Tanaka - Fatigue Crack Propagation From A Crack Inclined To The Cyclic Tensile Axis PDF

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Enginmfng Fwctun Mechanics, 1974, Vol. 6, pp. 493-W. Pergamon Press.

Printed in Great Britain



Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Ah&act-Cyclic stresses with stress ratio R = 0.65 were applied to sheet specimens of ahuninium which
have an initial crack inclined to the tensile axis at angles of 30”, 45”, 72” or 90”. The threshold condition for the
non-propagation of the initial crack was found to be given by a quadratic form of the ranges of the stress
intensity factors of modes I and II. The direction of fatigue crack extension from the inclined crack was
roughly perpendicular to the tensile axis at stress ranges just above the threshold value for non-propagation.
On the other hand, at stress ranges 1.6 times higher than the threshold values the crack grew in the direction
of the initial crack. The rate of crack growth in the initial crack direction was found to be expressed by the
following function of stress intensity factor ranges of mode I, K,, and mode II, K2: dc/dN = C(K..)“, where
K,= [K,*+ 8K,4]‘“. This law was derived on the basis of the fatigue crack propagation model proposed by

mechanics has been established as an important principle dealing with the
growth of fatigue cracks. Since Paris [ l] successfully correlated the rate with the stress
intensity factor, a number of investigators have reported the data on the relation
between the propagation rate and the stress intensity factor. The condition for the
non-propagation of fatigue cracks has also been expressed in terms of the threshold
value of the stress intensity factor[2,3]. Most of their experiments have been
concerned with crack growth under cyclic tensile loading of simple opening type,
mode I.
In practical situations, we sometimes meet the growth of fatigue cracks under
simultaneous application of cyclic loads of types of opening, mode I, in-plane sliding,
mode II, and anti-plane sliding, mode III. For example, a fatigue crack grows along slip
bands for a certain period after nucleation. The growth during this period is identified as
the growth under mode II or III cyclic stress, combined with mode I stress. The
combined mode growth is realized when a fatigue crack is nucleated along inclusions or
welded defects located making an angle with the axis of a tensile load. Fatigue crack
growth under applied multi-axial stress is, of course, of combined mode. In corrosion
fatigue, numerous cracks are usually formed throughout the specimen [3]. Each crack
grows under mutual interaction. The stress system at the crack tip become combined
mode in this situation.
The growth of fatigue cracks under combined mode of I and II was first studied by
Iida and Kobayashi[4]. They used a sheet of 7075T6 aluminium alloy with an initial
crack inclined to the axis of cyclic tensile loading. Their results showed that the initial
crack grew rapidly in the direction which caused the mode II component of the applied
load to go to zero. They also noticed that the presence of even a small cycling of mode
II stress increased the propagation rate significantly. Later, Roberts and Kilber[5] re-
ported the results of experiments on fatigue crack growth under in-plane, mode I,
extensional loads and transverse, mode II, bending loads. Their results indicated that in
certain cases the fatigue crack grew in a manner which did not reduce the mode II

component of the load to zero and that the growth rate was accelerated by the mode II
component of stress applied simultaneously.
The original purpose of the present study was to establish the threshold condition of
fatigue crack growth under combined mode cycling of I and II. Like Iida and
Kobayashi, an initial crack was made in sheet material orientated at various angles to
the longitudinal direction of the plate. In the present experiments, it was found that in
certain situation the fatigue crack propagated in the direction of the initial crack. The
growth law of fatigue cracks under mode I and II stress cycling is discussed on the basis
of the theories of fatigue crack growth proposed by Weertman [6] and Lardner [7], and
a new propagation law under combined mode stressing is proposed. The threshold
condition for the non-propagation of fatigue cracks is discussed comparing the data
with the theories of maximum tangential stress criterion [8] and of strain energy density
criterion [9].

