Cause and Effect of Air Pollution

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We must have heard a lot about what pollution is. Yes, as we all know that pollution is
something that is not good. Pollution is a contamination or pollution. Air pollution is a
condition where the air around it is polluted by chemicals, substances or negative particles, or
other biological materials that are harmful to humans and other living things. This air
pollution is nothing but not a cause of human behavior itself. Pollution that pollutes the air is
mostly in the form of fumes which contain many diseases and other harmful things. So from
that is called air pollution.
Causes of air pollution is we know in general about what is air pollution. continued also
explained about anything that could cause air pollution. There are lots of things that can cause
air pollution. The cause of this air pollution can also be caused by daily activities or activities.
As for some things that cause air pollution, among others, are: Vehicle fumes this is because
the vehicle is a means of transportation for either four-wheeled vehicles or motorized
vehicles, Factory smoke, Cigarette smoke, mountain eruptions, This mining activity
sometimes has a very bad impact, which can release a lot of chemicals and also dust which
has the potential to cause air pollution, Forest burning, garbage burning, and Illegal logging.
The impact caused by air pollution is a negative impact. The main impact of air
pollution is health problems. There are many kinds of health problems that will be caused by
this air pollution, more fully and clearly, the following are the effects of air pollution:
Occurrence of respiratory problems such as lung disorders, Disrupting skin health, so the skin
will look dull, Causes recurrence of asthma is one of the diseases associated with the lungs
and often arises when breathing air that is in contact for some time, Coughing up, Disruptive
views (eg smoke from forest fires in Sumatra), Causing global warming, inhibiting plant
That is the conclusion of several things that are the cause and effect of air pollution. If
these things are done continuously and there is no decisive action or will definitely cause
even more dire impacts. Not only air pollution in small or medium levels, but to the extent of
threatening the safety of the Earth and the living creatures in it.

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