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© National Strength & Conditioning Association

Volume 21, Number 3, pages 54–60

Periodization: Effects of Manipulating

Volume and Intensity. Part 2
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M.H. Stone, PhD, CSCS; H.S. O’Bryant, PhD; B.K. Schilling, CSCS; and R.L. Johnson, PhD
Exercise Science
Appalachian State University
Boone, North Carolina

K.C. Pierce, EdD, CSCS

USA Weightlifting Development Center
Shreveport, Louisiana

G. Greg Haff, MS, CSCS and A.J. Koch, MS, CSCS

Exercise Science
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas

Meg Stone, CSCS

Scottish Athletics Federation
Edinburgh, Scotland

Keywords: periodization, training.

THE PREVIOUS DISCUSSION OF as an example. Although portions ing volume and intensity are
periodization (Part 1 of this article) of this paper are technical in na- equated by total and average repe-
dealt with a short history of peri- ture, it is important for practi- titions, short-term strength-train-
odization as well as with a brief de- tioners, particularly strength and ing effects on the 1-RM squat
scription of the goals and underly- conditioning coaches, to under- should be equal. Their subjects
ing concepts. The purpose of the stand the intricacies and nuances trained 3 days per week and
following discussion is to examine of appropriate volume and intensi- squatted 2 days per week (1).
the efficacy of short-term (mesocy- ty manipulation. A more complete Three groups were used: GP1 (n =
cle-length) periodization models understanding of these factors will 9) was a linear model (5 ( 6 RM),
and variation parameters in the allow the coach to plan training GP2 (n = 8) was a stepwise (vol-
context of volume and intensity programs with more efficiency and ume decreasing in steps) peri-
manipulation. Although some dis- with superior results. odized model, and GP3 (n = 5) was
cussion is necessary, the primary a variation model in which the
purpose of this paper is not to elu- ■ Discussion number of repetitions per set var-
cidate underlying mechanisms, Although the majority of compara- ied through the week (Table 1).
which have been previously dis- tive studies suggest that peri- More recently, Schoitz et al.
cussed (5, 23, 25), but to concen- odized training is superior (see (18) concluded that equal total
trate on maximum-strength perfor- Part 1 of this article), Baker et al. repetitions across a short-term
mance adaptations using the 1 (1), using moderately trained sub- training protocol produced equal
RM (1-repetition maximum) squat jects, concluded that when train- results regardless of variation fac-