Specimens were cut out from a commercially pure aluminium plates of 3*2mm
(l/8 in.) thickness. The preliminary specimens of a wide plate was fatigued after getting
a mechanical slit with band saw and razer blade perpendicular to the tensile axis. A
fatigue crack was grown to a length of about l-5 mm from each end of the mechanical
slit. Then fatigue specimens of final shapes were cut out from cracked preliminary
specimens in the manner that the initial slit and crack were orientated at angles of 30”,
45”, 72” and 90” with respect to the longitudinal direction of the final specimen. The final
dimensions of the fatigue specimen is shown in Fig. 1, where the rolling direction of the
sheet is the direction of the initial slit and crack. For each inclined angle, (Y,the initial
slit-crack lengths adopted are

CY(deg) = 90,72,45,30
2c(mm) = 21 and 10, 11,15,21.

All the specimens were annealed at 270°C for 2 hr before subjecting them to fatigue
testing. Table 1 gives the mechanical properties of a strip which was prepared following
the same heat treatment as in the case of fatigue specimen preparation. As can be seen
in the table, the mechanical properties of the material is almost isotropic.
The fatigue tests were conducted in Losenhausenwerk operated at a rate of


saw-cut Fatigue
c crock
-- -_

Thickness f =32
y-3-T 1.5

Fig. 1.Shapes and dimensions of fatigue specimen (dimension mm).

Fatigue crack propagation 495

Table 1. Mechanical properties of aluminium sheet.

Rolling direction Yield stress Tensile True Reduction

vs (0.2% off-set) strength strength of area
stress axis (kg/mm’) (kg/mm2) hdmm2) (%I

Parallel 10.0 10.5 27 77

45” 9.6 9.7 25 78
Perpendicular 10.2 10.4 24 72

1000 cpm. The ratio R of the minimum stress ominto the maximum stress a,, was kept
at a constant value of 0.65 for all fatigue tests. The growth of fatigue cracks was
monitored with a travelling microscope attached to the fatigue testing machine.


Several specimens were fatigued under stress ranges near the situation of the
non-propagation of an initial crack which was estimated from the data of preparatory
experiments. The results are summarized in Table 2. In some experiments, the stress
range was raised step-wise when the initial crack was detected not to grow with a
microscope after applying 3 x lo5 stress cycles. Since the limit of detection of crack
growth length is about 0.05 mm, a growth rate higher than l-7 x lo-‘mm/cycle can be
detected by this method.
The elastic stress near the tip of a crack which is inclined to the tensile axis is
characterized as mixed mode of opening, mode I, and in-plane sliding, mode II. The
stress intensity factors k, and kz of modes I and II due to a tensile stress u are given by
k, = k, sin’cu (la)
k2 = kA sina COW (lb)

where c is the half crack length and (Y is the angle between the crack and the axis of

Table 2. Experimental results for determining the threshold condition of fatigue crack

Initial Crack
crack Stress intensity factor Crack growth growth
Specimen angle KI K, rate, dcldN angle
No. (deg) (kg/z”“) (“) (“) (mm/cycle) Udeg)

4 90 6.52 6.52 0 5.8 x lo-’ 0

5 90 5.54 5.54 0 Nogrowth -
7 90 6.00 6.00 0 Nogrowth -
7 90 6.38 6.38 0 7.9 x lo-’ 0
10 72 5.93 5.35 1.74 Nogrowth -
10 72 6.29 5.67 1.85 7.4 x lo-’ -28
13 45 7.24 3.62 3.62 Nogrowth -
13 45 764 3.82 3.82 7.2 x lo-’ -49
17 30 9.49 2.37 4.11 Nogrowth -
17 30 997 2.49 4.32 No growth
17 30 10.9 2,74 4.74 1.4 x lo+ -23
19 30 9.55 2.39 4.14 Nogrowth -
19 30 10.0 2.50 4.33 2-l x lo-’ -52

