STS On Indigenous Knowledge-On Human Flourishing

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Identify Filipino indigenous knowledge

The Filipino indigenous cultural communities or "tribal Filipinos" establish around

10% of the Philippine population or 126 ethnolinguistic gatherings. During the 1999
roundtable conversation on Indigenous People and Traditional Knowledge, Filipino TK was
recognized as being for the most part on medicinal services, farming, ranger service
frameworks, mining, expressions, makes, music, moves and writing. The crucial legitimate
reason for the assurance of conventional information (TK) is typified in its 1987
Constitution (Article XIV Section 17), which expresses that "the state shall recognize,
respect and protect the rights of the indigenous cultural communities to preserve and
develop their cultures, traditions and institutions”.

Indigenous knowledge (IK) is utilized at the nearby level by networks as the reason for
choices relating to food security, human and creature wellbeing, training, common assets the
executives, and other crucial exercises. Indigenous knowledge is a key component of the
social capital of poor people and comprises their principle resource in their endeavors to
oversee their own lives. Consequently, the potential commitment of IK to privately oversaw,
manageable and practical endurance techniques ought to be advanced in the improvement
procedure. The needs would be to: urge more nations to figure and actualize techniques for
IK mix, upgrade the limit of national and territorial IK systems, advance the nearby trade
and adjustment of indigenous information, distinguish inventive instruments to secure IK
such that cultivates the further turn of events, advancement, approval, and trade of IK.

Research on the connection of indigenous knowledge to S&T

Indigenous information is a basic factor for sustainable development. Strengthening of

nearby networks is an essential for the incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) in the
advancement procedure. The incorporation of proper IK frameworks into advancement
programs has just added to productivity, viability, and supportable improvement sway. IK,
similar to some other information, should be continually utilized, tested, and further adjusted
to the developing neighborhood settings. Supporting nearby and local systems of customary
experts and network trades can assist with scattering helpful and significant IK and to
empower networks to partake all the more effectively in the improvement procedure. While
creative components for the security of IK should be created, numerous indigenous
information practices can simultaneously be coordinated into neighborhood, national, local,
or even worldwide advancement endeavors. In any case, experience has demonstrated this is
impossible by one organization alone. Accordingly, associations are expected to help this
procedure at all levels. The Indigenous Knowledge for Development Program of the World
Bank will keep on supporting IK and go along with others in their endeavors to tackle
indigenous information for improvement in a procedure of nonstop gaining from nearby

A. The Good Life

What does good life mean to you? When can we say that you are living a good life?
Does science and technology affect your meaning about good life?

We wake up from a decent night rest. Our alarm clock utilizes a timescale created a
long time ago prior with a speaker created many years back to wake us. We pull off sheets,
produced using the fleece of a creature or plant reared to flawlessness more than a huge
number of years, or maybe almost certain, made of manufactured plastics painstakingly
made to be as warm and agreeable as could be expected under the circumstances. As we
wake up we are struck by the warmness of our home, warmed via cooling and protected
with innumerable materials. We clean up with water siphoned by an unpredictable system
and warmed by an evaporator. We dress in garments intended for utility and style. We get
in our vehicle and are glad to find that our motor, in spite of having endless moving parts,
despite everything reacts to the turning of your key in the no less convoluted lock.

Thermodynamics, science, material science, electrics, hydrodynamics, agribusiness.

Each and every part of our life has no under a huge number of long stretches of human
undertaking behind it. Each nibble of food we eat was reaped from living beings changed
however hundreds of years of rearing, arranged utilizing methods consummated hundreds
of years prior, promoted with cautious mental reasoning, and even conveyed, in many
cases, with utensils produced using materials that were first made in a lab some place.

