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[00:00:10] Hi I'm Marjorie Smallwood. I'm an emergency manager with UCLA Health.
Earthquakes can happen anytime and anywhere but are especially likely in cities that sit
on a fault like San Francisco and Los Angeles. In this video we're going to go over some
facts and myths about earthquakes and what to do when one occurs. Fact.

[00:00:30] Or fiction. California can fall off into the ocean. Fiction

[00:00:35] With the way the plates are set up. Los Angeles is actually moving slightly
north toward San Francisco not towards the ocean. Fact. Or fiction. Standing in the
doorway is the safest place to be in an earthquake. Fiction. It is dangerous to stand in a
doorway as most doorways are not strong enough to protect you. You should get
underneath a sturdy desk or a table dropped to the ground and hold on until the shaking
stops. Fact. Or fiction. Small quakes prevent large quakes from happening. Fiction.
Small quakes may temporarily relieve the stress on a fault line but it will not keep a big
one from happening. Fact. Or fiction. Moving to safety will provide the best protective
space. Fiction. You will not be able to run to find a safe spot. Drop cover and hold
wherever you are. If there isn't a table or desk near you. Cover your face and head with
your arms and crouch against a wall. Stay away from glass and anything that could fall
such as light fixtures or furniture. Do not exit a building. Most injuries occur when people
attempt to move to a different location. If you're outdoors when an earthquake occurs.
Move to an open area away from buildings street lights and utility wires and stay there
until the shaking stops. If you are in a moving vehicle when an earthquake occurs stop
and stay in the vehicle if possible, avoid stopping under buildings trees overpasses and
utility wires. Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads bridges
or ramps that could have been compromised by the earthquake. If you are trapped
under debris Do not move about or kick up dust cover your mouth with a handkerchief
or clothing. Tap on a pipe or a wall so rescuers can locate you. Ciao. Only as a last
resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust. Remember these
tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe during an earthquake. I'm Marjorie and
thanks for watching.

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