Fiscal Federalism, Local Governments

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Fiscal Federalism, Local Governments

M A Oommen

EDERATION REFERS edge level. Fiscal decentralization
to a multi-level system essentially means fiscal empowerment
of government. Fiscal of the local governments. The crucial
federalism deals with the question that comes up for an answer
division of expenditure is: are the local governments (LGs)
responsibilities, fiscal functioning as ‘institutions of self-
assignments, inter-governmental government’ endowed with the
transfer arrangements and encompasses vital task of delivering ‘economic
fiscal relations within a federation. The development and social justice’ as
objective of any good fiscal federal mandated in Articles 243G and 243W?
arrangement is to facilitate effective, Now that the Planning Commission,
India is a unique example efficient and equitable allocation of which was a non-constitutional body
of cooperative federalism. resources and responsibilities among was scrapped and a new institution
the different tiers of government and called NITI (National Institute for
Local governments are now Transforming India) Aayog has been
work towards, a stable federal system.
an integral part of India. Originally, the Indian federation was a put in place from January 1, 2015, a
They have tremendous dual system comprising the union and question that immediately arises is:
new role being envisaged or a renewed
potential for bottom up the states. The 73rd/74th Constitutional
Amendments (CAs) have added one for the constitutional body called
planning. To make them the District Planning Committee
part IX and Part IXA to the Indian
viable components cannot constitution creating a third stratum (DPC) created as per Article 243 ZD?
be achieved except through of government with a three-tier system What reforms are needed to rationalize
for the Panchayati Raj Institutions the transfer arrangements? Several
deliberate policy choices such fiscal federalism issues vis-à-vis
(PRIs). This virtually turned the
and fostering supportive Indian federation into a multi-level
LGs require a renewed and closer
measures. In the pursuit look. This article proposes to raise
federal system with a multi-level
some of these. Raising right questions
of economic reform this public finance. Over twenty years
is more important than providing
is likely to be missed. A have passed since these amendments
wrong answers.
and the conformity legislations
golden opportunity is now appertaining to that enacted in 1994 Cooperative federalism of India
on the anvil and it is for a by all the states. Indeed, it was a major to which the new government has
democratic government to effort towards fiscal decentralization affirmed its faith and commitment
creating democratic space for people’s has no parallel among the federations
give the right direction participation and working towards local of the world. For example, it does not
democratic governance at the cutting resemble Germany or South Africa

The author is Honorary Professor, Centre for Development Studies, formerly Chairman, 4th State Finance Commission, Govt. of
Kerala. He is an economist of repute with a rich collection of professional papers and books to his credit. A post doctoral scholar
of the Rockefeller Foundation and a Visiting Fellow at the Yale University, he was also a senior Fulbright fellow. He has taught at
the Universities of Kerala, Calicut and Botswana over a span of more than three decades and was Director, Institute of Management
besides serving important commissions and committees in India and abroad.