EFM. Vol. 6 No. 3-F


tension[4, lo] [Fig. 2(a)]. The factor Z is a correction coefficient depending on the
specimen width W. The value of Z was given by Brown and Srawley [I l] as
z= 1-0*1(2c/w)+(2c/w)* (2b)
for a range of (2c / W) = 0 - 0.6. The stress intensifications corresponding to the stress
range Au = u-- ami, are calculated by substituting Au for (T in equation (2). The
ranges of stress intensity factors thus computed are denoted by K, and K, in Table 2.
The specimens in which the crack extended during the period of 3-O x 10’ cycles were
removed after 3-O x 10’ cycles from the testing machine and the distance of crack
extension and the average direction & of crack extension from the initial crack were
measured with another microscope at seventy magnification. The values of the rate
dc/dN and angle 8,, obtained are tabulated in the right hand two columns, where 8,, is
the angle of the growth direction with respect to the initial crack direction measured
Erdogan and Sih[%] investigated the extension of fracture in a sheet of brittle
material with an inclined crack as in the present experiments, and they found that the
initial crack extended in the direction of the maximum tangential stress. The singular
parts of elastic stresses u,, ue and u r. near the crack tip under opening and in-plane
sliding loads are

a;. =-&rcos$k,(l+sin’$+$sin0-2k,tan:] (34

ue = &rcos f k, cos2f-- ik2 sin0 (3b)

[ I

T* = -&co, $k, sin0 + k2(3 sine - l)]

where (r, 0) are polar coordinates at the crack tip [Fig. 2(b)]. The direction & of crack
extension which is assumed to be the direction of maximum tangential stress is
obtained by differentiating ue V% with respect to 8 and setting the derivative to zero:
kl sin&, + k2(3 cos& - 1) = 0 (4)
Substituting equations (la) and (lb) in equation (4) gives
sir& + (3 cOseo - 1) cota = 0 (5)

Fig. 2. The stress state near the tip of a crack inclined to the tensile axis.
Fatiguecrack propagation 497

The condition of fracture at a constant tangential stress is expressed as

cos (0,/2)[k, cos2(&/2) - (3/2)k2 sin&] = const (6)
They concluded that the condition of fracture given by equation (6) should be regarded
as a practical design criterion which gave a conservative value. Later, Sih[9] introduced
the concept of strain energy density to explain the fracture condition under mixed
mode. The strain energy density A U/A V has a singularity of inverse r near the crack
AUIAV = S/r (7)
The energy density factor S in equation (7) is given by a quadratic form of stress
intensity factors k, and k2:
S = aIlk
+ 2a12klk2+ a22k22 (8)
all = (1/16rG)[(3-4~ - cos e)(l+ cos e)] @a)
al2 = (1/16nG)2 sine[cose - (1 - 2~)] (8b)
a22= (1/16&)[4(1- v)(l - cos 0) + (1 + cos 8)(3 cos 8 - l)] (8~)
where G is shear modulus and Y is Poisson’s ratio. Equation (8) is rewritten from
equations (la, b) as
S = kAz[all sin* (Y+ 2a12 sin’ CYcos Q!+ a22sin2 QLcos’ a] (9)
The angle tIOof crack growth direction is given by the direction of the minimum S
2(1-2v)sin($-2~~)-2sin[2(&-a)]-sin28~=0 (10)
The onset of fracture is determined when the minimum value of S reaches a critical
The experimental data on growth direction given in Table 2 are plotted by open
circles in Fig. 3. The direction of fracture predicted by maximum stress criterion,
equation (4), and by strain energy density criterion, equation (lo), are indicated by the

- Stmin energy density

criterion (c =1/3)

0 20 40 60 80
lnitiol crock angle , (1. deg

Fig. 3. The angle of crack extensionfrom initialcrack.


