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Q.2. Make a precise of the following passage and suggest a suitable

heading. (20)

One of the most ominous and discreditable symptoms of the want of

candour in present-day sociology is the deliberate neglect of the population
question. It is or should be transparently clear that if the State is resolved,
on humanitarian grounds, to inhibit the operation of natural selection, some
rational regulation of population, both as regards quantity and quality, is
imperatively necessary. There is no self-acting adjustment, apart from
starvation, of numbers to the means of subsistence. If all natural checks
are removed, a population in advance of the optimum number will be
produced, and maintained at the cost of a reduction in the standard of
living. When this pressure begins to be felt, that section of the population
which is capable of reflection, and which has a standard of living which may
be lost, will voluntarily restrict its numbers, even to the point of failing to
replace deaths by an equivalent number of new births; while the
underworld, which always exists in every civilised society the failures and
misfits and derelicts, moral and physical will exercise no restraint, and will
be a constantly increasing drain upon the national resources. The
population will thus be recruited, in a very undue proportion, by those strata
of society which do not possess the qualities of useful citizens.

The importance of the problem would seem to be sufficiently obvious. But

politicians know that the subject is unpopular. The unborn have no votes.
Employers like a surplus of labour, which can be drawn upon when trade is
good. Militarists want as much food for powder as they can get.
Revolutionists instinctively oppose any real remedy for social evils; they
know that every unwanted child is a potential insurgent. All three can
appeal to a quasi-religious prejudice, resting apparently on the ancient
theory of natural rights, which were supposed to include the right of
unlimited procreation. This objection is now chiefly urged by celibate or
childless priests; but it is held with such fanatical vehemence that the fear
of losing the votes which they control is a welcome excuse for the baser
sort of politician to shelve the subject as inopportune. The Socialist
calculation is probably erroneous; for experience has shown that it is
aspiration, not desperation, that makes revolutions.


Precis: The fairness in the society for population is crucial. It can be seen
in a state when it is based on the humanitarian level, and if laws restrict the
biased selection process of the population. Unbiased selection checks can
be sustained by reducing the standards of living of the whole population.
But part of population having best standard of living can restrict this
fairness without realizing any failures which are ingredients of the civilized
society, and will hold the use the national resources. Hence that population
is opted that do not have the civilized citizen’s competencies. In this way
abundant issues will be emerged. The politicians, militarists and
revolutionists will be indulged in their aims, and the right of unlimited
procreation will be lost. The ambitions can lead to change in the society,
not the despondences.

Q.3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that
follow. Use your own language. (20)

Human beings are afraid of death just as children feel afraid of darkness.
The fear of darkness of kids increased by the stories of the heard ghosts
and thieves. In the same way, the fear of human being is increased by the
stories which they heard about the agony of dying man. If a human being
regards death as a kind of punishment for his sins he has committed and if
he looks upon death as a means of making an entry into another world, he
is certainly taking a religious and sacred view of death. But if a human
being looks upon death as a law of nature and then feels afraid of it, his
attitude is of cowardice. However, even in religious meditations about death
there is sometimes a mixture of folly and superstition. Monks have written
books in which they have described the painful experiences which they
underwent by inflicting physical tortures upon themselves as a form of self
purification. Thus, one may think that the pains of death must be
indescribably agonizing. Such books and such thoughts increase a man's
fear of death.

Seneca, the Roman Philosopher is of the view that the circumstances and
ceremonies of death frighten people more than death itself would do. A
dyeing man is heard uttering groans; his body is seen undergoing
convulsions; his face appears to be absolutely bloodless and pale; at his
death his friends begin to weep and his relations put on mourning clothes;
various rituals are performed. All such facts make death appear more
horrible than it would be otherwise.
1-What is the difference between human beings' fear of death and
children's fear of darkness?
2-What is a religious and sacred view of death?
3-What are the painful experiences described by the Monks in their books?
4-What are the views of Seneca about death?
5-What are the facts that make death appear more horrible than it would be
1- Human beings fear of death because they observe painful scenes of the
dying people while children fear of darkness due to hearing horrible stories.
2- The author explains religious and sacred view in which a religious man
perceives death as penalties of his committed sins and gateway to another
3-According to the writer The Monks tortures their bodies in order to feel
the fear of death, and for their self-purification.
4- Seneca, the Roman Philosopher describes a dying man suffers pale, his
body undergoes convulsions, his relatives weep and wear mourning
clothes, and perform religious rituals.
5- According to the writer the painful death scenes, Monks self-purification
acts, and death's ceremonies appears more horrible than it is.

