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Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

Effectiveness of Workplace‑Based Muscle Resistance Training Exercise

Program in Preventing Musculoskeletal Dysfunction of the Upper
Limbs in Manufacturing Workers
C. Muñoz‑Poblete1 · C. Bascour‑Sandoval2 · J. Inostroza‑Quiroz2 · R. Solano‑López3 · F. Soto‑Rodríguez2

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Aims Given the high levels of absenteeism due to musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limbs, there is a need for preven-
tive strategies to protect workers exposed to high risk levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a
workplace-based muscle resistance training exercise program in the presence of pain and musculoskeletal dysfunction of
the upper extremities in manufacturing workers exposed to repetitive movements and excessive effort in the workplace.
Method Randomized controlled trial in manufacturing workers. A sample of 120 healthy workers was allocated at random to
an experimental group, which received a resistance-based exercise program, and a control group, which performed stretch-
ing exercises. Results The muscle resistance training exercise had a protective effect on the intensity of pain perceived by
workers in their upper limbs (RR: 0.62 95% CI 0.44–0.87) compared with the group of workers who performed stretching
exercises. Conclusion A workplace-based muscle resistance training exercise program is an effective preventive strategy in
factory workers exposed to risk; however, it is necessary for companies initially to adopt mechanisms to minimize exposure
as a prevention strategy.

Keywords  Muscle exercise · Musculoskeletal disorder · Work · Prevention

Introduction work-related exposure and individual capacity [6]. The for-

mer includes the physical and psychosocial conditions of
Musculoskeletal disorders are among the most common the job, and the latter the worker’s physical characteristics
causes of occupational illness [1], representing 59% of all and general health. An integrated focus in health-at-work
work-related illness reported in European statistics. Apart programs must consider all these aspects [7].
from the direct effect on employees’ health and their inca- The work-related musculoskeletal disorder most closely
pacity for work, this problem imposes a considerable socio- associated with manual labor is injury to the upper limb [8].
economic burden due to the extensive use of health services, The scientific evidence shows that the prevalence of this
sick leave, disability pensions and lost productivity [2–5]. disorder is greater in jobs involving a high rate of repetitive
According to the World Health Organization, work- work and heavy physical work [9]; therefore, interventions
related musculoskeletal disorders are a multifactorial in the workplace to prevent and control the problem appear
phenomenon whose contributory factors include both very necessary.
Although the scientific evidence is not conclusive,
the main traditional focus for managing musculoskeletal
* C. Muñoz‑Poblete disorders has been on ergonomics and education in the workplace. Research [10] shows partial to moderate evi-
Depto. Salud Pública, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, dence that modifications in the workplace are effective at
Chile improving health outcomes. Another study [11] found that
Depto. Medicina Interna, Universidad de La Frontera, interventions in the workplace can be effective at reduc-
Temuco, Chile ing sick leave, but do not produce a general improvement
Depto. Especialidades Médicas, Universidad de La Frontera, in health outcomes. On this basis, it is suggested that
Temuco, Chile studies should be extended to other components of the