dashed and solid lines, respectively. The value of Poisson’s ratio is taken as l/3 for
calculation in the latter case. As can be seen from the figure, the measured value
increases with decreasing angle (Yfollowing the solid line down to 45”. For the case of
30”, the observed direction is seen to be much smaller than the value estimated based on
the solid or dashed line, especially at the higher rate the point approaches to zero.
As to apply the criteria of maximum stress and energy density to the non-
propagation of fatigue cracks, we assume that the equations which are derived by
substituting the ranges of stress intensity factors, K1 and IL, for stress intensity
factors, k, and k2, in equations (6) and (9) for 8 = & give the conditions. The effect of
the stress intensity factors at the maximum applied load on the crack growth is
neglected, considering the data reported by Frost [ 121which showed a rather insensitive
character of the non-propagation condition to the mean stress in pulsating tensile
fatigue. The corresponding equations for non-propagation condition are
cos (&/2)[K, cos* (&/2) - (3/2)K, sin &] = T, (11)
a,,K,‘+ 2a12K1K2+ az2K2’ = SC (12)
where a,,, a,2 and az2 are values obtained by substituting 8 = & in equations @a, b, c).
The values of constants, T, and SC,of equations (11) and (12) are now evaluated from
the threshold value of K, for the case of perpendicular initial crack. The conditions of
equations (11) and (12) thus determined are indicated by the dashed and solid curves in
Fig. 4. The experimentally measured values for the non-propagation condition corres-
ponding to angles CY= 30”, 45” and 72” lie between two curves, more precisely speaking,
nearer the curve of strain energy density criterion. This means that equation (11) of
maximum stress criterion provides a conservative law for mixed mode loading while
equation (12) for strain energy density criterion gives a dangerous law for design
purposes. We assume that the condition for the non-propagation of fatigue cracks is
given in a positive quadratic form of K, and K2 similar to equation (12) such as
A,,K,‘+ 2AnKIKz + AzzK,Z = 1 (13)
and determine the coefficients, AlI, Al2 and Az2, from experimentally obtained

-.- Experimental curve ;

ellipse approximation

-Strain energy
.zj 2-
density criterion b -t/31

--- Maximum stress

0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7

Stress intemi ty factor of mode I,K,. I,~/~&’

Fig. 4. The condition for the non-propagation of fatigue cracks under cyclic stressing of
combinedmode I and II.
Fig. 5. Photograph of fractured specimen with (I = 30”and Au = 2.9 kg/mm’.

[Facingpage 4981
Fatigue crack propagation 499

threshold values of K, and Kz for angles (Y= 90”, 72” and 45” given in Table 2. The
equation becomes
0.0262K: + OXKl81K~Kz+ 0.0381K22 = 1 (14)
The dot-dash line in Fig. 4 corresponds to the above equation. It should be noticed that
the measured threshold value for (Y= 30” falls on this line. Although we need at least
three experimental points of threshold condition to determine the coefficients of
equation (13), the condition for the non-propagation of fatigue cracks under combined
mode cycling is expressed by equation (13) more precisely than by equation (11) or (12).


For the cases of inclined angles (Y= 45” and 30”, a fatigue crack was found to extend
in the direction of the initial crack when the applied stress range was about 1.6 times
larger than the threshold value. Figure 5 shows a photograph of the specimen with
(Y= 30” fatigued under stress range Au = 2.9 kg/mm*. The arrows in the figure indicate
the ends of the initial crack. In the experiments the crack length was measured along
the growth direction. The rate dc/dN of fatigue crack growth is correlated to the stress
intensity factor of mode I, K1, or mode II, K2, in Fig. 6. The rate becomes much higher
when the mode I component of cycliu stress is accompanied by the Mode II component
as noticed comparing rates at the same K, value. The line in the figure is the
experimental curve obtained by ffitting two straight line segments through the
experimental points for the case of perpendicular initial crack, i.e. cy = 90”. The
equation of the line at higher rates is
dc /dN = 1.8 x 10-‘°K,“~4 (15)
Weertman [6] proposed a theory of fatigue crack propagation on the basis of a model
with a rigid plastic strip extending collinearly to the crack which was given by Bilby,
Cottrell and Swinden (BCS model)[13]. He assumed that a fatigue crack grows when
the sum of the absolute values of the displacement in a strip reaches a critical value a’,.
When a sheet specimen with a straight crack of length 2c is subjected to simple opening
or in-plane shear stress cycling, two types of plastic deformation zones are formed

16’ 5xlc7 Id6 5x10* lo-” 5x1d5

Fatigue crock pmpogoiicn rate, d&IN, mm/cycle

Fig. 6. Relation between crack propagation rate and stress intensity factor of mode I, K,, or of
mode II, K2.

10) Plastic yie!d strips 1 b) Applied cyclic

oheod of crock tip. stress.