54 Strength and Conditioning Journal June 199

measured. Thus, the periodized
Table 1
group actually produced superior
Training Volume and Intensity of the Study of
overall results. The results of
Baker et al. (1): Equal Work Equals Equal Results
Schoitz et al. (18) are particularly
impressive considering the short
Week training period (10 weeks) and the
Group 1–4 5–8 9–11 12 use of relatively untrained sub-
1 5×6 5×6 5×6 5×6
2 5 × 10 5×5 3×3 3×3
Baker et al. (1) also suggest
(1 × 10)
3 Varied Varied Varied Varied
that higher volumes of work
should produce greater gains in
Sample 1 RM before 1 RM after Difference strength measures. Baker et al. (1)
Group size training (kg) training (kg) (%) also assume that volume can be
1 9 115.0 143.6 24 accurately indicated by total repe-
2 8 113.8 142.5 25 titions. While differences in train-
3 5 107.0 134.0 25 ing volume can be related to alter-
Note: Values are expressed as number of sets by repetition max- ations in both physiology and
imum. Planned repetitions had no statistical differences. No sta-
performance, it is our contention
tistical differences were found between groups. The groups
trained 3 days a week; subjects were moderately trained.
that it is the appropriate manipu-
lation and sequencing of volume
(and intensity) that guide the final
tors. However, a closer examina- data, particularly in terms of the outcome of a training program (5,
tion of the results presented in 1-RM squat. Kraemer et al. (11) 25). For example, a reexamination
this study (18), which used young have shown that distance-running of the 1-RM squat data for the
men undergoing military training, training may attenuate gains in 1983 study by Stowers et al. (28)
suggests that this is not the case. leg and hip maximum strength, al- suggests an important role for vol-
First, it should be noted that the though upper-body maximum strength ume and intensity variation (20).
periodization/variation protocol is largely unaffected. Schoitz et al. In this study (Table 2), the sub-
used may not be the most appro- (18) point out that in their study, jects received 2 weeks of prelimi-
priate for improving the selected the bench press performance im- nary training/familiarization be-
performance variables (5, 12, 25, proved to a greater extent in the fore the study began, so they were
27). For example, the use of very periodized group, with no differ- basically untrained, in contrast to
low volumes during the final 4 ence in the squat, a result which subjects in the studies by Baker et
weeks may not provide an appro- may have been influenced by the al. (1) and Stone et al. (27). There
priate stimulus for endurance ac- running program. Although not were 3 training groups: G1 = peri-
tivities; additionally, a prolonged statistically significant, there was odization, G2 = 1 set to failure,
peaking phase (i.e., 4 weeks of in- a 9.6% difference in squat volume and G3 = 3 sets to failure. Sub-
creasingly heavy singles) may in- load favoring the linear group, jects trained 3 days per week and
crease the probabilities of over- which may have influenced the re- squatted on Mondays and Fridays.
training and reduction in 1-RM sults. However, even with these All training sessions were moni-
variables (3, 24). The degree of apparent design problems, the pe- tored by investigators. The sub-
variation used is unclear; appar- riodized group showed more im- jects in G1 used RM values for
ently, there was no programmed provement (within group analyses) their squats, while the other 2
day to day variation. The running in body composition (percentage groups trained to failure; no day to
program was not integrated in a fat), 1-RM bench press, timed sit- day variation was used in any
periodized fashion with the weight- ups, and (according to the ab- group. It can be seen that G1 and
training program; there is no stract) the ruck run (weighted 10- G3 used somewhat different pro-
record of volume and intensity for K run) than did the constant- grammed volumes (repetitions)
the running training. Further- repetition group. The constant- across the 7-week protocol (Table
more, combining distance-run- repetition (linear) group was not 2); there was an 8.4% difference
ning training with strength train- statistically superior to the peri- favoring G3. If volume (repetitions)
ing may introduce a confounding odized group on any of the 3 phys- were the primary determinant of
factor in interpreting strength ical or 6 performance variables performance adaptation, then the

