The Use of "Story Skeleton" To Improve Students' Writing Skill in Narrative Text at The Eleventh Class Students at Sma Wahid Hasyim Model

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Khoirul Huda
NIDN : 0710107702


The Use of “Story Skeleton” to Improve Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative

Text at the Eleventh Class Students at SMA Wahid Hasyim Model.

Keywords : Story Skeleton, Improve, Writing Skill

Writing is one of skills in English that should be mastered by students in Senior

High School. Most of students who study English feel that writing is the most
difficult skill in English. There are some reasons why writing is the most difficult
skill in English such as: generate and organize ideas and put those ideas into
coherent, logically ordered, sentence and paragraph organization, appropriate
vocabulary, grammar, etc. While narrative text is a text that is taught often and it
has quite simple generic structure. Sometimes students still face difficulties if they
write a narrative text. In SMA Wahid Hasyim Model, teacher uses a media, story
skeleton, in teaching writing narrative text. It is aimed to improve students’
writing skill in narrative text.
This study is focused on how story skeleton is used to teach writing narrative text
and whether or not the use of story skeleton is able to improve students’ writing
skill in narrative text. Descriptive qualitative was used as research method in this
study. To find how story skeleton was used to teach narrative text, the researcher
observed the teacher. To find whether or not the use of story skeleton was able to
improve students’ writing skill in narrative text, the researcher analyzed students’
writing score after and before using story skeleton. The subject of this study is 33
students from eleventh class students IPS 1 of SMA Wahid Hasyim Model.
The result of the research shows that the use of story skeleton to teach writing
using story skeleton has been going well. It was proven that teacher did not face
many problems in the process of teaching using story skeleton. Besides, students’
written text was getting better and students’ ability in writing narrative text
increased. In all assessment criteria, students score increased. Structure 13%,
paragraphing 12%, ideas 11%, vocabulary 6%, audience 3%, spelling 2%,
character and setting 2%, sentence structure 1%, punctuation 1%, and cohesion
1%. Teacher can use story skeleton to teach writing narrative text and it may use
to teach other skills.

A. Background
The important thing in English as a foreign language started from
elementary school to University. Learning english is divided into two skills.
The first, it is receptive skill which is consisting of listening and reading. The
second is productive skill which is consisting of speaking and writing. Those
skills are very important for students to master it all. (Harmer
states,2007:265) : “...we use language in terms of four skills, they are reading,
writing, speaking and listening. These are often divided into two types.
Receptive skill is a term used for reading and listening, skills where meaning
is extracted from the discourse. Productive skill is the term for speaking and
writing, skills where students actually have to produce language themselves.”
According to (A.S. Hornby,2000:1383), writing is the activity
occupation of writing for examples: books, stories or articles. In addition
(Harmer,2001:79) states that writing is a form of communication to deliver or
to express feeling through written form. So, writing is one way for students to
express their idea, thought and moreover feeling in the form of written
Writing is the most difficult language skill to master. There are many
reasons why writing is regarded difficult. According to (Simpson2016:36),
the difficulty is due to the fact that a writer needs to have enough language
and general intellectual skills to generate and organize ideas and put those
ideas into coherent, logically ordered, intelligible sentences, paragraphs and
essays. Besides, (Richard and Renandya,2002:303) state that the difficulty
lies on how to generate and organize ideas using an appropriate choice of
vocabulary, sentence and paragraph organization, and translate these ideas
into a readable text. Senior High School students should be able to write
narrative text. It is not such an interesting and pleasure activities for them to
write narrative text although the purpose of narrative text is to entertain the
reader. They know many stories related to narrative text. But, if they should
produce a narrative text, they still get many difficulties such as getting and
generating ideas, grammatical errors, choosing appropriate words, spelling
and punctuation, etc.
Students admitted that they get difficulties writing especially writing
narrative text. Those difficulties are getting and generating idea, compose a
story sequence, vocabulary. Besides they also admitted that they just know
the generic structure of narrative text but they do not really understand its
part. Thus make students reluctant to write a narrative text even they have
known many stories relate to narrative text.
Due to students’ problems in writing, the English teacher at the Senior
High School implements a learning media for teaching writing narrative text
that is story skeleton. Story skeleton provides a sequence plot structure which
can be used as guidance in writing narrative text. Moreover story skeleton
covers all components in narrative text such as the character, problem,
problem solving, moral value, etc. Story skeleton is used as an outline before
students write a narrative text. Students are guided to organize a narrative text
in good order. Therefore students can solve their problem. Furthermore,
students’ writing skill in narrative text improves. Narrative text is one of the
texts in English that will be taught often and it has quite simple generic
structure. Sometimes students still face some difficulties if they write a
narrative text. While writing is the most difficult skill in English language.
This study is conducted to find out how the use of story skeleton to teach
writing narrative text and whether the use of story skeleton is able to improve
students’ writing skill in narrative text. The researcher analyzes the process of
teaching writing narrative text using story skeleton and whether or not the use
of story skeleton is able to improve students’’ writing skill in narrative text.
B. Literature Review

