Value-Added Tax VAT Is A Tax On The Value-Added

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TAX 2 UPDATED the subsidy should not be Is the sale of power plant by

subject to VAT. PSALM subject to VAT?

It was but a dole out by SIS and The sale of the power plants by
VALUE-ADDED TAX not in payment for goods or PSALM in this case is not
properties sold, bartered or subject to VAT since the sale
VAT is a tax on the value- exchanged by Sony. was made pursuant to PSALM' s
added mandate to privatize NPC
Sony did not render any service assets, and was NOT
As its name implies, VAT is a tax to SIS at all. undertaken in the course of
on the value added by the trade or business.
taxpayer in the chain of The services rendered by the
transactions. advertising companies, paid for It is similar to the sale of the
by Sony using SIS dole-out, vessels of the NDC to
But for simplicity and efficiency were for Sony and not SIS. Magsaysay Lines, Inc. which
in tax collection, VAT is was not subjected also to VAT
imposed not just on the value SIS just gave assistance to Sony since it was not in the course of
added by the taxpayer, but on in the amount equivalent to the trade or business, as it was
the entire selling price of his latter’s advertising expense but involuntary and made pursuant
goods, properties or services. never received any goods, to the government's policy of
properties or service from privatization.
However, the taxpayer is Sony.
allowed a refund or credit on Since the sale of the vessels
the VAT previously paid by CIR vs. Sony Philippines, Inc., was an isolated transaction,
those who sold him the inputs G.R. 178697, Nov. 17, 2010. made pursuant to the
for his goods, properties, or government's privatization
services. Incidental transaction subject policy, and which transaction
to VAT could no longer be repeated or
The net effect is that the carried on with regularity, such
taxpayer pays the VAT only on Transactions “in the course of sale was not in the course of
the value that he adds to the trade or business” include trade or business and was not
goods, properties, or services “transactions incidental subject to VAT.
that he actually sells. thereto.”
Destination Principle and
CIR v. Mindanao II Geothermal In this case wherein A Corp Cross-Border Doctrine
Partnership, GR 191498, Jan. which is primarily engaged in
15, 2014 the business of conversion of As a general rule, the VAT
steam to electricity, which sold system adheres to the
Subsidy NOT SUBJECT TO VAT its fully depreciated patrol car “DESTINATION PRINCIPLE” and
which is part of its PPE account, “CROSS-BORDER DOCTRINE” as
Sec. 106, NIRC explains when it was held that said sale of fully a basis for the jurisdictional
VAT may be imposed or depreciated patrol car is an reach of the tax.
exacted if there is a sale, barter incidental transaction made in
or exchange of goods or the course of trade or business, Goods and services are taxed
properties. thus subject to VAT. only in the country where they
are CONSUMED. Thus, exports
Certainly, if there was no such Mindanao Geothermal v. CIR, are zero-rated, while imports
sale, barter or exchange in the GR 193301, March 11, 2013 are taxed. The PLACE WHERE
subsidy given by SIS to Sony, SERVICE IS ENTERED
determines the jurisdiction to the purchaser’s proper formerly the the person who
impose the VAT. The place of recourse is not against the BIR, BUYER or the is STATUTORILY
payment is immaterial much but against the seller who person to whom or DIRECTLY
less is the place where the shifted or passed on to it the the VAT was LIABLE TO PAY
output of the service will be VAT. passed on and THE TAX or the
further or ultimately used. who derived one who paid
PAGCOR is exempt from VAT INPUT TAXES on the tax.
This is the DESTINATION despite the enactment of RA such purchases;
PRINCIPLE. 9337 (but who is this
time around THE
CIR v. American Express Provision subjecting PAGCOR to
International, Inc. 462 SCRA VAT under RR 16-2005 is invalid Sale of the seller Not necessary.
197 (2005) for being contrary to RA 9337.
should either be Mere PAYMENT
On the other hand, the “CROSS ZERO-RATED or of a tax which is
Nowhere in RA 9337 is it
provided that PAGCOR can be
that no VAT shall be imposed to subject to VAT. ZERO-RATED illegal, or
form part of the cost of the SALE. beyond what is
goods destined for RA 9337 is clear only as to the legally due can
consumption OUTSIDE the removal of PAGCOR’s be claimed as a
TERRITORIAL BORDER of the exemption from the payment refund or credit.
taxing authority. Hence, actual of 30% corporate income tax The person Person claiming
export of goods and services on the income from other seeking the VAT the refund
from the Philippines to a related services, such as refund or credit claims that he
foreign country must be free of income from entertainment. has accumulated has
VAT, while those DESTINED for INPUT TAXES erroneously,
use or consumption within the PAGCOR is exempt from VAT derived from its illegally or
Philippines shall be imposed because PD 1869, PAGCOR’s purchases EXCESSIVELY
with 12% VAT. Charter (a special law), grants it ATTRIBUTABLE PAID the tax or
exemption from taxes. TO ITS ZERO penalty.
March 15, 2011 Prescriptive Prescriptive
Sale to PEZA-registered period for filing period for filing
enterprise should be free of Tax Refund under Sec. 112 vis- of of
229 CLAIM for refund E CLAIM for
Following the Cross-Border
of excess input refund of tax
Doctrine and Destination Sec. 112, NIRC Sec. 229, NIRC
Principle, purchases of goods taxes is 2 YEARS erroneously/ille
and services that are destined Refers to refund Refers to refund from the close of gally/excessively
for consumption within the of of ERRONEOUS, the taxable paid is 2 YEARS
Ecozone (as a separate customs UNUTILIZED/EXC ILLEGAL, quarter when the from the date of
territory) should be free of VAT, ESS input VAT EXCESSIVE SALE was made. PAYMENT of the
hence, VAT should not be INTERNAL tax
passed on by the seller to the REVENUE TAX
buyer on the said sale. PAYMENTS
There is a 90-day No such waiting
Party claiming Party claiming
However, if the VAT had been WAITING PERIOD period.
the refund is the refund is
passed on the said sale, then for the CIR to
decide i.e., 2 years (730 the claim was duly SUPERVENING
days) for filing of administrative filed within 2 CAUSE.
administrative claim and the years from the
Prescriptive Prescriptive claim; 90 days judicial claim, CLOSE OF THE
period for filing a period for filing waiting period i.e. which must QUARTER when
JUDICIAL CLAIM the JUDICIAL for the CIR to be filed within the ZERO-RATED
to the CTA is 30 CLAIM to the decide; 30 days the same 2-year OR EFFECTIVELY
DAYS from the CTA is also 2 for filing of period from the ZERO-RATED sale
RECEIPT of the years from the JUDICIAL CLAIM. date of payment was made.
DENIAL by the date of payment Taxpayer will of tax regardless
CIR . or within 30 always have 30 of any
DAYS from the days to file the supervening
receipt of the judicial claim cause.
DENIAL but even if the CIR Requisites for
which should acts only on the ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM FOR
not exceed the 90th day. REFUND/TCC of unutilized
SAME 2-year input tax
period from the
date of There is no There must be a TP-claimant must be VAT-
PAYMENT of the wrongful wrongful registered person.
tax regardless of payment of tax payment, thus,
TP-claimant is engaged in the
any supervening because the what has been
Zero-rated Sales
cause. excess input VAT paid is not
is correctly and legally due or The input taxes are due or paid.
properly due to a
Filing of the Filing of the collected tax MISTAKE OF TP-claimant is applying for tax
administrative administrative FACT. refund or issuance of TCC on
claim and judicial and judicial excess input taxes attributable
claim CANNOT claims can be to such zero-rated sales,
THE SAME DAY. the SAME DAY input VAT erroneous / TAX.
BUT it is only attributable to illegal tax
required that zero-rated or payment must Said input taxes have not been
the effectively zero- have been paid applied vs. output tax during
administrative rated sale may for not more and in the succeeding quarters.
claim must be have been PAID than 2 years
PRIORLY MADE for more than 2 because both ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM must
and must be years but this the be filed with the BIR within 2
within the 2- does not bar the ADMINISTRATIV years after the close of the
taxable quarter when the SALES
year period filing of a claim E and JUDICIAL
were made. - Silicon Phils. V.
from the date of for claim for refund
CIR, GR 182737, March 2, 2016
payment of tax. "excess“/unutiliz MUST be filed
ed INPUT VAT within 2 years For zero-rated sales under
under Section from the date of Section 106(A)(2)(a)(1), (2) and
There are 3 There is just one 112(A) for as long PAYMENT (b); and Sec. 108(B)(1) and (2),
important period involved as the REGARDLESS OF the acceptable foreign currency
periods involved, for filing both administrative ANY exchange proceeds have been
duly accounted for in decision denying the Takenaka Corp. – Phil. Branch v.
accordance with BSP rules and administrative claim. CIR, G.R. 193321. Oct. 19, 2016
San Roque doctrine – DA 489- Documents to be submitted to
Where there are both zero- 83 need not wait for lapse of prove zero-rated export sales.
rated or effectively zero-rated 120 day period to seek judicial
sales and taxable or exempt relief - provided there is a valid A VAT-registered person must
sales, and the input taxes claim for EQUITABLE ESTOPPEL present the following:
cannot be directly and entirely under Sec. 246, NIRC
attributable to any of these (ALLOWED FROM 12-10-03 to ( 1) the sales invoice as proof of
sales, the input taxes shall be 10-6-10 – PREMATURE FILING the ZERO-RATED sale of goods;
proportionately allocated on (Gen Interpretative Ruling)
the basis of sales volume; (2) the export declaration or bill
AICHI doctrine-reinstated the of lading/airway bill as proof of
TP must comply with the 120+30 day period as actual shipment of the goods
invoicing requirements and Mandatory and Jurisdictional from the Phils to a foreign
accounting requirements and country; and
the claim for refund must be What must be proven to be
accompanied by supporting entitled to a refund of (3) bank credit advice or
documents that will prove its unutilized input VAT certificate of remittance or any
compliance with all the other document proving
documentary and evidentiary In a claim for tax refund or tax payment for the goods in
requirements. credit, the CLAIMANT must acceptable foreign currency or
prove not only entitlement to its equivalent in goods and
Summary Rules on Prescriptive the grant of the claim under services.
Periods Involving Refund of substantive law.
Input VAT Silicon Phils. V. CIR, GR 182737,
It must also show satisfaction March 2, 2016
1. ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM – of all the documentary and
must be filed with the CIR evidentiary requirements for an Under the present RULES,
within 2 years from the close administrative claim for a when should the submission of
of the taxable quarter when the refund or tax credit. documents be deemed
zero-rated sales were made. “completed” for purposes of
Hence, the mere fact that determining the running of the
2. WAITING PERIOD – CIR has petitioner's application for 120-day period?