Science and technology is the impression of the progression of men as sensible

animals. Science has truly taken hold of the world for all the discoveries and technologies
it brought. He who holds the latest in technology holds power and influence over the
other. He has the power to dictate and dominate the world. The manifestations that we
have made and centers that we have wandered have improved us into an overall population
in which the impact of advancement can be seen at each corner. These developments have
made our lives monetarily better in fields, for instance, cultivation, prosperity and
prescription, correspondence, disaster status and in various others. When science is used to
make man’s life at the peak of success without setting aside the natural processes, then it is
an advantage. When science is used to discover new things without disrespect to God’s
creation, then it is a virtue. God created Science, but science can never create God. We
should never lose faith, for it will be faith that will save us.
B. Village of Watermills

This video is the last of 8 films that form the 1990 collection entitled “Dreams” by Akira
Kurosawa. In this film, a young man visits a village that has chosen to forgo modern

Guide Questions:
1. According to the old man, why have they chosen not to use electricity? Is the reason
he gives apparent today with other forms of modern technology?

The old man said that they needn't waste time with power because as
demonstrated by him “People get too used to convenience. They think convenience is
better.” Another clarification that the old man said is that “People today forgotten
they are really just a part of nature. Yet, they destroy the nature on which our lives
depend. They always think they can make something better. Especially scientists.
They may be smart, but most do not understand the heart of nature. They only invent
things that in the end make people unhappy. Yet, they are so proud of their
inventions. What is worse, most people are, too. They view them as if they were
miracles. They worship them. They do not know it, but they are losing nature. They
do not see that they are going to perish. The most important things for human beings
are clean air and clean water and trees and grass that produce them. Everything is
being dirtied. Polluted forever. Dirty air, dirty water, dirtying the heart of men.”

This declaration proposes that as men, we needn't mess with the advancements
made by specialists as it draws us away from nature from which from the soonest
beginning stage, we are a bit of. He furthermore derived that these improvements will
be similarly be our end. For the older individual, the primary concern that we need is
flawless air, clean water and trees.

Despite the way that the old man has a point, the clarification that he gave isn't
clear with various sorts of present day advancement. As today, we are living in a
period in which development has a gigantic impact in the step by step lives of the

2. Compare the lifestyle of the Village of the Watermills with the settlement during the
Agricultural Revolution as discussed in the “Waves of Technology”

The way of life of the individuals in the Village of the watermills intently looks
like those from the Agricultural Revolution as both of these ways of life includes
cultivating and training creatures for their own utilization. Large scale manufacturing
of harvests for the utilization of the individuals and exchanging is apparent in both
style of living. There are a great deal of similitudes that can be called attention to
from them two yet those are the most apparent and significant

3. Is the film critical of scientists_ if so, in what way? Based on the film, is S&T really
necessary to attain “the good life”
Science and innovation is the impression of the advancement of men as sound
creatures. The developments that we have made and focuses that we have ventured
have improved us into a general public in which the effect of innovation can be seen
at each corner. These advances have made our lives financially better in fields, for
example, agribusiness, wellbeing and medication, correspondence, catastrophe
readiness and in numerous others.

These things are a bit much for us to live as a person yet these are vital for us to
push ahead as a general public and elevate our economy in a ton of different angles.
Innovation can assist us with getting through fringes and go through our cutoff points
as individuals.

4. How do the man points of this video compare to those of “The Magician’s Twin”?

The Magicians Twin is a video that for the most part centers around the
perspective of individuals to science, what they think science is and how it influences
the brains of the individuals and on their points of view. The Village of the
watermills, then again centers around how individuals have gotten exceptionally
reliant on innovation despite the fact that men can live without it.

These recordings are extraordinary ramifications on how far have we have

ventured as individuals. The marvels of science and innovation can never be really
gotten a handle on by the human psyche as its information is tremendous and wide. It
is for us to comprehend what else should we do, what are the things that haven't yet
made and what else is there to discover on the planet that we live in.
C. The Magician’s Twin

Film Synopsis:
This is the first of a three-part documentary. It explores Lewis’ prophetic concerns about
the misuse of science to abolish man and to undermine personal freedom and human
dignity (CS Lewis Web, 2013)
Guide Question:
1. What is scientism?