June 1999 Strength and Conditioning Journal 55

gains in squat performance should
have favored G3 or, at best, should Table 2
Training Volume and Intensity of the Study of Stowers et al. (28): Higher
have been equal. However, the 1-
Volumes of Work Produce Greater Strength
RM gain for G3 was between the
values for the other 2 groups, with Sample Week
an 11.6% difference between gains Group size 1–2 3–5 6–7
for G1 and G3. Although this 1 23 5 × 10 3×5 3×3
study lasted only 7 weeks and (1 × 10) (1 × 5)
used untrained subjects, it indi- 2 35 1 × 10–12 1 × 10–12 1 × 10–12
cates the following: (a) very low 3 26 3 × 10–12 3 × 10–12 3 × 10–12
volumes (i.e., 1 set to failure, such
as in G2) are not sufficient to 1 RM before 1 RM at 1 RM at 1 RM at Change
cause optimum increases in the 1- Group training (kg) 2 weeks (kg) 5 weeks (kg) 7 weeks (kg) (%)
1 95.6 107.6 116.8 125.4* 31
RM squat and (b) when using
2 95.4 102.3 108.3 111.8 17
higher volumes and multiple sets 3 94.8 106.0 115.1 116.9 23
(such as in G1 and G3), intensity
and variation are more important Programmed repetitions
factors than volume for 1-RM Group Total Average
squat adaptation. 1 426 7.1
Stone et al. (27) presented evi- 2 154 11
dence supporting the work of 3 462 11
O’Bryant (15) and Willoughby (29). Note: Subjects trained 3 days a week and performed squats on Mondays and
The purpose of this study was to Fridays. Programmed repetitions did not include subjects’ warm-up exercises.
examine the efficacy of 3 differ- Group 1 used periodization; group 2 used 1 set to failure; and group 3 used 3
sets to failure.
ent mesocycle-length (12-week)
*P < 0.05; group 1 < group 2.
strength-training models in pro-
ducing alterations in body mass
and the 1-RM squat. Two groups to failure and overtraining (12). odized models increased the squat
were equalized on repetitions, and For example, in the squat, Mon- 1-RM capacity to a greater extent
a third group used significantly day was a RM day, and on Friday, than a constant-repetition (linear)
fewer repetitions. The control the weight was reduced by 15%. scheme, even when the repetitions
(Gp1: n = 5) was a nonperiodized Thus, Gp1 did not use any varia- were equalized (Gp 1 vs. Gp 2) or
linear model (5 × 6 RM) with 720 tion, Gp2 used variation on 1 level when the repetitions were sub-
total repetitions programmed. Two (across the mesocycle), and Gp3 stantially fewer (Gp 1 vs. Gp 3).
periodized models were chosen for used variation across 2 levels Previous study of short-term
comparison. A stepwise (volume (across the mesocycle and the mi- strength training using untrained
decreases in steps) periodized crocycle). and moderately trained subjects
model (Gp2: n = 9) was a direct- Stone et al. (27) made com- and using both constant (linear)
comparison group that used an parisons using the absolute 1 RM, repetition and periodized pro-
approximately equal number (732) the absolute value of the squat di- grams suggests that percent fat is
of programmed total repetitions. vided by body mass, and by ap- unchanged or slightly decreased
An overreaching periodized model plying the Sinclair Formula, a and that body mass and lean body
(Gp3: n = 7) used 590 pro- method of obviating the influence mass (LBM) tend to be increased
grammed repetitions. Gp 1 and of differences in body mass (6, 7, (1, 12). Several researchers have
Gp2 were direct comparisons of 2 19). All training sessions were su- suggested that training volume is
models used by Baker et al. (1). pervised by 1 or more investiga- strongly related to increases in
The models are shown in Table 3. tors. The results of this study LBM (1, 15, 21, 25). Additionally,
The subjects trained 3 days per showed that training using equal- Baker et al. (1) suggest that in-
week and squatted on Mondays ity of volume and intensity by rep- creases in LBM are the primary
and Fridays. Groups 1 and 2 used etitions does not produce equal contributing factor to increases in
RM values for each training ses- results (Table 3), in contrast to the strength in trained subjects. The
sion. Group 3 used day to day findings of Baker et al. (1). Their data of Stone et al. (27) and
variation in order to avoid training results (27) indicate that peri- Kramer et al. (12) do not complete-

56 Strength and Conditioning Journal June 1999

Table 3
Training Volume and Intensity of the Study of Stone et al. (26): Variation Contributes More to Outcome
Than Volume

Group Variation Type 1–2 3–4 5 6–8 9 10 11 12
1 Linear Major 5×6 5×6 5×6 5×6 5×6 5×6 5×6 5×6
Assistance 3×8 3×8 3×8 3×8 3×8 3×8 3×8 3×8
2 Stepwise Major 5 × 10 5 × 10 5×5 5×5 3×3 3×3 3×3 3×3
(1 × 10)b (1 × 10) (1 × 10)
Assistance 3 × 10 3 × 10 3×8 3×8 3×6 3×6 3×6 3×6
3 Overreach Major 5 × 10 3×5 3×3 3×5 5×5 3×5 3×3 3 × 3/1c
(1 × 10) (1 × 5) (1 × 5) (1 × 5) (1 × 5) (1 × 5)
Assistance 3 × 10 3 × 10 3 × 10 3×5 3×5 3×5 3×5 3×5

Body mass (kg) 1 RM squat (kg)