90 days from the date of FILING zero-rating has been approved
AND SUBMISSION of complete by the CIR does not, by itself Application for VAT refund/tax
documents in support of the justify the grant of a refund or credit must be accompanied by
administrative claim within tax credit. complete supporting
which to decide. Non- documents.
observance of this period The taxpayer claiming the
would warrant the DISMISSAL refund must further comply TP shall attach a statement
of the judicial claim for lack of with the invoicing and under oath attesting to the
jurisdiction. accounting requirements completeness of the submitted
mandated by the NIRC, as well documents.
3. JUDICIAL CLAIM – must be as by revenue regulations
filed with the CTA within 30 implementing them Affidavit shall further state that
days from receipt of CIR’s the said documents are the
only documents which the TP
will present to support the taxpayers for purposes of tax mode of recovering unapplied
claim. refund. input taxes, such as treating it
as outright deductible expense
If TP is a juridical person, there An applicant for a claim for for income tax purposes.
should be a sworn statement tax refund/TCC attributable
that the officer signing the from his zero-rated sales must Thus, a proposition that
affidavit (i.e., at least, the Chief not only prove entitlement to accumulated and unapplied
Financial Officer) has been the claim but also compliance input VAT arising from
authorized by the Board of with all the documentary and purchase of goods and services
Directors of the company. evidentiary requirements. attributable to zero-rated sale
(RMC 54-2014, June 11, 2014) after the expiration of the 2-
The invoicing requirements that year prescriptive period may be
TP is barred from submitting all VAT-registered taxpayers expensed outright has NO
additional documents after he should observe, such as: LEGAL BASIS.
has filed his administrative
claim. (a) the BIR Permit to Print; Are the amounts earmarked by
the HMO to the medical
Can the Court apply (b) the TIN of the VAT- service providers form part of
retroactively this new registered purchaser; and the gross receipts for VAT
obligations upon taxpayers? purposes?
(c) the word “zero-rated”
No. The new rules cannot be imprinted/or written on the NO. The amounts earmarked
applied rectroactively since it invoices/receipts issued by the and actually spent for medical
imposes new obligations upon VAT registered TP. utilization of its members
taxpayers in order to perfect should not be included in the
their administrative claim, that Thus, the failure to comply computation of its gross
is, [1] compliance with the with the invoicing requirements receipts for VAT purposes.
mandate to submit the on the documents supporting
"supporting documents" the sale will result to the Since an HMO is primarily
enumerated under RMC 54- disallowance of the claim for engaged in arranging for
2014 at the time of filing his input tax by the purchaser- coverage or designated
administrative claim; and [2] claimant. managed care services that are
the filing of "a statement under needed by plan holders for
oath attesting to the Can a taxpayer outrightly fixed prepaid membership fees
completeness of the submitted deduct for income tax and for a specified period of
documents." purposes his accumulated and time, then it is principally
unapplied input VAT engaged in the sale of services.
This should not prejudice attributable to zero-rated
taxpayers who have every right sales? Thus, based on industry
to pursue their claims in the practice, HMO informs its
manner provided by existing No. Unutilized creditable input would-be member beforehand
regulations at the time it was taxes attributable to zero-rated that 80% of the amount would
filed, as provided for under sales can ONLY be recovered be earmarked for medical
Sec.246 of the Tax Code. through the application for utilization and only the
refund or tax credit. remaining 20% comprises its
Word “zero-rated” required to service fee. In the latter case,
be printed/written on the Nowhere in the NIRC can we MEDICARD's sale of its services
Sales Invoices or Official find a specific provision is exempt from VAT under
Receipts issued by VAT expressly providing for another Section 109(G).
Hence, its gross receipts corporation, but also that said are disallowed because these
exclude the 80% of the amount corporation is doing business invoices or official receipts are
of the contract price earmarked outside the Philippines. not considered as 'VAT
as fiduciary funds for the Invoices.“
medical utilization of its Compliance with Invoicing
members. Requirement for VAT refund Kepco Philippines Corp. v. CIR,
650 Phil. 525 (2010); Sitel
 Medicard Phils v. CIR, In a claim for tax refund or tax
GR 222743, April 5, 2017. credit, the applicant must Whether the sale of coal of
prove not only entitlement to Semirara Mining is now
Zero-Rated Sale of Service the grant of the claim under subject to VAT.
substantive law, but he must
To come within the purview of also show satisfaction of all the No. The tax exemption
Section 108(B)(2), it is not documentary and evidentiary provided under Section 16 of
enough that the recipient of requirements for an PD 972 was not revoked,
the service be proven to be a administrative claim for a withdrawn or repealed
foreign corporation; rather, it refund or tax credit and expressly or impliedly - by
must be specifically proven to compliance with the invoicing Congress with the enactment of
be a nonresident foreign and accounting requirements. RA 9337.
The NIRC requires that the SMC is exempt from the
The Tax Code not only requires creditable input VAT should be payment of VAT on the sale of
that the services be other than evidenced by a VAT invoice or coal produced under its COC,
"processing, manufacturing or official receipt, which may only because Section 16(a) of PD
repacking of goods" and that be considered as such when 972, a special law, grants SMC
payment for such services be in the TIN-VAT is printed thereon, exemption from all national
acceptable foreign currency as required by Section 4.108-1 taxes except income tax.
accounted for in accordance of RR 7-95.
with BSP rules. EXCISE TAX (“Sin Taxes”)
Western Mindanao Power
Another essential condition for Corp. v. CIR, 687 Phil. 328, 340 Imposed on
qualification to zero-rating (2012), (1) Alcohol products
under Section 102(b )(2) is that (2) Tobacco products
the recipient of such services is VAT Invoice as source of input (3) Petroleum products
doing business outside the tax (4) Miscellaneous products
Philippines a. automobiles,
Only VAT registered persons b. non-essential goods (ex.
If the provider and recipient of are required to print their TIN Jewelries)
the "other services" are both followed by the word "VAT" in c.Non-essential services(ex.
doing business in the their invoice or receipts and Invasive Cosmetic surgery)
Philippines, the payment of this shall be considered as a D. Sweetened beverages
foreign currency is irrelevant. "VAT" Invoice. All purchases (5) Mineral products
covered by invoices other than
A taxpayer claiming for a VAT 'VAT Invoice' shall not give rise
refund or credit of unutilized to any input tax.
input taxes under Section
108(B) has the burden to prove Input VAT on purchases
not only that the recipient of supported by invoices or official
the service is a foreign receipts which are NON-VAT
Goods and Services Subject to only bears the economic Excise Tax is a tax on
Excise Taxes burden, who is entitled to claim production.
the tax refund or tax credit.
Excise taxes apply to goods Excise tax is a tax on the
manufactured or produced in However, the rule does not production, sale, or
the Philippines for domestic apply where the law GRANTS consumption of a specific
sale or consumption or for any the party to whom the commodity in a country.
other disposition and to things economic burden of the tax is
imported and on certain shifted by virtue of an Section 110 of the 1986 Tax
services. The excise tax EXEMPTION FROM BOTH Code explicitly provides that
imposed herein shall be in DIRECT AND INDIRECT TAXES. the "excise taxes on domestic
addition to the VAT imposed products shall be paid by the
under Title IV, NIRC. In which case, such party must manufacturer or producer
be allowed to claim the tax BEFORE THE REMOVAL of those
(1) Excise taxes imposed and refund or tax credit even if it is products FROM THE PLACE OF
based on weight or volume not considered as the statutory PRODUCTION."
capacity or any other physical taxpayer under the law.
unit of measurement shall be It does not matter to what use
referred to as “SPECIFIC TAX” Chevron Phils., Inc. v. CIR, G.R. the article subject to tax is put;
and 210836 the excise taxes are still due,
even though the articles are
(2) Excise tax imposed and Excise tax is a tax on property. removed merely for storage in
based on selling price or other some other place and are not
specified value of the good Excise tax imposed on actually sold or consumed.
shall be referred to as “AD domestic products under said
VALOREM TAX.” (Sec. 129,, Section is a TAX ON PROPERTY. La Suerte Cigar & Cigarette
NIRC) Factory v. CA / CIR v. Fortune
With respect to imported Tobacco Corporation,
Chevron Phils., Inc. v. CIR, G.R. things, Sec. 131, NIRC, declares
210836 that excise taxes on imported International carriers are
things shall be paid by the exempt from aviation fuel
Excise tax is an indirect tax. IMPORTER to the Customs excise tax; hence,
officers before the release of manufacturers/importers
Excise taxes are considered as a such articles from the customs entitled to a refund of the
kind of indirect tax, the liability house, UNLESS the imported excise tax they already paid.
for the payment of which may things are exempt from excise
fall on a person other than taxes and the person found to In fulfillment of international
whoever actually bears the be in possession of the same is agreement and practice to
burden of the tax. other than those legally exempt aviation fuel from
entitled to such tax exemption. excise tax and other
Thus, the statutory taxpayer impositions, petroleum
may shift the economic burden For this purpose, in the case of products SOLD by local
of the excise tax payment to importation, the statutory manufacturers/sellers to
another – usually the BUYER. taxpayer is the IMPORTER of international carriers are
the things subject to excise tax. EXEMPT from the imposition of
In cases involving excise tax excise taxes as these
exemptions on petroleum  Chevron Phils., Inc. v. international carriers enjoy
products, it is the STATUTORY CIR, G.R. 210836 exemption from payment of
TAXPAYER, not the party who
excise taxes. (Section 135(a), What the CIR wants is a under any legal duty to pay the
NIRC) wholesale invalidation of the excise tax.
said issuances.
Thus, as the statutory taxpayer Chevron Phils., Inc. v. CIR, G.R.
who is directly liable to pay the For one, SC has already ruled 210836 ,
excise tax on its petroleum that petroleum products sold to
products, they are entitled to a them are exempt from excise Section 141, NIRC, subjects
refund or credit of the excise tax. partially prepared tobacco,
taxes they paid for petroleum such as stemmed leaf tobacco,
products sold to international For another, the CIR failed to to excise tax
carriers, the latter having been state with specificity the tenor