1. Writing
a. The Nature of Writing
Harmer states that writing is a process that we write is often heavily
influenced by constraints of genres then these elements have to be present
in learning activities (2004:86). Boardman states that writing is a
continuous process of thinking and organizing, rethinking, and
reorganizing (2002:11). Writing is a powerful tool to organize
overwhelming events and make them manageable. Writing is really a form
of thinking using the written word.
Furthermore, according Essay writing can be specified into four
categories. The first is expository,the second is persuasive, the third is
narrative, and the fourth is imaginative

b. Problems of Writing
According to Msanjila there are six common problems that may
occur when doing writing (Msanjila,2005:15-25).Those problems are
capitalization problem, punctuation problem, inexplicitness or fuzziness,
poor organization or illogical sequence, spelling problem, and the last is
grammatical errors. The students should pay attention on those six points
to be able to make good writing text.

c. Steps of Writing
Writing is one of productive skills that need a process. To have a
good product of writing, the writer should have a good process of writing.
The writer should have a good plan and a clear purpose to make the
readers understand the message.
According to Harmer writing process is the stages that a writer goes
through in order to produce something in its final written form. There are
four steps in writing processes (Harmer,2004:4):
1) Planning, 2) Drafting, 3) Editing, 4) Final Version (Final draft)

d. Teaching Writing
Harmer states that teaching means to give (someone knowledge)
or to instruct or train (someone) (Harmer,2004:17).This means that the
teacher performs a specific task or activity intention to encourage students
to learn. So, teaching writing means that the teacher gives some
knowledge about writing activity to students so that they can write a text

2. Narrative Text
a. Definition of Narrative Text
Meyers states that narrative is one of the most powerful ways of
communicating with others (Meyers,2005:52).A good written story lets your
reader response to some event in your life as if it were own. They not only
understand the event, but they can almost feel it. The action, details, and
dialogue put the readers in these seem and make it happen for them.
Moreover, Anderson states that narrative is a piece of text tells a story and,
in doing so, entertains or informs the reader or listener (Anderson,1997:8).
According to Kane narrative is a meaningful sequence of events told
in words. From these opinions, it can be said that a narrative text is usually a
product of writing in the form of a story which happened in the past in a
certain time. The story is ordered in chronological plot which can be
enjoyed by the readers. It also contains a moral value. The purpose of
narrative story is to entertain and give a moral value for the reader.

b. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Derewianka states that the steps for constructing a narrative are
(Derewianka,1990:32) :
1) Orientation, in which the writer tells the audience about who the
character in the story are, where the story is taking place, and when the
action is happen.
2) Complication, where the story is pushed along by a series of events,
during which we usually expect some sort of complication or problem to
arise. It just would not be so interesting if something unexpected did not
happen. This complication will involve the main character(s) and often
serves to (temporally) toward them, for reaching their goal. Narratives
mirror the complications we face in life and tend to reassure us that they
are resolvable.
3) Resolution
In a satisfying narrative, a resolution of the complication is brought
about. The complication may be resolved for better or for worse, but it is
rarely left completely unresolved (although this is of course possible in
certainly types of narrative, which leave us wondering (how is the end?).