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

employer-employee relationship which could facilitate an Methods

improvement in health, for example increasing the work-
ers’ physical capabilities. Study Design
Following the model of the National Research Council
and Institute of Medicine [12], one alternative strategy for The study population consisted of manufacturing workers
preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal pain exposed to excessive effort and repetitive tasks principally
is the use of a workplace-based muscle resistance training with the upper limbs; they were employees of two private
exercise program. This would give the worker sufficient companies specializing in furniture manufacturing. The
physical capacity to endure the physical demands of the workers were identified and selected in 2016. A single-
job. blind controlled study was carried out with two parallel
According to the guidelines of the American College random groups, run by duly trained personnel. The initial
of Sports Medicine [13], the most pronounced adaptations and final measurements were masked. The study included
at the level of muscle cells are obtained in response to workers aged up to 40 years, asymptomatic or at most
dynamic and progressive muscle training, which includes with slight musculoskeletal pain in the upper limbs, slight
high-intensity concentric and eccentric contractions and a intensity on the visual analogue scale (VAS less than or
maximum of 8 to 12 contractions [14]. A general principle equal to 30 mm), score OCRA ≥ 7.5. Baseline, follow-up
of exercise physiology is that training should be regular and final measurements were taken. Workers excluded
and continuous to obtain the best results. However, it has from the study had 1 year or less at work, a history of
been reported that attendance at exercise sessions is fre- musculoskeletal trauma in the upper limbs or cardiovas-
quently a serious problem [15]. Program adherence has cular or systemic disease.
been recorded from 70 to 87% in programs with a follow-
up of 10 to 20 weeks [16] and from 31 to 39% at 12 weeks
Sample Size
Given that the effectiveness of exercise in musculoskel-
The primary outcome considered in selecting the sample
etal pain control is proportional to program adherence [18],
size was pain intensity. To determine the number of par-
knowledge of prognostic factors for compliance is essential
ticipants for the study we used the Epidat 3.1 ® statistics
for optimum implementation of exercise in the workplace.
program [25]. The significance threshold was set at 5%
The literature shows that to ensure that the interventions are
(α = 0.05), with a power of 80% (β = 0.20) and variability
as effective as possible, they must be simple, easy to under-
in the effect in each group of 1 standard deviation. For the
stand [19] and form part of the worker’s daily routine [16].
primary outcome, we considered a clinically important
The intensity of neck/shoulder/arm pain has been reduced
difference of minimum 12 mm and a standard deviation
in office workers and laboratory technicians in response to
measuring 10 mm [20]. With estimated loss during follow-
10–20 weeks of muscle training with weights, elastic bands
up of 20%, the calculation yielded a total of 110 workers.
[19, 20, 21] or weightless exercise [22, 23]. Positive effects
have also been found in industrial workers after 20-week
interventions [24]. These findings are based on clinically Participants
important changes in pain levels with a statistically signifi-
cant difference [20]. A total of 2400 workers belonging to the manufacturing
Most of the aforementioned studies were conducted on a companies involved in the study were contacted to par-
working population with low physical demand, mainly office ticipate, of which 936 did not meet the inclusion criteria.
workers and light-load operators; it may not be possible to Of the 1453 remaining workers, a correlative number was
transfer these results to manufacturing workers, who pre- assigned to them to obtain the sample randomly. Likewise,
sent a high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders [8]. It the sample included an additional number of individu-
is therefore pertinent to compare the inclusion of muscle als for probable losses, consisting of 120 individuals, of
training during the working day as a prevention measure whom 11 did not consent to take part in the study (Fig. 1).
to the traditional focus on prevention based on stretching
exercises for healthy workers. Randomization
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the
effect of a workplace-based muscle resistance training exer- A simple randomization was carried out, for which work-
cise program in the presence of pain and musculoskeletal ers were given sealed and opaque letters that included the
dysfunction of the upper extremities in manufacturing work- assignment to the group of muscle resistance training exer-
ers exposed to repetitive movements and excessive effort in cise or to the group of stretching exercises. The control
the workplace.

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

Recruitment Potenal parcipants assessed for eligibility (n:2400)

Excluded (n:947)
• Do not comply with selecon criteria (n:936)
Included (n:1453)
• Random sample (n:120)
• Decline to parcipate (n: 11)

Randomised (n: 109)


Assigned to intervenon: 53 Assigned to control:56

Received intervenon: 53 Received intervenon: 56

Lost in follow-up: 1 Lost in follow-up:3

Intervenon interrupted: 1 Intervenon interrupted: 3

Analysed: 52

Analysed: 53
Excluded from analysis: 0 Excluded from analysis: 0

Fig. 1  Flow chart

group was comprised of 56 individuals and the interven- shoulder zone (shoulder abductor and rotator muscles),
tion group 53 individuals. forearm-hand zone (wrist supinator and extensor muscles).
During the study follow-up two participants were dis- The exercises were carried out in groups, supervised by
missed, one from the intervention group and another from a physiotherapist. Intervention was three times per week on
the control group; in the latter group, two women also took alternating days. The timetable was defined by the company
maternity leave. and each session lasted 15 min. The intervention was bilat-
eral and included specific locations and forces; the loads
Interventions were increased progressively following the principle of peri-
odization and progressive overload. The loads were applied
The intervention took place over a period of 16 weeks. The by rubber bands 20 cm wide by 2 m long with color-coded
intervention was applied by two specially trained physi- graduations ­(Theraband®).
otherapists responsible for monitoring the whole exercise Prior to the change in exercise resistance, tolerance to the
program. Particular attention was paid to ensuring program next level of resistance was evaluated. The physiotherapists
adherence and proper follow-up. focused on positive comments to maintain motivation and
The program was based on muscle training with progres- program compliance.
sive resistance (Fig. 2) carried out at the work stations of Based on the principles of muscle training with progres-
each company during working hours. Training was bilat- sive resistance [13], each exercise cycle started with a pre-
eral, focusing on three areas of the body: scapular waist tensioned rubber band, and a series was followed consisting
zone (shoulder elevator, retractor and protractor muscles), of concentric contraction, isometric contraction for 6 s, and