granted exemption from the of those issuances. Stemmed leaf tobacco is
payment of said excise tax. subject to the specific tax under
CIR v. Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Section 141(b).
Likewise, it involves the refund Corp., G.R. 180402. Feb. 10,
of excise taxes paid on the 2016 It is a partially prepared
IMPORTATION of petroleum tobacco.
products sold to tax exempt Claim for Refund of Excise Tax
entities. on Petroleum Products The removal of the stem or
midrib from the leaf tobacco
The basic tax principle Excise tax on petroleum makes the resulting stemmed
applicable was the same in products is essentially a tax on leaf tobacco a prepared or
both cases - that excise tax is a property, the direct liability for partially prepared tobacco.
TAX ON PROPERTY; hence, the which pertains to the statutory
exemption from the excise tax taxpayer (i.e., manufacturer, In the process of removng the
expressly granted under producer or importer). stems, the whole leaf tobacco
Section 135 of the NIRC must breaks into pieces; after the
be construed IN FAVOR OF THE Any excise tax paid by the stems or midribs are removed,
PETROLEUM PRODUCTS on statutory TP on petroleum the tobacco is threshed (cut by
which the excise tax was products sold to any of the TAX machine into fine narrow
initially imposed. EXEMPT ENTITIES or AGENCIES strips) and then undergoes a
named in Sec. 135, NIRC is process of redrying,
CIR v. Pilipinas Shell Petroleum deemed illegal or erroneous, undoubtedly showing that
Corp., G.R. 180402. Feb. 10, and should be credited or stemmed leaf tobacco is a
2016 refunded to the payor pursuant partially prepared tobacco.
to Secs. 204 and 229, NIRC.
Court cannot grant a Since the Tax Code contained
“shotgun” approach in This is because the exemption no definition of "partially
nullifying BIR issuances granted under Sec. 135, NIRC prepared tobacco," then the
allowing refund of excise tax. must be construed in favor of term should be construed in its
the PROPERTY itself, that is, the general, ordinary, and
The court cannot grant a petroleum products. comprehensive sense
“shotgun” approach to the
CIR’s prayer that BIR Rulings, The exemption cannot be
and Regulations allowing tax granted to the buyers – that is,
refund of excise taxes paid on the entities that are by law
petroleum products sold to tax- exempt from direct and indirect
exempt entities or agencies taxes – because they are not
should be declared invalid.
Stemmed leaf tobacco DOCUMENTARY "date of payment" when the
transferred in bulk between prescriptive period to file a
cigarette manufacturers are STAMP TAX claim for a refund/credit must
exempt from excise tax commence.
Nature of Documentary Stamp
‘Stemmed leaf tobacco' means Tax and Persons Primarily For DS metering machine users,
leaf tobacco which has had the Liable the payment of the DST upon
stem or midrib removed. loading/reloading is merely an
The documentary stamp tax is a advance payment for future
The term does not include tax on certain transactions. application.
broken leaf tobacco.
Actually, all parties to a The liability for the payment of
Section 137 authorizes a tax transaction are primarily liable the DST falls due only upon the
exemption subject to the for the DST, and not only the occurrence of a taxable
following: person making, signing, issuing, transaction.
accepting or transferring the
(1) that the stemmed leaf same becomes liable as the law Therefore, it is only then that
tobacco is sold in bulk as raw provides. payment may be considered for
material by one manufacturer the purpose of filing a claim for
directly to another; and Any of the parties to the a refund or tax credit.
transaction shall be liable for
(2) that the sale or transfer has the full amount of the tax due: Since actual payment was
complied with the conditions Provided, however, that as already made upon
prescribed by the DoF. between themselves, the said loading/reloading of the DS
parties may agree on who shall metering machine and the filing
That the title of Section 137 be liable or how they may share of the DST Declaration Return,
uses the term "without on the cost of the tax. the date of imprinting the
prepayment" while the body documentary stamp on the
itself uses "without payment" is Exception: Whenever one of taxable document must be
of no moment. the parties to the taxable considered as the date of
transaction is exempt from the payment contemplated under
Both terms simply mean that tax imposed under Title VII of Section 229 of the NIRC.
stemmed leaf tobacco may be the Code, the other party
removed from the factory or thereto who is not exempt shall
Do interbank call loan fall
place of production without be the one directly liable for
under the definition of LOAN
prior payment of the specific the tax.
AGREEMENTS subject to DST?
Philacor Credit Corp. v. CIR,
No. Interbank call loans,
690 SCRA 28 (2013)
although not considered as
deposit substitutes under Sec.
When DST is deemed paid in 20(y), are not expressly
case TP uses a DS metering included among the taxable
machine. instruments listed in Section
180 (now Sec. 179); hence, they
 Payment of DST and
may not be held as taxable.
filing of the DST Declaration
Return upon loading/reloading Even if it does, the DST liability
of the DS metering machine under Sec, 180 will only attach
must not be considered as the if the loan agreement was
signed abroad but the object of absorbed by the surviving It then followed that TRB could
the contract is located or used corporation by operation of law make use of the funds/deposits
in the Phils which is not the and these properties are for its banking operations, such
case in regard to PNB’s deemed automatically as to pay interest on deposits,
interbank call loans transferred to and vested in the to pay withdrawals and dispose
surviving corporation without of the amount borrowed for
Besides, under Sec. 199(n) of further act or deed. any purpose such as investing
the NIRC of 1997, Interbank Call the funds/deposits into a
Loans with maturity of not Besides, Section 199, NIRC, profitable venture.
more than 7 days to cover specifically exempts from the
deficiency in reserves against payment of DST the transfer of Trust Indenture Agreements
deposit liabilities including property pursuant to a merger. may be considered as “loan
those between or among banks agreements” or “debt
and quasi-banks are not subject Therefore, the transfer of real instruments” subject to DST
to DST. properties to the surviving under Secs. 173 and 179, NIRC.
corporation in pursuance of a
CIR v. PNB, G.R. 95147, June merger is not subject to DST. CIR v. Traders Royal Bank, GR
11, 2016 67134, March 18, 2015
Trust Indenture Agreement
Transfer of real properties to which is not written constitute No DST on electronic messages
the surviving corporation as deposits or trusts subject to
pursuant to a MERGER NOT DST. Indeed, there had been no
subject to DST under Sec. 196. acceptance of a bill of exchange
Trust Indenture Agreements or order for the payment of
NO. Because there is no between TRB and its clients are money on the part of HSBC.
purchaser or buyer in the case simple loans governed by Art.
of merger. 1980 of the Civil Code: Fixed, To reiterate, there was no bill
savings, and current deposits of of exchange or order for the
DST under Sec. 196 is imposed money in banks and similar payment drawn abroad and
only on all conveyances, deeds, institutions shall be governed made payable here in the
instruments or writing where by the provisions concerning Philippines.
realty sold shall be conveyed to simple loan.
a PURCHASER. Thus, there was no acceptance
If the transfer of real property The trust funds, being generic, DID NOT CONSTITUTE THE
is neither a sale nor a could not be segregated from WRITTEN and signed
conveyance of real property the other funds/deposits held manifestation of HSBC to a
FOR A CONSIDERATION by TRB. drawer's order to pay money.
contracted to be paid, then it is
not the one contemplated While TRB had the obligation to As HSBC could not have been
under Sec. 196 of the Tax Code. return the equivalent amount an acceptor, then it could not
deposited, it had no obligation have made any payment of a
In a merger, the real properties to return or deliver the same bill of exchange or order for the
are not deemed "sold" to the money deposited. payment of money drawn
surviving corporation and the abroad but payable here in the
latter could not be considered Legal title to the trust funds Philippines.
as "purchaser" of realty since was vested/transmitted to TRB
the real properties subject of upon perfection of the trust In other words, HSBC could not
the merger are merely agreement. have been held liable for DST
it is NOT "a person making, 3-YEAR Prescriptive period for
signing, issuing, accepting, or, Assessment and Collection of
transferring" the taxable National Internal Revenue
instruments under the said Taxes
Statute of Limitations on the
BIR has 3 years from the
Right to Assess and Collect
Thus, HSBC erroneously paid ACTUAL date of FILING of the
DST on the said electronic return or from the LAST DAY
messages, hence, entitled to a prescribed by law for the filing
Section 203, NIRC mandates
tax refund. of return, whichever COMES
the BIR to ASSESS internal
revenue taxes within 3 years
from the last day prescribed by
166018/167728, June 4, 2014
law for the filing of the tax
to commence COURT
return OR the actual date of
Cooperative insurance proceedings for the
filing of such return, whichever
company is exempt from DST COLLECTION thereof WITHOUT
comes LATER.
If it conforms with the
And no proceeding in court
elements of a cooperative as Hence, an assessment notice
without assessment for the
defined in the NIRC in that it is issued after the 3-year
COLLECTION of such taxes shall
managed by members, prescriptive period is not valid
be begun after the expiration of
operated with money collected and effective.
such period
from the members and has for
its main purpose the mutual CIR v. Next Mobile, Inc., GR
Thus, an assessment notice
protection of members for 212825, Dec. 7, 2015;
issued after the 3-year
profit, then it is a cooperative, prescriptive period is not valid
and that registration with the However, when BIR validly
and effective, and therefore
CDA is not necessary for it to issued an assessment within
may be cancelled and
claim exemption from DST. the 3-year period, it has
withdrawn for being issued
another 3 years within which to
beyond the 3-year period.
This absence of the registration COLLECT the tax due by
requirement under Sec, 199 DISTRAINT, LEVY or COURT
Accordingly, once the period
clearly manifests the intention PROCEEDING following the
established by law for the
of the Legislative branch of the assessment of the tax.
assessment of internal revenue
government to do away with taxes has ALREADY LAPSED, the
registration before the CDA for government’s right to enforce EXCEPTIONS: (Sec. 222,
a cooperative to benefit from the action for assessment Is NIRC)
the DST exemption under this BARRED by provision of law.
particular section. CIR v. Next Mobile, Inc., G.R. EXCEPTION NO. 1: In case of
212825. Dec. 7, 2015. CIR v. false or fraudulent return with
CIR v. Insular Life Assurance intent to evade tax or of
Systems Technology Institute,
Co., Ltd., GR 197192 failure to file a return
Inc., G.R. 220835, July 26, 2017
1) In the 3 different cases of

