Mueller Jacob Case Study

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Jacob Mueller

Module 3 Individual Assignment: Case Study

Due Date: 6/9/2020

1. Do you agree with Fred's decision to use the third vendor? Using concepts from the
chapter, explain your answer.

I believe that Fred made the best decision possible based on the three options that he had

available to him. My main reason for this belief is that the 3rd vendor had a smaller maximum

group size than any of the other vendors which allows for more hands on, personalized employee

training. Cost differences aside, the group size difference allows for the employees to have more

control over their own individual training as the vendor tailors the program and the simulations

to reflect the environment. Being involved in and having control over individual training creates

a sense of ownership, increases individual commitment, and results in overall resistance to

change. If the group size was larger, the vendor would have to cater to more needs and the

training would be more general than it would be in a smaller group. The vendor seems to provide

the “how to” and “why and when” instruction within their training program which has been

shown to lead to improved job performance and proper utilization of the trained skills. This type

of training better aligns the hardware store’s desired organizational systems and procedures with

the new, post-training, job behaviors.

2. What else might Fred do before choosing a training package? Use information provided
in chapters 2, 3, and 4 to describe your approach. Make sure to provide enough detail to
demonstrate your understanding of the key issues and approaches to determining how to
proceed once a triggering event has occurred.

Before choosing a package, Fred must go through the proper training steps using some type of

organized process to help guide his decision. Our textbook uses the ADDIE model of training so

we will assume that Fred also uses this model. So, before training, Fred must go through the
steps of analysis, design, and development. Analysis of any present or future organizational

performance is triggered by need to compete with a threat to Fred’s market. During the analysis

phase, Fred must recognize a future oriented performance gap which the problem states that he

does. This would be a Proactive Training Needs analysis and results in Fred concluding that

customer relations skills shall be trained to better fit the companies new focus on particular items

and personalized services. Fred would then begin the design and development stages where he

would begin to research the best ways to train customer relations skills within his own company.

During the design stage it is crucial to determine any organizational constraints including

finances and ability to train employees on the desired skills. Fred determined that it would be

better to train externally rather than internally using the 3rd vendor option. Before deciding on

this vendor, it is important for Fred to investigate the legitimacy of the vendor as well as past

results. He could do this by reaching out to the vendor’s past customers via a reference

verification process or by requesting testimonies. Fred should also discuss internally with his

staff to determine what behavioral and training needs the vendor should focus on to better

individualize the workshop.

3. If training went ahead as indicated, how successful do you think it would be? Explain
your answer using concepts from this chapter.

Much of the success rides on whether or not Fred provides his employees with a properly

structured training program. If training goes ahead as indicated, and Fred does his due diligence

as a good manager, I believe the training would be a success. This is also assuming that the

vendor does a satisfactory job training the employees. By recognizing and developing a program

that targets adult learners, the training should be implementable and should result in good

customer relations skills.

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