Fig. 7. BCS analysis of plastic yield under cyclic stress. (a) Plastic yield strips ahead of the
crack tip. (b) Applied cyclic stress.

ahead of the crack tip as shown in Fig. 7(a), where w and o * are monotonic and reverse
yield zones respectively. For small scale yielding cases, the rate of crack growth in the
crack direction is given by (see Appendix)

dc/dN = (210,) r* Ir$(t’, o*)l dt’ (16)

= [(l - v)?r/3 x 43G@,][K4/Y3] (17)

+(t, w*) = the reverse component of plastic displacement at a point t from
the crack tip
G = shear modulous
Y= Poisson’s ratio
K = the range of stress intensity factor for mode I or II deformation
Y = yield stress of material in the strip.
In order to apply this model to combined mode growth, we assume that the plastic
deformations due to cyclic tension (mode I) and transverse shear (mode II) are not
interactive. Then the material ahead of the crack tip is subjected to mode I dis-
placement, &(t, UT), and mode II displacement, el(t, UT). These displacements are
calculated from the same equation [equation (37) in Appendix] except that the yield
stress Y is replaced by the yield stresses Y, and YZ for mode I and II deformations,
respectively. Further we assume that the displacement in the integrant of equation (16),
called effective displacement and denoted by c&, is the sum of two displacements +1
and & for combined mode cases:
&ff = l&I + 144 (18)
According to these assumptions, the rate becomes a function of stress intensity factors
of mode I, K,, and of mode II, K2, as
dc/dN = [(l - u)~/3 x 43G@, J[(K:/Yl’) + (K;/Y;)]

The value of yield stress Y2 may be assumed to be a half of the Y1 value. Then the
growth law is
dc/dN = C1(K,a)“‘l (19)
Fatigue crack propagation 501

CI = (1 - v)rr/3 X 43G@,Y13, ml = 4, and I& = (K: + 8K324)“4 (20)

It is also possible to take the effective displacement as the root mean square:

which is rewritten as

~~ff=141l+l421- %#444
0911’+ 14212V2 + 16lf I44
The law is given by equation (19), with I& defined by
K,rt = [K,“ + 8K; - K,Kzh(Kl, K33’” (22)

where h(K,, K2) is positive for any value of K1 and K2.

Lardner[7] proposed that the growth rate is equal to the reverse component of
displacement at the crack tip, (see Appendix). This criterion leads to the following
propagation law, assuming the effective value given by equation (18):
dc /dN = Cz(K,)- (23)
C2 = (1 - v)/4GY,, mz = 2,
Ken = (K,’ + 2K23”2 (24)
On the other hand, if one assume the effective displacement by equation (21), the law of
the form of equation (23) is obtained, where
Kce = (KI’+ 4K;)1’4 (25)
In general, both theories yield the propagation law in the form:
dc/dN = C(K.,)m (26)
and K, is defined by equation (20), (22), (24) or (25) depending on the growth criterion
and the assumed formula for effective displacement. The exponent m is 4 in
Weertman’s theory and 2 in Lardner’s theory. It is possible for the exponent to increase
when yielding near the crack tip departs from small scale yielding[7] or when growth
mechanisms other than striation mechanism operates during crack growth[l4]. Heald,
Lindley and Richards [ 151 pointed out the possibility for exponent in Weertman’s equa-
tion to decrease from 4 to 2 depending on the efficiency of the accumulative damage
The experimental data presented in Fig. 6 were replotted in diagrams of the rate
against each RR value and it was found that the Ken value defined by equation (20)
yields the data the best fitting to the law in the form of equation (25). The results are
shown in Fig. 8.

The experimental results were found to agree with the growth law of fatigue cracks
under cyclic tension and transverse shear derived on the basis of Weertman’s model
under further assumptions: (i) plastic displacements due to cyclic tension and
transverse shear are not interactive, (ii) the effective displacement, the accumulation of

E 0

. =45”

‘G I I I I
E d 5xlo-7 IO” 5xd Id5 5xlo-5
Fatigue Crack plcpogarcn mte, dc~~.mm/cyc~e

Fig. 8. Relation between crack propagation rate and effective stress intensity factor under cyclic
tension transverse shear.