(a) FALSE return (implies

deviation from the truth,
whether intentional or CIR v. Next Mobile, Inc., GR Difference between “false
not) or 212825, Dec. 7, 2015 return” and “fraudulent
(b) FRAUDULENT return with Pertinent portion of RMO 27-10
intent to evade tax (intentional reads: That there is a difference
or deceitful entry with intent to between "false return" and
evade taxes due), (c) FAILURE B. Issuance of LOA in RATE "fraudulent return" cannot be
to file a return, cases. – In all RATE cases, a denied.
the tax may be ASSESSED, or a must first be conducted to While the FALSE RETURN
proceeding in court for the establish prima facie evidence merely implies deviation from
COLLECTION of such tax may be of fraud or tax evasion. the truth, whether intentional
at any time WITHIN 10 YEARS Such investigation shall include
FALSITY, FRAUD or OMISSION. determination of the schemes intentional or deceitful entry
employed and the extent of WITH INTENT TO EVADE THE
in a fraud assessment which fraud perpetrated by the TAXES due .CIR v. Philippine
has become final and subject taxpayer.” Pacquiao v. Daily Inquirer, Inc., G.R.
executory, the fact of fraud CIR 213943. March 22, 2017
cognizance of in the civil or What would constitute as When is tax evasion deemed
criminal action for the PRIMA FACIE evidence of false complete?
collection thereof (Sec. 222(a) or fraudulent return?
Tax evasion is deemed
But any internal revenue tax If the expenses are overstated complete when the violator has
which has been assessed within and the income is knowingly and willfully filed a
the period of limitation as underdeclared by more than fraudulent return with intent to
stated above may be 30% of taxpayer’s reported or evade and defeat a part or all
COLLECTED by distraint or levy declared expenses or income, of the tax.
or by a proceeding in court this constitutes as prima facie
within 5 years following the evidence of false or fraudulent An assessment of the tax
assessment of the tax. (Sec. return. deficiency is not required in a
222(c ) criminal prosecution for tax
But the computation, as well as evasion.
When do we say that fraud is the method used in
duly established? determining the tax liability, However, In CIR v. CA, the
should be clearly explained and Court clarified that although a
In the case of FRAUDULENT it should be shown that the deficiency assessment is not
RETURN, the fraud underdeclaration exceeded necessary, the fact that a tax is
contemplated by law must be 30% of the reported or due must first be proved before
ACTUAL. declared income. one can be prosecuted for tax
It must be intentional, BIR v. CA, Spouses Antonio
consisting of deception willfully Villan Manly, and Ruby Ong In the case of income, for it to
and deliberately done or Manly, G.R. 197590. Nov. 24, be taxable, there must be a
resorted to in order to induce 2014 gain realized or received by the
another to give up some right. taxpayer, which is not excluded
by law or treaty from taxation.
The government is allowed to But any internal revenue tax, What is a Waiver of the
resort to all evidence or which has been assessed within Statute of Limitations?
resources available to the period agreed upon, may
determine a taxpayer’s income be COLLECTED by distraint or This is a bilateral written
and to use methods to levy or by a proceeding in court agreement between the
reconstruct his income. WITHIN THE PERIOD AGREED taxpayer and the CIR or his
UPON in writing BEFORE THE authorized representative
A method commonly used by EXPIRATION OF the 5-year executed before the expiration
the government is the period. of the regular 3-year
EXPENDITURE METHOD, which prescriptive period or before
is a method of reconstructing a The period so agreed upon may the lapse of the period agreed
taxpayer’s income by deducting be extended by subsequent upon in case a subsequent
the aggregate yearly written agreements made agreement is executed waiving
expenditures from the declared before the expiration of the the said prescriptive period to
yearly income. period previously agreed upon. assess and collect the internal
(Sec. 222(d) revenue taxes and thereby
The theory of this method is extending the said periods to
that when the amount of the The regular 3-year period to assess or collect to a certain
money that a taxpayer spends ASSESS deficiency taxes may be period agreed upon thru a
during a given year exceeds his extended only upon a written “Waiver of the Statute of
reported or declared income agreement (WAIVER) between Limitations” in accordance with
and the source of such money the CIR and the TP executed the form and procedures laid
is unexplained, it may be BEFORE THE EXPIRATION of the down by the law and
inferred that such expenditures 3-year prescriptive period to regulations.
represent unreported or assess. (Sec. 222 (b), NIRC).
undeclared income. BIR v. CA, Nature of the Waiver of the
Spouses Antonio Villan Manly, Assessment AGREED UPON Statute of Limitation
and Ruby Ong Manly, G.R. may be further extended by
197590. Nov. 24, 2014 subsequent written agreement It is a derogation of the
made before the expiration of taxpayer's right to security
EXCEPTION NO. 2: When there the period previously agreed against prolonged and
is a VALID WAIVER of the upon. unscrupulous investigations,
Statute of Limitations thus, waivers of this kind must
BUT Assessment made within be carefully and strictly
If before the expiration of the the period agreed upon may construed.
regular 3-year period to assess be COLLECTED by distraint or
the tax, both the CIR and the TP levy, or by a proceeding in BUT It is NOT a waiver of the
have agreed in writing to its court BEFORE THE EXPIRATION right to invoke the defense of
assessment after such time, the OF THE 5-YEAR PERIOD. prescription but rather an
tax may be assessed within the agreement between the
period agreed upon. The period of collection agreed taxpayer and the BIR that the
upon may be extended by a period to issue an assessment
The period so agreed upon may subsequent written agreement and collect the taxes due is
be extended by subsequent MADE before the expiration of extended to a date certain.
written agreement made the period previously agreed
before the expiration of the upon. CIR v. Next Mobile, Inc., It is NOT a unilateral act by the
period previously agreed upon. GR 212825, Dec. 7, 2015 taxpayer or the BIR, but is a
(Sec. 222(b) bilateral agreement between
the taxpayer and the BIR.
Requisites for the Proper 6. Both the date of execution ensuring that the waivers are
Execution of the Waiver of the by the TP and date of validly executed by its
Statute of Limitations acceptance by the BIR should authorized representative who
be BEFORE the expiration of participated in the conduct of
Prior to RMO 14-2016 (April 18, the period of prescription or audit or investigation, whose
2016), the rule prevailing was before the lapse of the period authority shall not be
that the Waiver must faithfully agreed upon in case a thereafter contested to
comply with the provisions of subsequent agreement is invalidate the waiver.
RMC 29-2012 in order to be executed.
valid and binding, viz: 3. Considering that waiver is a
7. Waiver must be executed in voluntary act of the TP, it shall
1. Waiver must be in the proper 3 copies (Orig copy attached to take legal effect and be binding
form prescribed in RMC 29- docket of the case, 2nd copy on the TP upon its execution
2012 . (New: Waiver may NOT for TP; 3rd copy for the Office thereof.
necessarily be in the form accepting the waiver). The fact
prescribed) of receipt by the TP of his file 4. lt shall be the duty of the TP
copy must be indicated in the to submit its duly executed
2. Phrase “but not later than orig copy to show that the TP waiver to the CIR or officials
________”, which indicates the was notified of the acceptance previously designated in the
expiry date of the period of the BIR and the perfection of LOA/MOA who shall then
agreed upon to assess/collect the agreement. indicate acceptance by signing
the tax after the the same. Such waiver shall be
ordinary/regular 3-year period ADDITIONAL NEW RULES ON executed and duly accepted
of prescription, should be filled WAIVER OF THE STATUTE OF prior to the expiration of the
up. LIMITATIONS period to assess or to collect.
TP shall have the duty to retain
3. Waiver must be signed by TP 1. Except for waiver of period a copy of the accepted waiver.
himself or his duly authorized to collect taxes which shall
representative & such indicate the particular taxes 5. Note that there shall only be
delegation should be in assessed, waiver of the period two (2) material dates that
WRITING. (New: In the case of to assess need not specify the need to be present on the
corp., by any of its responsible particular taxes to be assessed waiver:
officials.) nor the amount thereof, and it
may simply state "all internal a) The date of execution of the
4. Waiver should be duly revenue taxes" considering that waiver by TP or its authorized
notarized. (NEW: It MAY BE during the assessment stage, representative; and
NOTARIZED. It is sufficient that the CIR or her duly authorized
it is in writing.) representative is still in the b) The expiry date of the period
process of examining and the TP waives the statute of
5. The CIR or the revenue determining the tax liability of limitations (RMO 14-2016, April
official authorized by him shall the TP. 18, 2016)
sign the waiver indicating the
date when it was signed and 2.Since TP is the applicant and
that the BIR has accepted and the executor of the extension
agreed to the waiver. It is a of the period of limitation for
BILATERAL AGREEMENT its benefit in order to submit
between the parties. the required documents and
accounting records, the TP is
charged with the burden of
Effects if the Waiver is not in When Waiver is defective and the Waivers VALID for the FF.
accordance with the therefore invalid, it produces reasons:
Requirements and Procedures no effect; thus, the prescriptive
period for collecting deficiency (1) the parties are in pari
The 3-year period of limitation income tax will never be delicto or "in equal fault."
to assess deficiency taxes is not suspended nor tolled. CIR v.
extended; nor Next Mobile, Inc. GR 212825, “In pari delicto” connotes that
Dec. 7, 2015 the 2 parties to a controversy
That the extension of the are equally culpable or guilty
period of limitation for Is the TP estopped from and they shall have no action
assessment from 3 years to 10 impugning the validity of the against each other.
years will not apply if the Waiver as regards the
allegation of false and remaining tax deficiency in However, although the parties
fraudulent return is not proven; view of a partial payment are in pari delicto, the Court
made on the deficiency tax may interfere and grant relief
The Waiver will have no binding being collected? at the suit of one of them,
effect if there are irregularities where public policy requires its
in the execution thereof. No. Although the taxpayer paid intervention (in consonance
the deficiency tax being with the principle that taxes
Estoppel does not apply in collected, it did not waive the are the lifeblood of the
questioning the validity of a defense of prescription as government, and their prompt
waiver of the Statute of regards the remaining tax and certain availability is an
Limitations because BIR cannot deficiencies, especially if said imperious need), even though
hide behind the doctrine of taxpayer continues to raise the the result may be that a benefit
estoppel to cover its failure to issue of prescription. CIR v. will be derived by one party
comply with the rules. Standard Chartered Bank, GR who is in equal guilt with the
192173, July 29, 2015 other. Enrique T Yuchengco,
Waiver not to be construed as Inc. v. Velayo, No. L-50439, July
a waiver of the right to invoke What is the GEN. RULE in the 20, 1982 (115 SCRA 307).
the defense of prescription interpretation of the waiver of
the Statute of Limitations? (2) The Court has repeatedly
Waiver of the statute of pronounced that parties must
limitations, whether on General Rule: When a waiver come to court with clean
assessment or collection, does not comply with the hands. Osmena v. Osmena,G.R.
should not be construed as a requisites for its validity 171911, Jan.26,2010 (611 SCRA
waiver of the right to invoke specified under then RMC 29- 164)
the defense of prescription but, 2012 (now amended by RMO
rather, an agreement between 14-2016) , it is invalid and Parties who do not come to
the TP and the BIR to EXTEND ineffective to extend the court with clean hands cannot
the period to a date certain, prescriptive period to assess or be allowed to benefit from
within which the latter could collect taxes. their own wrongdoings. DPWH
still assess or collect taxes due. v. Quiwa, G.R. 183444, Feb. 8,
Are there Exceptions to the 2012 (665 SCRA 479).
Waiver does not imply that the General Rule?
taxpayer relinquishes the right Following the foregoing
to invoke the defense of Yes. In CIR v. Next Mobile, the principle, respondent should
prescription unequivocally. Court treated the case as an not be allowed to benefit from
exception to the rule and find the flaws in its own Waivers
and successfully insist on their
invalidity in order to evade its raising the very same defects it Prescription of Govt.’s Right to
responsibility to pay taxes. caused. Collect Taxes in Exceptional
(3) Respondent is estopped On the other hand, the BIR
from questioning the validity of miserably failed to exact from The time limit for the
its Waivers. respondent compliance with its government to collect the
rules. assessed tax is set at 5 years, to
While it is true that the Court be reckoned from the date
has repeatedly held that the BIR's negligence in the when the assessment notice
doctrine of estoppel must be performance of its duties was had been mailed / released
sparingly applied as an so gross that it amounted to /sent to the taxpayer.
exception to the statute of malice and bad faith.
limitations for assessment of Further, Section 222(c) now
taxes, the Court finds that the Moreover, the BIR was so lax states that the assessed tax
application of the doctrine is such that it seemed that it must be collected by distraint
justified in this case. consented to the mistakes in or levy and/or court proceeding
the Waivers. within the 5-year period- China
Verily, the application of Banking Corporation v. CIR, GR
estoppel in this case would Such a situation is dangerous 172509, Feb. 4, 2015
promote the administration of and open to abuse by
the law, prevent injustice and unscrupulous TPs who intend Suspension of the Running of
avert the accomplishment of a to escape their responsibility to the Statute of Limitations
wrong and undue advantage. pay taxes by mere expedient of
hiding behind technicalities. The running of the Statute of
Here, Respondent executed 5 Limitations provided in Secs.
Waivers and delivered them to It is true that BIR was also at 203 and 222 on the making of
BIR, one after the other. fault because it was careless in assessment and the beginning
complying with the of distraint or levy or a
It allowed BIR to rely on them requirements of RMO 20-90 proceeding in court for
and did not raise any objection and RDAO 01-05. collection, in respect of any tax
against their validity until BIR deficiency, shall be suspended
assessed taxes and penalties Nevertheless, BIR’s negligence as follows:
against it. may be addressed by enforcing
the provisions imposing (1) for the period during which
Moreover, the application of administrative liabilities upon the CIR is prohibited from
estoppel is necessary to the officers responsible for making the assessment or
prevent the undue injury that these errors. beginning distraint or levy or a
the government would suffer proceeding in court for
because of the cancellation of But BIR's RIGHT TO ASSESS AND collection and for 60 days
BIR’s assessment of COLLECT SHOULD NOT BE thereafter;
respondent's tax liabilities. JEOPARDIZED merely because
of the mistakes and lapses of its (2) when the taxpayer requests
(4) The Court cannot tolerate officers, especially in cases like for a reinvestigation which is
this highly suspicious situation. this where the TP is obviously granted by the CIR;
in BAD FAITH. CIR v. Next
Because the TP, after Mobile, Inc., G.R. 212825, Dec. (3) when the taxpayer cannot
voluntarily executing waivers, 7, 2015 be located in the address given
insisted on their INVALIDITY by by him in the return filed upon
which a tax is being assessed or When a Request for even if prescription is not
collected; Reinvestigation suspends the raised as a defense.
Statute of Limitation
Provided, That, if the taxpayer The provisions on prescription
informs the CIR of any change A request for reinvestigation were enacted to benefit and
in address, the running of the alone will not suspend the protect taxpayers from
Statute of Limitations will not statute of limitations. investigation after a reasonable
be suspended; CIR v. Basf + Inks period of time. (Sec. 1, Rule 9,
Phils, Inc., G.R. 198677, Nov. Two things must concur: RoC).China Banking Corp. v.
26, 2014 CIR. G.R. 172509. Feb. 4, 2015
(1) there must be a request for
(4) when the warrant of reinveStigation and When tax abatement is
distraint or levy is duly served deemed approved.
upon the taxpayer, his (2) the CIR must have GRANTED
authorized representative, or a it. The burden of proof that the An application for tax
member of his household with request for reinvestigation had abatement is deemed approved
sufficient discretion, and no been actually granted shall be only upon the issuance of a
property could be located; and on the CIR. termination letter by the BIR.

