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Suicide has become quite prevalent among asylum seekers all around the world. The

mortality rate of refugees is increasing day by day, which is an alarming situation for people

worldwide[ CITATION Aaf19 \l 1033 ]. The strict and harsh deterrence policies have imposed a

much negative impact on mental health, thereby increasing suicide cases among asylum

seekers and refugees[ CITATION Ara16 \l 1033 ].

The number of unauthorized refugees has increased tremendously. And this uncontrolled

migration has resulted in a poor quality of facilities like food, shelter, health care units and

other basic needs among the asylum seekers.

Leading cause behind the declining health of refugees

 As more and more refugees apply for protection and stay in some country, the country

is encouraged to impose a deterrent policy for them[ CITATION DeS16 \l 1033 ].

 In such deterrent policies are rules like strict confinement in detention centres.

Sometimes, refugees are forced to disperse within the community as the country likes,

even if refugees don’t want to get separated.

 In many cases, the refugees don't even get access to basic needs of life. They can't

work, get an education or they have a limited approach to any welfare department or

health care unit, which adds to their problems[ CITATION Eli19 \l 1033 ].

 In many countries, Asylum seekers had to face things like false accusations of abuse,

untreated illnesses, and suicidal ideation. In many cases, they have to do hunger

strikes to demand rights, and in some cases, a flare-up of violence in asylum centres

has also observed[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

 They bear all these difficulties with heavy hearts, and their mental health starts to

decline[ CITATION Che18 \l 1033 ].


The main objectives to write this paper is to look deep into this critical matter. And to give

some suggestions on how we can do something good for the betterment of these refugees.

How can we help improve their mental health so that the suicidal behaviour can be controlled

among these asylum seekers?

Significance of the topic

It is essential to pay attention to this matter as there are 68.5 million people around the world

that are being forced to leave their country and to settle somewhere else [ CITATION Aaf19 \l

1033 ]. This is a point of life and death for millions of people, and it can't be ignored.

According to a US report, 294 migrants died during the year 2017, 322 during the year 2016

and this death toll is increasing day by day[ CITATION Doh16 \l 1033 ].

On March 12, 2012, the Italian National Institute of Statistics reported that 4.5 million

refugees were living there at that time. It was found that at that time, 2.1% of them committed

suicide due to stress and depression. And the cause behind their death came out to be a poor

socioeconomic condition of refugees[ CITATION McH19 \l 1033 ].

There is a population of individuals whose life is at stake. And it is indeed essential to draw

the attention of the world towards them. So that they can get at least basic needs to live a

healthy life just like everyone else, it will not only encourage them to work harder and to

make their lives. But also will lessen the negative thoughts that grew in their minds after

bearing all these hardships.

The formal and informal help given to them will not only make them independent but also

will prove to be beneficial for the welcoming country as well, as the refugees will not remain

a burden on the land[ CITATION Sim16 \l 1033 ].

The decline in mental health

The world's harsh policies are not the solution to this problem because these policies are

hurting the mental health of such individuals; there is a need to change these policies. Suicide

cases are increasing among such asylum seekers due to the depression and mental torture they

have to face daily[ CITATION Ste19 \l 1033 ].

The psychological difficulties among these refugees are due to the poor and adverse

experiences they faced while detaining.

As this wave of sadness starts prevailing their lives they begin to live in depression, they

begin to believe that nothing good can happen to them now, and there will be difficulties

everywhere they will go. Under such circumstances, asylum seekers develop depression and

suicidal thoughts.

The feeling of injustice, insecurity, and poor financial condition are the leading causes of

declining mental health[ CITATION Ste19 \l 1033 ].


 Asylum seekers

Asylum seekers are the individuals that have left their country where they were born and

have applied for protection in some other country and are still waiting for the decision to be

made regarding their application[ CITATION Eli19 \l 1033 ].

These are generally the group of people that have applied to become a refugee, but their

claims have yet not signed. And their status has not at present assigned as a refugee [ CITATION

Lei19 \l 1033 ].

 Refugees

Significant displacement of the population due to any political brutality or due to their race,

religion or nationality leads to the birth of refugees[ CITATION Aaf19 \l 1033 ].

Refugees have an evident fear of their lives, because of their race, sexuality or any character

they can't change, that’s why they are forced to leave the country to settle somewhere else.

In the US, such individuals have given time lifetime refugees status, and their grant never

expires. And they can apply for a green card after living for one year as a refugee in the

US[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

 Mental disorders

Mental health is the healthy condition of your brain, and it includes emotional and

psychological wellness of mind[ CITATION Ale16 \l 1033 ]. Mental disorders are related to the

brain. It causes a change in emotions, behaviour, reasoning properties of the

individual[ CITATION Aaf19 \l 1033 ]. The social life of that person is disturbed when he has any

mental disorder. They can arise may be due to genetic factors or due to stressful conditions

leading to the deterioration of psychic abilities[ CITATION Sch15 \l 1033 ].