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

Fig. 2  1. Elevator muscles; 2. Retractor muscles; 3. Protractor muscles; 4. Abductor muscles; 5. Rotator muscles; 6. Supinator muscles; and 7.
Extensor muscles

finally eccentric contraction. The pause between each cycle theTheraband of 4.6  kg, 6.3  kg and 8.5  kg for 16 ses-
of exercises was 10 s. sions each. Phase 2 (36 sessions): the phase 1 exercises
The intervention protocol was planned for 16 weeks were augmented by strengthening of the forearm and hand
of training spread across three phases, which were incor- muscles, with three progressive levels of resistance using
porated gradually. The program was standardized for the Theraband of 4.6 kg, 6.3 kg and 8.5 kg for 12 sessions
all participants making only differences between men each. Phase 3 (24 sessions): the phase 1 and 2 exercises
and women. Phase 1 (48 sessions): shoulder stabilizing were augmented by strengthening of the shoulder exter-
muscles with three progressive levels of resistance using nal rotation and elevator muscles, with three progressive

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

levels of resistance using the Theraband of 4.6 kg, 6.3 kg Measurement of Physical Risk
and 8.5 kg for 8 sessions each.
Women carried out the same protocol as men, but with The risk associated with repetitive movements was
a lower resistance, using the Theraband of 3.2 kg, 4.6 kg assessed by applying the OCRA checklist, which measures
and 6.3 kg. the risk level in terms of the likelihood of musculoskeletal
The control group maintained a daily routine established disorders presenting in a given time, focusing on the risk
by both companies consisting of stretching exercises. These to the upper limbs [31].
exercises consisted of limb movements to stretch muscu-
loskeletal tissues, carried out by workers under the partial
Statistical Methods
supervision of a monitor from the work section who had
been trained by the supervising physiotherapists.
A mask was constructed for data entry using the statistical
software EpiData and Stata15.1 for analysis [32]. A bivari-
ate analysis based on Fisher’s exact test for categorical
Baseline Measurements
variables and a t test for continuous variables were used;
if these could not be applied, the Wilcoxon signed-rank
On enrolment into the study and based on the current causal
test was used. Statistical significance tests were included
model of work-related musculoskeletal pain [12], all the
to identify in an exploratory way those variables that may
workers were asked to complete a standardized questionnaire
be influencing the appearance of musculoskeletal pain
giving information about their sociodemographic, individual
considered in the model. The main analysis consisted of
and work characteristics. These included questions about
estimating the effect of the workplace-based muscle resist-
their age, anthropometric details, gender, family situation,
ance training exercise program through a multiple regres-
education level, time in employment, work organization,
sion model, which included the variables that showed a
level of physical activity and whether they smoked. The fol-
statistically significant association in unadjusted models.
lowing measurements were also included:
The evaluation of the model included goodness-of-fit tests
using the likelihood ratio test.
Information on Clinical and Functional History and Pain
Ethical Approval
At the start and end of the study, information was collected
on pain intensity using the VAS for pain, graduated on a The study protocol was notified, registered and approved
continuum from 0 to 100 mm. The reliability and validity of by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad de La Frontera
this instrument have been described and tested in numerous (Decision 031/2015).
studies [26]. Additional information on the participants’ his-
tory of musculoskeletal pain was obtained using the Nordic
Questionnaire, the DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoul-
der and Hand) Questionnaire [27] and by clinical tests [28,
29] to detect muscle and tendon conditions in the shoulder
The sample contained 80.7% men, the mean age was
(subacromial impaction test, supraspinatus muscle test and
28.7 years ( x standard deviation (SD) 5.4 years. 71.6%
painful arch test) and forearm (epicondylitis test: stretching
completed secondary education, 54.12% were married or
method and resisted contraction method).
in a stable relationship, and 53.2% were principal wage-
earner of the family. Of the whole sample, 45.9% reported
carrying out recreational physical exercise, such as run-
Measurement of Psychosocial Risk
ning, cycling or football, and 62.4% were non-smokers.
34% presented a normal body mass index and 24% were
On enrollment into the study the workers answered the
overweight (Table 1).
SUSESO ISTA 21 Questionnaire, which provides informa-
In organizational terms, the workers had been employed
tion on five dimensions: psychological demands, active work
on average for 4 years; most share their work stations
and skills development, social support in the company and
(76.2%) and half (51.2%) rotate between work stations
leadership quality, compensation, and double presence (e.g.
within the company. They are employed at different tasks
paid work and domestic-family work). This questionnaire
in the furniture manufacturing chain. Evaluation of occu-
reveals the workers’ level of psychosocial risk, which may
pational risk measured by OCRA produced a x score of
affect their health. All the items are marked with a score that
15.4 (± 11.5) for the right upper limb and 11.7 (± 6.0) for
increases with the risk level [30].

