Caseynews 1

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" (glbertiser,
fage8A, WeAeTh,alb Thursday,February27,1gg7

R /Mot(rDd,

The Casey-
Elisha Barnev
casey (1837- asarePorter'sparenrs.
-Martha-Missouri - (rg93-1976);
1915)and wife, Emily (rg94-1g94);
Eritr'l', son lnoney casey b-r."a"'1"i'u1Ji
Dorsettcasev(1840-19,19), moved b","hlld ";";ffi;'ltou-nlii"n, (rs96-r896);
from Georgiato Alabama with t""rioroogtown, wilriam Grady (1902); pearl
theirfirstninechildrenabout1878. "otnpunl.5n" from trreralt.oaa Elizabeth(tgo:ltqos) marriedJoe
"i rr";;1;;';, Griggs:TutieMae(t905-) married
The lastfiveof theirchildrenwere or"i., ti"il, ,r'"
c;;fi;ii"iJio,l'; oscarBurt (r903-r989).
bornin cherokeecounty,Alabama. in-trr" ls'30r. r-uto
Elisha and Martha moved on to t"^ n"iii not far i ,io""'t."L Andrew was very activein the
r.o,n tr," .nili. il" community.He farmed,operateda
DeKalbcountv about1881. .o;d];; -r-. trrese,6ulJin;;",";;;
The first four childrenremained hauled syrupmil andservedasa Fusreeof
u nearty r#. *itrr RuhamaSchool..It is said that he
'fiT pona ir,utdonared t*ou",=, orr""Jio;;;;;
il#if'h"""Jil,,,1,j: lff;; *hi1l,wasons. ,1'".
by boysvr rrre
of the
ye-reas fottows:
follows.ThnmecT ^^_'-..-:_f Xit it"d
J. *;;";it
and bigger Durrdrng
building tor
for Ruhama
1Casey married
i B"tty (1865-19ll);Luna!Lgq*y) Anotherson, Andrew Merton, Andrew and Manda Ellen
i J' casey(1862-1930)marriedSarah ano vt"noa grten iaie cas;;;--
i Shellnut (1860-1946);Andrew .i"o in'trr";; casey,s son Roberr Netson and
- wife, Gennie Etta Richardson
Meltoncasey(186G1946) manied too,tln January"i rst6. na*a;
Manda Ellen Tate (1865-1936), sllen was ttre^youngest casey,tivJ'i,itr,e-lanava'ey area
moreonthisfamilvlater;Arbeseanchildrenof A;ro;';;a--#Gq "r "i"""" around Mounr zion and the
Theates (1869-f904) married w*Jilt". Bootsville"trn,n"nity for mostof
In 1906 a"ar"*'""a trreir manied"ii".J. They farmed
Dillard Baswell(1872-)' Iuanaa-iitenboughi" id';;;" f;
other childrenof Elisha and r-* n. H criggi and.were good neighborswhle
Martha casey were as follows: oogto*n. Ttr"ii".uinJ ni.-rii"'"t raisingtheii family of eight chil-
Mary A' (187c1899)manie'dJ' B. r"tit ""iii rqzg ;^;;r dren.Thechildrenof thisunionand
il;;i;Ly ""d rh"i. spousesare: Molie (.Tencie,,)
J.T"Sfiffil i:1*i{i moved
""- lteto-^*asv 1t_rgir
ilff#'-P#f *u,,i';ry,i*,n"ni
Burten married
-rltii+'tslij Andrew
andManda Enen hadiltffJi6$itt'il,{:fl1' 33?
FrancesG' Casev:LuzeliaA.Casey t"n "r,itarn.orwrricrr
(1875-died uefore l90o); Azzia i"'."ir" r"-ilies onryi""li""a E.(lgl6-lgg3i married Minerva
of theiidw;. Til" chandler:Liilian (19t9-1972) mar-
Ioma (1877-1897) maniedvianna crrilarenana qt"tr
$;il";;-;t ried Brewster Baxter:
Barnes; Thaddeus Bersela(1878- rorrows: Arty carltori<rs8t i-g90); (..shorty") (1g22-lgg2) T. c.
diedyoung);Josephwalter (rsso- n"r".tN"-rrJ".iii"*-rba8)'rii"'o married
1954)marriedL' ntla Lemming; c"""i""h"rar."ag4issii, Faye wooten: Lora Mae (1924_
LutishaA' (1881-died 1945) manied clarencewehunr;
voung):arid c"rt-a""
Porter E. (1882-196b)rilanied .i"J-i"tir"..Surtrrssd:l97gj ;"i- Jack(t929-1994)manied Burma
Mary cordelia Green.Porter and vt"iton-pt"t"ti. _(r89:_i95;j, K_eef and Jean(1931_) married
Mary Caseyare buriedin Florid4 tg61) .u.i"J i'li"[;i ii;;6 vernon chanaier.'jeanis the only
r;rili;, i;;G child still living.

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