A statistical study of Netherland asylum seekers

According to studies, it was found that mental disorders like schizophrenia, personality

disorders and depression are much more common among the population of asylum seekers in

Netherland as compared to their general public[ CITATION Mir19 \l 1033 ].

The study showed that the foremost reason for suicidal cases was not due to the unjust

behaviour of the welcoming country. But it was due to a series of events like leaving their

country, family disruption, loss of all the social support, financial issues, and trauma faced

during the migration.

All these events keep disturbing the mental state of the refugee or asylum seeker, leading to

the birth of suicidal thoughts among them.

 Netherland Asylum centre

The asylum seekers of Netherland were kept in a residential reception centre. They were

permitted to work for a few hours of the day, and they can leave the centre for a limited

number of weeks per year. They were given full health access[ CITATION Aaf19 \l 1033 ].

Asylum operators also have arranged a local health centre for them so that they can deal with

any medical emergency if it occurred.

 Collection of data

Data was collected regarding suicidal cases that took place among refugees and asylum

seekers in this Netherland centre from 2002-2007[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

By using national code, doctors and nurses were advised to fill a form for every suicidal

death case of any refugee.

 Division of refugees

The refugees were divided based on the country of origin. Data of small regions were not

included in this study. The areas like West, Central, South Africa were kept in a group. And

the areas like the Middle East and South-West Asia were considered as one group [ CITATION

UNH15 \l 1033 ].
The study was carried out to medical history, stressors, and to find the reasons behind the

whole suicide case.

 Statistical analysis

The calculations said that 35 cases of death from suicide were recorded and it showed the

suicide mortality rate as 17.5/100000/ year[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

Results also showed that the death rate due to suicide was much common among males as

compared to females of Asylum seekers[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

No suicide case was reported among asylum seekers below the age of 15 [ CITATION UNH15 \l

1033 ].

Statistical analysis briefly gave results that 290 cases of suicidal behaviour were reported in

the hospital.

 Reason of study

 The study was done to observe the suicidal mortality rate and the causes of harmful

behaviours treated in hospitals of all these asylum seekers. And then to compare these

cases with the general public of Netherland[ CITATION Nun19 \l 1033 ].

 Another reason to carry out this study was to find the fact that either hospital or

government are aware of the prevalence of mental disorders among the

refugees[ CITATION Che18 \l 1033 ].

 And to find out how these suicides were carried out by the asylum seekers and what

were the significant stressors behind the death[ CITATION Nun19 \l 1033 ].

 Stressors
The most common reason for suicidal behaviour was the rules and policies of asylum, which

was 30.4 %. The remaining stressors include family issues 21.2%, substance abuse 9.2%, and

the displacement between the centres recording 9.2%[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

There were several suicide cases reported due to stress that people had to face while moving

from their native country to somewhere else where they have to start their life in a new way

without any help.

This study revealed that males of Netherland’s asylum were at more risk of mental disorders

and suicidal thoughts as compared to female. And throws light on the reasons why asylum

seekers have more deaths due to mental illness[ CITATION Pro18 \l 1033 ].

Overview of literature

According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees article named as “World at

War” says that by the year 2014 there were 19.5 million Refugees among them 1.8 million

were asylum seekers[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

 Developing countries hosting Refugees

Reports said that most of the Refugees were welcomed by developing countries like Iran,

Turkey, and Lebanon. As the countries themselves were not in an expanded condition, so the

circumstances were not ideal when a considerable number of Asylum seekers entered their


Such countries’ infrastructure is already weak and has political and economic instability.

When these nations welcome asylum seekers, it becomes difficult for them to deal with the

situation, and their scarce resources are threatened [ CITATION Vij16 \l 1033 ] . Under these

circumstances, the population which suffers the most are the poor Refugees and asylum

The world is no doubt, paying attention to the issue of suicides and mental disorders in

Asylum seekers and refugees as their death rate has increased. It has become an issue of great

concern; people from all human right councils around the world are very much concerned

about the present state and policies of the world towards asylum seekers [ CITATION Ale16 \l

1033 ].

 Death rates due to suicides

The price of suicides has increased from 3.4% to 34% in the case of Refugees [ CITATION

Sch15 \l 1033 ]. When asylum seekers from Dutch centres were studied, it was observed that

the rate of suicides was 25.6/100,000 in case of men and 4.0 in case of women [ CITATION

UNH15 \l 1033 ].

The suicides among the Refugees of Bhutan were more than that of the US as per

reports[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

 Assessment of suicidal attempts

No, any study has yet declared that the situation is getting better in any aspect of this issue,

which is an alarming situation. There is a clear cut difference in patterns of suicides in

general public and asylum seekers.

Studies have shown that not much attention is demonstrated for the betterment of the mental

health of refugees.

Lack of medical conditions, counselling and continuous increase in stressful and harsh

behaviour towards refugees have made the situation worse than before.

