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Intergalactic Army 1AC (Plan)/1NC (Counterplan) 10/04/10

Created By Justin Verley

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially reduce its military
presence in one or more of the following: South Korea, Japan, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq, and

By phasing out its troops from all countries and reassigning half of them to a NASA
Intergalactic Defense/Army, and the other half will be stationed to defend America.
The United States will then propose the joining of this intergalactic Defense with all
members of the UK.

Table of Contents

**Explanation Page** 2

PLAN (1/1) 3

Intergalactic Defense 1AC 4

Intergalactic Defense 1AC 5

Alien Contact 1AC 6

**World Peace Advantage**

**Intergalactic Defense Advantage**

**Human Psyche Advantage**


This is the Intergalactic Defense Affirmative/Negative Counter plan. This File was researched by
Justin Verley of Ronald Reagan High School.

The United States has over 200,000 troops stationed in over 144 different countries. This plan
will have a tremendous impact, and most if not all countries will be at peace with the United
States. The UK will unite to form the NASA Intergalactic Army, and there will be world peace.
The Human Psyche will also be satisfied with war with extra-terrestrial beings.

The Opposing side will most likely respond with a Hegemony Disadvantage, Perm, Solvency, or
just a general “Oh my god what’s going on?”

Good Luck!

PLAN (1/1)

The United States Federal Government should phase out its military presence in all countries,
and reassign them to US Defense and NASA Intergalactic Army/Defense.

Intergalactic Defense 1AC

Right now, the United States has many troops overseas that are left over from previous wars, or
aren’t making a major impact on their mission.

Large Number of Unneeded US Troops Overseas

Ivan Eland ‘98

The United States has over 200,000 troops stationed in 144 countries and territories. At any
given time, it usually has another 20,000 sailors and Marines deployed afloat on Navy ships. In
the more benign post-Cold War international environment, why does the United States need all of those
forces positioned overseas? Although some argue that ethnic tensions unleashed after the end of the Cold War
have made the world less stable, statistical indicators of stability show otherwise. In the post-Cold War period, the
number of armed conflicts has declined by more than half -- from 55 in 1992 to 24 in 1997. In addition, most conflicts
now occur within states, not between them. Of the 101 conflicts occurring from 1989 to 1996, 95 involved combatants
within a state and only six took place between states. A threat to U.S. security is more apt to arise from cross-border
aggression than from civil strife. Another sign of increasing international stability is the substantial reduction in
worldwide military expenditures after the Cold War. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates
that such expenditures have dropped by one third: from $1.1 trillion in the late 1980s to $740 billion in 1997. There
has also been a drastic reduction in international arms sales: from 1986 to 1995, they plummeted 55 percent.
Furthermore, the United States and its allies have increased their control over the worldwide arms market during the
same period. The U.S. share of the market increased from 22 percent to 49 percent and NATO's share increased
from 44 percent to 78 percent. The U.S. and NATO shares increased as a result of greatly diminished subsidized
sales of Russian weapons to Third World outlaw states such as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Cuba and North Korea. In short,
the absence of one superpower funneling arms and assistance to stir up opposition groups in client states of its rival
superpower has led to a worldwide decline in conflicts, military expenditures and arms sales. So why do all of those
U.S. forces remain overseas? Some of the 200,000 military personnel in 144 nations perform
legitimate missions like protecting U.S. embassies and collecting intelligence. But the vast
majority of the deployments are vestiges of the Cold War. Most of the 100,000 troops in Europe
(mainly in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Spain, Iceland, Belgium and Portugal)
and almost all of the 75,000 troops in Asia (in Japan and South Korea) are supporting wealthy
nations against mild or declining threats. For example, the combined economies of the NATO
allies exceed the economy of the United States. Each of the economies of Germany, Italy and
the United Kingdom exceeds that of Russia -- a country with a decimated economy and military.
The economy of South Korea is 24 times the size of that of its arch enemy North Korea, an
economic basket case. The economy of Japan is almost twice that of China -- a nation that has
not yet become a serious military threat -- and almost eight times that of Russia. The other
10,000 troops in Europe (in Hungary and Bosnia) are conducting and supporting a peace
enforcement mission in Bosnia that has nothing to do with American vital interests. Indeed, the
mission is already becoming a quagmire that is unlikely to prevent a resumption of fighting after
NATO's withdrawal. Other relics of the Cold War include the U.S. military presence in Panama
(6,000 troops) and Guantanamo, Cuba (almost 2,000 troops). With the end of the Cold War, the
Panama Canal faces a drastically reduced threat of closure. Besides, the very large U.S. aircraft carriers cannot fit
through it. With the Department of Defense acknowledging that the Cuban military poses little threat, the expensive
U.S. base at Guantanamo serves only the symbolic purpose of tweaking Fidel Castro's nose. The United States also
has almost 4,000 troops in the Persian Gulf (Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) to guard against an Iraqi attack that is now
improbable. An analyst from the Defense Intelligence Agency noted that, because of the Persian Gulf War and
grinding economic sanctions, less than 40 percent of Iraq's military remains; Iraq is probably incapable of conducting
an assault over an extended distance into Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps need a rotation base of
over 150,000 people to have 20,000 people deployed afloat in overseas theaters (Europe, the Persian Gulf, East Asia
and other locations) at any one time.

