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OS REVIEW SHEET exercise Human Cardiovascular Physiology—Blood Pressure and Pulse Determinations ae Cardiac Cycle 1. Const densi va 1x, homo ornare and ale nes and the ECG aod hes sound sean Ga nen blow by xing ttc rm eis ote ight fhe Sag owe wee Key poe bea sounds oT = “ a a @ 4 “ 4 Geant | | [erated |. yewtvitw lar p present : \ 7 | A lov : Ayyonwitt! | || 4 vere i 1. | a tn even host 22335 SEEEELSLELELE LALA 336 “Review Sheet 22 2 Defi the following em A soe NOMHACUIBIK Quy Maro MeivCAlMie velog@tiOV) ‘4 cardiac yee: ONE CAPE, Wearoent Answer the following uestons concerning evens ft cadiac cyte Worse ie Av anes AUN SSH, nt huang cinch arte ea senna ADL pr eh SUE ‘Whar causes them less? ; Wee, SNe (wlnen verrigie® When ae he semua ves oe? mi i lactole. cows ARYNG,SUSKoe ‘What event canst be seminar valves pear WHEH VOurtr\CUIAi pressure > arterial Ane ces recor When ventrioular aasc.< dickerial pvess. (as Vertricles velo, _Atwhnt pointn cries he resent ear higheatt SIASAOIE airing we nicl ection roves MOON @ dinctde— volved et, — eee ee ee ee OP) = 015 Heart Sounds ‘ AWlad2____ 5. Complete the following statement ‘The menssylales descebing he her sound re ‘he fisthean sound isa esl of closure of he 2 vale, 4 Od Veutricles. whee he seo elo oar of the 3 valves “The est chamfer ht sche Soand are the emptied athe 3 mediately afer te scondbeansound, OHO ‘he 6st filling with Sood andthe 7” e empty, ‘As youislened the ear sounds ding the nborstary stssion, wat lieences i pit, nth, nd ampli: (vanes) crdetvosamiestonshene 1 Sound is loeger, Louder, [au_in orton ed AM Souk is shart, sharp, wider i gikon 9! CUPPVUPIPPVIPIIAIPTTTTPTIPIITIPPPIT = = a ~) ” < - 4 a 4 aa * _ 9 ” 3 s 4 * + m4 7 + 4 + 4 4 eow Sheet 22337 17, Nooneespct youtohe ful-segged physician on such shor noice, buon he bas of what you have ered out heat Sus, bow might sbuaral sounds be ued io agnse bear pots? (Use your txbakers) a ave valve. . Hig 6 ir We A uy ic 6 we The Pulse 8 Define puis: AVEO ALI WESAKE. ih dot the lett ventvicle 9. ety he ary pln ocho te lowing prs pin woewie YORI cote tasumeri or SAIS eds intom of tect asic ofteneck OAV innepon ——_RemWGYAL aoe emda mains pOSteAOY pial 10, How wuiyou tly sine dsvaton cer eg ror en ou A iw i il eg We WY SPAS aundvenous wilh Hows Cmerantly © alood Pressure Determinations Drinebtprenee Presswwe, of Hood agin tne nner bled vecsel walls 2 Ideniy th hase of the crdae cycle to which each ofthe fellowing aps presse PSS Murtetries ak re inte presse CEES. WM aurherhes quiring otal Teak of vertnigilareecovy Vorkriouiur veiaxa tov mae ef he instrument used 1 compres the anery and ecrd presses nthe escalated of deter ring bd rane QU a 114, What are sounds of Koroskott?. S 3 VE (Oo m iA Wd ‘Wt causes the psa sound? W kV 16 How do venous pressures compare tarsal pressures? VOUS pS. JOA vviyr The load 3s. twndderr less ees 2 xcnuse it Was alvendy gone Trough the drveries Qed Capillaries 338 Review Ses 22 Observing the Effect of Various Factors ‘on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate 17, What fet do he folowing have on ood presse? (init inrese by Tand deeas by D,) TO, inset ance te rcs D4 senses Ja, ced end vicsiy Ls, amines Da rae cata ape eee eres pte re 1%, anvemen postion (ting, elning, sanding ithe bod pss nally the highest? Grundig enc eng ‘What immed changes in Hood pressure dd you obszrve wen the subject stad up being inthe siting or lining ine enanat ca align Saxding gail ‘Ate: te sje sd fe 3 ints, wht changin ed psc wee tion CHELVEAGE i BP ow do ow ccm oti sett ach ot le Soot. SS n Color as an Indicator of Local Circulatory Dynamics ~~») ao ace 21, What changes oocured wen te Taj emptied the forsarm of oe (by rising the am and mig fist) andthe low vas bloke with che cult CTUTTVPPFVIITITVIIPITTETTTETIVIIITPPEPEEE Study Questions on Anatomy Review: The Heart: 1. age 1.) What i transported in the blood? 