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Matthew 5:5


1. For the world meekness is not a virtue, but a vice.

a. For the world is something foolish not to take advantages of others when they are

in need. For the world, being meek is to be weak and unprepared for the real world.

b. A politician or business man doesn’t get a good position by being meek towards his


2. But in the Kingdom of Heaven, things are completely different.

a. As citizens of this spiritual Kingdom, we are called to be meek.

b. In order to have the first place in the Kingdom, we should become servants

(Matthew 20:27)

c. Only then we will receive the land as an inheritance.

3. Let us ask two questions concerning the meekness that required from us.

a. What is true Christian meekness?

b. How can we reach meekness?


I. True Christian meekness, is primarily meekness towards God.

A. Is to be completely submitted to the will of God. Not murmuring, complaining or

arguing against the commandments of God.

B. The best example is our Lord. His message, and actions were completely subjected

to the will of his Father (Philippians 2:8)

C. That attitude of peace that He showed when He was taken to the cross to die for us

(Isiah 53:7; 1 Peter 2:23).

II. How can we reach meekness

A. We have to analyze this by looking at the context of the rest of the beatitudes.

1. Recognizing our spiritual poverty (v. 3).

2. The mourning over the sins that we have committed against God (v. 4)

3. This will lead us to the realization that the only place to go for our spiritual

need is Jesus Christ, because he is the only one who has words of eternal life

(John 6:68)

4. Only then we will have the right disposition of meekness. We won’t put any

resistance to the will of God.

B. This will be done only if we are able to receive the word of God (James 1:21).

1. Let the Spirit of God to change our life through the word.

2. If we receive the word with meekness it will cut deep even into the hardest soul

(Hebrews 4:12).

1. Our Lord called himself the Good Shepherd (John 10:11)

a. He will take us to the Land of rest that he has promised

b. He will give us peace in our hearts and souls (John 14:27)

c. But only if we have a meek heart that submits to his will.

2. Let us turn our hearts in the image of our Lord.

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