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We can improve result by removing digital noise(gray-shades).

With some minor changes, we can implement visual cryptography on

The future work will cover the Multi level visual secret sharing
technique, how the pixel expansion rate will be reduced and in what
way high quality target image will be obtained which indeed increases
the storage requirements for sheets and the target image.

It will support 2D, 3D, .bmp, .png and .gif etc. formatted images.
Thus, the system’s security will also be improved by hiding multiple
secrets in same number of share images and reduces the size of sheets
and share image.

It can be used for all of the security related institutions like military,
offices, confidential laboratories. It will work for the multiple systems
and multiple cover images. It will work for more databases for more

It also works on the central database for biometric information (like

face, fingerprints, and iris).

In this work, the basic VCS is used to secure iris ciphers and fingerprint
images and the Embedded extended VCS for gray scale images is used
to secure face images.
It can be used for all of the security related institutions like military,
offices, confidential laboratories. It will work for the multiple systems
and multiple cover images. It will work for more databases for more

The growth of any organization leads to enhancements, in future the

system can be enhanced according to requirements. Visual Cryptography
for biometric privacy is designed and developed flexibly according to
the current requirements of the user The requirements may increase in
future and the system can be easily modified accordingly as the system
has been modularized. The system is developed in such way that any
future developments can be included.

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