6 YOJANA February 2015

where the federal governments decide many make nostalgic references to the both the tiers have joint jurisdictions.
major policies and where the different panchayats of the past whose antiquity Largely following the Government
levels of governments function as is traced to the Vedic times, it was the of India Act, 1935, the Constitution
implementing agencies. It is also colonial government under the British makers followed adhoc historical
different from the Brazilian model who tried to create ‘little republics’ arrangements rather than applying the
where all the three tiers of government at the local level and ventured to principle of subsidiarity. The 73rd/74th
enjoy autonomous and equal status and make them institutions of self-rule. CAs offered a great opportunity
coordinate their policies horizontally The Government of India Act, 1935 to re-examine the functional and
and vertically. India cannot also be and the inauguration of provincial fiscal domains of the three tiers and
called the ‘marble cake model’ of autonomy had led to the creation of create a more rational public finance
cooperative federalism where the several steps to carry forward the regime in India. Instead of that, the
various levels of government have process of democratization at the two amendments added two more
shared and overlapping responsibilities level of municipalities and village lists, Schedule XI for panchayati
and are treated as equal partners. panchayats. We all know that the raj institutions (PRIs) and schedule
In India, the various tiers are not village panchayat was central to the XII for urban local governments.
treated as equal partners. Actually ideological underpinning of India’s The subjects given under these two
the Indian federation has a built-in Independence movement and Gandhiji, schedules are culled out from the state
bias in favour of the Union with great the father of the nation, declared his list, and the concurrent list making
vertical imbalances in the resources vision of gram swaraj (village-self-
and responsibilities at the state level the local government domain a happy
rule) as the centre of social life for
and at the local government level. The grazing ground for everyone. The fiscal
problem is considerably confounded Actually the Indian federation space of LGs was also left ill-defined.
by the multi-layered character of the has a built-in bias in favour of Government of Kerala (GoK) which
federation (comprising the three- took the 73rd/74th Amendments rather
the Union with great vertical
tier Panchayati Raj Institutions, seriously realised the operational
imbalances in the resources and difficulties and tried to disaggregate
the municipalities and corporations
besides the Union and States) and the responsibilities at the state level the subjects given under schedules
extant multiple channels of transfer and at the local government XI and XII into activities and sub-
arrangements with diverse objectives level. The problem is considerably activities and tried to bring role clarity
to serve. into an otherwise amorphous and
confounded by the multi-layered
overlapping situation1. Although late in
The Principle of Subsidiarity and character of the federation ... and the day, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj
India’s Cooperative Federalism the extant multiple channels of (MoPR) established in 2004, realized
An important necessary condition transfer arrangements with diverse the malady and initiated an activity
for shaping a viable and vibrant fiscal objectives to serve. mapping drive at the state level.
federalism is to have a division of Better late than never. Unless activity
labour of the functions, responsibilities future India. Even so, in the Indian mapping is operationalized followed
and regulatory role of the various constitution, village panchayats by devolution of functions, funds and
levels of a government by asking two were mentioned only under Article functionaries decentralization will not
vital questions: Who should do what? 40, that is, to create ‘units of self- take off the ground.
and who should tax where and what? government’ as part of the directive
Looking back, it is not difficult to see In this section, I may point out
principles and therefore, did not form
that India never raised these questions another grey area and certainly an
part of the legally enforceable part of
nor sought satisfactory answers to the Constitution. The Constitution did irritant sometimes pitted against
them. A simple but extremely relevant not even accept the concept of local those in favour of democratic
principle to guide the division of self-government envisaged in the decentralization. That is item no. 5
expenditure responsibilities, revenue Lord Rippon Resolution of 1884. It in the State list which reads:
raising assignments and of regulatory was left to the 73rd/74th CAs to rectify Local government, that is to
functions is to follow the principle of this historical deficit and give local say, the constitution and powers of
subsidiarity which says: What can be governments a constitutional status.
done best (of course with minimum municipal corporations, improvement
transaction and coordination costs) at In the Indian Constitution, trusts, districts boards, mining
a particular level should be done at that functional and tax assignments of settlement authorities and other
level and not at a higher level. In other union and states are given under three local authorities for the purpose of
words, a convincing case will have to separate lists (under Schedule VII) local self-government or village
be made for assigning a task to each called union list for centre, state list administration. [The constitution of
higher level of government. Although for states and a concurrent list where India, Schedule 7, List II-State List]

