NAME: Nindia Fauziah Sawitri NIM: 18.035 Class: 2A: B. Would Sleep

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NAME : Nindia fauziah sawitri

NIM : 18.035

Direction for question number 1 to 38 . Choose the correct answer A, B, C, D or E to complete the

1. I don’t think you ........... tonight if you have a nap now.

A. Should sleep B. would sleep C. ‘ll sleep D. ‘ll sleeping E . able to sleep

2. You ................ to go home a week after your operation.

A. Will able B. will be able C. is able D. be able E. can

3. Will you ...............? I cannot lift this box by myself, it’s very heavy
A. Do me a favour B. make me a favour C. help me a favour D. like me a favour E. bring
me a favour

4. With family around, you ............... a long and healthy old age.
A. Are probably have B. probably will be C. will probably be D will probably have E.
have probably will

5. Can you help me ............. up? I want to switch on the TV.

A. Stood B. being stand C. to stand D. to standing E. stand

6. Will you pass me my glasses? Then I will .............. the television.

A. Able seeing B. be able to see C. be able to seeing D. am able to see E. am able seeing

7. My grandmother often can’t remember things. She is ...................

A. Forgetting B. forgettable C. forget D. forgetful E. forgetfulness

8. His grandfather cannot hear very well. He is ...........

A. Dumb B. mute C. deaf D. blind E. deafness

9. The bladder cannot hold as much urine . and there is some .................
A. Wrinkle B. sensitivity C. impartment D. constipation E leakage

10. Skin loses elasticity and becomes dry and .............

A. Wrinkled B. discolored C. grey D. fragile E. restrict
11. Calcium is needed for children’s .............. and teeth to grow.
A. Bain B. bones C. blood D. cells E. eyes

12. Vitamin C is needed to help ............ repair itself when it is cut or damaged.
A. Teeth B. bones C. muscles D. nervous system E. skin

13. One type of dibetes appears in ....... , and the other type appears after the age of eight-teen.
A. Child B. Children C. childhood D. Childish E. Chill

14. You ........... breakfast – it wakes up the body and provides fuel for the day.
A. Should eat B. Should skip C. shouldn’t eat D. may eat E. don’t eat

15. A person with eating disorder from a psychologist.

A. Need B. don’t need C. probably need D. should get E. Shouldn’t get

16. You won’t get there on time unless you ........

A. Don’t hurry B. hurry C. hurrying D. in a hurry E. are hurry

17. You will see the office on the left if you ........ swing doors.
A. Through B. see through C. go through D. throw E. go true

18. When you have an anaesthetic. It .............. you feeling pain.

A. Stops B. stop C. doesn’t stop D. cannot stop E. stopped

19. If a person’s brain .............. oxygen, they will die.

A. Gets B. get C. will get D. got E. doesn’t get

20. If I have time this evening, I ............. you with your homework.
A. Won’t B. will help C. don’t help D. cannot E. help

21. The porter brought the wheelchair .............. the ward.

A. Pass B. at C. on D. up E. by

22. Go up to the third floor, Ward 6 is just ............ the lift.

A. Outside B. in front C. opposite D. up E. down

23. What happened to him? He ....... when he was getting off the bus.
A. sleep B. slept C. slips D. slip E. slipped

24. The doctor gives an instruction that we have to make sure the dosage ........200ml.
A. Doesn’t expose B. doesn’t accept C. doesn’t except D. doesn’t exceed E. doesn’t exit
25. The senior nurse told me ............. the patient. He has a severe bruise on his leg.
A. Don’t move B. not to move C. please to move D. moved E. moves

26. His brother told Jennifer that he visit her.

A. Is coming B. wants to come C. will come D. can come E. couldn’t come

27. The treatment was ........... than we had hoped.

A. success B. successfully C. successful D. less successful E. most success

28. His leg is ........ than it was yesterday.

A. Much less painfully B. much less painful C. more painfully D. much more painfully E.
most painful

29. This drug has ............ side effects.

A. Most severe B. least severe C. the least severe D. severely E. least severely

30. The mother looked so worried. Her son had ............ of fracture.
A. The most serious type B. the serious most type C. the type most serious D. the most
type serious E. the type most serious

