How To Set Accurate Rates

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For any trend or target

By John Macdonald
Phone (706)669 - 7705

The following methods have proven to be extremely accurate and successful

when performed as instructed.

There are many effective methods for setting rates and here are 5 that have
proven useful. Observe and record your results to determine which method
works best for you.

No matter which method you decide to use to set rates for your work with
trends and targets there are things to avoid and things to look for.


Avoid any distractions that may interrupt your focus such as TV or noise like
traffic. If you can’t find a quiet place, try using a fan to drown out as much
noise as possible, lock yourself in the bathroom and turn on the exhaust fan.
Avoid other irritations like temperatures that are too hot or too cold, adjust
the environment or adjust to the environment. NEVER EVER set your
generator up or set any rates while you are depressed, angry, confused, etc.
if you are working for positive change. Whatever thought or emotion that is
dominating the focus of the operator will receive all the energy of the
generator and will intensify negative thought patterns and emotions. This has
happened to some operators of our equipment in the past and had to be
remedied with clearings and new positively created trends. Negative
obsessive thought patterns and emotional duress will increase if the operator
works while in these negative states. Avoid any and all thoughts and
emotions that do not relate to your intentions for manifestation. Keep your
method of rate setting simple, be precise and add only the attributes you
want to become part of the manifestation that is your goal. If you are
depressed or suffering emotional duress, complete the “how to” exercise for
control of emotions. If you have poor expectations of success, complete the
“how to” for a change of attitude. If you think you are unlucky, hexed or the
focus of intentional negative thoughts, complete the “how to” exercise to
neutralize negative energy. If you are a new to this or have been working
with our equipment without any measured success, stop ALL work and throw
out any target or trend links (they have negative trends attached) and do all
3 exercises. If you can throw out a target link then do a clearing on it with a
blasting glyph.


With my work I always determine the probability factor 1st. What is the
percentage that this trend could manifest on its own? Study your goal and
target. Look for possible trends that may have occurred already such as
uniting old acquaintances. If a couple already had a joyful relationship, re
create the most joyous and successful part of the trend they shared.
Determine if and who the most influential people that can help manifest the
results and use the nepotism filter MODAH OKORA trend on that person or
persons to gain allegiance. Look for “sub trends” in people and places such as
peace between individuals where hostility can block your trend from
manifesting. It could be in a group of people like a family, a work
environment, club, government entity or social click. If it’s an environment
that needs teamwork then use the teamwork filter with a filter for optimism
to set a productive atmosphere for the trend. I always use the universal
influence MAABHAD to reveal the unknown. This influence can make you
aware of unknown factors to control and help determine how to do so. You
can always influence a decision maker with either a planetary force such as
love from Venus by using the Venus matrix or a conscious entity that can
report to you what is happening. I use both in my work.

Method 1

This method is one of two of the most commonly used methods known as the
“stick’ pad method. All Welz Chi Generators combined with radionics have an
orgonite stick pad on them. Gently rub your index finger of either hand in a
circular motion on the brown orgonite pad while turning the dial from 0
towards 10 with your other hand. With this method you must be focused on
1 of 2 things, the target\trend or the anticipated feeling of the rate itself. For
instance say you are using a photo of a person named John Doe, one way to
set the rate is to place the photo on the witness plate and rub your finger in
a circle while thinking and or saying “John Doe” over and over until your
finger sticks/skips – “THAT” is the rate for “John Doe”. Think of this way in
comparison to the situation of “looking”. Such as when you are looking for
your car keys/target you are searching locations/possibilities/target of where
they could be, you think visually to recall possibilities of where they could be
and then go there to look for your target. When you arrive at your
destination – let’s say a table top/(photo of John Doe/target) you look at that
spot on the table for a visual mark thinking “keys/target/rate” and bingo
you found your keys/John Doe/rate/.

Another way is to place the photo on the witness plate and rub your finger in
a circle while focus on feeling the “rate” for the target as you turn the dial
from 0 towards 10 and your finger will stick/skip when you hit the rate. An
example is an answer to this question “who is your best friend?” You search
your memory field for recognition of this person and when your mind triggers
the response you feel the abstract of your friend and in some cases a quick
visual snapshot may occur. A good way to develop this feeling is to
determine how you feel when you are listening/observing as opposed to
thinking. You can master this skill by the practice “active listening” –
available at This is using intuitive faculties to
determine the rate and you must be free of any thoughts and void of any
emotions while turning the dial. With this method you are turning the dial
while from 0 towards 10 as you wait for a physical marker.

The difference in the 2 methods is as subtle as the difference between

visually looking for something and listening for something. The 1 st way of
method 1 is looking for John Doe by focusing on the photo target/trend
(photo of John Doe) while rubbing the stick pad and turning the dial. The 2 nd
way of method 1 is to have an empty mind so you can listen and focus on
feeling the rate for the target and your finger will stick/skip when you hit
the marker and that’s your rate. Either way is equally effective and it comes
down to how the operator determines their most successful way to tune in a
target or trend.

Method 2

Use a pendulum if you have one to determine the rate. If you don’t have
one, here is a quick easy way to make a simple pendulum. Tie a washer to a
piece of fishing line 12 – 18 inches long so that the washer is evenly
balanced to swing freely in any direction. Using a series of yes or no
questions that you know the answers to, such as “Is my name …?” “Is my
address …?” “Is my hair brown…?” etc., ask the questions out loud at first to
determine which way the washer spins or swings, this will establish a yes and
no directions. Place the photo of “John Doe” on the witness plate. Hold your
pendulum a few inches above the photo of John Doe and turn the dial from 0
towards 10 stopping when the pendulum indicates a yes direction on the
frequency rate identification.