YOJANA February 2015 7

The present Government of India then Deputy Chairman D.R. Gadgil institutions of self-government”
which swears by good governance although modified several times and are required to prepare “plans
(which is but rational governance) retained considerable discretionary for economic development and
will have to abolish this item and space often attracting strong protests social justice” and implement the
work towards a new local list outlining from the states. Articles 243I and schemes proposed. Article 243ZD
activities and sub-activities that will 243Y added following the 73 rd/74th mandates all states to create district
do away with Schedules XI and XII. CAs have provided for the creation planning committees (DPCs) and
of State Finance Commission (SFC) for metropolitan areas metropolitan
NITI Aayog in the Federal Set-up: exactly on the lines of the UFC for
Raising Issues planning committees (243ZE). It is
rectifying the vertical and horizontal the task of the DPC “to consolidate
It is important to acknowledge imbalances at the state sub-state level. the plans prepared by the panchayats
that the former Planning Commission, It is important to underscore, that and municipalities in the district and
although grown into a leviathan of sorts the 73 rd/74 th CAs amended Article prepare a draft, development plan
with no domain knowledge to provide 280 to facilitate UFCs to supplement for the district as a whole”, and are
critical policy advice, had served the the resources of panchayats and expected to do integrated spatial
nation in some important respects. Any municipalities on the basis of the
planning and efficient conservation of
reforming or restructuring exercise recommendations of the SFCs. The
natural resources as part of the draft
has to start from there. First, it has organic link in Indian fiscal federalism
plan. Being a draft, its operational
drawn five yearly blue prints for is very evident and any restructuring
validity has to be ensured through
economic development based on cannot ignore this. Third, the Planning
Commission played a critical role appropriate policy choices at the level
elaborate reviews and studies and of the state as well as at the level of
laid down macro-economic objectives in major policy making and project
evaluation. If the NITI Aayog is LGs by devising relevant institutional
and strategies for the economy and
going to be only a think-tank, this is and procedural measures.
the nation. In what manner this
exercise should continue in the future While the blue print of NITI Aayog There are 2.5 lakh PRIs and 3842
is a matter to be decided by the NITI has not yet been spelt out there urban local governments comprising
Aayog and the new dispensation. over 3 million people’s representatives.
Second, almost from the inauguration are enough indications that the
To be sure, this is a unique democratic
of the federal republic based on the new dispensation recognizes the base which no other country in the
Indian Constitution, the Planning need for a bottom-up planning in world enjoys. This great potential
Commission was also launched inter- India. It is important to underline for a sui-generis opportunity for
alia with a resource allocation function. performing the biggest democratic
The creation of the Union Finance that Articles 243G, 243W and
bottom-up planning exercise has
Commission (UFC) as per Article 280 243ZD and 243ZE mandatorily to be taken up as a national goal.
of the Constitution was essentially require the initiation of bottom-up Bottom-up planning in this country
because of the vertical imbalances planning. that has created the institutions of
in the revenue and expenditure
the function it has to lay emphasis gram sabha, DPC, SFC and other
responsibilities of the union and the
upon backed up by quality research avenues for people’s participation is
states, of course reinforced by the need
and discussion. But this cannot be a to be seen as enlivening the given
to rectify the horizontal imbalances
stand-alone exercise. framework towards a purposive
in this deeply diverse sub content
with great disparities in resource direction. Kerala has demonstrated
Towards Bottom-up Planning in unequivocal terms that if there is
endowments (financial, physical
and natural), development achieved, While the blue print of NITI a political will, there is a way for
and remaining to be achieved, Aayog has not yet been spelt out local democracy. To enlist people’s
backwardness, ecological imbalances there are enough indications that participation and awareness the
and so on. The Planning Commission the new dispensation recognizes the bottom-up planning exercise in Kerala
derived its allocative function from need for a bottom-up planning in was first started on a campaign mode.
the miscellaneous provision of Article India. It is important to underline But later it was institutionalized
282- a residual provision meant that Articles 243G, 243W and 243ZD based on the recommendations
to accommodate grants for public and 243ZE mandatorily require the of the Sen Committee, an expert
purposes in unusual situations. Surely, initiation of bottom-up planning. body that worked simultaneously.
it was not a constitutionally neat action. As per the provisions of 243G and Kerala has evolved a multi-stage
Originally started as a schematic 243W, the rural and urban local process of participatory planning
transfer, the resource allocation was governments will have to be endowed from identifying and assessing the
made formula-based from 1969 with such “powers, authority and felt-needs at the gram sabha to the
onwards. The formula named after the responsibilities” “to function as final administrative sanction by the

