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Hi, I'm Zachary Morden, I recently started going to the zoom online youth, and have

some more ideas to help people stay connected during social isolation.

Although there are many chat a social media programs out there right now they all
lack a few things.

1) Connection - Many media apps are focused on getting people to use the app more
often. Whilst chatting with their friends many people will end up mindlessly
scrolling through posts, unknowingly falling into a trap. Instagram does this for
example and uses the home page (Where posts are shown) to encourage people to
scroll the app before talking to their peers.
2) Communication - Most apps only allow chatting groups of a few people, and offer
terrible audio and visual quality. Many also lack proper formatting options for
text and images, which encourages people to talk less and less.
3) Organization - The media apps of today offer barely any social organization.
Social organization allows people to be more focused and communicate better.
Discord offers any level organization you wish, by creating as many text and chat
channels as you wish. Other apps such as Twitter don't do this at all.

Discords main focus is communication compared to all media focused apps of today,
and it costs nothing.
All users need to do is make a free account using any email of their choice and
enter a password. Then using a link they can join any server they wish.

Having used the app for over 4 years I think it would be a great program to look
into to use during these times. I've used this app with my friends for those 4
years and it's the only communication app we use, unless a certain situation
dictates we use an alternative.

I'd like to be part of any process to help the church digitally during these times,
and am open to any idea, even for programs other than discord that may be more
I would like to help in any way I can during these times and be part of projects
from the ground up.

I understand that the Church has been working to create a Facebook community for
years, however I can tell you that it hasn't been the most effective of ways to
create a stronger social network.
I didn't even know that there was a Facebook until my Father shared a link with me
to the Zoom meeting post.
I saw the Social Media Takeover post after looking deep into the Rock Pointe Youth
Facebook. However, the number of people who actually use Facebook today is much
lower than many think, although this is
not an attack against the platform or the work the church has put into it. I asked
my friends and not a single one of them has a Facebook account, or even uses it,
and that is where the issue is.

I think a fresh start would be a grand idea to help the church continue to push
forward during these uncertain times.

PS: Even though the name of the App is "Discord" meaning disconnection and
disagreement, their mission statement is focused primarily on connecting people
together and building stronger organized online communitys.

I encourage you to check out their website and mission statements which I will
leave links to below.
Let me know your thoughts,
Zachary Morden

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