3. Media
a. The Nature of Media
Media are the means for transferring or delivering messages. It is
called the educational medium when the medium transfers message for
thepurpose of teaching (christine:2000). In addition, Gagne and Briggs
cited on Azhar‟s book stated that medium is device used to deliver
content of material which includes some of books, recorder, video, film,
photograph, picture, television, and computer. Moreover, Azhar states
that medium is a component of learning source or physical vehicles that
consists of instructional material in students‟ environment which can
motivate students to learn.
Thus, it can be concluded that media is a tool used in teaching
process to help teacher transfer the message to the students. Media will
help students to gain knowledge, skill, moreover attitude. It is hoped
that teaching using media, the students will be motivated in learning
especially English. So that students will be easy in receiving the
b. Kinds of Media
In general, there are three kinds of media. They are audio, visual,
and audio visual media. Audio media are media that can be listened to,
while visual media are media that can be seen. Kasbolah states media
that involve the senses of sight and hearing are named as audio visual
media (Kasbolah,2000:57).Furthermore, he states that there are some
visual media in generaland they are (1) still pictures, (2) realia, (3)
drawing or teacher-made drawing, and (4) charts, posters, cartoons, and
real objects.
4. Teaching Writing Narrative Text Using Story Skeleton
Story skeleton is organization of a story which involves the
identification of the characters, the place, the problem, the goal, as well as
the delineation of the sequence of events leading to the resolution of the
previously stated problem.Story skeleton is only drawn in the form of
human body (Caloriina,2004:201).
Story skeleton can be used for teaching reading, speaking, and
writing. In teaching reading using story skeleton, the story skeleton is used
as a book report. The students are given a mystery book of a story. They
analyze contain of the story book. In this project, students read about the
story. Use the pieces of the body that are provided. Put the skeleton
together with brass fasteners, string, or yarn. All sentences need to be
typed, cut out, and glued to the part of the body in which it belongs. The
direction of each part is below:
Picture 1. Story Skeleton Book Report
1. Head : draw and color the face of the main character. Write your name on
the back of the head.
2. Chest : draw and color the setting where and when the story takes place.
3. Hips : write 1-3 sentence in your best writing that explain the main
problem or adventure in the book.
4. Upper Arms: write the names of other important characters. Add how
each relates to the problem or main character.
5. Lower Arms: write interesting details from the book.
6. Thighs : write other problems that the character must solve on the way to
solving the main problem.
7. Lower Legs : write ways the character gets out of the adventure or solves
the main problem – the climax and solution.
8. Feet : write one thing you like about the book on each foot.

story skeleton is used to help students to make scaffolding first for their
writing before they construct it completely. It helps them to keep their idea of
their writing. In this study the teacher adapts story skeleton from teaching
book report and telling story to teach writing with the purpose is students are
able to make a story. Here is the story skeleton for writing:
Picture 2. Story Skeleton for Writing
1. Head : Writes the main character and the title on the head.
2. Upper body: writes the setting where and when the story take place
3. Upper arms: writes the other important characters. Gives the
character‟s name and why they are important.
4. Hips : Writes the main problem and one paragraph about Summary
of the story.
5. Lower arms: Provides interesting details from the story.
6. Thighs : Write other problems that the character must solve on the
way to solving the main problem.
7. Legs : Explain how the main character solves the main problem.
8. Feet : State the moral value that can be taken on each foot.