Method 3

Arbitrarily define your target frequency. Place the photo of John Doe on the
witness pad. Pick a number from 0 to 10. Turn the dial to that number and
say out loud “THAT is John Doe”. This arbitrary method is one of focused
understanding. Such as the moment of recognition when you see someone
you know approaching you as your thinking to yourself “who is that?” When
you recognize this person a “MARKER” is triggered -“THAT” is John Doe
coming this way.

Method 4

Define your target mentally and emotionally. If you have met John Doe
before and have a mental visual picture in your minds eye and an emotional
memory of how you felt when you met him, use it to set a rate. Place 4
fingers on the witness pad. While turning the dial from 0 towards 10 visually
return to the moment you met John Doe and remember how you felt as you
looked at him, stop when you feel a positive identification of that memory.
Method 5

The Eyes (Clairvoyant)

You will need the Mercury and Moon matrices for this exercise. Contact me
at and I will email them to you.

This following method produced a physical marker of muscle stimulation in

my left eye. I can feel the focusing mechanism of my retinal muscle flexing
like it does when I change the depth perception of my visual focus from
something far away to something really close. There are many benefits
gained from this exercise other than developing a 100% effective way to set
a radionic trend/target rate. Practice the following exercise until you feel one
of your eyes respond while setting radionic rates. Practice setting radionic
rates while observing for a retinal response.

If you have a Welz Chi Generator set it up in your work space with the
Mercury matrix and Moon matrix from the appendix of this book. Put a
piece of your hair on top of the 2 matrices and point your chi generator at
the stack.* If you do not have a Welz Chi Generator mentally connect to the
matrices by a structural link via your hair. Visually replace the energy of the
Chi Generator with energy from your body projected with your mind into the
matrix stack linking it to your hair.

Lie down and relax.
Take a deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds. Then exhale and hold your
breath OUT for 10 seconds.

Take another deep breath and hold it in for 15 seconds then exhale and hold
out your breath OUT for 15 seconds

Take another deep breath and hold it in for 20 seconds. Then exhale and
hold your breath OUT for 20 seconds. This one is the most important
breath and hardest one. When you exhale and hold your breath OUT, it
becomes very hard around 15 seconds and you will feel a panic feeling
building in you. Remember you are in control and trying to manifest a state
of panic within yourself. You must hold your breath for 2 counts past the
panic feeling (you will feel a tingling sensation in your lower abdomen then
down to your genitals) after you feel the tingle count to 2 and inhale
again. This will release a large dose of endorphins from the hypothalamus
into the blood stream very quickly. A feeling of extreme peace will wash over
you and you will be rewarded with a very pleasant feeling in your entire
body. This is a state of “emptiness”. You must always be empty when you
begin practice of any magic operation.

Visualize from a perspective of looking at a photo of all 7 interior planets
orbiting the Sun. Move in close to each planet and look at each individual
planet by itself – feel its vibration pushing on your face, soak the planetary
vibration into you body. Now look at all the planets in orbit around the Sun
and imagine an enormous lighting strike that whites out the universe in a
bright flash of a millisecond then the universe appears again. Visualize the
flow of that universal white light inhabiting the entire universe flowing from
Saturn through all the planets into the Sun where it brightens upon
absorption. As you see the sun burn brighter with the light of the entire
universe draw the light from the Sun into your forehead filling your body
making you feel light with a floating relaxed feeling. Fill your body cavity with
this energy and contain it there.

Focus on Mercury. Draw orange energy from Mercury into your forehead
filling your head. Feel the electrical current of Mercury sparking lightening
strikes over the surface of your brain. Intensify the image of mercury’s
electricity building in your head. Condense and concentrate it into the center
of your brain. Now fill your eyes with just a little of the electricity of mercury.

Now feel the Universal white light energy circulating through your body in a
relaxing floating feeling. Feel the mercury energy charging your brain and
stimulating your eyes. Push the Mercury energy to the back of your eye balls
and leave it there for now.

Focus on the Moon. Feel the Moons silvery cool fluid influence. See the Moon
before you big as big as you can see it. Look at its craters and the terrain of
it surface. Feel its influence and pressure on the water in your body. Now
draw silver light from the moon into your eyes. Keep the silver light separate
from mercury light. Swirl them together in your eye ball so they are 2
distinctly different colors making 1 pattern like a 2 tone marble over the
surface of your eyes. Do not mix the colors together into 1 color, mix them in
a swirl together keeping them separate colors. For a visual, think of a candy
cane striping pattern. Consider them yin yang as in 2 separate energies of 1
whole. Cover the entire spherical surface of your eye balls with this candy
cane pattern of orange and silver. Feel them together in there separateness.

Start with the soles of your feet and visually pull the universal white light
energy up through your body and project it out of your forehead erupting
into the universe, taking with it the orange mercury electrical energy along
with the silvery moon light all with 1 motion of visual projection.

Empty any and all residual energy that may have lingered in you out through
your forehead into the Universe making absolutely sure you are empty.
Never leave any influences in your physical body – it could cause disruptive

You have just stimulated your eyes with the energy of the universe and there
will be noticeable differences immediately. Mercury rules communication and
the Moon rules psychic skills. You have stimulated influences to trigger a
marker and consciously worked new neural pathways for psychic ability -

1 *A Welz chi generator is not required to make this exercise effective.

Here are the filters that can be used in with any method. They can influence
targets and reveal needed actions. I included all the planetary matrices for
your personal research. Try to make contact with each planets trend energy
through meditation. Use the “active listening” exercise to reach a state
suitable for contact. If you have questions or need any supporting materials
contact me by email or phone.

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