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SFC CC5B Chapter Household Prayer Meeting

Hosted by: Bro Jayvee Sabroso & Sis Shover Sexcion

Date: August 16, 2019

Title: Waking The Evangelistic Spirit

Anchor Verse:
“Therefore, do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the will of the
Lord. And do not get drunk on mine, which lies debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,
addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and playing to
the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks always and for everything in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ to God the Father.” Ephesians 5: 17-20

During the 1990s, Christian Life Programs could be remembered as one that manifested
the Power of the Holy Spirit greatly. Truly, all of us were ‘once no people but now God’s
people’, especially after the 9th talk. Gamblers, heavy drinkers, womanizers etc., have
transformed almost completely! To what can we attribute such outpouring of diving
powers? It was simply the conviction of CFC-SFC Leaders through the Holy Spirit that
“Evangelism is Spiritual Warfare” so they prepared themselves accordingly with the
Sacraments and the Holy Eucharist. It was the evangelizing impulse beating loudly!

Today, there seems not much buzz of such transformation stories anymore? Why? Is God
still in the “business” of working wonders? Or have we left to chance the effort to attract
people through our Christian way of life? Somehow, perhaps leaders are no longer taking
seriously our formation or worse, maybe some are contented having 2 or 3 singles
finishing the entire course. It seems that we are losing the evangelizing impulse and
switching on maintenance mode.

We should not be complacent. We glorify God more, as we aim to grow more! Thus, we
should go about serving with hearts and minds, with the example of our leaders and
elders before. Even as early as the start of the first talk, the participants should already
be experiencing God’s love – authentic and spirit filled ways! The love of God should
reach to others through our hands, arms, legs, mouth, and our entire being. We can only
do this by giving love that is afire with the Holy Spirit.

Key Takeaway:
The power of the Holy Spirit is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What made all
the difference is our response to God, as seen in service of our hands, love in our hearts,
and the life that we live. Let us then extend the love of God by giving a love that is afire.
Light up and awaken that evangelistic spirit that is sleeping in us right now.


1. What are our moments of transformation and encounter with the Lord?
2. How can we make ourselves as Unit Head or part of Chapter Household available
to the Lord’s service always on evangelizing impulse in Chapter, and not on
maintenance mode?

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