which results in fracture, is the sum of displacements of two modes, and (iii) the yield
stress for shear deformation is one half of that in tension. When the anti-plane shear
mode (mode III) cycling is coupled with the above two mode loadings, the effective
stress intensity factors K,, in equation (20) will be

I&* = [K,4 + 8K,4 + 8K,4/( 1 - V)]“’

where v is Poisson’s ratio, and K1, Kt and K, are the ranges of stress intensity factors
for mode I, II and III deformations, respectively. The exponent of equation (26) is given
as 4 in Weertman’s analysis, while the experimental value was 4.4. This slight
disagreement might come from the departure of plastic deformation from small scale
yielding. It should be remarked that the above extension of the propagation law,
originally proposed for single mode deformation cases, to the case of combined made
growth is valid as far as the further extension of the crack takes place in the direction of
the existing crack.
The direction of extension of an initial crack was roughly perpendicular to the axis
of the applied tensile load under stress ranges just above the threshold values. This
results on growth direction agrees with the result reported by Iida and Kobayashi141,
while at stress ranges 1.6 times larger than the threshold ranges it was collinear with the
initial crack. The region of plastic deformation, detected as a depressed surface zone,
was observed to be of the form of a strip extending collinearly with the crack at higher
stress ranges. The plastic deformation tends to concentrate along a strip ahead of the
crack tip as the applied stress increases. This concentration may be caused by the
prevailing plane stress state under higher stresses. The reverse and monotonic yield
zone sizes, wt and 02, were calculated using small scale yielding equations [equations
(29) and (36) in Appendix]:
ot = Kz2132Y2=
132 = K:,A Y,’

where k2_ is the stress intensity factor of mode II at the maximum stress. Let the yield
stress for shear, Y,, be half the tensile yield stress Y, = 9.9 kg/mm’. The sizes
Fatigue crack propagation 503

calculated for an initial crack are;

Inclined Applied stress 0: 02
angle intensity factor (mm) (mm)
45” KW 0.05 1.7
45 1*6K,, 0.14 4.6
30” K2P 0.07 2.5
30 1.6K,, 0.20 6.2

where KZF is the threshold stress intensity factors of mode II for angles OL= 45” and 30”,
and 1*6KZF is l-6 times larger than that. When we compare plastic zone sites of and w
with the specimen thickness t = 3.2 mm, the monotonic yield zone size is found to be
larger than the specimen thickness for the cases of the higher stress intensity factors,
while those for lower stresses are smaller than the thickness. Therefore, in the former
cases plane stress deformation ahead of the crack tip may happen in monotonic yielding
at maximum loads. These results seems to suggest that the transition of the crack
growth direction is realized when the monotonic yield zone size is larger than the
specimen thickness. Further studies are needed to clarify the condition of the transition
of the crack growth direction.
The condition for the non-propagation of an initial crack was expressed by a
positive definite quadratic form of stress intensity factors K, and K,, equation (13),
similar to the condition for brittle fracture extension derived based on energy density
criterion proposed by Sih[9]. However, the coefficients in the quadratic form deter-
mined by the present experimental results are different from those calculated from
energy density criterion. The condition of equation (13) may be explained on the basis
of the nucleation model given by Weertman [6] (see Appendix) as follows: He assumed
that an existing crack extends when the total displacement a* accumulated at the crack
tip reaches a critical value Cp,.The number of cycles NC required for the crack to grow
is given by the following equation in small scale yielding cases:
a,, = a,” = 2N,(f$(O, o*)]
where Cp(0,w*) is the reverse component of displacement at the crack tip. It seems
reasonable to assume that no nucleation, i.e. no crack extension, takes place when the
reverse displacement +(O, o*) is lower than a certain value c$*. This value means the
disability of continuum mechanics treatment of minute plastic deformation, so it may
be about an order of the lattice spacing or several orders higher than that?. This
criterion provides the condition:
c$* = [(l - v)/4GY]KF” (26)
where Kp is the threshold value of K = (am_ - CT,,,&&!. The equation holds for
plastic deformation strip extending collinear with the crack line. If we regard the yield
strip as formed in a certain direction under general in-plane loadings, the condition of a
critical displacement at the crack tip will be expressed in a quadratic form of K, and K2
like equation (13). If we assume that the yield strip is formed in the direction which
yields the maximum value of the crack tip displacement, the ratio of the coefficients in
equation (13) can be calculated mathematically. Then we need only one experimental
data of the threshold value in order to determine the exact form of equation (13).

tsubstituting G = 2400kg/mm’, Y = l/3, Kp = K,, = 6.2kg/mm”* and Y, = 9.9 kg/mm’ of the present ex-
periments in equation (26), one obtains 2 x 1O’A for the value of c$*.