As per Webster, the primary meaning of scientism is the strategies, mental

demeanor, precepts, or methods of articulation trademark or held to be normal for
researchers. This isn't the sense where C. S. Lewis utilizes the word. Webster's
subsequent definition accommodates Lewis' utilization well; a postulation that the
strategies for the characteristic sciences ought to be utilized in every aspect of
examination including theory, the humanities, and the sociologies and conviction that
lone such techniques can productively be utilized in the quest for information.

a.) extension question: how is scientism related to “technocracy”

Scientism based from the perspective of Luke Mastin is the far reaching based
conviction that the assumptions and methods for research of the physical and trademark
sciences are comparably fitting to each other control, including thinking, the humanities
and the humanistic systems. Practically identical to that, it relies upon the conviction that
standard science has authority over each and every other comprehension of life, and that
the procedures for typical science structure the principle fitting parts in any philosophical
solicitation. The term is once in a while used to show the less than ideal usage of science
or sensible cases (as a legitimization or position) to a subject which apparently is past the
degree of consistent solicitation. In this particular situation, Scientism can be seen as a
certainty that science has no restrictions, and that in due time each and every human issue
and all pieces of human endeavor will be overseen and lit up by science alone.

Technocracy is a course of action of organization where pioneers are picked

dependent on mechanical data. Scientists, creators, technologists, or authorities in any
field, would frame the regulating body, instead of picked delegates. Authority capacities
would be picked dependent on specific data and execution, rather than parliamentary
aptitudes. Technocracy in that sentiment of the word (is an entire government run as a
specific or building issue) is generally hypothetical. In another typically used sense,
technocracy is any fragment of an association that is constrained by technologists.

b.) Was CS Lewis against science?

C. S. Lewis respected science, anyway he significantly feared a scientocracy or

analysts parading themselves with their theoretical situation to understand political
power. Lewis was concerned that the forefront excusal of all out measures and target
regards would leave mankind with no obstruction against what a couple of individuals
may do with the powers of science. His love for particular chance and his appreciation for
people as creatures made in the image of God made him fear what might be done to
mankind if science, without Christian standards to confine it, were to be given the power
of government to maintain what two or three individuals may prepare for all the rest.

Lewis was not threatening to science, yet was against 'Scientism', which may be
described as the misinformed conviction that bleeding edge science supplies the principle
strong technique for data about the world and moreover that analysts should be the ones
to coordinate open game plan and even our great and severe feelings simply dependent on
their intelligent authority.

2. The video contends that science and technology may be gaining increasing control over
our lives, potentially to the detriment of society. Do you agree? Does this match your
own observation and experience?

Yes, I agree that Science and Technology is for the most part dynamically
controlling our lives yet not all. It is clear in light of the fact that the rate at which science
is progressing is genuinely shocking. We can perceive what's happening all around the
world promptly accessible. Fresher variation of phones and tablets were released as
expected affirming to have better present day development. These gadgets constantly get
our thought. Consequently, people override their gadgets reliably or even scarcely any

Web would transform into a gadget that tracks all that we may do, erasing critical
pieces of assurance and free talk in our social and political lives. The development we
thought we were using to make life progressively capable started using us some time
earlier. It is directly trying to reshape our social lead. While being related is adequate, an
overdose of something that is in any case great can turn around release. Being
consistently related has made us not as ground-breaking at basic speculation, not as
extraordinary at headway and imagination, and not too great with friends and family.
Regardless, this isn't advancement's inadequacy blame how we use it. The realities
exhibit that advancement has empowered us to remain consistently related, ceaselessly
pounding endlessly, yet it's not development's defect. We ought to rather look in the
mirror and comprehend who's genuinely to blame here. It's an extraordinary chance to
accept accountability for our development and our lives with the objective that we can
rediscover the eminent fortunes that are canvassed in those distinctive genuine variables
we once had.

The most ideal use of development is that it should be an approach to serve us and
make our lives less complex. A key essential is that we should be in control. We should
not serve development and license our contraptions to control our lives, social aptitudes
or decisions. Right when this happens, it can endanger the most ideal improvement of the
character and hamper the social associations required for conjunction in the open eye.
3. According to the film, how is science being linked to a religion? What were examples of
movements in history that became cause for concern that the scientific method was being
applied beyond its appropriate boundaries?