A. Research Design

Hatch stated that qualitative study is intended to explore reality about

human behaviors within natural setting and context (Hatch, 2002:65).In
addition a qualitative study does not start with hypothesis, so there is no
interference in the form of control or treatment in the participants (the students
and the teacher). According to Wiersma qualitative research investigates the
complex phenomena experienced by the participants by the examining peoples’
words and action in descriptive ways (Wiersma, 1989:120).

B. Subjects of the Study

This study took place in a senior high school in SMA Wahid Hasyim
Model. 33 students of XI IPS 1 in academic year 2016/2017 were chosen as the
subject of the study. This class consists of 33 females. The reason of choosing
XI IPS 1 as the subject of study was based on teacher recommendation and
they came from various backgrounds and had different experience in writing
narrative text.

C. Source of Data
In this study the researcher gathers the data from various sources.
1. Teacher and Students , The researcher designed interview for the teacher and
the students. The researcher interviewed the teacher in order to gain
information about how the process of teaching writing narrative text using
story skeleton.

2. Lesson Plan was used to know teacher’s way in teaching narrative text using
story skeleton, the learning model, the material that had been taught and the
process of teaching writing text using story skeleton. It also strengthened the
interviews’ result. Therefore, the researcher got the valid data.

3. Syllabus was one of the source data in this study.

4. Students’ Writing Score, It consisted score of students’ writing narrative text

before using story skeleton and after using story skeleton.

D. Data Collection Techniques

1. Observation , is the most basic method for obtaining data in qualitative
research (Donalt,2002:430).
2. Interview, is a dialogue who is done by the interviewer to get information
from informant (Arikunto,2006:155). The interview was done on Saturday,
June 3rd.researcher interviewed the teacher and the students.
3. Documentation, was used to gather, provide evidence of fact, and strengthen
the data.

E. Data Analysis Technique

To analyze this data, the researcher used the theory from Gay and
Arasian. According to Gay and Arasian the steps of analyzing the data were:
data managing, reading and memoing, describing, classifying, and interpreting
(Gay and Peter,2000:239-241). The description of each steps were below:
1. Data Managing
In this step, the researcher collected all of the data from the
observation, interview, and documentation, and checked the completeness
of the data. Then, the researcher managed all of the data in good order. The
data divided into folders according to its type (observation, interview,
documentation). Theresearcher collected all results of the observation
checklist, result of interview from teacher and students, and students’
writing score.

2. Reading and Memoring

In this step, the researcher read the result of observation checklist,
interview, and documentation. In the process of reading, the researcher also
highlighted the important sentences and made notes for the important parts
of the data that needed more explanation

3. Describing, The researcher describes all of the data includes

observation checklists, the interview’s result, and students’ writing score.

4. Classifying , In classifying step, the researcher classifies the data.

The observation checklists are classified based on the categorized of the

5. Interpreting
In this step, the researcher interprets the data into the result to make
the data understandable. The researcher makes the conclusion of the
observation checklist. In addition, the researcher also makes the conclusion
based from the interview’s result. Then the researcher makes conclusion of
the documentation from of students’ writing score before and after using
story skeleton.

A. Findings
This research is an observation research on the use of story
skeleton to teach writing narrative text. It is aimed to know how story
skeleton is used to teach writing narrative text and what the result of using
story skeleton to teach writing narrative text at the tenth grade students of
SMA Wahid Hasyim Model specially class XI IPS 1 in the academic year
of 2016/2017.
the researcher did the observation of teaching and learning in the
classroom using story skeleton. While June 3rd 2017 the researcher
interviewed the teacher and students. The researcher interviewed the
teacher about the use of story skeleton to teach writing narrative text. The
researcher also interviewed the students to know their comment about
writing narrative text using story skeleton. Then, the researcher checked
the observation checklist based on the result of interview on teacher. After
that, the researcher asked the teacher about the data of students’ writing
score before using storyskeleton and after using story skeleton.