Troops Overseas can be pulled back without any harm to the United States

Ivan Eland 1998

The Navy claims that overseas naval presence deters aggressors in those regions and
reassures allies. The claim of deterrence is unsubstantiated and dubious. Moreover, an
overseas naval presence only reassures wealthy allies that the United States will come to their
rescue, thus enabling them to forgo adequate spending for defense. Therefore, most of the
200,000 American troops stationed overseas and most of the 20,000 sailors and Marines
performing overseas naval presence missions could be withdrawn without harming U.S. national
security. With no major adversary on the horizon in the post-Cold War world, the United States
does not need to police every portion of the globe for its rich allies.

Alien Contact 1AC

With that said, the world currently has no defense against intergalactic or extraterrestrial
threats. These threats are extremely possible, as Extra Terrestrial Contact is possible, and has
already occurred.

A man named Robert Lazar who claims to have worked for Area 51 goes public with an
interview before receiving many threats by the US Government, and being shot at.

Extra Terrestrial Contact Possible and Already Occurred

KLAS-TV and Robert Lazar‘89

We've been working on the story for some time....UFO researchers claim that there is a secret
government within our government. Now this may be hard to believe coming from the UFO
perspective, but we have learned that Watergate and the Iran Contra scandal that factions within our
government can and do pursue their own hidden agendas outside of the law;
outside the control of the Congress or the knowledge of the American people. This is
exactly the type of operation that we hear about tonight. It's a chilling scenario with worldwide implications that
may have its roots right here [Las Vegas, Nevada]. Area 51, that mysterious corner of the Nevada Test Site, is no
longer considered a secret. The fact that secretive things go on here isn't evident; even to the Soviets who make
daily spy flights over the facility to take a peek at what's going on. These photos, never before shown in public, are
about as close as anyone will ever come to seeing what the place looks like again. The dry bed at Groom Lake, the
corrugated buildings, a three-mile long runway and some highly sophisticated radar and detection equipment. Its
been known by many names over the years -- Dreamland; The Ranch; The Skunk Works. If ever there was a place
to test the secret new technology, this is it. And that's exactly what has been done here for decades. Area 51 is
where Francis Gary Powers and the other U-2 pilots were trained in the 50s. And, where the U-2 itself was
developed. The SR-71 spy plane that spotted Soviet missiles in Cuba in the early 60s were also developed at 51.
51 is where Stealth technology was nurtured, where Star Wars devices are still
tested, and where all manner of CIA [unknown] business has been plotted and refined.
No one who has worked at Dreamland has ever publicly acknowledged what so many people
have suspected for years: That alien technology is being tested in the Nevada
desert. The speculation first surfaced in documents obtained by UFO researchers.
Documents about something called Project Aquarius. The document allegedly
prepared for an organization called MJ-12, states that a program to fly recovered
alien spacecraft was established in 1972 and is continuing in Nevada. The National
Security Agency has confirmed it does have a Project Aquarius but denies that it has anything to do with flying
saucers. NSA will not say what Project Aquarius is. Speculation was heightened in 1984, when the Air Force seized
nearly 90,000 acres around Groom Lake. The action was, by most accounts, illegal. During Congressional hearings
about the land grab, Congressman John Siberling grilled the military about the legal authority used in the action
and was told the authority was at a much, much higher level than the Air Force. Siberling asked what authority is
higher than the laws of the United States? The Air Force official said he could respond, but only in a closed briefing.
In 1987, when the Air Force sought to renew its stranglehold on the Groom range, news articles once again
mentioned the talk about alien spacecraft and subsequent articles in national magazines quoted un-named sources
about things of alien origin flying in Nevada. Things that would make film-maker George Lucas drool. Despite the
Bob Lazar:
speculation, no one who knew Area 51 from the inside ever talked publicly about the saucer story.
"Well, there's several uh, actually nine uh flying saucers, flying disks that are out there of
extraterrestrial origin." The live interview with the shadowy "Dennis" drew international attention. Portions
were broadcast by radio in six European countries, and in a nationally televised TV special in Japan.Lazar: "He
called right after and said, 'Do you have any idea what we're going to do to you now?' and I said no, and he hung
up the phone." Lazar's story is by any standard, fantastic. He says he's telling it in order to protect himself. He said
he was hired to work in area called S-4 which is a few miles south of Groom Lake. At S-4, he
says, are flying saucers, anti-matter reactors and other working examples of technology
that is seemingly beyond human capabilities.

Alien Invasion

If extra terrestrials are able to contact the Earth, they are also able to invade and
attack it.

World Peace Advantage

Many political powers agree that if there were an intergalactic battle or
unearthly invasion of some sort, all of the nations on earth would unite and battle
together despite their differences. One supporter of this was Ronald Reagan, who
mentioned the possibility of invasion in three different speeches.

Ronald Reagan ‘85

I couldn't help but one point in our discussion with general secretary
Gorbachev, stop to think that we're all gods children wherever we live in the world,
and how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if
suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another
planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we
have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really
are, all human beings, on this earth together.

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