(5) when the taxpayer is out of Such grant may be expressed in The last step in the tax
the Philippines. - Sec. 223, NIRC its communications with the abatement process is the
taxpayer or implied from the issuance of the termination
Running of period to assess action of the CIR or his letter.
when not suspended authorized representative in
response to the request for The presentation of the
The suspension of the 3-year reinvestigation. -China Banking termination letter is essential as
period to assess applies only if Corp. v. CIR. G.R. 172509. Feb. it proves that the taxpayer's
the CIR is not aware of the 4, 2015; application for tax abatement
whereabouts of the taxpayer. has been approved.
Failure to raise prescription at
Hence, despite the absence of a the administrative level/lower Thus, without a termination
formal written notice of the court as a defense is of no letter, a tax assessment cannot
TP’s change of address, the fact moment be considered closed and
remains that the BIR became terminated.
aware of TP’s new address as As a general rule, the failure to
shown by documents replete in raise the defense of In case of denial, can the
its records. prescription at the payment made for the
administrative level prevents abatement be considered as
As a consequence, the running the taxpayer from raising it at double taxation?
of the 3-year period to assess the appeal stage.
TP was not suspended and has However, in case the taxpayer’s
already prescribed. CIR v. Basf This rule, however, is not application for tax abatement is
Coating + Inks Phils, GR 198677, absolute. denied, any payment made by
Nov. 2014 it would be applied to its
When the pleadings or the outstanding tax liability.
evidence on record show that
the claim is barred by For this reason, taxpayer’s
prescription, the court may allegation of double taxation
motu proprio dismiss the claim must fail.
ASSESSMENT AND that the taxes paid were On matters such as tax
incorrect, false, or fraudulent. collection, tax refund, and
COLLECTION OF TAXES others related to the national
The BIR also assesses taxes internal revenue taxes, the
Meaning of the term when taxes are due but no CTA’s jurisdiction is appellate in
“Assessment”. return is filed. nature.
The term “assessment” refers
All PRESUMPTIONS are in favor When is Assessment Deemed
to the determination of
amounts due from a person
obligated to make payments.
Assessment of the tax is
Tax assessments made by the deemed made and the period
In the context of national
BIR shall be prima facie to COLLECT the assessed tax
internal revenue collection, it
PRESUMED CORRECT and made begins to run on the date the
refers the determination of the
taxes due from a taxpayer
under the NIRC of 1997. TP has the burden of proof of DEMAND had been released,
showing the incorrectness of mailed or sent to the taxpayer.
The power and duty to assess
such assessment
national internal revenue taxes
are lodged with the BIR. What is a Letter of Authority
In the absence of proof of any (LOA)?
irregularities in the
When is the BIR required to performance of duties, an A LOA is the authority given to
make assessment. assessment duly made by a BIR the appropriate revenue officer
examiner and approved by his assigned to perform
Taxes are generally self- superior officers will not be assessment functions.
assessed because they are disturbed.
initially computed and
It empowers or enables said
voluntarily paid by the Even an assessment based on revenue officer to examine the
taxpayer. estimates is prima facie VALID books of account and other
and lawful where it does not accounting records of a
The government does not have appear to have been arrived at taxpayer for the purpose of
to demand it. arbitrarily or capriciously collecting the correct amount
of tax.
If the tax payments are correct, Failure to present proof of
the BIR is not mandated to error in the assessment will A LOA is premised on the fact
make an assessment because justify the judicial affirmance of that the examination of a
tax returns filed with the BIR said assessment. - CIR v. taxpayer who has already filed
enjoy the presumption that Traders Royal Bank, G.R. L- his tax returns is a power that
these are in accordance with 167134, March 18, 2015 statutorily belongs only to the
the law.
CIR himself or his duly
Does the CTA have the power authorized representatives. CIR
Tax returns are also presumed
to make assessment? v. Sony Phils., Inc., 649 Phil. 519
correct since these are filed
(2010) cited in Medicard v. CIR,
under the penalty of perjury.
The CTA has no power to make G.R. 222743, April 5, 2017
an assessment at the first
Generally, however, the BIR
assesses taxes when it appears,
after a return had been filed,
What is a Letter Notice (LN)? LOA before proceeding with the order to arrive at the correct
further examination and amount of taxes.
LN is merely similar to a Notice assessment of the taxpayer.
for Informal Conference (NIC). Hence, unless undertaken by
 BIR's General Audit the CIR himself or his duly
However, for a Notice of Procedures and Documentation authorized representatives,
Informal Conference, which other tax agents may not
generally precedes the issuance A LOA cannot be dispensed validly conduct any of these
of an assessment notice to be with just because none of the kinds of examinations without
valid, the same presupposes financial books or records being prior authority.
that the revenue officer who physically kept by the TP was
issued the same is properly examined. Is the issuance of a LOA
authorized in the first place, covering audit of unverified
which is not so in the case of To begin with, Sec. 6 of the prior years valid?
LN. Medicard v. CIR, G.R. NIRC requires an authority from
222743, April 5, 2017 the CIR or from his duly A LOA should cover a taxable
authorized representatives period NOT exceeding ONE
Differences between LOA & LN before an examination "of a taxable year.
taxpayer" may be made.
A LOA addressed to a revenue The practice of issuing LOAs
officer is specifically required The requirement of covering audit of unverified
under the NIRC before an authorization is therefore not prior years is prohibited.
examination of a taxpayer may dependent on whether the TP
be had while an LN is not found may be required to physically If the audit of a taxpayer shall
in the NIRC and is only for the open his books and financial include more than one taxable
purpose of notifying the records but only on whether a period, the other periods or
taxpayer that a discrepancy is taxpayer is being subject to years shall be specifically
found based on the BIR' s examination. indicated in the LOA.
RELIEF System.
Is the absence of a LOA fatal? What is the “No-contact audit
A LOA is valid only for 30 days approach”?
from date of issue while an LN Yes. It is clear that unless
has no such limitation. authorized by the CIR himself RMO 30-2003 was
or by his duly authorized supplemented by RMO 42-
A LOA gives the revenue officer representative, through a LOA, 2003, which laid down the "no-
only a period of 12O days from an examination of the taxpayer contact-audit approach" in the
receipt of LOA to conduct his CANNOT ordinarily be CIR's exercise of its •power to
examination of the taxpayer undertaken. authorize any examination of
whereas an LN does not taxpayer arid the assessment of
contain such a limitation. The circumstances the correct amount of tax.
contemplated under Sec. 6
Simply put, LN is entirely where the taxpayer may be The no-contact-audit approach
different. and serves a different assessed through best-evidence includes the process of
purpose than a LOA. obtainable, inventory-taking, or computerized matching of sales
surveillance among others has and purchases data contained
Due process demands that nothing to do with the LOA. in the Schedules of Sales and
after an LN has served its Domestic Purchases~ and
purpose, the revenue officer These are simply methods of Schedule of Importation
should have properly secured a examining the taxpayer in submitted by VAT taxpayers
under the RELIEF System the taxpayer with an otherwise, the assessment is
pursuant to RR 7-95, as opportunity to present his side VOID.)
amended. of the case.
2. Assessment should conform
This may also include the The IC shall in no case extend with the provisions of Sec. 228,
matching of data from other beyond 30 days from receipt of NIRC. Old requirement of
information or returns filed by the NIC. merely NOTIFYING the taxpayer
the taxpayers with the BIR such of the CIR’s findings was
as Alphalist of Payees subject to lf it is found that the taxpayer is changed into INFORMING the
Final or Creditable Withholding still liable for deficiency tax or TP of not only the LAW, but
'Taxes. taxes after presenting his side, also of the FACTS on which an
and the taxpayer is not assessment would be made,
Under this. policy, even without amenable, the RDO or the OTHERWISE, the assessment
conducting a detailed Chief, SID of the RRO, or the itself would be VOID or
examination of taxpayer's Chief of Division in the NO, as INVALID.
books and records, if the the case may be, shall endorse
computerized/manual the case within 7 days from the 3. An assessment, in order to
matching of sales and conclusion of the IC to the stand judicial scrutiny, MUST be
purchases/expenses appears to Assessment Div of the Region based on facts. The
reveal discrepancies, the same or to the CIR or his duly presumption of the correctness
shall be communicated to the authorized representative for of an assessment, being a mere
concerned taxpayer through issuance of a PAN. presumption, cannot be made
the issuance of LN. to rest on another
Failure on the part of RO to presumption. Pacquiao v. CIR,
Notice for Informal comply with the periods GR 213394, April 6, 2016
Conference. indicated herein shall be meted
with penalty. - As amended by 4. The law requires that the
The Revenue Officer who RR 7-2018 issued on Jan. 31, legal and factual bases of the
audited the taxpayer's records 2018 reinstating the old assessment be stated in the
shall state in his report whether provision of RR 12-99, as FORMAL letter of demand
or not the taxpayer agrees with amended by RR 18-2013. (FLD)and FINAL ASSESSMENT
his findings that the taxpayer is NOTICE(FAN).
liable for deficiency tax or Requisites of Valid Assessment
taxes. Notice 5. A void assessment bears NO
lf the taxpayer is not amenable, 1. Assessment SHALL be in
based on the said Officer's writing INFORMING the Date of issuance of the notice
submitted report of taxpayer the LEGAL and of assessment determines
investigation, the taxpayer shall FACTUAL BASES of the tax which law to apply.
be informed, in writing, by the assessment made against him,
RDO or by the SID, as the case and not just “estimates based Date of issuance of the notice
may be (in the case of RROs) or on best possible sources.” of assessment determines
by the Chief of Division Pacquiao v. CIR, GR 213394, which LAW applies - the 1997
concerned (in the case of the April 6, 2016 NIRC or the old Tax Code.
BIR NO) of the discrepancy/ies
in the taxpayer's payment of his (Use of the word “shall” The claim that RR 12-99 is not
internal revenue taxes, for the indicates the MANDATORY applicable at the time the PAN
purpose of "Informal nature of the requirements, and FAN for the deficiency EWT
Conference," in order to afford has no basis.
Considering that such based, otherwise, the FLD and No. 12-99, as amended,
regulations merely implements FAN shall be void. indicates that the requirement
the law, and does not create or of informing the taxpayer of
take away vested rights under 4.PROTEST (Disputed the legal and factual bases of
the law, the new law (even if Assessment) – The TP may the assessment and the
RR were issued much later) protest ADMINISTRATIVELY decision made against him is
may be applied retroactively. against the FLD/FAN within 30 MANDATORY. The requirement
days from date of receipt either of providing the taxpayer with
Absence of the regulation does thru a request for written notice of the factual
not automatically mean that reinvestigation or a request for and legal bases applies both to
the law itself would become reconsideration. the FLD/FAN and the FDDA.)
Request for Reinvestigation – If Requirement of due process
Procedures in tax assessments. the protest is in the form of a NOT violated by the issuance
Request for Reinvestigation, TP of RR 18-2013
Under Sec 228, NIRC, a can submit documents relative
taxpayer shall be informed in to the request within 60 days So long as the parties are given
writing of the law and the facts from The filing of the request. the opportunity to explain their
on which the assessment is side (SUCH AS ISSUANCE to TPs
made, otherwise, the If the Request is a Request for OF ASSESSMENT NOTICES), the
assessment shall be void. Reconsideration, then the requirements of due process
period to collect shall run from are satisfactorily complied with
The procedures are as follows: the issuance of the FAN/FLD.
To proceed heedlessly with tax
1. NIC - RO who audited the collection without first
TP’s records shall state in his establishing a valid assessment
report whether or not TP 5. Final Decision on Disputed is evidently violative of the
agrees with his findings. Assessment (FDDA) – The CIR cardinal principle in
has 180 DAYS within which to administrative investigations:
2. PAN - Issuance of a PAN grant or deny the protest. The that taxpayers should be able
showing in detail, the facts and decision, however, of the CIR or to present their case and
the law, rules and regulations, his duly authorized adduce supporting evidence.
or jurisprudence on which the representative SHALL
proposed assessment is based. Thus, requirement of due
(a) state the facts, the process is NOT violated when
2. REPLY - If the TP fails to applicable law, rules and the notice of informal
respond within 15 days from regulations, or jurisprudence conference was removed from
date of receipt of the PAN, he on which such decision is the assessment process (RR 18-
shall be considered in default. based, otherwise, the decision 2013), since a TP could still be
shall be VOID, in which case, properly informed of the basis
3. Formal Letter of Demand the same shall not be of its tax liabilities thru the
and Final Assessment Notice considered a decision on a issuance of assessment notice.
(FLD and FAN) shall be issued disputed assessment; AND
calling for payment of the TP’s However, prior to the issuance
deficiency tax which shall state (2) that the same is his FINAL of the PAN, the TP may be
the facts, the law, rules and DECISION. allowed to make VOLUNTARY
regulations, or jurisprudence PAYMENTS of probable
on which the assessment is (The use of the word “shall” in deficiency taxes and penalties
Sec. 228 of the NIRC and in RR (RMC 11-2014)
So after the review & Spouses Paquiao v. CTA and Superama, Inc. 652 Phil. 172
evaluation of the tax case, and CIR, GR 213394, April 6, 2016 (2010)
there is a sufficient basis to
assess the TP, a PAN shall be Sending the assessment notice Mere notations made without
issued to the TP which shall to the wrong address will never the taxpayer’s intervention,
show in detail the FACTS and attain finality of the assessment notice or control, and without
the LAW, RULES & REGS or notice. adequate supporting evidence
JURISPRUDENCE on which the cannot suffice.
proposed assessment is based, The letter or notice must be
otherwise, the assessment properly addressed. When Assessment Notice
itself would be invalid. Deemed Received.
It is not enough that the notice
Is the issuance of Notice of is sent by registered mail as When an assessment is made
Informal Conference provided under the Regulation. within the prescriptive period,
mandatory prior to RR 18- receipt by the taxpayer may or
2013? Assessment notice which was may not be within said period.
sent to the wrong address
One of the first requirements of would never attain finality if the If the taxpayer denies having
Sec.3 of RR 12-99, the then taxpayer never received it, received an assessment from
prevailing RR on on the due either ACTUALLY or the BIR, it then becomes
process requirement in tax CONSTRUCTIVELY. incumbent upon the latter to
audits and/or investigation, is prove by competent evidence
that a NIC be first accorded to When is the assessment (FAN) that such notice was indeed
the taxpayer. deemed made? received by the addressee.

