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Welcome: The Great Monument Quest

Description: This WebQuest adventure takes students
on a journey to five of the world’s greatest monuments, to
save three boys from a variety of dangerous situations. By
answering key questions, the students will advance to the next
level, ultimately saving the day.

Grade level: 3-5

Curriculum: History
Author: Christa Simpson






I am so glad you have arrived. We need your help!
Our three sons, Jordan, Ashton, and CJ were playing
a video game, called “Great Monuments”. When
lightning struck their video game and transported
them into the game. Their father and I are very
worried that we will never see them again. We
believe if someone can beat the 5 levels our sons
will be free. Will you help us save our sons from
certain doom?
Welcome Welcome

Introduction Introduction

Tasks Tasks

Process Process

Evaluation Evaluation

Conclusion Conclusion

You will need to
obtain two keys
at each monument to reach the next level. Each
key will be obtained by answering two questions
about the monument where each level takes place.
Since you are already taking on the challenge of
saving our sons why not go ahead and try to set a
super high score also. You will get a higher score
by answering each question with well-informed
complete answers.

Level 1
The Great Wall of China

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Jordan, Ashton, and CJ have been transported to China. They

are soldiers on the front lines, protecting the build site of the
Great Wall of China. As they fight to protect the builders and
each other, we need you to find the answers to these two
questions before they are overran by enemy reinforcements
and certainly lost forever.

1)When did construction of the Great Wall begin?

2)What was the name of the state that emerged from the
Warring States Period victorious?
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Level 2
The Statue of Liberty
You did an excellent job! We can now move on to level two.
This level takes place at the Statue of Liberty. The statue is
under attack by a warlord that wants to take over the world.
They have a bomb that is ticking down fast. Before Jordan,
Ashton and CJ can reach the top to defuse the bomb and save
the Statue of Liberty, they need you to answer these two
questions. Let us get started because time is running out!

1)How tall is Lady Liberty from her heel to the top of her

2)What is inscribed on the tablet she is holding?
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Level 3
Pyramids of Giza
Wow, that was a super close call. Now, let us hop on our
camels and journey across the hot dessert to the Pyramids of
Giza for level three. In this level Jordan, Ashton, and CJ are
archeologist’s exploring the depths of the pyramids. Their
objective was to retrieve the world’s largest diamond. What
they did not know, was that the diamond was booby trapped.
When Jordan picked it up the earth began to rumble, and the
walls began to crack. Lava started to fill the room and the
doors began to shut. By answering these two questions you will
slow the flow of lava and keep the doors from closing and
trapping them inside, where they will surely not survive.

1)What are the names of the three Pharaohs the pyramids

were built for?
2)Why did they build the pyramids?
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Level 4
The Roman Colosseum
Other than some minor scrapes, bruises and being cover in
sand you got the boys out safely. Thank you so much! We are
almost finished, so let us not slow down now. Things have
really gotten scary because, Jordan, Ashton, and CJ have
found themselves at the Roman Colosseum. They have swords
and shield but are surrounded by a hungry pack of lions. There
are ten lions and only three of them the odds are against
them. I beg you to answer these two questions so that our
sons are not turned into cat food.

1)What was the colosseum used for?

2)How many people did the colosseum hold?
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Level 5
The Eiffel Tower
We have finally made it to the fifth and final level. We are so
grateful for your help, they would have never made it this far
without you. This level starts out at Cape Canaveral. Jordan,
Ashton, and CJ are strapped into a rocket. They are about to
launch into space to attempt to destroy an asteroid that is
heading straight for the Eiffel Tower. To ensure a flawless
liftoff, planting of the bomb and a safe return to Earth you
must answer these two questions.

1)What scientific discovery was made in the tower?

2)How many of the original lifts are still in use today?
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Hurray you did it! You saved our sons. How can we ever thank
you enough? You are truly a hero. We were so worried about
our boys and you were smart and saved them from possibly
being trapped inside a video game forever. Oh no, why are the
lights flashing? Now it is dark! What is going on?

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Bonus Round
Well this was totally unexpected! Now look at the position we
find ourselves in. Now Jordan, Ashton, CJ, their father, I, and
even you are trapped. Looks like there is a boss round that we
knew nothing about. After you answer these two questions, I
hope we will all be freed!

1)In which country are each of these monuments located?

2)What monument do you find most interesting and why?





1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points
Were all 6 or less 7 8 9 10 or more
answers attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted

Were all 6 or less 7 answered 8 answered 9 answered 10 or more

questions answered correctly correctly correctly answered
answered correctly correctly
Did the Did not Displayed Displayed Displayed Displayed
student creatively below average quality well thought
display answer average answers answers out answers
creativity in questions creative with some with some and creative
their answer? thought creativity creativity language in
process their
Did the Did not Student Student Student Student
student follow attempted somewhat followed fully
follow instructions to follow followed instructions followed
instructions? instructions instructions well instructions
Did the Completed Completed 3 Completed 4 Completed 5 Completed
student 2 or less of of the of the of the all 6 of the
complete all the tasks tasks tasks tasks tasks

Thank you so very much! You are truly a hero. It has been frightening and
fun. We are so sad to say goodbye, but we have learned so much about
monuments and other cultures along the way. Be safe in your future quests.
Au revoir!

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