Compresstech - Air Compressor

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COMPRESSTECH RESOURCES, INC. 18 www.compré PHILSAGA MINING CORP. Bayogan 3, Rosario Agusan Del Sur ‘Tel No: (082) 235-0045 fax No: (082) 235-0045 ‘Altestion aR, Mine Production Manager ‘Subject Ingersoll Rand Rotary Screw Air Compressor Model RS 260ie_A125 (350HP) We are pleased to present the attached quotation for your review. Ingersoll Rand is the leading manufacturer of Compressed Air Products with over 135 years in the business. We offer a complete line of Compressors, Dryers, Filtration products, Vacuum pumps, & Cooling towers. In addition to the sale of these products we also offer mechanical service of all brands, engineering services, & complete turnkey installations. Our work, & our products, are all backed by the full resources of Ingersoll Rand with annual sales of more than 10 billion dollars and a work force of more than 45,000 employees worldwide. In a Recent Survey by Plant Engineering magazine Ingersol-Rand was ranked #1 ofall compressor manufacturers in the following categories: #1 RELIABILITY AND QUALITY #1 TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP #1 TEGHNICAL ASSISTANCE #1 KNOWLEDGEABLE SALES STAFF #1 KNOWLEDGEABLE SERVICE STAFF #1 PARTS AND SERVICE AVAILABILITY In the Philippines Ingersoll Rand has maintained local sales offices for more than 35 years. We are the only Compressor ‘manufacturer who represents our products with company owned, locally managed, branch offices. When you deal with us yu are dealing directly with the manufacturer. We trust the attached proposal meets your requirements, however should additional information be required please contact Our office at (02) 867-4988 10 95 Very Truly Yours, X soe ihn FroduetEieer os Noted By: al Ruby Choaty President ceBu oFFic ‘IngeraollRand + Airman Grand Arcade, AC. Corte Ave. SIRARO + Coane Mandave Clty, Cebu + Armetrong seve ‘Seupex + Gast Tol: (032) 343, Tl: (82) 305 6748 ‘Gardner Denver Chuan Fan: Samon ual Telefax: (082) 343 8381 (0922) 816 1262 + FS CURTIS + sure *Delkin + Greatech LR» ‘Model : RS260ie_A125 Rotary Screw Air compressor Technical Information: Capacity: 1,780 cfm Pressure —:125 Psig Voltage: 460v/3ph/60hz - Star Delta Reduced Voltage Starter Dimensions : (LxWxH) -170°x85"x99 Weight 18.378 Ib v Premium TEFC motor with space heater and RTD > Star -delta reduced voltage starter » Noise attenuation enclosure with hinged, removable doors for easy service access » Stainless steel and PTFE coolant hoses with repeatable leak free connections > Free ~floating cooling system optimized for efficiency and serviceability » PAC™ Protection adjust operating parameters in response to compressor operation > Package rating to operation up to 115°F (46°C) . Package Pre-Filter Vv Control panel with enhanced environmental protection against dust and liquids > Long life consumables and 16,000 hour life Ultra EL Lubricant fR PRICE SUMMARY [Tem DESCRIPTION QTY | PRICE/UNIT | TOTAL ao (USS) _| PRICE (USS) [1 | MODEL RS260ie_A125ROTARY| 7 | 124,000.00 | 124,000.00 | SCREW AIR COMPRESSOR t [ TOTAL PRICE C&F MANILA 124,000.00 | Delivery: "2-14 weeks exfactory upon receipt of order and down payment. Payment Terms: 50% Down payment, balance 50% before shipment via | ‘Advance Payment Thru Telegraphic Transfer I ‘One (1) year standard package warranty or 18 months after shipment Warranty: whichever comes first. Extended warranty on airend (Syears or 10years) Available under CRI Extended Warranty Program, ‘Start up and commissioning will be performed by COMPRESSTECH RESOURCES, INC. certified service engineer Free of Charge | “Training and seminar: | Willbe performed by CRI certified service engineer al plant site Free of Charge. Validity of Offer: 60 Days Please address your P.O. to : COMPRESSTECH RESOURCES (S) PTE LTD 629 Aljunied Road Unit 08-13, Cititech Industrial Bldg. Singapore 389838 Ad ‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. 