The use of the word “shall” in While it is true that an Here the onus probandi has
subsection 3.1.1 describes the assessment is made when the shifted to the BIR to show by
mandatory nature of the notice is sent within the 3-year contrary evidence that the
service of a NIC. period from the date of the taxpayer indeed received the
actual filing of the return or assessment in the due course
The purpose of sending a NIC is from the last day prescribed by of mail.
but part of the “due process law for the filing of the return,
requirement in the issuance of whichever is later, the release, It has been settled that while a
a deficiency tax assessment,” mailing, or sending of the FAN mailed letter is deemed
the absence of which renders must still be clearly and received by the addressee in
nugatory any assessment made satisfactorily proved. the course of mail, this is
by the tax authorities. merely a disputable
When an assessment is made presumption subject to
While R.R. 12-99 was recently within the prescriptive period, controversion, the direct denial
amended by R.R. 18-2013 on receipt by the taxpayer may or of which shifts the burden to
Nov. 28, 2013, the same should may not be within said period. the sender to prove that the
not be deemed to have mailed letter was, in fact ,
retroactive effect and cure the If the TP denies having received received by the addressee.
otherwise fatal defect an assessment from the BIR, it
committed by the CIR. R.R. 18- then becomes incumbent upon
2013 is bereft of any indication the latter to prove by
that the RR shall operate competent evidence that such
retroactively. notice was indeed received by
the TP. CIR v. Metro Star
Is the advice of tax deficiency collecting the correct amount PROTEST
given to an employee a valid of tax.
substitute for the FAN?
Not having authority to (Disputed
No. The requirement for issuing examine the TP, the resulting Assessment)
a PAN FAN informing a TP of assessment issued against him
the existence of a deficiency tax shall be deemed void.
Requisites of a Valid Protest
assessment is markedly
different from the requirement Can the courts exercise (1) It must be made in writing
of what such notice to an assessment power? and addressed to the CIR or his
duly authorized representative,
No. The courts have no filed by the TP or his duly
Just because the CIR issued an assessment powers, and authorized representative (who
advice, a preliminary letter therefore, cannot issue must be an accredited BIR tax
during the preassessment stage assessments against taxpayers. agent/practitioner), in person
and a final notice, in the order
or through registered mail with
required by law, does not The courts can only review the
return card with the Office of
necessarily mean that the TP assessments issued by the CIR,
the concerned RD, ACIR-LTS
was informed of the law and who under the law is vested
and ACIR-EAS, who signed the
the facts on which the with the powers to assess and
PAN/FAN/FLD, for proper
deficiency tax assessment was collect taxes and the duty to
recording of the protest, and
made. issue tax assessments within
evaluation if the same is in
the prescribed period.
accordance with Sec. 228 of the
The law requires that the legal
Tax Code.
and factual bases of the a It would be unfair to allow the
ssessment be state in the CIR to use a claim for refund
(2) It should be filed within 30
formal letter of demand and under Sec. 112, NIRC as a
days from the receipt of the
assessment notice. Thus, such means to assess a taxpayer for
cannot be presumed. any deficiency VAT, especially if
the period to assess had (3) It must contain all the
Is the issuance of a FAN arising already prescribed. information required by the
from an LN valid? rules, viz:
When is it deemed that
No. Failure to convert collection process is already (a) Name of the TP and
previously issued LN to a LOA is made? address for the immediate past
a clear and unequivocal 3 taxable years;
violation of a taxpayer’s right to The period to collect the
due process. assessed tax begins to run on (b) The nature of protest
the date the FAN/FLD had been whether a request for
A LOA is the authority given to released, mailed or sent by the reconsideration or
the appropriate revenue officer BIR to the taxpayer. reinvestigation, specifying
assigned to perform newly discovered or additional
assessment functions. Evidence must be established evidence he intends to present
that a warrant of distraint or if it is a request for
It empowers or enables said levy has been served on the reinvestigation,
revenue officer to examine the properties of the taxpayer, or
books of account and other any judicial proceedings had (c) Taxable periods covered
accounting records of a been initiated by the BIR. by the assessment;
taxpayer for the purpose of
(d) Amount and kind of tax issue or issues, in which case, without the issuance of a Final
involved and the assessment the assessment attributable Decision on Disputed
notice and number; thereto shall become final, Assessment (FDDA) from the
executory and demandable; regional office shall be
(e) Date of the assessment and the taxpayer shall be considered premature and
notice, and date of receipt required to pay the deficiency invalid. Dayrit v. Cruz, GR
thereof; tax or taxes attributable 39919, Sept. 26, 1988
thereto and a collection letter
(f) Itemized statement of the shall be issued to the taxpayer
findings to which the taxpayer calling for payment of the said
agrees (if any) as basis for the deficiency tax, inclusive of the Request for Reinvestigation vs.
computation of the tax due, applicable surcharge and/or Request for Reconsideration
which must be paid interest.
immediately upon the filing of (a) Request for
the protest; For request for reinvestigation, reconsideration– refers to a
the TP shall SUBMIT ALL plea for a re-evaluation of an
If there are several issues RELEVANT SUPPORTING assessment on the basis of
involved in the FLD/FAN but the DOCUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF existing records without need
TP only disputes or protests HIS PROTEST WITHIN 60 DAYS of additional evidence; may
against the validity of some of FROM THE DATE OF FILING OF involve both a question of fact
the issues raised, the HIS LETTER OF PROTEST, or of law or both.
assessment attributable to the otherwise, the assessment shall
undisputed issue or issues shall become final. The sixty (60)- (b) Request for reinvestigation–
become final, executory and day period for the submission refers to a plea for re-
demandable; and the taxpayer of all relevant supporting evaluation of an assessment on
shall be required to pay the documents shall NOT apply to the basis of newly-discovered
deficiency tax or taxes request for reconsideration. evidence or additional evidence
attributable thereto. that a taxpayer intends to
The CIR has 180 days within present in the reinvestigation;
(g) Itemized schedule of the which to decide on the protest may also involve a question of
adjustments to which the from the submission of all fact or law or both.
taxpayer does not agree; relevant supporting
documents, in case the protest Request for reinvestigation
(4) It should state the facts, is in the form of a request for must be GRANTED first by the
applicable law, rules and reinvestigation. CIR to suspend the running of
regulations or jurisprudence on the prescriptive periods
which his protest is based, The request for reinvestigation
otherwise the protest shall be MUST BE GRANTED BY THE CIR. A request for reinvestigation
considered void and without alone will NOT suspend the
force and effect. Sec. 223, NIRC of 1997, as statute of limitations .
amended. BPI vs. CIR, GR
When the taxpayer fails to 139736, Oct. 17, 2005 Two things must concur:
state the facts, the applicable
law, rules and regulations, or RMC 38-2013 (May 2, 2013 ) (1) there must be a request for
jurisprudence in support of his provides that any legal petition reinvestigation and
protest against some of the notice (LPN), declaration or any
several issues on which the similar document protesting (2) the CIR must have granted
assessment is based, the same the assessment addressed to it
shall be considered undisputed the CIR or any official in the NO
In order to effect suspension The BIR can only inform the TP FINAL DECISION ON
OF THE PERIOD TO COLLECT. to submit additional
Undoubtedly, it entails the DISPUTED
reception and evaluation of But it cannot demand what ASSESSMENT (FDDA)
additional evidence & will take type of supporting documents
more time than a Motion for should be submitted.  Adverse Decision of
Reconsideration, and thus CIR’s Representative
justifying why it can suspend Otherwise, a TP will be at the The term “CIR’s duly authorized
the running of the statute of mercy of the BIR, which may representatives” refers to
limitations, while the former require the production of  Rev. Regional Directors,
can not. documents that a TP cannot  ACIR-LTS, and
submit.  ACIR-EAS.
What is the proof that the  Accordingly, responses
request for reinvestigation is Meaning of the term to PAN and protests (request
granted? for
“the assessment shall become reconsideration/reinvestigation
The burden of proof that the final” ) to the FLD/FAN should be
request for reinvestigation had submitted to those who signed
been actually granted shall be The term “the assessment shall the PAN and FLD/FAN.
on the CIR. become final” – means that the  But protests in the
failure of the TP who requested nature of REQUEST FOR
Such grant may be EXPRESSED for a reinvestigation to submit RECONSIDERATION arising from
in its communications with the all relevant supporting adverse decisions (DENIAL) of
taxpayer or IMPLIED from the documents within 60-day the duly authorized
action of the CIR or his period shall render the representatives shall be filed
authorized representative in FLD/FAN FINAL by operation with the Office of the CIR.
response to the request for of law.  (RMC 39-2013; RMC 11-
reinvestigation. 2014)
TP shall be barred from
If there is no showing that it disputing the correctness of the Remedial Options of a
has been granted, it cannot be FLD/FAN by the introduction of Protesting Taxpayer in case of
said that the running of the 3- newly discovered or additional DENIAL or INACTION of the CIR
year prescriptive period was evidence because he is deemed or authorized representative.
effectively suspended. to have lost his chance to
present these evidence. I. Protest filed to CIR’s
Can the BIR demand what type authorized representative
of supporting documents to The BIR shall then DENY the
submit? request for reinvestigation A. If the protest is DENIED, in
through the issuance of an whole or in part, by the CIR’s
No. The term “relevant FDDA. authorized representative, TP
supporting documents” should may either:
be understood as those (RMC 11-2014)
documents necessary to i. APPEAL to the CTA within 30
support the legal basis in days from date of re ceipt of
disputing a tax assessment as the decision;
determined by the TP.
Ii. Elevate his protest thru
RECONSIDERATION to the CIR shall NOT toll the 30-day period may be appealed to the CIR or
within 30 days from date of to appeal to the CTA. the CTA.
receipt of the decision. (No
Request for Reinvestigation B. In case of INACTION by the A whole or partial denial by the
shall be allowed in CIR within 180 days counted CIR may be appealed to the
administrative appeal and only from the date of filing of the CTA.
issues raised in the decision protest, the taxpayer may
shall be entertained by the CIR) either: The CIR or the CIR's authorized
representative's failure to act
B. In case of INACTION by the i. APPEAL to the CTA within 30 may be appealed to the CTA.
CIR’s duly authorized days from the expiration of the
representative within 180 days 180-day period; or There is no mention of an
from filing of a Request for appeal to the CIR from the
Recon; or from date of Ii. AWAIT the final decision of failure to act by the CIR's
submission of documents the CIR on the FDDA and appeal authorized representative.
within 60 days from the date of such final decision to the CTA
filing of a Request for within 30 days after the receipt Requisites of a valid FDDA
Reinvestigation, TP may either: of a copy of such decision.
The decision of the CIR on a
i. APPEAL to the CTA within 30 C. It must be emphasized, disputed assessment SHALL
days after the expiration of the however, that in case of state the
180-day period; or INACTION on protested
assessment within the 180-day (1) facts, the applicable law,
ii. AWAIT the final decision of period, the option of the rules and regulations, or
the CIR’s duly authorized taxpayer to either: jurisprudence on which such
representative on the FDDA. decision is based, otherwise,
and once denied, he may i. File a Petition for Review the decision shall be VOID, and
appeal to the CTA within 30 with the CTA within 30 days
days from the receipt of the after the expiration of the 180- (2) that the same is his final
decision. day period; or decision.

