly backwards as it rests on the slanted edges of the triangular flaps. 7. Fold the raw side edges to the center crease. Fold the two triangular flaps towards the center, into the triangular hollow. Diagrams by Carol Ann Wilk (NY) — (6)1989 122 Vertical Picture Frame by Laura Kruskal (NJ) ©1988 Made from rectangle 8-1/2" X 11*, will accommodate 3° X 5" photo. Made from computer paper 11” X 15", will accommodate 5* X 7" photo. Backing for frames are the same size as the size of the paper used to make the frames. | vy 4 al ze 1. Fold long edges together. Unfold. 2. Fold long edges together on center crease. Unfold, 3. Valley fold each of the four corners to its crease and valley crease. NM X 4. i. Using top comers as reference points, fold the short raw edge towards the center. Untold, li, Using bottom corner as reference points, fold the short raw edge towards the center and then over on itseif creating two parallel valley creases. Press flat; untold, 5. Using the existing valley creases, fold long raw edges to the center crease. 6. Mountain fold each of the existing mountain creases, 6a. Tur model over. 123 Backing for vertical frame: use same size rectangle as that used to make frame. a 1. Fold raw edges together. Untold. 2. Fold one side edge to center crease. Fold other side edge up 1/2". 3. Fold long folded edge to long raw edge so they meet on center valley crease. 4a. Fold top short edge down 1/2". Fold bottom short edge up to upper valley crease. Untold. 40, Insert bottom short edge between the double raw edges. 5, Frame backing completed. Tur model over. 6, Insert backing into comers of frame. Portion of model remaining after backing has been inserted in the portion on which the frame stands on a slight incline, Diagrams by Carol Ann Wilk(NY) ©1989 124 Cement Trowel by Steven Casey (Australia) ©1982 White side up. Use foil. So 3 4. Slide up single layers the indicated amount, i a i a, Picnic Napkin Ornament by alice Gray (CTXO1989 125 Itcan be used as earrings or an ornament. Start with white side up. To make earrings, see pages 217 and 218. oO 1, Book fold and unfold in both directions. 2. Blintz fold by folding the four 3. Tum over. Diagonal fold and unfold in both comers to the center. directions. 5. Rabbit ear each of the four flaps. 6. Bring the four comers together as you would ina Preliminary Base. 7. Glue to keep points together. Spread open layers of the four vanes. Shape outer points. 8. This model is equally attractive upside Diagrams by Tony Cheng (NY)@)1989 126 Dreidel py sherri Bush (NY) 1. Start with a colored bird base, ‘open side facng you. Valley fold long pointover top of model at widest point 3. Fold two corners at shorter lower end of trapezoid to center line. Diagrams by Carol Ann Wilk (NY) ©1989 (©1989 2. Fold top point inside model to lower edge. 4, Lift center triangle by lifting lower folded edge. Fold down edges toward center. The center triangle is now tucked inside on top of center line. Repeat four times. Tucking-in process is revealed in instructions §-5c. nntlCrcrlCUCcCCClCU UOCCLCUlCUr OlhlUlCUM MrOTClCUrOlUC OrOOlCUCU MOrOClCUCU OC OCCUR MlCUcrhlCchMlhlCUchlCUcOlUrRllOh 127 & 5. 5a., v 5b. Step in progress. 5c. Repeat steps 1-5c with other three flaps. 7. Fold top triangle sides to center on both sides 129 Ancient Chinese Container by Ricky w. K. Wong (Hong Kong) (©1989 1. Blintz, colored side down. 2. Form bird base. : 3. Slightly round bottom, stretch 4. Open legs, balance the four sides. 130 Basket by Aldo Putignano (NJ) ©1989 HANDLE | eoeaer ma At | ! 1 I \ I 1 wv ya | tt ! if! i wh 1 ’ 2 we a 4 4 1. Use same size paper as basket. Cut in halt. 2. Cut half in halt. ‘3. Fold in half, untold. ‘4. Cupboard fold. 5. Fold in hat 1. Start with colored preliminary base, flaps at the top. Fold flap down in half. Repeat on other three sides. 2. Fold edge up in half, unfold, 3. Fold edge up to crease formed in step 2 wy | 4. Fold new edge up at top of colored triangle. 5, Fold new edge up to top of model. Repeat steps 2-5 ‘on opposite side. Minor miracle (turn pages), and ‘epeat steps 2-4 on new face. 6. Insert one edge of handle under fap. Diagrams by Jan Polish (NJ) (©1989 131 7. Fold new edge up to top of model. | 8. Lift top flap up on existing crease. 9. Bring each side corner to center of model 10. Bring top tlap down, first folding valley folds where the color changes, then smoothing entire flap. 11. Mountain fold each side. 12. Mountain fold each front flap, fitting flaps into pockets behind them. Repeat steps 6-12 on other side. 48. Form fold at bottom side points to act as guides for bottom of model. Ty 132 Two-Spired Church by Edwin Young (CA) @1879 2. Crease and unfold Crease and untold. 1. Use a square. Fold a waterbomb base, color side out. 3. Crease and unfold top layer only. Unfold completely. 4, Make all creases firmly. White side up, crease and unfold. 5, This bottom valley fold is made last (see step 7a) and is Just a curve for now. Model will not be flat. 6. Open top layer and squash point flat. Diagrams by Louise Cooper (CA) @y979 133 7. Fold up while folding outside edges in. Continue folding edge in to the bottom of the paper. 7a. Fold up bottom edge of paper and flatten model. 8. Turn over. 9, Fold up. Tum over. 134 Bowl by Aldo Putignano (NJ) @r909 1, Start with colored preliminary base and untold. 2. Blintz and refold into the waterbomb base. Note: After this, the folds here are judgment folds (JF). This is what makes each bow! different from the rest every time itis done. The diagrams are based on a ‘model previow'ely done. 3. On the widest side, fold the comers toward the Center (JF - see picture). Fold the bottom of the base upward to the point where it meets the base of the first fold, Diagrams by Maria Velazquez/Carol Ann Wilk (NY) ©1989 4. Bring the folded comer tip down (JF) and open. / 8. Fold the completed tip on the crease made previ- ously. This will form a lock. Do the same to the other three comers. 5. Bring the tip down in half and refold. 7. Open and shape the bowl 136 Lock 11 58. Spread one of the comers and fold over the crease. made before. Do the same to the other three corners. i 7a. Lock, 2, Tuck the tip under the pocket flap to form a lock. Repeat on all three comers. 8a. Open and shape bow! Vacuum Cleaner by Brian o’Connell (FL) ©1988 437 1. Kite base. 4, Valley fold. 5. Valley fold. 7. Double reverse folds. 138 8. Reverse fold. VY 9. Sink. 10. Valley fold dirtidust bag. Diagrams by Carol Ann Wilk (NY) (@)1989 (aa ea Menorah by Sherri Bush (NY) ©1987 139 ‘This is a modular model. Menorah Body For menorah, use eleven 6" squares. For base, uso ‘one 10" square. For flames, use nine squares, 3° or less. 1. Start with a colored preliminary base 2. "Wing fold” the front by bringing the open corner up over its opposite closed corner. 3. Wing fold in progress. 4. Wing fold complete. Our goal now is to reverse the wing fold inside out so it becomes white. Steps 5-7 show you how to do this. 4 5, First, unfold the model completely. Place the white side up with the corner facing you that has the fewest creases. Bring the far comer down to meet this comer ina valley told. 6. Bring the far comer up again in a valley fold, Narrow this comer into a flap, tucking its adjacent edges behind along crease lines already in place. Diagrams by Carol Ann Wilk (NY)

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