4. GENERAL (@)_ The Terms and Condtons of Sale outined herein (hereinafter refered to as The Contact) shall apply to the saleby Ingersol-Rend Philppins, Ine. (hetenater refered to ae the Company") tthe person, frm or company to whom the Companys ofe sade (reared oae"he Pusha’ of pods, equpmen and par reaing her (heeat refered she ent). (©) Unless othervse agreed in wing bythe Company, shall be understood thatthe company proceeding wth any work shale in Accordance wih the terms and condone outined herein THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHALL PREVAIL OVER ANY ‘TERMS PUT FORWARD BY THE PURCHASER, UNLESS THE COMPANY AGREES TO THEM EXPRESSLY IN WRITING. NO CONDUCT BY THE COMPANY OR ITS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS SHALL BE DEEMED TO CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF [ANY TERMS PUT FORWARD BY THE PURCHASER. (©) Unless the context otherwise requires, any term or expression which is defined in or given apartcular meaning by te provisions of INCOTERMS 2000 shal have the seme meaning inthis Contract, buf thee is confit between the provisions of INCOTERMS 2000 and ths Contract, the lator shal prove (@ any provision of he Contact shal be hel tobe void, untawil or unenforceable, such provision shal be deemed stricken rom the Contac but the remaiing provisions of te Contract shall contre in fl fore and effec. ithe Contract shal beheld to be ‘incomplete, the missing provision shal automaticaly be replaced by such provision as comes closes othe economic purpose ofthe ontrack, (6) Aay eor of any kind whatsoever in any invoice ofthe Company sha be noid tothe Company within seven (7) day of recip of ‘uch invoice bythe Purchaser. Fale to noty as herein reqed shall mean thatthe Purchaser is deemed to accept thatthe invoice is correct in all respects. Notwithstanding the foregoing. where tere has been an eta inthe price, andthe Company notifies thePuchaee lteter bere or ter depth ft Ecaomen be Pro vil a cove pce rte ment 2. PAYMENT (@ Unless otherwise agreed in wring between the pats, the Terms of Payment are net cash payable infil upon delvery. Payment ‘must be made inthe cuency rallected on the purchase order or invoice, Unless others stated, al prices are Ex Works {INCOTERMS 2000) prices ring athe time the order accepted. Prices do not include the cost of spec packaging, meurance, foreign taxes or duties, nor any ater charges which may be applicable tothe export or import ofthe Equpment. Inte event that {erm other than Ex Works (NCOTERMS 2000) are agreed,» further incremental charge shal beaded to the Equipment price to ower he extra cost. Any such eta costs ahalbe refiected inthe invoice sen to the Purchaser. (©) payments agreed tobe made by instalments, n the evento faut in payment of anyone nstamert a other sums payable Lndr the Corvat shall become immediately ve end payable. (6 The Company reserves the righ to charge intrest on the amount unpsid at the annul rate of fe (5) percent over the prevaiing rate of Bangko Serra ng Pilipinas ona day to day basis unt payment in fle made. (6) The Purchaser agrees that & shall make no deduction or seal against sums die to the Company onthe sale ofthe Equipment to g._Iipfcheserinleas te Company has sued ced memorandum he amo fai edn et {© Thelega stright to posesion ac cont, tenets onnership nal ter indents of ersip property in the Equipment”) shal pss tothe Pischiser oly hn eye n fll bas tren made ofl sms da tothe Cmpany fr sch Epes wer he Const (rhe case of the Company ascetng sy cho, il exchange or prominry tte, unl he sre as ben hencurd). (0) Notwithstanding dlvery and the parsing of ak nthe Eun (2 cut in Parra Gnd Heuer) th propery inthe Euipent Suppo bythe Company. even fae to or incorperated tae goods of te Parse! oan hie party, sal renuni th Conmpeny nti amen ils bon made ofall sums tothe Company for uch Equipment nde the Contato nth ns ofthe Company aceping {ny chou il feshange or promisry nts, ni he same xs bon hencured Until such tinea th proper inthe Eien ese tothe (©) The Company eserves the ight and shal be nie to ener any premises of he Parcs ny hid party where the Epes stored snd epostess