Specimens of aluminium plate with an initial crack inclined by various angles, 30”,
45”, 72” and QO“,to the tensile axis were fatigued under pulsating cyclic tensile loads
with the stress ratio R = O-65. The conclusions of the present study are summarized as
(1) The threshold condition for the non-propagation of the initial crack under cyclic
tensile (mode I) and transverse shear (mode II) loadings was given by a quadratic form
of the ranges of stress intensity factors of mode I, K,, and of mode II, &, as
A,&,2 + 2A,zK,Kz + A,&&’ = 1
where A,, = O-0262, 2A,* = 0.0081 and A,, = O-0381. The equation derived from max-
imum stress criterion provided a conservative law, while that from strain energy
density criterion a dangerous law for design purposes, if the critical value of each
equation is determined from the result of the perpendicular crack case.
(2) The direction of fatigue crack extension from the initial crack was roughly
perpendicular to the applied tensile axis at stress ranges just above the threshold
values. On the other hand, the crack grew in the direction of the initial crack under
stress ranges 1.6 times larger than the threshold values. This collinear crack growth
may be explained by the predominance of plane stress deformation at higher stress
(3) The law of collinear crack growth was derived using Weertman’s model under
further assumptions: (i) plastic displacements due to yield under cyclic tension and
transverse shear are not interactive, (ii) the effective displacement, the total sum of
which determines the fracture process, is the sum of the absolute values of
displacements of two modes of deformation, and (iii) the yield stress for shear is one
half of the yield stress in tension. The propagation law is given in the form:
de /drV = C(K,)m
where K, = (K1“ + 8K24)“4.The exponent m was found to be 4.4 in the experiment.

Acknowledgements-This work was carried out while the author was on leave at the Department of
Engineering, Cambridge University, and at the Department of the Theory of Materials, ShefIietd University.
The experimentaI part was conducted at the former place. A grateful acknowledgement is presented to Dr. K.
J. Miller for his kind permission to use experimental facihties at the Department and for his en~~ment
during the progress of the study. The author appreciates the assistance and suggestions offered by Mr. R. J.
Brand in the procedure of experiments. He wishes to express his gratitude for discussions with, and criticism
given by the members of Professor B. A. Bilby’s and Dr. Miller’s research groups. Especially, he is indebted
to Mr. L. R. F. Rose, Sheffield University, who read the manuscript and helpfuUy commented upon it.

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(Receiued 19 October 1973)



The theory of continuously distributed dislocations was used by Bilby, Cottrell and
Swinden for an approximate analysis of plastic yielding ahead of the crack tip under a
monotonic load (BCS model) [13]. The crack and plastic yield zone are represented by a
collinear array of infinitesimal dislocations. Along the strip of plastic yield, a constant
yield stress is distributed, which is acting against the motion of dislocations. The
equilibrium distribution is obtained, using Muskhelishvili’s method[l6], by letting the
dislocation density vanish at the top of the plastic strip. For mode I and II loading
dislocations distributed are of edge type which have Burgers vector b (010) and b(lOO),
This model was extended by Weertman as to explain plastic yield under cyclic
stressing. Weertman considered the propagation of a fatigue crack for the case when
pulsating tensile cyclic stress was applied to a sheet which had a crack located
perpendicular to the stress axis (Fig. 7). Bilby and Heald[17] analysed fatigue crack
growth from a notch using Weertman’s model. In the following, we use the procedure
presented by Bilby and Heald. At the time of first application of the maximum load,
indicated by “0” in Fig. 7(b), the yield zone w and the distribution of dislocations Do(x)
are given by the same equations derived by Bilby, Cottrell and Swinden for monotonic
loading. The equation for w is
w/c = set (7ru,,/2Y) - 1 (27)
and, for 1x1< c + w, Q(x) is