(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD)
Group Before After Before After
1 76.2 ± 10.7 77.4 ± 10.5 141.4 ± 28.1 155.4 ± 23.7
2 76.4 ± 11.1 77.6 ± 10.8 124.8 ± 12.0 143.4 ± 12.1*
3 81.7 ± 6.3 81.8 ± 7.3 132.8 ± 17.0 153.3 ± 19.3*

Gain scores
Squat Squat per Sinclair
Group (kg) body mass formula
1 14.0 0.15 14.6
2 18.6 0.23 19.4
3 20.5 0.25 30.5
Note: subjects trained 3 days a week and performed squats on Mondays and Fridays. a Units are measured as number
of sets by number of repetitions maximum (RM). b Units in parentheses are 25% less than target sets, performed as rapid-
ly as possible. c Subjects performed a cluster with 30 seconds’ rest between sets. The overreach group used a heavy-
and light-day protocol. The other groups used repetition maximum protocol. The average relative intensity for group 1
was 67; for group 2, 61; and for group 3, 72.

ly support this contention. In the tensity (Table 3) than the other 2 produce the gains in maximum
14-week study by Kramer et al. groups, did not show changes in strength observed among the vari-
(12) using trained subjects, gains body mass but did show the great- ous groups (linear vs. peri-
in the 1-RM squat occurred de- est gains in 1-RM variables. These odized/variation) investigated in
spite little change in body mass or studies (12, 27) suggest that sub- comparative studies (1, 8–10,
body composition. Although LBM stantial strength gain can occur 12–18, 26–29). Hakkinen et al. (4)
was not measured, Stone et al. without marked changes in body suggest that prolonged training
(27) argue, on the basis of previ- mass or body composition in mod- periods (months) with relatively
ous studies, that the small in- erately trained subjects. Hakkinen high intensities and little variation
creases in body mass noted in et al. (4) suggest that training at can result in “neural fatigue,”
Gp1 and Gp2 (Table 3) were pri- higher relative intensities is relat- which is indicative of overtraining.
marily results of increases in LBM ed to more complete neural activa- It is possible that neural fatigue
that, in turn, were partially re- tion, which is a possible explana- influenced the results of Gp1 in
sponsible for the increased 1-RM tion for the observations of Kramer the study by Stone et al. (27).
squat in these 2 groups. However, et al. (12) and Stone et al. (27). It Variation is also an important
Gp3, which used a substantially is likely that different stimuli (hy- training variable that can have a
lower total number of repetitions pertrophic vs. neural factors) in- strong influence on adaptations to
but a somewhat higher average in- teracted in different manners to a training protocol (2, 12, 25). In

