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6 Ways Successful

People Make a Good First

Think you have ten minutes to make a first impression? Think again.

The first seven seconds in which you meet somebody, according to science, is when
you'll make a "first impression." So, whether it's for an event, a business development
meeting, or any other professional setting, you have to act very quickly in order to
make the proper first impression. In order to have a great meeting and be remembered
in the right way--while cementing your reputation--here are some important tips:

1. Smile

Facial expressions are very important when it comes to making a good first
impression. Who doesn't want their personal brand to be associated with positivity?

Smiling's at the start of this list for a good reason. 48 percent of all Americans feel
that a smile is the most memorable feature after first meeting someone. While smiling
is important, you probably don't want to have a cheesy and inauthentic grin plastered
across your face. Smile too widely and it's going to look like you're covering up
nervousness. Or you might come across as arrogant. Even a small grin can go a long

Not only does smiling make others feel more comfortable around you, but it also
decreases stress hormones that can negatively impact your health. This isn't according
to just one or two studies; smiling is highly correlated with longevity. Since the need
to make a positive first impression can increase your stress level, smiling is a way to
take the edge off.

2. The Right Handshake

The handshake is accepted internationally as a professional sign of politeness. A
proper handshake can convey confidence. You might be rolling your eyes at this, but
the handshake is a fine art. You want to walk the line between a squeeze that comes
across as incredibly tight and the dreaded limp fish. When you're meeting with people
whom you trust and have known for years, ask them how they feel after shaking
hands, and how your handshake feels in relation to others they've experienced.

3. Introductions

You want your first seven seconds with somebody to be productive, so it's great to
throw in a verbal introduction as you meet with people. Even something as basic as
"great to meet you" after they greet you can break the tension, and stop you from
getting off into a tangent. If you have a hard time remembering names, the intro is a
great place to reinforce the name of the person you just met. It doesn't have to be too
involved: when your contact says, "Hi, I'm Amelia," reply with a simple, "Great to
meet you, Amelia. I'm Jonah," instead of just saying, "Hi, I'm Jonah," in response.

4. Speak Clearly

Many people have wonderful things to say but don't speak with any confidence.
Unfortunately, that's a great way to wind up getting overlooked. You want to be able
to portray yourself in a positive light and give whomever you're meeting a reason to
listen to you. Don't overcorrect and get too loud, either: studies have indicated that
those who talk in a deeper voice, and more calmly, are taken more seriously.

5. Make Eye Contact

Looking someone in the eye conveys that you are confident and interested in what
they have to say.

In Western countries like the U.S., eye contact shows respect to the person you're
meeting with. It also conveys a sense of interest in the conversation; likewise, looking
away too much will make you appear distracted. Like with most things, it's a good
idea to not overdo it; if you don't take breaks now and again, your eye contact could
be viewed as staring, which has negative connotations.
6. Use Body Language

One interesting thing about human psychology: most of us instinctively mirror each
other's body language. Think about how infectious a yawn is in a group of people. A
smile between friends is contagious, too. In fact, there's a neuron that affects the part
of the brain responsible for recognizing faces and reading facial expressions. This
neuron causes the "mirroring" reaction. So when another person sees you smiling, the
neuron fires and causes them to smile in response. Mirroring goes both ways; if you
pick up on and reflect back the non-verbal cues of the person you're speaking with, it
sends a non-verbal message that you feel what they feel. Research shows that people
who experience the same emotions are likely to experience mutual trust, connection
and understanding.

Mirroring body language is a non-verbal way of saying "we have something in

common." When people say that someone gives off good energy, they're not just
indulging in some New Age beliefs; they're describing mirroring and other
synchronous behaviors they're not consciously aware of.

How many of the above habits are you engaging in? Are there any you're in the
process of improving?