D (x) = 2(1- V)Y x(a2- c2)‘“+ c(u2- x2)“*

wbG In Ix(a* - #* - c(a* - x*)‘I* (28)
where a = c + o, and Y is the yield stress of the material in the yield strip. In the
following discussion, we confine our interests to the cases of small scale yielding, i.e.
the cases of a,,,, 4 Y and o e c. Expanding set ( rum,/2 Y) in a series of (a-/ Y) and

neglecting higher order terms, we obtain the plastic zone size as

o/c = lr=&$gY= (29)

Substituting a = c + o and x = t + c in equation (28), and neglecting the terms with

order of o and t give

Do(t) = [2(1- ~)Y/?rbG]f(t, o) (30a)

f(t, 0) = ln[{l + (1 - t/w)“*}/{1 - (1 - t/w)“‘}] Wb)

for o < ItI c w. The displacement Q,,(t) between the upper and lower surfaces of the
yield strip is given by carrying out the integration:

Q,(t) = - b - D,,(t’) dt’ (31)

@o(t) = [4(1- v)Yo/wG]g(t, o) (32a)

1 + (1- t/W)“2
g(t, w) = (1- t/o)‘“-iiln Wb)
[ 1 - (1 - t/o)‘”

From equations (29) and (32a, b), the displacement at the crack tip is

Q,,(O)= (1 - ~)7rca~,,/2GY (33)

When the stress is reversed to omin,the distribution of dislocations changes to III(t)

which is given by
D,(t) = Do(t) + A(t) (34)
A(t) = - [4(1- ~)Y/rrbG]f(t, w”) (35)

and o* is the reverse yield zone size given by

W*/C = W’(Um, - U,in)‘/32YZ (36)

Equations (35) and (36) are obtained by substituting (CT,,,.,- a,& and (- 2Y) for CT,,_
and Y in equations (31) and (32), respectively. The size of reverse yield zone is a
quarter of that of monotonic yield zone. The displacement 4(t) corresponding to A(t) is

4(t, w*) = - [4(1- v)Yo*/TG]g(t, o*) (37)

During the period of repetition of the applied stress, the value of dislocation distribu-
tion and displacement are Do(t) and Q,(t) at the maximum load, and [D,,(t) + A(t)] and
[@,(t) + a(t)] at the minimum load, respectively.
Fatiguecrack propagation 507
Weertman assumed that fracture takes place when the sum of absolute value of
displacement reaches a critical value aC. At the tip of a stationary crack, the
accumulated displacement @* is given by

a* = @,(0)+2N~~(O, w*)l (38)

For small scale yielding cases, %(O) is negligible against (DC.The number of cycles N,
required to crack nucleation is obtained by equating @* with Cp, and using equations
(32), (36) and (37) as
N, = 2GYQ,/[(l- v)~c(u,,,ax- u,,,i,,)‘] (39)

When the crack grows in each cycle, the rate of crack growth dc /dN can be calculated
approximately by

I 140, w*)l dt
O@C- @Cl(O)

Substituting equation (37) in (40) and neglecting higher orders of and the term of QO(0),
one obtains
dc/dN = 16(1- v)Yw**/37TG@~ (41)

Eliminating o* from equations (36) and (41) gives

dc/dN = [(l - v)w/3 x 43G@,][K4/Y3] (42a)


K = (a,, - f&“)Vz (42b)

In the papers of Weertman and Bilby-Heald, starting with equation (28), they
calculated the exact solutions of equations (31) and (40) and then derived equations
(42a, b) applicable to small scale yielding cases. The above procedure to derive
equations (42a, b) is essentially the same as given by Rice[l8].
Lardner gave the propagation law of fatigue cracks under the assumption that the
rate is equal to the amount of the reverse component of displacement at the crack
tip[7]. By substituting t = 0 in equation (37), one gets the law:

dc/dN = [(l - v)/4G][K2/Y3 (43)

where K is given by equation (42b).

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