8 YOJANA February 2015

DPC. That all village panchayats in selected village panchayats with geographic information based data
and municipalities prepared and DFID assistance. on geo-location, soil, groundwater,
printed development reports is no crops, river basin, watershed and
small achievement. The Development The constitutional task of so on, scientific local planning is
Reports that contained the resource implementing the mandate of planning not a pipe-dream. If supplemented
inventory of each area and long for ‘economic development and with census and probably a simple
term development goals were social justice’ by the PRIs and urban household socio economic data (could
discussed in what has come to be local governments need different use local school teachers to do adhoc
called Development Seminars. emphasis. That this type of planning is surveys), household level information
They organised sectoral task forces a holistic concept and department level could be prepared and could be the
(subsequently rechristened working conceptualization and implementation anchor of planning from below. The
groups, around 10-12 such groups will not be the right approach. real question is: are the DPCs, as they
per LG) whose responsibility Certainly departmentalism has been function in the country are politically,
was to prepare projects. As two the curse of India. Bottom-up legally and technically empowered to
scholars pointed out, the most planning even if it can be effectively deliver ‘economic development and
important purpose was “to organise done, will have no meaning if the social justice’ at the sub-state level?
development seminars in every panchayats have only schematic The NITI Aayog may do well to
gram panchayat and municipality to funds at their disposal. Look at the exercise their mind on this.
discuss the (development) reports much touted decentralization in
so that the ward-wise development Karnataka and West Bengal which are Rationalising Transfer
dialogue initiated at the grama Kerala has demonstrated in Arrangements
sabhas could be scaled up to a unequivocal terms that if there Putting fiscal assignments and
higher level of the village” [Isaac transfers on a rational, efficient
is a political will there is a way
and Franke (2000):105]. That under and equitable basis is an essential
the People’s Plan Campaign mode, for local democracy. ... Kerala has requirement of a good cooperative
nearly 5 lakh people consisting evolved a multi-stage process federal polity. The Achilles heel of
of gram sabha members, political of participatory planning from Indian fiscal federalism has been the
party leaders, civil servants, local multiplicity of channels with diverse
identifying and assessing the felt-
experts and so on participated in objectives and conditionalities.
the Development Seminars [See needs at the gram sabha to the This has resulted in conflicting
State Planning Board(SPB), (2000), final administrative sanction by priorities and distorted outcomes.
Economic Review) underscores the the DPC. That all village panchayats Abolishing the allocative functions
potential for deliberative problem- of the Planning Commission does
solving and participatory exercise
and municipalities prepared and
not solve the problem. The share
in a decentralised democratic set printed development reports is no of Centrally Sponsored Schemes
up. Of course, this does not mean small achievement. (CSSs) as a percentage of gross
that all the development seminars budgetary support has been increasing
were uniformly successful and the built on schematic transfers4. Local
governments should have a predictable continuously. Although their number
decentralized planning project has has been reduced following the B
no shortcomings. Even so, that it is flow of untied funds with the freedom
to plan and prioritize. K Chaturvedi Committee (2011)
fully institutionalized is itself a great recommendations, they have a strong
story to write home about. The State The NITI Aayog could immediately presence even today. How they are
Planning Board had issued detailed commission a country-wide status going to be addressed and made part
manuals in Malayalam during the report study, debate the Planning of a viable transfer arrangement is
early days of the planning campaign Commission’s efforts including important in establishing a more
mode and helped the people to the Manual prepared for Integrated equitable and rational transfer
prepare the people for the planning Planning in 2008 and then work system in the county. The practice
project2. GoK (2009) has a chapter towards preparing a frame work that of counterpart funding by states in
on district planning methodology, and can accommodate local variations. implementing the CSSs has become a
along with that, the prolific Kollam If all the 640 districts eventually menacing distortion of their priorities.
district plan documents3 of the state prepare district plans based on a Also fitting Kerala with high health,
could offer excellent guide lines long-term vision, with medium term educational and social attainments
for the new government if they are goals and annual plans based on and backward regions like Jharkhand
serious about bottom up planning. that, the nation will have the best or Odisha into the straight jacket of
Indeed, there are other initiatives expression of unity in diversity. Given all-India conditionalities and above
like that of West Bengal’s bottom- the good progress India has made all, unilateral announcement of
up planning introduced in 2006-07 in regard to local government level, schemes and imposing them on the