Protest filed to the CIR – Ii. AWAIT the final decision of The use of the word “shall” in
the CIR or his duly authorized Section 228 of the NIRC and in
A. If the protest or representative on the disputed RR No. 12-99 indicates that the
administrative appeal, as the assessment and APPEAL such requirement of informing the
case may be, is DENIED, in FDDA to the CTA within 30 days taxpayer of the legal and
whole or in part, by the CIR, after the receipt of a copy of factual bases of the assessment
such decision, are MUTUALLY and the decision made against
i. TP may APPEAL to the CTA EXCLUSIVE and the resort to him is MANDATORY.
within 30 days from date of one bars the application of the
receipt of the said decision. other. The appealable DECISION is the
Otherwise, the assessment one which categorically states
shall become final, executory RR v SC decision in case of that the CIR’s action on the
and demandable. inaction disputed assessment is FINAL,
and therefore, the reckoning of
Ii. A motion for reconsideration To further clarify the options: the 30-day period to appeal to
of the CIR’s denial of the the CTA is from the receipt of
protest or administrative A whole or partial denial by the that final decision of the CIR.
appeal, as the case may be, CIR's authorized representative
A void FDDA does NOT ipso Hence, the invalidity of one import of their language, nor
facto render the ASSESSMENT does not necessarily result to their operation enlarged so as
void. the invalidity of the other— to embrace matters not
unless the law or regulations specifically provided.
In resolving the issue on the otherwise provide.
effects of a void FDDA, it is Clearly, a decision of the CIR on
necessary to differentiate an A "decision" differs from an a disputed assessment differs
“assessment” from a "assessment" and failure of the from the assessment itself.
“deciSion.” FDDA to state the facts and law
on which it is based renders the Hence, the invalidity of one
Where a TP questions an decision void- BUT NOT does not necessarily result to
assessment and asks the CIR to NECESSARILY THE the invalidity of the other—
reconsider or cancel the same ASSESSMENT. unless the law or regulations
because the TP believes he is otherwise provide.
not liable thereto, the Tax laws may not be extended
assessment becomes a by implication beyond the clear Section 228 of the NIRC
"disputed assessment" that the import of their language, nor provides that an assessment
CIR must decide, and the TP their operation enlarged so as shall be void if the taxpayer is
can appeal to the CTA only to embrace matters not not informed in writing of the
upon receipt of the decision of specifically provided. law and the facts on which it is
the CIR on the disputed based.
assessment, in accordance with Effects of a VOID FDDA
par.(1) of sec. 7, RA 1125, It is, however, silent with
conferring appellate jurisdiction An FDDA that does not inform regards to a decision on a
upon the CTA to review the taxpayer in writing of the disputed assessment by the CIR
"decisions of the CIR in cases facts and law on which it is which fails to state the law and
involving disputed based renders the decision facts on which it is based.
assessment” . void.
This void is filled by RR No. 12-
What is appealable to the CTA Therefore, it is as if there was 99 where it is stated that failure
is the “decision” of the CIR on no decision rendered by the of the FDDA to reflect the facts
disputed assessment and NOT CIR. and law on which it is based
the assessment itself. will make the decision void.
It is tantamount to a DENIAL BY
An assessment becomes a INACTION by the CIR, which It, however, does not extend
disputed assessment after a may still be appealed before to the nullification of the entire
taxpayer has filed its protest to the CTA and the assessment assessment.
the assessment in the evaluated on the basis of the
administrative level. available evidence and Effects of a VOID ASSESSMENT
Thereafter, the CIR either issues The reason for requiring that
a decision on the disputed Thus the merits of the taxpayers be informed in
assessment OR fails to act on it assessment should have been writing of the facts and law on
and is, therefore, considered discussed and not merely which the assessment is made
denied. brushed aside on account of is the constitutional guarantee
the void FDDA. that no person shall be
Clearly, a decision of the CIR on deprived of his property
a disputed assessment differs Tax laws may not be extended without due process of law.
from the assessment itself. by implication beyond the clear
Merely notifying the taxpayer illegally or excessively the exemption by words too
of its tax liabilities without PAID. plain to be mistaken and too
elaborating on its details is categorical to be
insufficient. Though the Tax Code misinterpreted; it is never
recognizes the right of presumed nor be allowed solely
The old requirement of merely taxpayers to request the return on the ground of equity.
notifying the taxpayer of the of such excess/erroneous
CIR's findings was changed in payments from the In addition, one who claims
1998 to informing the taxpayer government, they must do so that he is entitled to a tax
of not only the law, but also of within a prescribed period. refund must not only claim that
the facts on which an the transaction subject of tax is
assessment would be made; Further, "a taxpayer must clearly and unequivocally not
otherwise, the assessment prove not only his entitlement subject to tax - the amount of
itself would be invalid. to a refund, but also his the claim must still be proven in
compliance with the procedural the normal course, in
due process as non-observance accordance with the prescribed
The cardinal rule in of the prescriptive periods rules on evidence.
administrative law is that the within which to file the
taxpayer be accorded due administrative and the judicial What are “erroneously paid
process. Not only was the law claims would result in the taxes”?
here disregarded, but no valid denial of his claim.
notice was sent, either. A void The self-assessing and
assessment bears no valid fruit. Differentiate tax refund from voluntarily paying taxpayer,
tax credit however, may later find that he
The law imposes a substantive, or she has erroneously paid
not merely a formal, Tax refund is defined as the taxes.
requirement. To proceed money that a taxpayer overpaid
heedlessly with tax collection and is thus returned by the Erroneously paid taxes may
without first establishing a valid taxing authority. come in the form of
assessment is evidently
violative of the cardinal Tax credit is an amount (1) amounts that should not
principle in administrative subtracted directly from one’s have been paid, or
investigations: that taxpayers total tax liability. It is an
should be able to present their amount given to a taxpayer as a (2) in the form of tax payments
case and adduce supporting subsidy, a refund, or an for the wrong category of tax.
evidence. incentive to encourage
investment In these instances, the taxpayer
CLAIM FOR REFUND/ may ask for a refund.
What is the nature of a claim
for refund? If the BIR fails to act on the
TAX CREDIT request for refund, the TP may
CERTIFICATE Claims for tax refunds are in bring the matter to the CTA.
the nature of tax exemptions
What is the general rule which result in loss of revenue CTA may acquire jurisdiction
regarding tax refunds? for the government. over cases even if they do not
involve BIR assessments or
Tax refunds are based on the Upon the person claiming an decisions, SUCH AS IN A CLAIM
general premise that taxes exemption from tax payments FOR REFUND where the CIR had
have either been erroneously, rests the burden of justifying failed to act (INACTION) on its
claim for refund of erroneously Reckoning of the 2-year period in advances or portions (or mere
paid taxes. the case of final withholding tax installments) of the annual tax
due , to be adjusted at the end
Reckoning of the 2-year period The tax involved in this case is a of the calendar or fiscal year
with respect to payment 10% FWHT on Metrobank's
effected thru the WHT System interest income on its foreign Reckoning of the 2-year period
currency denominated loan for the claim for refund in the
Payment is a mode of extended to LHC. case of erroneous payment of
extinguishing obligations (Art. DST
1231, NCC) and it means not FWHTs are considered as full
only the delivery of money but and final payment of the For DST metering machine
also the performance, in any income tax due, and thus, are users, the payment of the DST
other manner, of an obligation. not subject to any adjustments. upon loading/reloading is
A taxpayer, resident or non- Thus, the 2-year prescriptive for future application.
resident, does so - not really to period commences to run from
deposit an amount to the CIR, the time the refund is The liability for the payment of
but to perform and extinguish ascertained, i.e., the date such the DST falls due only upon the
his tax obligation for the year tax was paid, and not upon the occurrence of a taxable
concerned. discovery by the taxpayer of transaction.
the erroneous or excessive
In other words, he is paying his payment of taxes. Therefore, it is only then that
tax liabilities for that year. payment may be considered for
Reckoning of the 2-year period the purpose of filing a claim for
Consequently, a taxpayer in the case of corporate a refund or tax credit.
whose income is withheld at income tax
source will be deemed to have Since actual payment was
paid his tax liability when the Claim for refund of erroneously already made upon
same falls due at the end of the paid taxes must be done within loading/reloading of the DS
tax year. 2 years from the DATE OF metering machine and the filing
PAYMENT (i.e., when the tax of the DST Declaration Return,
It is from this latter date then, liability FALLS DUE; ex. From the date of IMPRINTING the
or when the tax liability falls filing of FAR in the case of DST on the TAXABLE
due, that the 2-year corporations (for income tax), DOCUMENT must be
prescriptive period under Sec. because a TP whose income is considered as the date of
229 of the NIRC starts to run withheld at source will be payment contemplated under
with respect to payments deemed to have paid his tax Section 229, in relation to Sec.
effected through the liability when the same falls 200 of the NIRC.
withholding tax system. due at the END OF THE YEAR,
(and it was only at that time
The aforequoted ruling when its right to a refund was
presents two alternative ascertained.
reckoning dates: (I) the end of
the tax year; and (2) the date The quarterly tax payments
when the tax liability falls due, which are computed based on
as the case may be. the cumulative figures of gross
receipts and deductions in
order to arrive at a net taxable
income, should be treated as
Refund under Sec. 204 erroneously or illegally is (3) There must be a proof of
refunded, court action will payment of the erroneously or
vs. Refund under Sec. follow. illegally collected taxes altho it
Nowhere and in NO wise does TAX HAD BEEN PAID UNDER
Both sections pertain to the the law imply that the CIR must PROTEST or DURESS.
refund of erroneously or act upon the claim, or that the
illegally collected taxes. taxpayer shall not go to court (4) JUDICIAL CLAIM, however,
before he is notified of the should be filed within the same
But Refund under Sec. 204 CIR’s action. 2 year period from the date of
applies to ADMINISTRATIVE payment of the tax or penalty
CLAIM for refund, while Refund Hence, an administrative claim REGARDLESS OF ANY
under Sec. 229 applies to and a judicial claim for refund SUPERVENING CAUSE that may
JUDICIAL CLAIM for refund. filed within the same 2-year arise after payment. If it files its
period should not be treated as claim on the last day of said
In both instances, TP’s claim violative of non-exhaustion of period, it is still filed on time
must be filed within 2 years administrative remedies provided that the
from the date of PAYMENT of because the law did not require ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM had
the tax or penalty. that the CIR must act upon the been PRIORLY MADE.
claim and that the taxpayer
Sec. 229 though further shall not go to court before he (5) If the claim for refund was
requires the condition that a is notified of the CIR’s action. denied by the CIR within the 2-
judicial claim may not be All that is needed is that the year period, the TP may elevate
maintained until a claim for administrative claim should be his claim to the CTA within 30
refund or credit has been been priorly made. days from receipt of the denial
duly filed with the CIR. which must not exceed 2 years
Requisites of claim for refund from payment of the tax. Sec.
However, the law simply of erroneously paid or illegally 3(a), RRCTA
requires that an administrative collected NATIONAL INTERNAL
claim should be PRIORLY FILED REVENUE TAXES (6)The denial of the claim for
with the CIR before a JUDICIAL refund filed with the CIR is the
CLAIM for refund can be filed. (1)TP should file a WRITTEN one which will vest the CTA’s
ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM for jurisdiction over the refund
Should judicial claim for refund refund or tax credit with the case should the TP decide to
be dismissed for non- CIR within 2 years from the appeal on time.
exhaustion of administrative date of PAYMENT of the tax or
remedies. penalty; If it files its claim on (7) But No refund shall be
the last day of said period, it is given resulting from availment
ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM FOR still filed on time of incentives granted pursuant
REFUND is meant simply that to special laws for which no
the CIR shall be given an (2) But a return filed showing actual payment was made.
opportunity to consisder his an overpayment shall be Section 229, NIRC
mistake, if mistake has been considered as a written claim
committed, before he is sued. for credit or refund.