Having satisfied customers is one of the key things you need to strive for in order for your
business to last. If people are happy with the services you provide, they are not only more likely
to come back, but they will also share their positive experience with friends or colleagues, which
will make your web of users grow. We all know that word-of-mouth is often the most effective
way of marketing, so you really want to pay close attention to how you present yourself. In
business, as well as in life, the first impression is crucial. Those first few seconds will greatly
determine the customer’s opinion of your company and whether they will come back or not. So
how exactly do you make sure they do? Here are 13 tips on how to make a good first impression.

1. Make the store/office look inviting

Customers will partially form their opinion of your business even before they meet you. No
matter what you are selling or which type of service you are providing, your shop or office space
has to be kept in good condition. It’s like selling a garment – if it looks bad, it probably doesn’t
fit well, either. Make sure your workplace looks inviting, clean and organized, because it say the
same thing about you.

2. Be welcoming
When people walk in, they want to be greeted, feel welcomed and accepted. Even if they don’t
need your assistance right away, it sends the right kind of message. You need to be available to
them whenever they need you, because the staff is there for the customer, and the customer is
what keeps your business going.

3. Look the part

Your personal appearance should be in line with the company’s. Think of it like going to the
hairstylist’s – if you see one with a bad haircut, you’re probably not going to let him anywhere
near your locks. It’s the same thing with running a business – you need to look professional,
well-groomed and respectable, otherwise, your client is not likely to put his trust in you.

4. Be punctual
Arriving late to a meeting is one of the major no-no’s in business. It makes you look
irresponsible and like you don’t really respect the other person’s time. Always make sure to
leave enough time to arrive and prep before the client arrives. If you’re by any chance stuck in
traffic, call and apologize for your tardiness.

5. Be helpful
As I’ve said before, the staff is there for the customer. With that in mind, the customer in doubt
will always appreciate your honest opinion. If he or she is indecisive about which product to
choose, don’t tell them to buy the most expensive one just because it’s convenient for you.
Recommend the one that is best suited to their needs. It creates a relationship of trust and

6. Pay attention
When the client is talking, listen. Even though it may not be something you’re really interested in
hearing, customers want to feel heard. If they are explaining what they want, make sure to try
and understand how you can help them find the right thing. Offer suggestions and advice – that
way, you can show them that you care.

7. Don’t jump straight to business

A trait of every great entrepreneur is that they know how to form relationships with their clients.
You need to be the same way – don’t be all about business and selling, start off with a friendly,
personal approach. Find something that you and your client have in common and mention it; the
conversation will take off from there. Once you’ve built a good relationship, move on to discuss

8. Don’t keep the customer waiting

The one thing that basically all of us have in common is that we don’t like to have to wait. Fast
service grants you additional points with customers. Having to wait makes people irritated and
impatient, and you want the buyer to leave your store happy and satisfied, so a prompt service is
a must.

9. Watch your body language

When it comes to first impressions, body language is actually something the other person pays
more attention than what you are saying. Never keep your arms crossed, because it makes you
defensive, and maintain eye contact. Your body language should imply that you have self-
confidence, are comfortable in your own skin and willing to assist the customer.

10. Turn off your phone

One of the most annoying things when talking to someone is for that person to constantly check
their phone. You feel ignored and disrespected, so don’t do that to others, either. If it really is an
important call, apologize and keep the conversation over the phone short.

11. Lose the negative attitude

You want to make your clients feel comfortable in your presence, so whatever you are going
through, they shouldn’t be allowed to see it. When talking to them, they are supposed to feel like
there’s no place in the world that you would rather be in that moment. Being attentive and having
a positive attitude will get you far.

12. Smile
No matter how you actually feel about the person, never forget to smile. Without that, all of your
knowledge and fast results will matter to the customer less. Being friendly and looking positive
can make up for mistakes on your part, too.

13. Be polite
Mind your manners at all times. This may not seem like much, but remembering to say ‘Please’
or ‘Thank you’ is something that people respond to well. They are less likely to be dissatisfied if
you are nice to them.

You only get one chance to make the first impression, so you might as well try your best.
Remember that it is much easier to further build a relationship that started properly, than it is to
mend one that started on the wrong foot. Making the effort to project the right attitude and
appearance is a vital component in successfully doing business.

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