such Equipment or any part thereof (iy When the Purchaser sls the Equipment as price in the odinary course of busines, the proceeds of any such sale athe benefit of any sich contract of ale shal be the property ofthe Company and be el in tst forthe Company absolutely, provided always thatthe Company may ‘by whiten ates temnate the Purchases power of sleet anytime ft appears tothe Company tht the Purhaser may go ce threatens to go nto receivership administrative receivership, edministation,iguidation or makes otberarangements with the majority of is ered, and ata ine er the teminaton ofthe power a sale the Campy may rponsess any Fagpment nt paid fr fal (© lfpayment is received in advance of delivery ofthe Equipment, te property inthe Equipment shall pss upon delivery ofthe Equipment 4 RISK "Notwithstanding tat the propery inthe Equipenent may not have passed to the Purchaser as provide fr in Paragraph 3 above the sk floss inthe Equipment shal pas ote Purchaser a the eof Fist tender of delivery to the Purchaser, agent or any carte In the event of ay shortages, elects, or ther damage whatsoever in the Equipment existing a the ime of delivery, the Company shall be notified within wo (2) days afer delivery ‘ofthe Equipnet tothe Prchaser, ts agent orca. Suit compliance withthe quirements of this Paragraph ia coniton precedent othe ‘Company bing able pursuant to this Paragraph 4 5. ASSIGNMENT (@) The Contract may not be assigned or transferred by the Purchaser without the rior written consent ofthe Company. Zea (uit eer eye oan ek ae oe ct FE em sl fe erin ere erence ee ee ere ener ene arena ance a orate et area ae ornare a rg pT oe nal apes Seg ri aes Stee a Ha eg poe es eat acca eae ene ae aa eee anne Pee oer toe ect ep sere bop erie op Sac a tone eee eee eee ay ene eran acts eatehar nani monte ent ere Ce a oh Tre a aaron (4 Siete atrege stoned bye rrtun wt a dps ater Enterta Pra, ape 7. DELIVERY AND DELAYS @)__ Shipment dates are unersood tobe estimated and in no event shal such dates be construed as fling within the meaning of "time is ofthe essence” or ocr broadly simi concepts having the same leg eet ©) The Company shall not be ible tothe Purchaser for loss, damage, detention, delay or completion of an nde o deema tobe in reach of the Contract by reason of any delay in every or any fire to deliver ifthe delay of lure was dus to any ese beyond the Company's resonable ‘control Without iting the foregoing, the folosing shall be regarded a cxtnes beyond the Company’ resonable contol () Actof God, explosion, ood, tempest, Gre or scien, (i) Astofterorsa, war or threat of war, ris, cl insurrection, Gi) Strikes, work stoppages, lock-out o ther industrial ations or ade disputes (whether involving employees ofthe Company o of hid party: (Gv) Acts, restrictions, regulations bye-laws,prhiitions or measures of any kind onthe part of any governmental. pertismentary lca sony: (8) import cr expe regulation or embargoes, (i) dele in ransprution, shortages of rw materials, lnbour, fuel parts or machinery delay by suppliers of rw materials; nd (Gi ct ofthe Purchaser (©) Acceptance of delivery shall constiute a wsver of al claims for damages by reason of delay in delveris. (@)_ Inthe event the Purchaser delays or extends the delivery dat for ay ofthe Equipment sl! herander, beyond the original scheduled delivery at, the Purchaser ages op the Company, storage fe, an amoint equivalent o one and ons half percent (13%) ofthe ttl purchase ‘ier vale per enka month o action theo (aiulted apd charged on ape dy basis) forthe perio daring which delivery extended or ‘delayed beyond the original scheduled delivery date (he “Storage Fee"). Additonlly, inthe event atthe Campaay is performing instalation ‘seve, if tthe te of delivery, the Purchasers location i ot cay o is unsafe for nstallstion; the Company reserves the ight nto Bein todiscontine the work_In such event, the Company may charg the Purchaser an amount equal! othe Storage Fee wt forth above unt such time dat the location is ead and safe as determined bythe Company, for