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Departament of Education

____________ School
_____________ School District
English Lesson Plan
Date: __________ ____ to ___ 20___ Prof. ____________________
Grade: First Group: _____
Theme: ____________________________________________________________ Skills/ Concepts: _________________________________________________________

Strategy: ECA ____Exploration _____Conceptualization _____Application

Integration: ___Social Studies ___Science ___Math ___Arts __Physical Education __Other _________________________________

Trilogy of Reading
Before Reading - Purpose for reading During Reading After Reading
___ Activate prior knowledge ___ Read Aloud ___ Answer questions, comprehension exercise,
___ Develop interest ___ Shared, guided or independent reading sequence of events
___ Preview and predict ___ Questions and activities for the development of ___ Writing sentences, paragraph or composition
___ Identify new vocabulary reading strategy: (Prediction, Inference, Visualizing, ___ Applying what was read to new situations
Summarize) ___ Assessment activities

Content Standards Expectations

_____1. Listening/Speaking: The student uses English language L/S.1.1 Listens and responds to basic commands, instructions, and routine questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate
to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence L/S.1.2 Develops and demonstrates phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination to identify distinctive sounds.
both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a L/S.1.3 Uses basic vocabulary and language patterns to identify and describe familiar concepts related to self, to family, and to interact
variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. with peers.
L/S.1.4 Offers and responds to greetings and farewells using the appropriate courtesy expressions.
L/S.1.5 Uses both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication to express feelings, needs, experiences, and reacts to pictures and simple
language cues after listening to read a louds.

____2. Reading: The student uses reading strategies, literary The student:
R.1.1 Recognizes letter-sound relationships to decode words and phrases fluently.
analysis, and critical thinking to construct meaning and develop an R.1.2 Uses phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds and form new monosyllabic words.
understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of R.1.3 Uses context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words; demonstrates an acquisition
both fiction and nonfiction. of grade level vocabulary.
R.1.4 Identifies the main character(s) and uses picture cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative text.
R.1.5 Identifies story organization of beginning, middle, and end within narrative text.
____3. Writing: The student effectively communicates to a variety W.1.1 Recognizes and writes the letters of the alphabet; writes initial and final consonants in CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) pattern
of audiences in all forms of writing through the use the writing W/1.2 Writes name correctly; copies words and simple three word sentences using left to right, top to bottom progression; applies
process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive appropriate spacing between letters and words; uses phonemic awareness and phonics
vocabulary. strategies to spell words.
W/1.3 Identifies a complete sentence using capitalization; recognizes ending punctuation.
W.1.4 Writes to describe a picture, person, or object; writes sentences of two or three words in length.
W.1.5 Uses a picture dictionary as an aid to the writing process.
Developed by: Prof. Daisy Rodriguez Alicea
Depth of knowledge: __I. Recall __II. Skill/Concept __III. Strategic Thinking __IV. Extended Thinking

Objectives Assessment
To interpret an oral message, according to the listener’s experience; To acquire language by hearing and understanding it; _____Assessment: Conversational tasks, Dialogues,
Auditory comprehension through comprehensible input; Expressing ideas and feelings by means of language; Social Monologues, Drama, Songs, Listening tasks, Discussions,
interaction and exchange of ideas and feelings, by using oral language; Using reading as an active language-thinking Reactions, Speeches, Oral reports, Oral questions/responses,
Conceptual process; Children bring their experience, knowledge and feeling to reading; Past experiences and schemata help facilitate
Graphic organizers, Checklists, Brainstorm
learning; Expressing thought through language; Words convey meaning; Using writing as a thinking process to help
organize thoughts; Develop multicultural awareness from concrete, positive personal experiences; Understand that body ____ Formmative Evaluation __ Summative Evaluation
language or nonverbal communication is culturally based
Listen for instructions, listen to get the meaning/main idea of a story, recall auditory sequence, react to verbal instructions, _____Measuring: Test, Quiz, Oral presentation, Dictation
follow directions, understand and respond to questions; Greeting and identifying people, asking for and giving _____Assessment: Rubrics, Checklists, Projects, Discussions,
information/directions, socializing and taking turns when speaking, identifying ______, describing _____, making oral Reactions, Speeches, Oral reports, Drawings, Debates,
Procedimental reports, dramatizing, role playing, telling a story, creating dialogues; Identify and recall details, summarize most important
Oral/written questions/responses, Graphic organizers, Group
ideas/actions, infer cause and effect, identify main idea/actions, compare/contrast/classify, draw conclusions, distinguish
reality and fantasy, predict outcomes; Use of writing conventions, write sentences/paragraphs/dialogues, write a descriptive work, Reading tasks, Writing tasks, Comic strips, Portfolio,
paragraph, write journal entries, write cooperative stories, keep a learning log Conceptual maps, Reflections, Journals, Anecdotal Records
____ Formmative Evaluation __ Summative Evaluation

Willingness to risk using English to communicate; Understanding that reading is a means of increasing knowledge and _____Assessment: Direct observation
acquiring experience; Satisfaction and pride in preparing neat, well-developed written work; Willingness to appreciate
suggestions and feedback from teachers and classmates; Desire to share and learn with others relates to cultural diversity to
Attitudes and self; Using reading to relate to self and world; Awareness of the joy that literature connects us to other cultures as well as
Values our own

_____Routine Activities _____Review previous lesson ____ Silent reading _____ Oral reading _____Summaize the lesson _____ Discussion of exercise
_____Introduce new skill or theme _____Check and discuss homework ____ Shared reading _____ Guided reading _____Reading discussion _____Homework instructions
_____Dictation _____Explore previous knowledge ____Oral discussion of theme or main idea _____Notebook excercise _____Review for test
_____Exploration about new experiences / new materials ____Oral discussion of exercise ____Work on board _____Instructions for next day _____ Assessment
_____Introduction/ Discussion of new key/instructional vocabulary ____Group work ____Oral presentation _____Worksheet activity ___Drawing what understood
_____Presentation of worksheet or exercise ____New vocabulary in context/definition ____Discussion of pictures _____Clarify doubts _____ Answer Wr. Questions
_____Read aloud _____Open ended questions ____Use text ____Use workbook _____ Role play _____ Fill in the blanks
_____Establish purpose for reading ____Shared writing ____ Draw diagram _____Other:_____________________________________________
_____Other:_____________________________________________________ ____Quiz ____ Test _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________ ____ Grammar review ____ Answer Oral Questions __________________

___Text pages _________ ___ Workbook pages ________ _____Worksheet ____Test _________________________
___realia ___pictures ___chart ___ flash cards ___sentence strips ___board ___notebook ___tracing paper ___pencil ___blank paper ___ruler ___crayons ___scissors ___ construction paper
___ drawing paper ___ line paper ____ glue/paste ___dictionary ___magazine ___newspaper ___ maps ___movie ___TV/ VHS/ DVD/ CD/ Radio ___ Infocus ____computer
___ games ____ Big book ___ puppets ____Other ________________________________________________________________

Homework: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Key vocabulary: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Teacher’s notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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