So it is intended PRIMARILY as a (3) Claim for refund must be a

notice of WARNING to the CIR categorical demand for
that unless the tax or penalty reimbursement;
alleged to have been collected
What is the theory of been collected erroneously or must prove that no carry-over
“supervening cause”? illegally is refunded. has been made in cases where
refund is sought.
The theory of supervening It simply means that the CIR
cause expresses that regardless shall be given an opportunity to But requiring that the
of any event which is beyond consider his mistake, if mistake Quartterly ITR or the FAR of the
the control of the parties that has been committed, before he succeeding year be presented
may arise after payment, is sued, to the BIR in requesting a tax
recovery of erroneously or refund has no basis in law and
illegally collected taxes cannot Nowhere and in no wise does jurisprudence.
be allowed when it has been the law imply that the CIR must
made beyond the prescriptive act upon the claim, or that the Sec. 76 merely requires the
period from the occurrence of taxpayer shall not go to court filing of the FAR for the
such event. before he is notified of the preceding (NOT succeeding)
CIR’s action. taxable year.
The 2-year period of limitation
for filing a claim for refund is It does not mean that the Indeed, any refundable amount
not only a limitation for taxpayer must await the final indicated in the FAR of the
pursuing the claim at the resolution of its administrative preceding taxable year may be
administrative level but also a claim, since doing so would be credited against the estimated
limitation for appealing the tantamount to the taxpayer's income tax liabilities for the
casE to the CTA. forfeiture of his right to seek taxable quarters of the
judicial recourse should the 2- succeeding taxable year.
The law provides that “no suit year prescriptive period expire
or proceeding shall be filed without the appropriate judicial However, nowhere is there
after the expiration of 2 years claim being filed. even a tinge of a hint in any
from the date of the payment provisions of the NIRC that the
of the tax or penalty regardless It is only required that an FAR of the taxable year
of any supervening cause that administrative claim should BE following the period to which
may arise after payment. PRIORLY FILED. the tax credits are originally
being applied should also be
Thus, claims for refund MUST If a TP chooses to await for the presented to the BIR.
be elevated to the CTA as well decision of the CIR knowing
before the expiration of the 2- fully well that the prescriptive At best, the existence of
year period because the period is about to lapse, it quarterly ITRs would have the
prescriptive period will not be would resultantly forfeit its effect of strengthening a
suspended regardless of any right to seek a judicial review of proven fact.
supervening event. its claim, thereby suffering
irreparable damage. And as such, may only be
What is the primary purpose of considered corroborative
filing an administrative claim Presentation of Quarterly ITRs evidence, obviously not
for refund? of the succeeding year NOT indispensable in character.
MANDATORY in a claim for
The primary purpose of filing an refund
administrative claim for refund
is to serve as a notice or (1) There is no question that
warning to the CIR that court those who claim must not only
action would follow unless the prove its entitlement to the
tax or penalty alleged to have excess credits, but likewise
Requirements to be entitled to for the 4 quarters of the that prior year’s excess credits
a TCC of excess creditable taxable year, as well as the were not utilized for the
withholding tax deductions and excess tax taxable year in order to make a
credits carried over in the final determination of the total
RR 2-98 provides that claims for quarterly ITRs for the same tax due.
refund of income taxes period.
deducted and withheld from Mechanisms and Remedies
income payments shall be given If the excess tax credits of the that a corporate taxpayer may
due course subject to the preceding year were deducted, opt to exercise under Sec. 76,
satisfaction of the ff whether in whole or in part, NIRC
requirements: from the estimated income tax
liabilities of any of the taxable Domestic Corporations liable
(1) The claim for refund should quarters of the succeeding to tax shall file a FAR covering
be filed with the CIR within the taxable year, the total amount the total taxable income for the
2-year reglementary period of the tax credits deducted for preceding calendar or fiscal
pursuant to Sec. 204, NIRC. the entire taxable year should year.
appear in the FAR under the
(2) It is shown in the ITR of the item “Prior Year’s Excess If the sum of the quarterly tax
recipient that the income Credits.” payments made during the said
payment received was declared TY is not equal to the total tax
as part of the gross income Otherwise, or if the tax credits due on the entire taxable
(Sec. 2.58.3, RR 2-98); and were carried over to the income of that year, the
succeeding quarters and the corporation shall either:
(3) That the fact of withholding corporation did not report it in
is established by a copy of the the FAR, there would be a (A) Pay the balance of the tax
withholding tax statement, duly discrepancy in the amounts of still due; or
issued by the payor to the combined income and tax
payee, showing the amount credits carried over for all (B) Carry over the excess credit;
paid and the income tax quarters and the corporation or
withheld therefrom (as would end up shouldering a
evidenced by the "x" mark in bigger tax payable. (C) Be credited or refunded
the appropriate box of its with the excess amount paid, as
income tax return, and the It must be remembered that the case may be.
same was not carried over in its taxes computed in the
income tax return; ). quarterly returns are mere In case the corporation is
estimates. entitled to a tax credit/refund,
FAR can prove that prior years the excess amount on its FAR
excess credits were not utilized It is the FAR which shows the may be CARRIED OVER AND
for the year aggregate amounts of income, CREDITED against the
deductions, and credits for all estimated quarterly income tax
Sec. 76, NIRC, requires a quarters of the taxable year. liabilities for the taxable
corporation to file a FAR (or QUARTERS of the succeeding
Annual ITR) covering the total It is the FAR which shows taxable YEARS.
taxable income for the whether a corporation incurred
preceding calendar or fiscal a loss or gained a profit during Once the OPTION TO CARRY
year. the taxable quarter. OVER and apply the excess
quarterly income tax against
The total taxable income Thus, the presentation of the income tax due for the taxable
contains the combined income FAR would suffice in proving years of the succeeding taxable
years has been made, such Nature of Claims for Refund paid taxes is more properly
option shall be considered liable for taxes other than that
IRREVOCABLE FOR THAT Claims for refund are civil in paid.
TAXABLE PERIOD and no nature and as such, claimant,
application for cash refund or though having a heavy burden Determining the proper
issuance of a tax credit of showing entitlement, need category of tax that should
certificate shall be allowed only prove preponderance of have been paid is not an
therefor. evidence in order to recover assessment.
excess credit in cold cash.
The two options are It is incidental to determining
ALTERNATIVE and not Preponderance of evidence is whether there should be a
cumulative in nature, that is, defined as the weight, credit, refund.
the choice of one precludes the and value of the aggregate
other. The logic behind the rule evidence on either side and is Can the issue of tax deficiency
is to ease tax administration, usually considered to be and tax refund be determined
particularly the self-assessment synonymous with the term at the same time by the Court?
and collection aspects. ‘greater weight of the evidence’
or ‘greater weight of the No. Any liability in excess of
RP, represented by the CIR v. credible evidence.’ the refundable amount,
Team (Phils. ) Energy Corp. however, may not be collected
(formerly Mirant [Phils. ] It is evidence which is more in a case involving solely the
Energy Corp.), G.R. 188016, Jan. convincing to the court as issue of the taxpayer’s
14, 2015 worthy of belief than that entitlement to refund.
which is offered in opposition
Basis of the Claim for Refund thereto. The question of tax deficiency is
distinct and unrelated to the
Tax refunds are based on the May the Court determine if a question of entitlement to
general premise that taxes TP claiming refund is more refund.
have either been erroneously properly liable for taxes other
or excessively paid. than that paid? Tax deficiencies should be
subject to assessment
Though the Tax Code Yes, If the issue of a TP’s claim procedures and the rules of
recognizes the right of for refund is intertwined with prescription.
taxpayers to request the return the issue of the proper taxes
of such excess/erroneous that are due from him. The court cannot be expected
payments from the to perform the BIR’s duties
government, they must do so A claim for tax refund carrIes whenever it fails to do so either
within a prescribed period. the assumption that the tax through neglect or oversight.
return filed were correct.
Further, "a taxpayer must Neither can court processes be
prove not only his entitlement If the tax return filed was not used as a tool to circumvent
to a refund, but also his proper, the correctness of the laws protecting the rights of
compliance with the procedural amount paid and, therefore, taxpayers.
due process as nonobservance the claim for refund become
of the prescriptive periods questionable.
within which to file the
administrative and the judicial In that case, the court must
claims would result in the determine if a taxpayer
denial of his claim." claiming refund of erroneously
When may the Court not grant collection of the tax was At any rate, a claimant who
a claim for refund? attended by arbitrariness. defrauds the government
cannot escape liability be it
When an assessment is made in An action is not arbitrary when criminal or civil in nature.
case of any list, statement, or exercised honestly and upon
return, which in the opinion of due consideration where there Remedies that a corporate
the CIR was false or fraudulent is room for two opinions, taxpayer may opt to exercise:
or contained any however much it may be
understatement or believed that an erroneous Every corporation liable to tax
undervaluation, no tax conclusion was reached. under Sec. 27 shall file a FAR
collected under such covering the total taxable
assessment shall be recovered Arbitrariness presupposes income for the preceding
by any suits unless it is proved inexcusable or obstinate calendar of fiscal year.
that the said list, statement, or disregard of legal provisions.
return was not false nor If the sum of the quarterly tax
fraudulent and did not contain Thus, unjustified refusal to payments made during the said
any understatement or release the funds to be taxable year is not equal to the
undervaluation; deposited in escrow, in utter total tax due on the entire
disregard of the orders of the taxable income of that year,
But this provision shall not Court constitute arbitrariness, the corporation shall either:
apply to statements or returns in which case it was held that
made or to be made in good respondent is held liable to pay (A) Pay the balance of the tax
faith regarding annual the legal interest of 6% p.a. of still due; or
depreciation of oil or gas wells the 20% FWHT on the
and mines. Sec. 72, NIRC. PEACEBonds. (B) Carry over the excess credit;
It means that the grant of a Effect when a claimant of tax
refund is founded on the refund violates the (C) Be credited or refunded
assumption that the tax return “irrevocability rule” with the excess amount paid, as
is valid, that is, the facts stated the case may be.
therein are true and correct. The irrevocability rule under
Section 76, NIRC, means that In case the corporation is
If the deficiency assessment, once an option, either for entitled to a tax credit or
although not yet final, created refund or issuance of TCC or refund of the excess estimated
a doubt as to and constitutes a carry-over of CWT has been quarterly income taxes paid,
challenge against the truth and exercised, the same can no the excess amount shown on
accuracy of the facts stated in longer be modified for the its FAR may be carried over and
said return, it cannot by itself succeeding taxable years. credited against the estimated
and without unquestionable quarterly income tax liabilities
evidence, be the basis for the However, should there be a for the taxable quarters of the
grant of the refund. possibility that a claimant may succeeding taxable years.
have violated the irrevocability
May interest be awarded on a rule and thereafter claim twice Once the option to carry over
claim for refund? from its credits, no one is to be and apply the excess quarterly
blamed but the CIR for not income tax against income tax
The rule is that no interest on discharging its burden of due for the taxable years of the
refund of tax can be awarded evidence to destroy a succeeding taxable years has
unless authorized by law or the claimant’s right to a refund. been made, such option shall
be considered IRREVOCABLE for
that taxable period and no time for the same excess it cannot later on opt to apply
application for cash refund or income taxes paid. for a refund of the very same
issuance of TCC shall be 1998 excess income tax credit.
allowed therefor. Controlling factor for the
operation of IRREVOCABILITY Probative value of Form 2307
The two options are RULE for purposes of income tax
ALTERNATIVE and not refund
cumulative in nature, that is, The controlling factor for the
the choice of one precludes the operation of the irrevocability In claims for excess and
other. rule is that the taxpayer chose unutilized creditable
an option; and once it had withholding tax, the submission
The logic behind the rule is to already done so, it could no of BIR Form 2307 is to prove
ease tax administration, longer make another one. the fact of withholding of the
particularly the self-assessment excess creditable withholding
and collection aspects. Consequently, after the tax being claimed for refund.
taxpayer opts to carry-over its
(1) REFUND - Any tax on excess tax credit to the This is clear in the provision of
income that is paid in excess of following taxable period, the Sec. 58.3, RR 2-98, as amended,
the amount due the question of whether or not it which says , “That the fact of
government may be actually gets to apply said tax withholding is established by a
REFUNDED, provided that a credit is irrelevant. copy of a statement duly issued
taxpayer properly applies for by the payor (withholding
the refund. Section 76 of the NIRC of 1997 agent) to the payee showing
is explicit in stating that once the amount paid and the
(2) Tax Credit - The second the option to carry over has amount of tax withheld
option works by applying the been made, “no application for therefrom.”
refundable amount, as shown tax refund or issuance of a tax
on the FAR of a given taxable credit certificate shall be Hence, the probative value of
year, against the estimated allowed therefor.” BIR Form 2307, which is
quarterly income tax liabilities basically a statement showing
of the succeeding taxable year. Meaning of the term “For that the amount paid for the subject
taxable period” transaction and the amount of
A corporation must signify its tax withheld therefrom, is to
intention – whether to request The phrase “for that taxable establish only the fact of
a TAX REFUND or claim a TAX period” merely identifies the withholding of the claimed
CREDIT – by marking the excess income tax, subject of creditable withholding tax.
corresponding option box the option, by referring to the
provided in the FAR. taxable period when it was There is nothing in BIR Form
acquired by the taxpayer. No. 2307 which would establish
While a taxpayer is required to either utilization or non-
mark its choice in the form In the present case, the excess utilization, as the case may be,
provided by the BIR, this income tax credit, which BPI of the creditable withholding
requirement is only for the opted to carry over, was tax.
purpose of facilitating tax acquired by the said bank
collection. during the taxable year 1998.

One cannot get a tax refund The option of BPI to carry over
and a tax credit at the same its 1998 excess income tax
credit is irrevocable;
Can the Bureau of Treasury be Giving fiscal incentives to
made to pay interest for businesses is one of the means
delayed release of refund? devised to achieve this
The rule is that no interest on
refund of tax can be awarded It comes with the expectation
unless authorized by law or the that persons who will avail
collection of the tax was these incentives will contribute
attended by arbitrariness. to the purpose’s achievement.

An action is not arbitrary when Hence, to avail the fiscal

exercised honestly and upon incentives under RA 7916, the
due consideration where there law did not say that mere PEZA
is room for two opinions, registration is sufficient.
however much it may be
believed that an erroneous A business is considered in
conclusion was reached. operation when it starts
entering into commercial
Arbitrariness presupposes transactions that are not
inexcusable or obstinate merely incidental to but are
disregard of legal provisions. related to the purposes of the
In this particular case, due to
the Bureau of Treasury's Therefore, it cannot avail the
unjustified refusal to release incentives provided under RA
the funds to be deposited in 7916.
escrow, in utter disregard of
the orders of the Court, it is It is not entitled to the
held liable to pay legal interest preferential tax rate of 5% on
of 6% p.a. on the amount of gross income in lieu of all taxes.
P4,966,207, 796.41
representing the 20% final Because petitioner is not
withholding tax on the PEACe entitled to a preferential rate, it
Bonds. is subject to ordinary tax rates
under the NIRC of 1997.
Is a PEZA-registered enterprise
which never commenced its Good Luck,
operation entitled to the
benefits given to a Pray hard and study very well
PEZApregistered enterprise? and

No. Essentially, the purpose of May God Bless all of you!

RA 7916 is to promote
development and encourage
investments and business
activities that will generate

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