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

Table 1  Baseline characteristics
Control (n = 53) Intervention (n = 52) p value

Age ( x, SD) 28.36 (5.42) 29.03 (5.38) 0.5125

Sex (%) 0.3463
 Male 78.6 83.02
 Female 21.4 16.98
Educational level (%) 0.939
 Primary 5.4 7.6
 Secondary 82.1 79.2
 Higher 12.5 13.2
Marital status (%) 0.954
 Single 46.4 45.3
 Long term relationship 26.8 28.3
 Married 23.2 24.5
 Divorced, widowed 3.6 1.9
Principal wage-earner (%) 48.2 58.5 0.283
Practice recreational exercise (%) 0.121
 Never 30.4 18.9
 Occasionally 25.0 33.9
 Frequently 37.5 28.3
 Always 7.14 18.9
Smoker (%) 0.644
 No. 66.1 58.5
 Occasional 26.8 30.2
 Smoker 7.1 11.3
Weight ( x , SD) 76.9 (12.8) 79.0 (14.5) 0.411
Height (mean, SD) 169.6 (7.8) 169.1 (6.9) 0.749
BMI (%) 26.8 (4.2) 27.6 (4.9) 0.370
BMI (%) 0.622
 Low weight – –
 Normal 32.7 34.6
 Overweight 45.5 36.5
 Obesity 20.0 28.9
Pain intensity initial VAS 0–100 mm ( x , SD)
 Upper limb 9.7 (10.4) 8.0 (7.1) 0.161
 Neck 9.9 (18.9) 5.8 (15.1) 0.105
 Right shoulder 12.4 (23.9) 10.9 (21.1) 0.373
 Left shoulder 7.4 (16.7) 8.8 (21.2) 0.654
 Right elbow-forearm 10.4 (19.9) 6.7 (12.9) 0.124
 Left elbow-forearm 5.6 (16.7) 4.8 (13.2) 0.394
 Right wrist-hand 13.9 (26.0) 10.6 (19.7) 0.231
 Left wrist-hand 8.7 (21.8) 6.2 (16.4) 0.247
 Functionality initial DASH: 0–105 points ( x , SD) 27.2 (8.9) 29.8 (8.4) 0.401
Everyday functional difficulties in the last week (%) 0.112
 None 56.4 54.7
 Few 21.3 17.1
 Moderate 22.3 28.2
 Substantial – –
 A lot – –

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

Table 1  (continued)
Control (n = 53) Intervention (n = 52) p value

Everyday working difficulties in the last week (%) 0.223

 None 32.3 34.7
 Few 28.1 25.2
 Moderate 19.4 23.1
 Substantial 20.2 17.0
 A lot – –
Difficulty in performing work (%) 0.303
 None 48.3 49.1
 Little difficulty 12.2 14.2
 Moderate difficulty 11.5 9.8
 Great difficulty 28.1 26.9
 Incapable – –
Difficulty in performing work as well as you would wish (%) 0.282
 None 33.6 31.5
 Little difficulty 17.8 19.2
 Moderate difficulty 22.4 21.2
 Great difficulty 26.2 28.1
 Incapable – –

OCRA​ Occupational repetitive action

*p value: < 0.05 (T-test, Fisher’s exact test)