Q.4 Write a comprehensive note (250 - 300) on any ONE of the

1. Self done is Well done
2. The Bough that bears most bend most
3. Nearer the Church, farther from God
4. Rich men have no fault
5. Cut your coat according to your cloth

Rich Men have no Fault

We live in this word with the label such as “Rich” and “Poor”. Some people
are bestowed with wealth and resources while some are with the curse of
poverty. People from their parents along with genes also inherit the lives
with they are going to lead.
The words like “Justice” have merely existence in the dictionaries.
Therefore poor should be cautious about following right path and wrong
doing because law applies to them strictly. Rich men do not have to be
worried for their committed illegal and bad deeds. Their money and means
are sufficient to protect them from all actions which could be taken against
their sins. If some rich men commit the illegal actions and some ones dare
to complain of them and raise the voice against them; the mouth are
bonded of these bold person and lesson is taught them that “Rich Men
have no fault”. Hence in any contest where rich and poor are involved; the
ultimate result is that the rich wins over the power. This is even evidence in
international scenario too. For Example, the USA, the world’s super power
whenever wanted to attack on any Muslim country she attacked without
any proofs or evidences and violated the Human Rights. No one was and is
to take action against USA. Same is the case with the Wadeera and
Jageerdar (feudal) system in the Pakistan. They do injustice with the poor,
violet the Human Rights, and commit the unlawful acts. The poor can not
take action because they lock the mouths of the poor and educate that
“Rich men have no fault”. The inequality is not a new concept. It exists from
the arrival of Adam on earth. The Elder brother killed his brother because
he had power. He buried his brother’s body and removed evidences. It
seems like the rules are made only for the poor and powerful have no
concern to these.

Q.5 Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their
meaning. Extra attempt shall not be considered.
1. Wool gathering
2. Under the harrow
3. Cold comfort
4. A gold digger
5. Walk with God
6. On the thin ice
7. A queer fish
8. Unearthly hour

1. Wool gathering
meaning- indulgence in aimless thoughts and dreamy imagination; absent
usage: Mother advised to her son to not wool gather and be serious
2. Under the harrow
meaning: in difficult situation; distress
usage:After giving divorce to her wife he is under the harrow now.
3. Cold comfort
meaning: little comfort or encouragement.
usage: After getting job Aslam is in cold comfort.
4. A gold digger
meaning: a relationship mad by women with a man to seek his money or
usage: The new secretary seem to be gold digger.
5. Walk with God
meaning: to live in accordance with the commandments of God.
usage: He is very pious person because he walk with god.

6. On the thin ice

meaning: in a risky and dangerous situation.
usage: Aslam made many mistakes in the Essay paper and now his is on
the thin ice
7. A queer fish
meaning: a person of old habits
usage: Aslam father in law is a queer fish
8. Unearthly hour
meaning: at a very earlier time of morning
usage: it is midnight what brought you to come here.

Q.6 (a) Correct ONLY FIVE of the following: Extra attempt shall not be
1. A ten feet long snake made people run here and there
2. We are going to the concert, and so they are.
3. Enclosed with this letter was a signed Affidavit and a carbon copy of his
request to our main office.
4. Fear from God.
5. Pakistan has and will support the Kashmiris.
6. He has come yesterday.
7. Arshad's down fall was due to nothing else than pride.
8. Do not avoid to consult a doctor.

1. A ten foot long snake made people run here and there.
2. We are going to the concert, and so are they?
3. Enclosed with this letter ware a signed Affidavit and a carbon copy of his
request to our main office.
4. Fear God.
5. Pakistan has supported and will support the Kashmiris.
6. He come yesterday.
7. Arshad's down fall was due to nothing else other than pride.
8. Do not avoid consulting a doctor.

(b) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct

speech (DO ONLY FIVE). Extra attempt shall not be considered.
1. He said to us, "You cannot do this problem alone".
2. The beggar asked the rich lady if she could not pity the sufferings of an
old and miserable man and help him with a rupee or two.
3. The Commander said to the soldiers, "March on".
4. He entreated his master respectfully to pardon him as it was his first
5. "Do you really come from America? How do you feel in Pakistan?" Said I
the stranger.
6. The officer threatened the peon to come in time otherwise he would be
turned out.
7. People wished that the Quaid e Azam had been alive those days to their
8. They said, "Brave! Imran, what a shot".

1- He said to us that we could not do that problem alone.
2- The bagger asked the rich lady,"can she not pity the sufferings of an old
and miserable man and help him with a rupee or two."
3- The commander ordered the soldiers to march on.
4- He bagged his master respectfully, "please pardon me as it was My first
5- I asked to the stranger,"if you really came from America and how you felt
in Pakistan"
6- The officer warned the peon, "Come in time otherwise you will be turned
7- They admired Imran that what short it was.

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