2, Page 4.) What's the difference between the blood in the right sie of the heart and the left side of the heart? 3. Page 5.) a. Where does the blood go that is pumped out of the right hear? 'b, What happens to the blood inthe lungs? «. Where does the blood go that is pumped out of the left heart? 4. Page 5.) What is the pulmonary circuit andthe systemic circuit? Label the diagram Skip pages 6 and & 7 ofthe Tutorial 5. Page 8) What are the 4 chambers of the heart? 6. Page 8.) a, Which chamber reccives oxygenated blood? 'b, Which chamber receives deoxygenated blood? ¢, Which chamber pumps out oxygenated blood? 4. Which chamber pumps out deoxygenated blood? Chapter 11 The Canonssoula Sysem 179) 3, Figure 11-2 is an anterior view of the heat. Mdentiy each numbered stracture | and write as name in the corresponding numbered space below the figure “Then, select diferent colors for each stucure provided with a colo-coding cele, and use them to color the coding circles and corresponding stractures ; sanitte «gn ‘on the figure one inkvele gover es, ne i Figure 1-2 © Auvinen a © Kult Wy, © Lin 2 O Aah Lula VENUS xa oO Rytik sO} flask Cina Cin © Litt 4 Lipytan ack a “ SUp.veis. (als, Rogwhar ce we. © Nocuontuyy ay Fer oswr 178 asstomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook 2, The hearts called double pump because it serves two circulations. ‘Trace the flow of blood throggh both the pulmonary and systemic circle tions by wing the missing terms in the answer blanks. Then, color regions vanspoting O;-poor blood blue and regions transporting Oyich Blood red on Figure 11. Finally, dent the various regions ofthe CGreuation shown in Figure 11-1 by ibeling them using the key choices Loven 1 Li Serwulungy 2, (tran 6 acral Loinwsia L. Vek 6 he 9% a, wo. C jlo) beds VON CANA 12 ob VOD CW ys, Key Choices A Vessels serving head snd upper limbs 1B Vessels serving body trunk sand lower nbs CC. Vessels serving the visera D. Pulmonary cireulation . Pulmonary “pomp” F. Systemic “pump” "rom the sight atrium dough the tricuspid vai to the _@) through the valve to the pulmonary runk to the right tnd lef “GD, to the capllay beds ofthe (tthe {oie DoF the heat through the valve co tho “Ga Ghrough the O) semilunar valve, 10 the 00. tothe Systemic ances, 6 the CLD of the body tissues, to the ‘Systemic veins to the G2) and (13), which enter the sight ftom ofthe bear Chapter 1 The Cardiovasc Systems TT 6. Figure 11-4 isa diagram of the Fontl section of the hear. Follow the instructions below to complete this exercise int, drs atts to indicate the direction of blood flow through the hear. Draw the pathway of the oxygen-rich blocd with red arows, and tree the pathway of oxygen-poor bloed with blue arrows. Second, dent exch of the elements ofthe intrinsic conduction sytem (oumbers 1-5 on the figuee) by inserting the appropriate terms in the blanks let of the figure. Then, indicate with green arrows the pathway that impulses take through thi eyetem. “Thin, comectly identify each of the heat valves (numbers 6-9 on the Fig) by inserting the appropsate terms in the blanks left of the figure, and draw in and kdetify by name the condike structares tht anchoe the flaps of the atrioventricular (AV) valves. Fourth, use the numbers ftom the figure ro identify the structures described below. Pace the numbers in the letred answer blanks, Lo a <1 prevent bacitow to the venies when the hea i relaxed a D. Prevent badkflow into the tia when the ventricles sre contracting C Lb av va withthe tans AV valve with to Maps “The pacemaker ofthe inrinsie Figure 1-4 conduction system "The point in the intinsic |) ‘conduction system where the impalse is temporary delayed , supe. Anal 1 vomena x AY wuld :/ & wy 3 Laan KV nade lx y malig Se | 7 ais emit! a - Linge Goers i re th a mh » We 4 Wal ft uctic vale ” vertie qtin [vial WCwsp.valie

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