Table 2  Baseline organizational Control (n = 53) Intervention (n = 52) p value

Employment history (months, x , SD) 48.9 (53.3) 48.2 (45.7) 0.935
Employment in the same company 46.6 (40.2) 41.8 (32.6) 0.497
(months, x , SD)
Shared work station (%) 73.2 79.3 0.460
Replaced when absent (%) 78.6 83.0 0.556
Rotation through different tasks (%) 44.6 58.5 0.148
Monthly remuneration (U$) 518 493 0.219
OCRA (0–22.5) ( x , SD)
Right 14.8 (11.2) 15.9 (11.8) 0.597
Left 11.4 (5.5) 11.9 (6.5) 0.624

*p value: < 0.05 (T-test)

Table 3  Baseline psychosocial Control (n = 53) Intervention (n = 52) p value

factors x (SD) x (SD)

Psychological demands (0–20) 8.9 (2.9) 8.1 (2.7) 0.127

Social support and leadership quality (0–20) 6.9 (3.4) 6.8 (3.3) 0.721
Active work and skills development (0–20) 5.7 (3.2) 5.2 (2.9) 0.375
Compensation (0–12) 4.5 (2.7) 4.2 (2.8) 0.512
Double presence (0–8) 4.8 (2.4) 3.8 (2.6) 0.036*

*p value: < 0.05 (Fisher’s exact test)

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

the left, meaning that both are classified as an unaccepta- significant differences in the sum of their capacities to per-
ble risk (Table 2). form 21 activities; the workers presented a mean score of 27
The five psychosocial risk factors evaluated presented a points on a scale of 0 to 105. In the report of functional dif-
moderate level of occupational health risk (Table 3). ficulties in the last week, members of the intervention group
Due to the exposure of the individuals to tasks of high related fewer difficulties in everyday and work activities (p
repetition and overstrain of the upper extremities, which value: < 0.05). In the survey of “difficulty in performing
supposes a greater risk of musculoskeletal affectations, the work”, 70% of the workers exposed to the muscle resist-
evaluation of the pain and clinical tests was considered. ance training exercise presented no functional difficulties.
The mean value of pain intensity at the start of the study The muscle resistance training exercise had a protective
did not differ significantly between the intervention group effect on the intensity of pain perceived by workers in their
and the control group; the predominant issues were pain in upper limbs (RR 0.62 95% CI 0.44–0.87) compared with the
the right hand-wrist ( x:12.3 mm, SD: 23.1) and right shoul- group of workers who performed stretching exercises. Like-
der ( x ∶ 11.7 mm, SD: 22.4). Although employed in active wise, the workers engaged in the experimental intervention
work, they reported varying intensities of pain. The mean also had a positive effect with respect to work functionality
baseline pain intensity for all upper limb areas was 8.9 mm (RR 0.51 95% CI 0.32–0.83).
(SD: 8.9).
The clinical tests [28, 29], carried out at the beginning of
the study, consisted of provocation tests and helped detect Discussion
muscle and tendon conditions in the shoulder and forearm,
which made it possible to rule out individuals with subclini- This study showed that the intervention of a workplace-
cal conditions. These tests were the subacromial impaction based muscle resistance training exercise program for manu-
test and the epicondylitis test. These were positive 19% for facturing workers reduces musculoskeletal pain in the upper
the shoulder and 10% for the forearm. limb more than the stretching exercises they habitually carry
The musculoskeletal symptoms persisted for 177 days on out at work. Their work functionality was also improved.
average, with the highest number of days in the shoulder area In general, the results are in line with those of another
( x ∶ 219 days, SD: 535); there were no statistically signifi- clinical trial [33], which also confirmed the positive effect
cant differences between the groups. of the exercise program on painful symptoms in the neck,
Mean attendance at exercise sessions was 40.6 sessions shoulder, forearm and hand, as well as producing every-
(SD: 7.4) with a minimum of 10 sessions by a participant day functional and work improvements. The differences
who abandoned the study and a maximum of 48 sessions by observed in this study are related to the administration peri-
those who completed the entire program. On conclusion of ods of the programs; for example, an intervention of 6 to
the study, 90% of the workers in both the experimental and 9 months with two sessions per week is described, as com-
control groups had attended at least 46 sessions, while the pared to 16 weeks in the present study with similar results.
overall attendance was 75%. Another difference is that in the study mentioned above, the
At the start of the study, the workers presented mean control group did not perform preventive physical activity
upper limb pain ( EVA∶ x 8.9 ). The results of the final pain at work [33], in contrast to the activity done in this study.
level measurements are shown at Table 4. The group which In a systematic review [34], 30 different types of inter-
carried out muscle resistance training exercise presented a vention to prevent musculoskeletal disorders of the upper
lower mean pain level than the control group; the difference limb in the workplace were evaluated. Strength exercise pro-
between groups was statistically significant in the follow- grams presented the strongest evidence of prevention, while
ing regions: neck, right elbow-forearm, and both right and stretching exercises presented moderate evidence. In the pre-
left wrist-hand. The difference between the groups was also sent study, as in those described in the systematic review, the
significant when the overall pain of shoulder elbow and hand interventions were applied in the workplace, allowing their
was considered. Other musculoskeletal symptoms such as potential benefits to be included in preventive management
tingling and muscle weakness were absent in the interven- and control.
tion group. The muscle resistance training exercise programs in the
The mean baseline measurement of work functionality of systematic review did not have the same effect in the differ-
the workers was DASHx28.5. The final results for the work- ent regions of the body; the greatest effect of pain reduc-
ers’ functionality are given in Table 4. The value attached tion and control was found in the elbow, forearm and wrist,
to the upper limb as a functional unit was measured with principally on the dominant side. This variability was also
the DASH questionnaire, which quantifies and compares shown in another study [34], in which the pain reduction and
the repercussions of the different processes affecting differ- functional improvement were concentrated in the shoulders
ent regions of the limb. The groups presented statistically and wrists.