1. The Story Skeleton Improves Students’ Writing Skill

a. Students’ Writing Score
Subjects of the study in this research are 33 students. In this part
the researcher shows the students’ writing score before and after using
story skeleton. Before the application of story skeleton, students were
given a task to write narrative text. It was used to know the students’
ability in writing narrative text before teacher used story skeleton to teach
writing. In the final material that used the application of story skeleton,
students were given a task to write a narrative text. It was used to know
students’ writing ability after the implementation of media story skeleton.
The following are tables of students’ score before using story skeleton,
students’ score after using story skeleton, the comparison of students’
writing score before and after using story skeleton, and the last is the
percentage of students’ achievement on assessment criterion before and
after using story skeleton.

1. Students’ Writing Score Before Using Story Skeleton

The highest score students’ get before using story skeleton in their
first writing is 70. There are three students who get score 70. Then, there
are two students who get score 67,5. Then, there are five students who
get score 65. Beside that there are nine students who get score 62,5.
While the lowest score that student get is 60. There are 14 students who
get score 60.
The highest criterion that students have is character and setting.
The total score that students get in this criterion is 90. In audience
criterion, students get score 89. Then in punctuation criterion, students
get score 88. While in vocabulary and spelling criterion, students get
same score that is 86. In sentence and structure criterion, students get
score 82. In structure criterion, students get score 81. Then in cohesion
criterion, students get score 78. In ideas criterion, students get score 77.
The lowest score that students get is 74. It is paragraphing criterion. The
following is table of students’ writing score after using story skeleton.

2. Students’ Writing Score Before Using Story Skeleton

The highest score that students got after using story skeleton is 80.
There only one student who get score 80. There are three students who
get score 75. Then, there are six students who get score 72,5. There are
11 students who get score 70 while seven students get 67,5. Beside that
there are two students get score 65 and three students get score 62,5. And
the lowest score that student get is 60. It is only one student who get
score 60.
The highest criterion that students reach is structure. The score of its
criterion is 103. Then students get score 96 for vocabulary criterion. In
ideas criterion students get score 95. In the audience and character and
setting, students get the same score for each criterion that is 94. Then in
paragraphing criterion, students get score 93. In spelling students get
score 90 whereas punctuation criterion, students get score 89. The lowest
score that students get is 80. It is vocabulary criterion.
Table 1. The Percentage of Students’ Achievement on Assessment Criterion
Before and After Using Story Skeleton

No. Criterion Before After

1. Structure 49% 62%
2. Audience 54% 57%
3. Ideas 47% 58%
4. Character and setting 55% 57%
5. Vocabulary 52% 58%
6. Cohesion 47% 48%
7. Paragraphing 45% 56%
8. Sentence structure 48% 49%
9. Punctuation 53% 54%
10. Spelling 52% 55%

From the table above, it can be concluded that in structure criterion

students’ achievement increases from 49% to 62%. In audience criterion,
students’ achievement increases from 54% to 57%. In ideas criterion,
students’ achievement increases from 47% to 58%. In character and setting,
students’ achievement increases from 55% to 57% whereas in vocabulary
criterion students’ achievement increases from 52% to 58%. Beside that
students’ achievement in cohesion criterion increases from 47% to 48%. In
paragraphing criterion, students’ achievement increases from 45% to 56%.
In sentence structure students’ achievement increases from 48% to 49%
while in punctuation criterion students’ achievement increases from 53% to
54%. The last is spelling criterion. In this criterion, students’ achievement
increases from 52% to 55%. Hence, students’ achievement on assessment
criterion before and after using story skeleton increase.
The chart below shows us the deviation percentage of students’
achievement on assessment criterion before and after using story skeleton.
The data ispresented as follows :

Chart 1. The Deviation Percentage of Students’ Achievement on Assessment

Criterion Before and After Using Story Skeleton
Chart Title
par 4%
agr sen pun
aph ten ctu
ing ce atioaud
23 stru n ienc stur
% ctur 2%echauct
e ure
coh 2% 6%
esio idevoc er %
n as abu and
2% 21 lary se
% 12 ttin
% g

