The Test of English For International Communication The Test of English As A Foreign Language The International English Language Testing System

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The Test of English for The Test of English as a Foreign The International English

International Language Language Testing System


The Test of English for The Test of English as a Foreign The International English

International Language, or TOEFL, is a test Language Testing System is
Definition Communication (TOEIC) is which measures people’s English an international
an international language skills to see if they are standardised test of English
standardized test of good enough to take a course language profi-ciency for
English language at university or graduate school non-native English language
proficiency for non-native in English-speaking countries. speakers.
Purpose It is intentionally It is for people whose native The purpose of
designed to measure the language is not English but wish the IELTS exam is to test the
everyday English skills of to study in an international candidates' ability of
people working in an University. It measures how well handling English language
international a person uses listening, reading, who want to study or work
environment. speaking and writing skills to in a country where English is
perform academic tasks. the language of
communication. IELTS result
is also necessary for the
immigration purposes.
Preferences Of Japan and South Canada and Australia New Zealand and United
Countries Korea

The TOEIC Speaking & Writing The format of the TOEFL test has been The IELTS test consists of four
Contents/Sections Tests were introduced in 2006. changed three times. The first was the sections: speaking, listening,
Test takers receive separate PBT (paper-based TOEFL test). It tests reading and writing. You will
scores for each of the two tests, listening, reading and grammar skills with always take the listening,
or they can take the Speaking a perfect score being 677. Some centers
reading and writing parts all on
test without taking the Writing where computers are not available still
the same day one after the
test and vice versa. The Speaking offer this format. The second format is
test assesses pronunciation, the CBT (computer-based TOEFL test). other, with no breaks between
intonation and stress, People are each provided with a them. Your speaking test is
vocabulary, grammar, cohesion, computer to take the test. A writing usually scheduled on the
relevance of content and section was added as well as the three afternoon of the test day;
completeness of content, while sections. The level of listening and however, it can be scheduled
the Writing test assess grammar, grammar skills are automatically changed within seven days before or after
relevance of sentences to the depending on a person’s English level. that. You will be contacted by
pictures, quality and variety of The third change is the iBT (Internet- your local IELTS test centre to
sentences, vocabulary, based test) that is being brought in inform you of the date and
organization, and whether the around the world which measures location of your speaking test.
opinion is supported with reason listening, speaking, reading and writing.
and/or examples. The tests are
designed to reflect actual English
usage in the workplace, though
they do not require any
knowledge of specialized
business terms. The TOEIC
Speaking Test takes
approximately 20 minutes to
complete; the TOEIC writing test
lasts approximately 60 minutes.
Each test has a score range
between 0-200, with test takers
grouped into eight proficiency
levels for Speaking and nine
proficiency levels for Writing
All IELTS scores are between 0
Levels and Scores Each candidate receives
and 9. You can also get .
independent scores for
5 scores as well (for example,
listening and reading
6.5 or 7.5). You will get a
comprehension on a scale
band score for each skill
from 5 to 495 points. The total
(listening, reading, writing and
score adds up to a scale from
speaking) and also an overview
10 to 990 points. The TOEIC
band score.
certificate exists in five colors,
corresponding to achieved

    orange (10–219)
    brown (220–469)
    green (470–729)
    blue (730–859)
    gold (860–990)

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