June 1999 Strength and Conditioning Journal 57

the study by Stone et al. (27), the plished 619 repetitions (86% of the there are few studies lasting
degree and level of variation and total programmed sets) and used longer than 15 weeks, that only
the 1-RM changes resulted in sim- an average relative intensity of Kraemer’s groups (10, 13) have at-
ilar group continuums: Gp1 < Gp2 67%; Gp2 accomplished 629 rep- tempted longer comparative stud-
< G3 (Table 3). If average relative etitions (86% of total programmed ies, and that there are no true
intensity had been the most im- sets) at an average relative intensi- long-term (years) studies investi-
portant factor, then the RM con- ty of 61%, and Gp3 accomplished gating multiple mesocycles. This
tinuum should not have been the 529 repetitions (88% of total pro- leaves a large gap in our current
same as the variation continuum. grammed sets) at an average rela- knowledge.
Recent evidence suggests that tive intensity of 72% of the initial 1
overreaching, if applied properly RM. Average accomplished repeti- ■ Summary
among advanced athletes, can tions per set were 6.0 (Gp1), 6.6 Periodization/variation appears to
stimulate a delayed increase in (Gp2), and 5.2 (Gp3). Lack of com- be a superior method of strength/
performance (22). Overreaching is pliance was due to missed days or power training (5, 10, 12, 13, 15–
a type of periodization/variation in an occasional missed repetition. 18, 27–29). Interestingly, these
which periodic short-term (1–2 While this type of noncompliance studies used comparison groups
weeks) increases in volume or in- may affect the outcome, it is diffi- with variation at several different
tensity are followed by a return to cult to make comparisons to other levels. These studies, along with
normal training. The brief high- studies that do not typically report the present data, suggest that it is
volume phase apparently stimu- this type of data but rather report the appropriate sequence and
lates physiology in a manner that only the programmed sets and combination of training variable
results in a delayed performance repetitions (1, 26, 28). The dispar- manipulation that produces supe-
increase approximately 2–5 weeks ity between programmed repeti- rior results and not simply the
after a return to normal training. tions and actual training volume amount of work or number of rep-
The physiological and perfor- can be observed in the study by etitions accomplished.
mance aspects of overreaching Schoitz et al. (18). Although total
among strength/power athletes programmed repetitions were some- ■ Practical Aspects
have been discussed by Stone and what similar for the 2 groups (lin- Conceptually, periodized programs
Fry (22). In keeping with the con- ear = 480 vs. periodized = 458) and are nonlinear. Variables including
cept of overreaching, Gp3 used in- represented a 4.6% difference be- sets, repetitions, loading, and ex-
creases in volume at weeks 1–2 tween groups, there was a 9.6% ercise speed can be manipulated
and at week 9 as the overreaching greater volume load used by the such that specific training goals
stimulus (Table 3). It should also linear group (periodized = 36,924 are emphasized during different
be noted that in this study (27), kg vs. linear = 40,468 kg). portions of a micro-, meso-, or
the overreaching group (Gp 3) The studies by Stone et al. macrocycle (2, 5, 20, 25). In addi-
used the greatest volume and in- (27), Schoitz et al. (18), and tion to phasic variation of volume
tensity manipulation, including Willoughby (29) indicate that vari- and intensity across the mesocy-
day to day variation, and realized ation can be a major factor in the cle, there is also day to day varia-
the greatest gains in 1 RM despite outcome of strength-training pro- tion, which appears to be particu-
a lower training volume. grams, and they lend support to larly important for advanced
Absolute compliance during the concept of volume and intensi- trainers. Part of the reason for
longitudinal studies is rarely at- ty manipulation as proposed by variation is the avoidance of over-
tained. For example, in the study O’Bryant in 1982 (15). Although it training (22, 23, 24).
by Stone et al. (27), of the 7 sub- is apparent that the manipulation These studies strongly suggest
jects who were removed for non- of volume and intensity can influ- that a periodized approach to
compliance, 4 were in Gp1; all 4 of ence the outcome of a training training, even over a short term,
these subjects complained about program, the authors wish to can produce superior results, es-
the monotony and lack of varia- point out that no one study is de- pecially in previously trained sub-
tion in this program. It should also finitive and that interested readers jects, compared with constant-
be noted that the remaining sub- should carefully survey the litera- repetition programs. Furthermore,
jects performed only 86–88% of ture. It is equally apparent that this effect can occur even when
the total program. Over the 12- considerable additional study is the volume and intensity are equal
week training period, Gp1 accom- necessary. It should be noted that across the training period. In this

58 Strength and Conditioning Journal June 1999

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June 1999 Strength and Conditioning Journal 59

