Why Are Wage Rates Generally Very Low in Philippines

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1. Why are wage rates generally very low in Philippines?

Wage rate in the Philippines are generally low because Philippines is historically a Third
World Country. The GDP per capita is low and the infant mortality is high. Many of its citizens
lack of access to health care and higher education as         well. The third world describe a
country that not developed as much as other country. That's why the wage rate of Philippines are
generally very low.

     2.  Identify and explain one cause of income inequality. 

One cause of income inequality is advance technology. Advance Technology can be a

driver of income and wealth inequality because of its skill-bias nature and because innovators
can capture high rents. Both skilled and unskilled     workers are affected by technological
advances, unskilled workers have the worse outcomes because labor market still need the skilled
workers to use computers and operate the advance machines. The demand for skilled labor
creates an increase in the relative wages of the skilled compared to unskilled workers. The
income gap among workers has widened and also the income gap between workers who earn by
their skills and owners who earn by investing in capital has widened.

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