Reference in C.S. Lewis that science transformed into religion is only a glorified
type of enchantment. Lewis praises science, yet discredits scientism, the conviction or
philosophy that science is the best or just test for truth of any sort. In that capacity,
scientism prompts an overstated trust and practically dazzle confidence in the capacity of
"science," particularly science separated from God, to respond to any question and take
care of any issue. Lewis accepts science is a fundamental, significant and legitimate
method of understanding reality until it turns into an overbearing, pseudo-religion that
plays on individuals' guilelessness and won't consider new proof that sabotages current
acknowledged hypothesis. As such, it gets unreasonable. The entirety of this scientism of
scientific religion prompts science as force where science turns into the despot of the way
of life. Since nothing is hallowed to science aside from its own authoritative opinion, it
can prompt some alarming ends, for example, genetic counseling, killing and communist
and extremist oppression. Lewis accepted science was acceptable, however its circle of
influence is, and should be, restricted.

The subsequent program opens with Lewis saying Darwin and Spencer
constructed their establishments on hallucinations of sand. At its most fundamental level,
advancement says we have regular predecessors, a place that is less and less valid over
the long haul. Besides, development accepts the physical world (counting the atomic and
subatomic world) is controlled by visually impaired, unguided procedures. The
subsequent program tends to every one of these canards.

The final scene is a contention for Intelligent Design. Lewis moved gradually to
the situation of Intelligent Design. He began from the contention from Beauty, at that
point the contention from profound quality, at that point the contention from reason, at
that point the contention from utilitarian intricacy, and finally from the laws of nature.
One of his understudies was a celebrated skeptic, Anthony Flew. Lewis urged his
understudies to follow the contentions any place they lead. Flew did only that and, toward
an amazing finish, abnegated his skepticism, affirmed Intelligent Design and
acknowledged the likelihood that the account of Jesus Christ in the New Testament
reports may be conceivable. Obviously, having faith in Intelligent Design isn't equivalent
to having confidence in the Bible or putting stock in God in the individual of Jesus
Christ. Be that as it may, it does in the end lead to that point.

4. Science is supposed to promote critical thinking. According to the film, how might
science actually be promoting credulous, gullible thinking?

Science used to create basic considering capacities people. These days, with its
colossal progression in innovation, we are profoundly astonished at how things are made.
We are so overpowered and we totally depend on this innovation that we appear to
confide in nobody yet these. It is presently a reality that we depend on science and
innovation to comprehend everything for us. Truth be told, we come to some end results
and choices dependent on what they propose at us. Without breaking a sweat and comfort
they bring, we will in general act and choose so quick that we neglect to survey or study
circumstances quite well. Science and Technology has to be sure made life simpler in
numerous angles, however it made us some way or another sluggish and inflexible.

5. The film contends that much of modern science is about exerting power over the world.
Is this a virtue/advantage or a liability/disadvantage?

Modern Science has really grabbed hold of the world for all the disclosures and
advances it brought. He who holds the most recent in innovation holds force and impact
over the other. He has the ability to direct and command the world. At the point when
science is utilized to make man's life at the pinnacle of progress without putting aside the
common procedures, at that point it is a bit of leeway. At the point when science is
utilized to find new things without lack of respect to God's creation, at that point it is an
ethicalness. God made Science, yet science can never make God. We ought to never lose
confidence, for it will be confidence that will spare us.

6. Why is the title of the film, “the Magicians Twin? Extension question: what are the
strengths of S&T? What are the limits? What must complement S&T to make the society
benefit from it.

The phrase "the magician’s twin" originates from Lewis himself. As John West
brings up, "the examination among science and enchantment runs all through some of his
works" (p. 19), the two thoughts of science and enchantment being comparable in that
they can work as an elective religion in their support of an absence of doubt, and as they
continued looking for power. The video's title originates from a reference in C.S. Lewis
that science transformed into religion is only a glorified type of enchantment.

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