20. Stone, M.H. Periodization. 28. Stowers, T., J. McMillan, D. thored over 40 articles in reviewed
NSCA National Conference. Scala, V. Davis, G.D. Wilson, journals and is active in a number
Atlanta, June 1996. and M.H. Stone. The short of professional organizations. He
21. Stone, M.H., S.J. Fleck, W.J. term effects of three different serves as a reviewer for the Jour-
Kraemer, and N.T. Triplett. strengthpower training me- nal of Strength and Conditioning
Health and performance re- thods. Natl. Strength Condi- Research.
lated adaptations to resistive tioning Assoc. J. 5(3):24–27.
training. Sports Med. 11(4): 1983. Kyle C. Pierce, EdD, CSCS, is the
210–231.1991. 29. Willoughby, D.S. The effects Director of the USA Weightlifting
22. Stone, M.H., and A.C. Fry. of mesocyclelength weight Development Center, Shreveport,
Responses to increased resis- training programs involving Louisiana.
tance training volume. In: periodization and partially
Overtraining and Overreach- equated volumes on upper G. Gregory Haff, MS, CSCS, is
ing in Sport. R. Kreider, A.L. and lower body strength. J. currently a PhD candidate in the
Fry, M. O’Toole, eds. Cham- Strength Conditioning Res. Department of Health, Sport, and
paign, IL: Human Kinetics, 7(1):2–8. 1993. Exercise Science at the University
1997. of Kansas. He completed his mas-
23. Stone, M.H., J. Josey, G. ter’s work at Appalachian State
Hunter, J.T. Kearney, A.C. Michael H. Stone is currently a University, where he studied with
Fry, W.J. Kraemer, R.L. professor of Exercise Science at Michael H. Stone, PhD. He is cur-
Johnson, D. Ciroslan, and G. Appalachian State University. rently a nationally ranked Olym-
Haff. Different taper lengths: Since receiving his PhD from Flor- pic Weightlifter and serves as an
effects on weightlifting per- ida State University, he has athlete’s representative on the
formance. International Con- worked as a professor at Louisiana USA weightlifting’s Sports Medi-
ference on Overtraining and State University and at Auburn cine and Sport Science Commit-
Overreaching in Sport. Mem- University. His primary research tee.
phis, July 1996. interests concern the physiologi-
24. Stone, M.H., R. Keith, J.T. cal and performance adaptations to Alexander J. Koch, MS, CSCS, is
Kearney, G.D. Wilson, and strength/power training. currently a doctoral candidate at
S.J. Fleck. Overtraining: a re- the University of Kansas. He
view of the signs and symp- Brian Schilling, CSCS, is a grad- earned his bachelor’s and master’s
toms of overtraining. J. Appl. uate research assistant and assis- degrees at Appalachian State Uni-
Sports Sci. Res. 5(1):35–50. tant track coach at Appalachian versity, and is a USAW Club Coach
1991. State University. He was formerly and competitive weightlifter.
25. Stone, M.H., and H.S. O’Bryant. a sport science intern at the
Weight Training: A Scientific Olympic Training Center in San Meg (Ritchie) Stone, BA, CSCS,
Approach. Minneapolis: Burgess, Diego and will hold an internship is currently Performance and Ex-
1987. position in Strength and Condi- cellence Manager for the Scottish
26. Stone, M.H., H. O’Bryant, tioning at the Olympic Training Athletics Federation. Before begin-
and J. Garhammer. A hypo- Center in Colorado Springs in the ning her coaching career, she had
thetical model for strength summer of 1999. a successful career competing in
training. J. Sports Med. Phys. track and field, especially the shot
Fitness. 21:342–351. 1981. Robert L. Johnson, PhD, is cur- and discus, including competition
27. Stone, M.H., J. Potteiger, rently a Professor in the Depart- in 2 Olympic Games. She is active
K.C. Pierce, C.M. Proulx, H.S. ment of Health, Leisure, and Exer- in coach and athlete education
O’Bryant, and R.L. Johnson. cise Science and Associate Dean and is a regular speaker at USA
Comparison of the effects of for Research and Grants in the Track and Field and USA weight-
three different weight train- Cratis Williams Graduate School lifting educational clinics and
ing programs on the 1 RM at Appalachian State University. seminars and is a member of the
squat: a preliminary study. He received his PhD from USA Track and Field Development
National Strength and Condi- Louisiana State University in Committee.
tioning Association Meeting, 1979. He has authored or co-au-
Las Vegas, June 1997.

60 Strength and Conditioning Journal June 1999

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