From the chart above it can be concluded that the highest criterion
which increase is structure. It increases about 13%. The following criterion
is paragraphing which increases about 12%. Then on ideas criterion also
increases about 11%. For vocabulary criterion, it increases about 6% while
audience criterion increases about 3%. Then spelling criterion and character
and setting criterion increase about 2% of each criterion. Sentence structure,
punctuation, and cohesion increase about 1% of each criterion. Hence,
students’ ability in writing narrative text are getting better after using story
skeleton even though levels of the increasing are not same in each criterion.

B. Discussion

1. The Use of Story Skeleton to Teach Writing Narrative Text.

Based on the research findings, it can be seen that in teaching writing

narrative text teacher asked students to write not only used story skeleton as
the outline but also gave students steps to write a good text. The steps that
followed by the teacher were planning, drafting, editing and revising.
Harmer states that there are four steps in writing process which can make
our writing are good (Harmer,2004:4). Those are planning, drafting, editing,
and revising. In writing narrative text using story skeleton, students follow
those four steps.
The first is planning. The first thing students do is choosing the topic
and think about the structure. In this step students make an outline using
story skeleton which consisting of the structure of the text (orientation,
complication, resolution). The second step is drafting. In this step, students
generate the ideas and the structure into full paragraph. The third step is
editing. Here, students check the organization of paragraph, grammar,
spelling, punctuation, etc. The fourth step is revising.In this phase, students
have edited their draft, making changes if it necessary, and produce a final
version of the written text. It also means that the text is ready to be read.

Furthermore, story skeleton has advantages and disadvantages. The

advantage of story skeleton was to make students more aware of the entire
contents of the narrative text. The disadvantage of story skeleton was
consuming a lot of time if the student had to describe and coloring
characters and setting of time and place. The shape was too monotonous.
Because the shape only human body.

2. The Story Skeleton Improves Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative Text

Regarding to the students’ comment on how learning writing narrative
text using story skeleton, the researcher concludes that story skeleton the
use of story skeleton as writing outline can help students to write a narrative
text. Also it can increase students’ ability in writing. The students’ score
after using story skeleton is higher than students’ score before using story


1. The used of story skeleton to teach writing narrative text follows some
steps.The first is planning. Students choose the topic and think about the
structure. In this step students used story skeleton as the outline. Students
fill all skeleton’s body which has represented the content of a story. The
second is drafting. Here students generate the ideas and the structure into
all paragraphs (orientation, complication, resolution). Students write a
paragraph which refers to the points on story skeleton. They place in
accordance with the generic structure of the text. The third step is editing.
Here students check the organization of the paragraph, grammar,
vocabulary etc. Then the last step is revising. Students re-read and re-check
whether there is a change or not. Here the students’ written text is ready to
be read. Story skeleton can be used for teaching writing narrative text as an
outline before students write a narrative text. And it all was going well.
2. The story skeleton improves students’ writing skill in narrative text are
explained in two categories. The first one based on their writing score.
Story skeleton can increase students’ writing ability. It can be seen on
theresults are the structure criterion increases 13%. The paragraphing
criterion increases 12%. Ideas criterion also increases 11%. Vocabulary
criterion increases 6% while audience criterion increases 3%. Then spelling
criterion and character and setting criterion increase 2% of each criterion.
Sentence structure, punctuation, and cohesion increase about 1% of each
criterion. The second is students’ commenter about the use of story
skeleton in writing narrative text. Story skeleton is an effective media for
teaching narrative text. It raises students’ interest to the lesson, leads
students’ attention, and helps students to understand the lesson. On the
other hand, they feel confuse to determine the other problems that occur in
the story. Then they hope there is another form of story skeleton. So it is
not only form as human body.


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