31. We should always keep our hands clean, so we ...................

A. Have to watch our hands with soap B. have to wash our hands without soap C. have to
wash our hands only with water D. have to wash our hands with soup E. have to wash our
hands with soap

32. Do you think the beds need changing? I don’t think so. The beds ..................
A. No need change B. not need to change C. don’t need changing D. need not to change
E. need to change

33. The patient is given a pre-med ................... and relaxed.

A. To make him sleepy B. to make him sleep C. to make him slept D. to make him sleeps
E. to makes him sleepy

34. The anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide .................. by the scientist Sir Humphery Davy.
A. Was discovered B. were discovered C. is discovered D. are discovered E. discovered

35. When ..............your operation, tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon?

A. Are you have B. are you going to have C. did you have D. will you having E. was

36. The bin’s full . It needs to ...................

A. Be emptied regularly B. empty regularly C. regularly empty D. regularly be empty
E. be regularly emptied

37. The wound ............... with soap and water.

A. Must washed B. to be washed C. be washed D. must be washed E. must be washing

38. The equipment .......... before the patient is transfered to a recovery room.
A. Remove B. must remove C. must be removed D. be removed E. removed

Direction for number 39 to 50. Please fill in the blank spaces to complete the dialogs by
choosing A, B, C, D or E.

39. A : Are you coming on the trip to the seaside next week?
B : No. I .............................
A. Just want home stay B. want just stay home C. just want to stay home D. to want
stay home E. just want stay home

40. A : You’r mum’s going to be fine . There are no bones broken.

B : Oh, that’s good news. I was worried because .................
A. She’s a bit frail B. she frail a bit C. she’s bit a frail D. she a bit frail E. a bit she’s

41. A : Is that the first time ...................?

B : Yes, it is.
A. She’s fall a had B. she’s a fall had C. had she’s a fall D. a fall she’s had E. she’s had a fall

42. A : The next questiob is about continence. Does ........................?

B : Well, quite often.

A. Herself ever wet B. she wet ever herself C. she ever wet herself D. she herself ever wet
E. she wet herself ever

43. A : How do you feel?

B : Tired all the time, really—I ...........

A. Never have any energy B. have never any energy C. have any energy never D. never
energy have any E. have energy never any

44. A : How much blood will you take?

B : Oh, just enough ..........................
A. To the fill syringe B. the syringe to fill C. fill to the syringe D. to the syringe fill E. to fill
the syringe

45. A : Have you ...........................?

B : Yes, three glasses.
A. Had to drink plenty of water B. had plenty of water to drink C. had drink plenty of water
D. plenty of water had to drink E. drink to had plenty of water
46. A : Does your son ...................?
B : No, I don’t think so.
A. Have any allergies B. has any allergies C. has any allergies D. not have any allergies E.
have not any allergies

47. A : Do you still have a headache?

B : Yes, I’ve got this ..................
A. Head throbbing in my pain B. in my head pain throbbing C. in my head pain throbbing
D. throbbing pain in my head E. pain throbbing in my head

48. A : How’s the pain, Marry?

B : Much better. I have ................... , just here in my right side.

A. slight pain B. pain slight C. less slight pain D. least slight pain E. pain less slight

49. A : Nurse I need to use the toilet.

B : O.K. I’ll draw the curtains, and you .................
A. Used a bedpan B. don’t use a bedpan C. can use a bedpan D. won’t use a bedpan E.
may not use a bedpan

50.A : What have you learned about the lesson?

B : We have learned about .................. and aids of elderly.

A. The physical problems B. the problems physical C. the physic problems D. the problems
of physic E. physic problems

Have a Nice Day

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