YOJANA February 2015 9

states (every such announcement is elite citizens of New Delhi of course Evaluation of Decentralised Planning,
a missile on the fabric of cooperative with comparable revenue efforts. The Thiruvananthapuram
federalism) are all problems that recommendations of the 13th Finance Govt. of India (2011); Report of the
remain to be addressed. Commission to provide a general Committee on Restructuring of Centrally
performance grant, although not an Sponsored Schemes (CSS), Planning
India is the most fiscally Commissions, New Delhi.
centralized country in the world. Even equalization grant was a great step
forward towards improving the lives Govt. of India (2013); Report Towards
the unitary government of communist Holistic Panchayat Raj Twentieth
China is far more decentralized than that ordinary people live if only such
Anniversary of the Expert Committee
India. Given the historical legacies of efforts are carried progressively with
on Leveraging Panchayats For Efficient
transfer arrangements, can the burden follow-up action. That federations
Delivery of Public Goods and Services,
of progressively reducing the vertical like Canada and Australia where Ministry of Panchayati Raj, New Delhi.
and horizontal imbalances of this horizontal imbalances are far less Government of West Bengal (2008),
country be put on the shoulders of the acute than in India work on the basis Report of the Third State Finance
Union Finance Commission alone? of equalization grants is something Commission, Tantuja Bhaban, Salt Lake,
At any rate, there is a need to examine the NITI Aayog and the future UFCs Kolkotta.
denovo whether India was converging should keep in view. It is certainly Isaac Thomas T M and Richard
or diverging in development over improper if not unconstitutional to Franke (2000), Local Democracy and
these years. It is for the new Vice incentivize states to fall in line to serve Development: Peoples Campaign for
Chairman of NITI Aayog, Arvind the dictates of Fiscal Responsibility Decentralised Planning in Kerala, Left
Panagariya to commission a study and Budgetary Management Acts Word, New Delhi
on this. Indeed think-tanks cannot before the basic public services of State Planning Board (2000);
work on assumptions. That even after ordinary citizens are met. Economic Review, Government of Kerala,
68 years of Independence, the Prime Thiruvananthapuram.
Minister of this country had to take To conclude, India is a unique
a big broom to sweep the streets as cooperative federalism. Local Endnotes
part of a Swachch Bharat campaign governments are now an integral part 1 GoK appointed the Committee for
is a shameful verdict on the pattern of the India. They have tremendous Decentralization of Powers(1996-
of ‘development’ that was underway. potential for bottom up planning. 1999) (popularly called Sen
Whose priorities ruled the destinies To make them viable, components Committee after its first Chairperson
of this country is an intriguing issue cannot be achieved except through Subrato Sen) whose primary task
that needs proper examination. The deliberate policy choices and fostering was to recommend measures for
primary rationale of strengthening institutionalizing decentralized
supportive measures. In the pursuit
the panchayats(making them virtually governance and planning by
of economic reform this is likely devolving functional, financial and
smart) and also following the letter to be missed. A golden opportunity administrative autonomy to the LGs,
and spirit of the 73rd/74th CAs is that is now on the anvil and it is for a besides activity mapping. The author
every citizen irrespective of his or
democratic government to give the of this paper was a member of this
her choice of residence should have Committee.
right direction. Social inclusion
the basic amenities of sanitation, 2 For an objective evaluation of the
can acquire meaning only when
drinking water, housing, electricity, decentralized planning project of
marginalized and disadvantaged are
connectivity (both road and internet) Kerala, see GoK (2009).
and other public services is something included on their own terms. This is
3 For an updated evaluation of the
that needs immediate attention. It is dharma par excellence. Strengthening decentralized planning exercise
important to incentivize the LGs to LGs can be the necessary condition including the Kollam district plan,
mobilise their own source revenue towards that goal. one may read Government of India
That Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana (2013), Vol.1, Chapter V.
Readings 4 The Third State Finance Commission
abolished property tax-the main
source of local governments in 80 per Government of Kerala (1996) Report of West Bengal observe: ‘DPCs
of the Committee on Decentralisation (SB in West Bengal have failed in the
cent countries of the world and several
Sen Committee) (1996), Interim Report, mandatory responsibility of preparing
other retrograde actions are also
Thiruvananthapuram. district plans scientifically. A disparate
matters of grave concern. However, it set of schemes stitched together
is equally important to work towards Government of Kerala (1999), Report
without proper integration have been
a transfer system that will enhance the of the Committee on Decentralisation (SB put into volumes and labeled .. as
fiscal capacity of local governments Sen Committee) (1996), Final Report Vol district plans in all the districts’. West
to offer comparable levels of public II, Thiruvananthapuram. Bengal (2008): 131.
services for all citizens, the tribals Government of Kerala (2009),
in remote areas as well as for the Report of the Committee for (E-mail:

10 YOJANA February 2015

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