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According to section 11 of the Indian Contract Act (1872), a minor is not competent to contract.

there are no provisions that explicitly deal with the legal status of a contract entered into by a minor. This
gave rise to a debate whether a contract entered into by a minor would be voidable at his option or void
ab initio. In this case, the debate regarding the legal status of a contract entered into by a minor was put
to rest by declaring that a contract entered into by a minor would be void ab initio.

On 20th July, 1895 the respondent Dharmodas Ghose executed a mortgage in favour of Brahmo Dutt to
secure the repayment of Rs. 20,000 at 12 per cent interest with respect to some houses belonging to the
respondent. At the time, the respondent was a minor and attained 21 years of age only in the month of
September of the same year. In the absence of Brahmo Dutt from Calcutta, the whole transaction was
carried out by his attorney Kedar Nath Mitter and the money was advanced by his manager, Dedraj. It was
claimed that while the transaction was being considered, the respondent’s mother and guardian, Smt.
Jogendranundinee Dasi, had sent a letter through her attorney, Mr. Bhupendra Nath Bose, revealing the
minority of the respondent and intimated to Mr. Kedar Nath Mitter that any money lent to the respondent
would be at the lender’s own peril. The deed of mortgage contained a declaration by the respondent that
hehad attained majority and the mortgagee’s assent to lend him money was obtained upon assurance of the
same. Mr. Kedar Nath Mitter was aware of the respondent’s status as a minor. On 10 th September 1895, the
respondent and his mother initiated an action for the declaration of the mortgage as void and sought
cancellation of the same. The Court of First Instance granted the relief sought by the respondent and the
Appellate Court dismissed the appeal of the appellants. After the institution of this appeal, Mr. Brahmo
Dutt died and this appeal was prosecuted by his executors.

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