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

Table 4  Symptomatology and functionality on completion of the intervention

 Pain intensity final, VAS (0-100 mm) Control (n = 53) Intervention (n = 52) p value
x (SD) x (SD)

Upper limb 10.4 (11.3) 5.4 (8.8) 0.007*

Neck 6.6 (17.6) 1.1 (5.4) 0.045*
Right shoulder 11.1 (21.9) 8.5 (20.3) 0.259
Left shoulder 6.6 (17.6) 6.5 (15.9) 0.481
Right elbow-forearm 12.8 (24.6) 4.3 (14.2) 0.016*
Left elbow-forearm 8.7 (21.5) 5.3 (16.4) 0.182
Right wrist-hand 12.2 (25.5) 4.5 (16.4) 0.034*
Left wrist-hand 10.9 (20.8) 1.1 (5.4) 0.013*
Functionality final, DASH (0–105 points) 28.7 (9.1) 25.8 (8.7) 0.037*
Everyday functional difficulties in the last week (%) 0.018*
 None 71.7 86.54
 Few 9.43 11.54
 Moderate 18.87 1.92
 Substantial – –
 A lot – –
Everyday working difficulties in the last week (%) 0.065
 None 43.40 71.15
 Few 32.0 17.31
 Moderate 16.98 9.62
 Substantial 5.66 1.92
 A lot 1.89 –
Difficulty in performing work (%) 0.041*
 None 64.15 78.85
 Little difficulty 1.89 3.85
 Moderate difficulty 13.21 3.85
 Great difficulty 18.87 9.62
 Incapable 1.89 3.85
Difficulty in performing work as well as you would wish (%) 0.021*
 None 45.28 71.15
 Little difficulty 26.42 13.46
 Moderate difficulty 20.75 5.77
 Great difficulty 7.55 9.62
 Incapable – –

*p value: < 0.05 (t-test)

The study participants were healthy, active workers; how- the cervical area; this occurs particularly when the aim is
ever, they presented variable magnitudes of pain at the start to develop strength in muscles which share their function
of the study. The intervention produced reductions in pain between the two area. In this study in particular, a reduction
intensity in the workers despite the same physical and work in cervical pain close to the clinically important difference
requirements. Although the pain reduction was not clini- defined for this study was observed [35].
cally relevant, it was important in view of the high physical In the randomization process, the distribution of the work-
demands to which the workers are exposed, and the higher ers between the control and intervention groups resulted in
risk of triggering a more serious situation of dysfunction or quite similar patterns of sociodemographic and individual
pain. The functionality reported was improved in the inter- characteristics, work station risk and psychosocial factors.
vention group, either because of its relation with reduced The analysis of these aspects showed that the sample was
pain or as a result of the positive effect of the exercise. representative of young workers. Given that the average age
It should be noted that when exercises are carried out of the sample is young, it is not possible to extrapolate the
with the upper limbs, beneficial effects are also found in findings to older populations.

