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Marc Ian Barasch

Precognition, Telepathy and Beyond Jean Campbell

Laura V. Faith
Art Funkhouser

Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Richard Monckton

Charles T. Tart
Robert Van de Castle

-- ....-- . ,. ... STUDY OF DREAMS
"*' human mind-or soul, what-
ever you want
something to call it-ismore
ence and religion was, if
anydung, more intense and
- P than ninety-eight cents worth
of chemicals, is perhaps some-
overt than it is now. A
number of brilliant intellec-
tuals and scholars, however,
thing "spiritual."
Thus in 1882 the Society for
Psychical Research was formed
realized that the fashion- in London. Its purpose was to
able dismissal of all religion use the methods of science and
in the name of science, scholarship that were working
materialism and modernity so well in so many areas of life
was too extreme. There and apply them specifically to
seemed to be some human study the kinds of unusual
experiences that, on the human experiences that seemed
face of it, would not yield to imply a spiritual dimension
to physical explanation and to humans.
suggested that there was [Editor's note: Dr. Tart goes
more to humans than, as it on to explain the research done
used to be phrased, "ninety-eight cents when a sailing ship arrived from India a that prove beyond any reasonable scien-
worth of chemicals." month later, the sad letter wodd confirm tific doubt the existence of four psychic
A reliable, educated gentleman, for that the son had indeed been killed at abilities: telepathy, clairvoyance, precog-
example, might- suddenly have had a that time by a runaway elephant. This nition and .psychokinesis.]

dream that his son, currently stationed in was hardly proof of a really major idea The primary implication is that, usin8
India, had tragically been killed by an
elephant. The gentleman would not be
such as the existence of God, but it was
(and still is) totally unexplainable in
the best kind of scientific methodohm, the
human mind has occasional abilities to C
the type to worry excessively and might terms of physics or any reasonable exten- transcend space and time that are totally
normally never recall any dreams. Yet sions of physics, and suggested that the inexplicable in terms of the material

6 DREAM TIME . A Publication o f the Association for the Study o f Dreams

Two Psychic Drearns- at that time). I began thumbing through radio program.
continued from page 11 it. I had a distinct "Eureka" feeling. I Suddenly, my life was transformed.
knew that, somehow, the answer I was Twice a week I hosted intimate, hour-
a p h e n o m e n a with my professors. They looking for was in that magazine. long, uninterrupted conversations with
had nothing intelligent to say. I was I woke early and jogged across town to leaders in the human potential move-
becoming very frustrated. But, out o f the home of my hends. They were not in. ment, yogis, scientists, psychics, psychol-
that frustration, I resolved to become my I did, in fact, know where they hid their ogists, visionaries, and many more. I was
own expert in such matters. This ulti- key, so, although I had never done that studying positive human behavior in a
mately led to my pursuing an individual, before, I let myself in. Lyiig in the middle way that I never could have imagined!
interdisciplinary doctoral degree in of the living room floor was a magazine I am still producing Dinhing Allowed,
"parapsychology." called Focus, the magazine of a public tele- an interview program for public televi-
One evening, out of desperation, I vision and radio station in the San Fran- sion, and still studying positive excep-
told myselfthat, like Joseph in the Bible, cisco area. It literally focused my entire life. tional human behavior. These experi-
I would have a dream and that my dream As I sat looking through it, the idea ences gave me the confidence t o create a
\ilould solve my career dilemma. I felt came t o me that I could achieve my goal unique doctoral major in parapsychology
certain that this would happen. by working with public r a d o and televi- at the University o f California at Berke-
That night I dreamt that I went to the sion. So, I went t o KPFA-FMI, Pacifica ley, t o write my doctoral dssertation on
apartment ofsome fiends. They were Radio, in Berkeley and volunteered. psychc training, and t o write my first
not at home, but I knew where they hld They asked me t o work as a receptionist. book, D e Roots of Consciousness.
their key and let myself in. Lying in the Even though I had my master's degree, I To this day, twenty-eight years later, I
middle of the Living room floor was a accepted this simple task. Within three see my extensive work on national public
magazine called Eye (a popular magazine weeks, I was offered my own bi-weekly television, with the Wisdom Radio net-
work, and in the Intuition Network, of
which I am the president, as an
Lucid Dream Heahng- lucid dream healing, lucid mutual dreaming, outgrowth of these two dreams.
continued from page 17 and "The Lucidity Continuum." He hosts My work in the world, and my joy, is
the "Dreaming and Paranormal Phenomena" t o encourage all people to cultivate and
section of the ASD web site. He currently
me yeglass prescriptions. DL Bennett Braun apply their inner, intuitive awareness. My
resides in southern Oregon.
reported on the case of one woman who life is the product of doing that.
has diabetes in one personality but not in References
another.Wramatic changes can take 1.Kellogg 111, E. W. (1989). "A Personal As host of the weekly, national public televi-
place within minutes, and point t o the Experience in Lucid Dream Healing." The sion series ninhing Allo~ved,Jeffrey
amazing and accelerated healing effects Lucidity Letter, 8(1), 6-7 Mishlove conducts interviews with leading
2. Tholey, P., (1988). "A Model for Lucidity figures in science, philosophy, psychology,
potentially available to all of us, through
Training as a Means of Self-healing and health and spirituality.
mental changes-of-state leading t o physi- Psychological Growth." In Conscious He is author of the
olo@calchanges-of-state in other modal- Mind, Sleeping Brain: Perqectiva on Lucid classic Roots of Conscious-
In the future, controlled studes o n Dreaming, J. Gackenbach and S. LaBerge neu, an overview of the
LDHEs may eventually confirm the (Eds.), New York, Plenum Press history, science and folklore
effects seen in anecdotal reports, and 3. Kellogg 111, E. W. (1989). "Mapping of parapsychology and
Territories: A Phenomenology of Lucid consciousness exploration;
lucid dream h e a h g may become one o f
Dream Reality." The Lucidity Letter, 8(2), which evaluates dozens of
the more accepted and practical applica- 8 1-97 methods for training extrasensory abilities;
tions of lucid dream research. 4. Kellogg 111, E. W. "Lucid Dream Healing Thinking Allawed, which consists of edited
(Thisarticle is an excerpt from a paper on Experiences." Unpublished manuscript transcripts from the television series. His most
LDHEs under preparation.) under preparation. Also see the abstract of recent book is The PKMan: A True Story of
a paper presented on this subject at the Mind Over Matter
Ed Kellogg earned his Ph.D. from Duke 1999 ASD Conference in Santa Cruz: He is also past-president of the California
University for research in Society for Psychical Study and past-vice-
the biochemistry of aging. lucid-hea1ing.htm president of the Association for Humanistic
A proficient lucid dreamer 5. See the American Journal of Clinical Psychology. He currently serves as Director
himself, he has a long- Hflnosis26(2),October, 1983 for a whole of the Intuition Network and as dean of
standing interest in the issue devoted to psychosomatic effects seen programs for the new, distant learning col-
phenomenology of dream- in multiple personality disorder. lege, The University of Philosophical
ing, and has recorded and 6. Murphy, M.,(1992) The Future of the Body: Research.
indexed over 15,000 of his Ewplmations into the Further Evolution of To learn about Jeffi-eyand the Intuition
dreams. He has presented numerous papers Human Nature, Los Angeles, Jeremy P. Network go to and
and workshops on many topics, including Tarcher, Inc.

DREAM TIME . A Publication of the Association for t h c Study of Dreams

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