 Mental health issues of detaining refugees

Research has shown that due to the increasing restrictions imposed on refugees, mental health

deterioration has become common in adult asylum seekers. The time duration of detention is
directly proportional to the fall in mental condition. Anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts

are very much familiar among refugees[ CITATION Eli19 \l 1033 ].

 Suicides among asylum seekers- a mockery of Humanity

According to an Indian writer Lakshmi Vijayakumar, this deterioration of mental health and

deaths among Asylum seekers is a mockery of Humanity. It’s an alarming situation for the

people who are working as human right activists all around the world. It is sad to see the

world silent over this significant issue, which is taking the precious lives of millions of

Refugees[ CITATION Che18 \l 1033 ].

Recommendations for practice

 Improvement in displacement across borders

No doubt the movement of people from one place to other isn't an easy task, but it must be

done in an efficient and respected way. Those Refugees already in the trauma of leaving their

homes shouldn't be treated like garbage at the borders. According to studies, almost 6,915

Refugees died in the year 2016 at the edge of the US[ CITATION UNH15 \l 1033 ].

The trauma that one face during border crossing and displacement impose a very negative

impact on one’s mental health and wellness

The appointed medical team must look for all the factors that causes distress and anxiety so

that precautions can be made.

Apart from deaths, several asylum seekers disappear at the border, and their families are left

in trauma as they couldn't even see the dead bodies of their loved ones. There should be a

proper system that makes sure that everything is happening according to plan. The

administration must be responsible for the life of every Refugee their country is welcoming.

 Relief in strict Refugee policies

Although the welcoming country also has to consider many things before generating systems

for asylum seekers. Every country wants the safety and security of its citizens; that's why

they are reluctant to give full independence to the Refugees. But still, these policies need to

be reconsidered. These policies must not suffocate the asylum seekers [ CITATION Hol16 \l

1033 ].

The policies should be designed in such a way so that the asylum seekers can also live a little

life. So that they can find some happiness for their children as well.

 They must be allowed to work so that they can do something for their families, and it

will make them confident and responsible[ CITATION Lei19 \l 1033 ].

 They must be provided with all necessary facilities, just like ordinary

citizens[ CITATION Nyb16 \l 1033 ].

 They should not be displaced between the countries if they don’t want to go

somewhere else.

If absolute relaxation and policies can make someone's life better, then there is a need to do

so for the betterment of millions of Refugees and asylum seekers.

After facing harsh conditions asylum seekers become aggressive, rude and violent which is

not a good sign for the hosting country[ CITATION Sim16 \l 1033 ].

 Need to raise awareness

There is a need to raise awareness for all the countries worldwide who are in general practice

of hosting Refugees. They must be informed about the whole scenario so that they can play

their role in doing something positive for Asylum seekers. There is a need to show the world

that Refugees are not treated humanely, and they get so mentally ill that most of them commit

suicide[ CITATION UmM16 \l 1033 ].

Seminars should be conducted, media should cover the atrocities that are being committed in

the world on the poor Refugees, and the responsible factors must be punished [ CITATION

Shi16 \l 1033 ].

Human rights councils should keep an eye on the condition of Refugees worldwide so that all

the countries know that we are checked for what we do with these asylum seekers [ CITATION

Ale16 \l 1033 ].

 Role of media

In this present era of social media, television can play an essential role in making the lives of

Refugees better. Media must have to connect with the people who are in the migration

procedure and should highlight the problems they are having. It will help the government do

something and also it will make Refugees feel safe that the world cares about us [ CITATION

Aaf19 \l 1033 ].

The major need here is to consider the fact that why the person is behaving so rather than

showing the world that what is wrong with these group of people.

There is need to show the world why they are doing so and to be their voice.


The world has become a ruthless place for the people who have to leave their countries and to

live somewhere else as a refugee. Everyone is aware of the situation that refugees face when

they leave their countries, the displacement issues, the deaths at borders, disappearance of

family members, settling in refugee camps with no facilities, the insecurity, and all these

events cause an adverse impact on their minds.

There is a prolonged delay in approving visa application and shortage of facilities. The

asylum seekers are provided with approximately no legal assistance[ CITATION Beu16 \l 1033 ].
The death rate due to suicides and mental illness among Refugees is increasing day by day,

and it is because of poor condition they have to face when they leave their country.

There is a definite need to make the world aware of the situation as it is for the sake of

millions of people. The world needs to start some legislation that can help Refugees. All they

need are fundamental rights and reasonable facilities. The fall in the mental condition of

asylum seekers mentions that their health is miserable.

And it’s not only in some parts of the world. Everywhere in the world asylum seekers are in

poor condition. There is a large population of asylum seekers and refugees looking for their

rights throughout the world. The mental strain they faced during all this scenario left bad

effects on their minds.

Human rights have now started looking into the matter deeply after several research

institutions have proved that the decline in the mental condition of asylum seekers is causing

suicides and it is because of the poor circumstances they are facing. There is need to change

the thinking of refugees and to help them find a reason to live.

With the help of media, human rights councils and the hosting countries, it can be made

possible to do something for the Refugees and asylum seekers.


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