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

Another important point is that the result of the meas- Another study [41] analyzed the effect of muscle training
urements taken showed that the workers suffered unsat- with a variety of protocols in employees in different types
isfactory health in various respects. Nevertheless, and of work, such as office workers or teachers; the results were
despite being exposed to a high risk of musculoskeletal similar, but they lacked statistical significance and important
disorders and in some cases suffering slight pain, they clinical improvements were found in neck and shoulder pain.
remained active at their work stations. The functionality In the work environment, one of the most commonly
of the upper limb also appears to be reduced; this result is used interventions consists of self-administered stretching
an important consideration, since it may be a consequence exercises; however, their proven effectiveness for managing
of the cumulative effects of exposure, and may also affect musculoskeletal disorders is low [31]. These exercises are
the worker’s ability to carry out their work in the optimum used mainly because they are easy to apply and of low com-
manner. plexity; nevertheless, the present study showed that it is pos-
In recognition of their different morphological charac- sible to apply a different exercise program, which although
teristics, women carried out the progressive stages of the it requires pre-training, supervision and follow-up, has a
training program with a series of lower resistance than preventive effect. Implementation is facilitated by the coop-
men. The program was less beneficial for them in terms of eration of the company and its risk prevention management
symptomatology and functionality; however, these results structure, making the time and space available to carry it out.
may be due to the low number of women participating in The findings of this study allowed us to contrast a work-
the study compared to men. Nonetheless, it has been shown place-based muscle resistance training exercise program
that female workers have benefited from interventions of this and a workplace-based stretching exercise, although both
type even considering that the risks associated with exposure produced positive effects when implemented under supervi-
to physical loads are substantially lower for them, in addition sion and with good adherence to the routine, the resistance-
to the differences attributable to their sex [36]. based exercise program produced better protective effects
The psychosocial factors assessed showed a moderate after 16 weeks.
health risk, and this must be taken into account for an inte- It should be noted in this context that the two types of
grated approach to prevention in the workplace. The litera- program pursued different physical objectives: first, the
ture recognizes that these factors may partially explain the stretching exercises produce modifications in the flexibility
presence of symptomatology [37], particularly in the ser- of musculoskeletal tissue, countering muscle reactions to
vices industry. They also appear to have an impact on manu- prolonged, repetitive or excessive effort. If this is the goal,
facturing workers [38]. In the present study, social support the exercises should be repeated before, during and after the
and leadership were risk factors for symptomatology and working day. Second, the resistance-based exercise program
functional alteration of the upper limbs; nevertheless, the is intended to affect the physiology of the muscles, modify-
workers benefited from the implementation of the program. ing the metabolism, contractile capacity and resistance to
It may be supposed that without this unfavorable condition, fatigue of muscles used in the work [13]; this would help
the results of the intervention could have been better. improve a specific aspect of the worker’s physical capability
Given that the physical work performed in this study was to respond to the particular demands of their work.
highly demanding, particularly in the upper limbs, and that Another interesting point arising from this study is that
the literature [39] shows that exposure to repetitive physical it allowed us to observe the variable effect in the areas that
work with excessive effort in the upper limbs causes pain comprise the upper limbs. The best results were found in
and functional problems, it may be supposed that the pre- the distal parts, such as the forearm and wrist. This may be
ventive measures and ergonomic modifications implemented due in part to the training technique used or the relation-
previously have been insufficient. ship established between the biomechanical requirements
Many interventions have been described in the literature of the task and the use of anatomical areas. This element
[40] and adapted to the work environment to prevent mus- needs to be evaluated in more detail in future studies by
culoskeletal disorders with varying results. The intervention analyzing individuals with more homogeneous biomechani-
evaluated in this study was aimed at producing muscle work cal requirements.
through regular and progressive training under supervision, The first limitation of this study was the impossibility of
working on the assumption that this improves their condi- blinding the interventions due to their nature, and because
tion. As a result of the program, the ability of workers to they were carried out by workers at their work stations. Sec-
tolerate external loads was increased by greater tolerance ond, the effect of the intervention was measured immedi-
to exposure to repetitive movements and excessive muscu- ately on conclusion of the study, so the long-term effects
loskeletal stress. This demonstrated its effectiveness as a are unknown. Third, the sample size and selection method
mechanism to prevent and control pain and musculoskeletal did not allow for a differentiated analysis of specific tasks
dysfunction. within the companies. And finally, given the small number

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