ntallation services, 8. TAXES Unless others stated, the Purchaser shall pay all Goods and Services Ta, sles and other taxes and levies of whatever ature chargeable onthe purchase pce ofthe Equipment unde all applicable laws 8. PATENTS (@) any ation or proseoding is made against the Purchaser ht tbe we ofthe Equipment manufactured by the Crmpany and furnished under the CCanctintinges any potent of «country where the Equipment is ol, o of «country whete the Comuny is aware athe date of sale thatthe gipment wil be used, the Company sal ay any avers inal adgrent entered therein proved that, (). The Company is promslynesied inviting end given ahory nformation and arsine fo defense of same, (Gl) The Company is given fall enol and shall have conduct ofthe ston o proceeding: (Gi) Except pursuant 0 fal jodgment, the Purchase shall ne compromise any such ation cx proceeding without the consent ofthe Company (wich shall not be uareasonably withheld), (Gv) The Purchaser shal do nothing which would or might vitae any policy of insurance or insurance cover which the Purchaser may have in ‘elation to such infingeent and this Paragraph sal ot apply to the exten tht the Purchaser resovers any sims under any sich pliy or ‘over (which the Purchaser shal ets best endeavors todo) 2nd (0) Without imiting any duty ofthe Purchaser at commen I, the Company may require the Purchase to ake such steps a the Company may ‘easenablyreuie fo mitigate or reduce any sich loss, damages, cots r expenses for which the Company maybe required Wo ay unde his Pamgrap ‘The Company shall be etd to the benefit of andthe Purchaser shal accordingly account to the Company or, all mages snd costs (i any) ‘svardd in favor ofthe Prchasr in the ation or proceding which are payable by, o agred with the consent of the Purchaser (which consent Sal not be unreasonably withheld to be pid by. any oter prt in respect of any such action or froceeding (©) Inthe evet that chim of infingement is asserted, the Company may, tit sole discretion, procure for the Purchaser the ight to continue to we ‘he nid Eauipmen, modify its that it becomes non-nfaging, or eplace the sume with no infringing Equipment, or remove the sid gupment and refund the porcase pice. (© The oregoing: Zs wun compreiseckicom:ph Sha not be ensue to inte any agreement bythe Company to accept any ibity whatsoever in respect of patent for inventions including more than the Equipment funised hereunder, orn respect of pens fe methods and process tbe cried ot withthe ai of the said Equipment ()_ States the entre ibility ofthe Company with regard o patent inigement which limited by Paragraph 10 hereunder 10. SPECIFICATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. Unies expresly otherwise provided, the Company's specifications concerning the Equipment are subject to change by the Company in he course of ‘manufacture without ntice to the Purchaser tis the Company's policy to constant strive to move te Equipment. The Capa, thecore, reserves the right o make changes in design, and oser changes, whenever the Company believe ts Eqipment wil be moved tery, but without ‘ny cbligation to incorporate sac changes etroactvely 11. WARRANTY (@) Unless otherwise stated in the warranty documentation, subject tothe remaining sub-paragraph to this Paragraph hereunder, the ‘Company, trough the Purchaser, warrants that (the Equipment sold willbe free of defect in material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of placing the Equipment in operation or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment; (parts sold willbe free of defects in material and workmanship fr a period of six (6) months fom the date of shipment; and Gi)__ reconditioned pats wil be fte of defects in material and workmanship for a period of tree (3) months, (b) These warranties shall apply unless otherwise stated in the warranty documentation. (6) The Company wil provide a new pat or repaired par, a its election, in place of any part which is found upon ts inspection to be

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