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‘The Grand Al Mufti "Divan" Imperial Grand Potentate Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. Vork-El 330/720" "As Sayyid Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi" of The International Supreme Council OF Shriners, Inc. head of the Council of 9 the Grand Mufti of Shrinedom, a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad of Arabia | through the Mahdi of Nubia, the Sudan. oy Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E1 About The Beginning Inscribed by the Ill: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York El 33°/720° The Nuwaupian International Grand Lodge, Inc. Of Freemasonry Supreme Grand Hierophant Amunnebu Reakh Tah of the Anciene Egiptian Order of the Wold “Walk in the Light of the sun, as if all can see you at all times. Bathe in the light of the sun as if it can, as it does, heal all things. Take each step in its warmth as if the sun is your true loving parent, and think of it as the source of all life, as we ail know it is. For without the sun there would be no life, as we know it. This we all know.” -- Atum-Re Protector of the Secrets, Best Kept Sacred Dedicated to My Dearest Friend W.M. Charles Tinsley 3? Who Has Returned Toa That Great Celestial Abode, From Which His Soul Originated Of King Solomon’s Lodge No. 4 1215 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, N.Y., Who forced my eyes open to Freemasonry. Also to Great Master Builder: NIMROD SON OF CUSH Genesis 10:3 POS: Ta nt: Sa sit Ti-ms 4S" wr: 8 “AND CUSH BEGAT NIMROD: HE BEGAN TO BE A MIGHTY ONE IN THE EARTH.” Cush the Ethiopian father of Ninrrod the founder of Masonry and to the 40 thousand masons that worked under him. It was their skills that caught the eye of the Deity of the Bible and Koran. Author's Note |, Have Devoted My Visit To This Planct To The Resurrection Of The Mentally Dead, Which I Affectionately Refer To As Mummies. Never Did I Know That The Evil One Had Done Such A Great Job With These People Both Mentally And Physically As To Have Them Hate Self And Kind. My Greatest Dilemma And Hindrance Has Been The Black Devil. Born Amongst You, And By You, Married To You, Socializing With You, Praying In The Same Sacred Houses Of Worship As You; But Sceretly They Have A Spiritual Pack With The Devil, Which Makes It Near Impossible For Them To Totally Surrender To Nuwaupu. Their Very Nature Won't Let Them. It's In Their Seed From Genesis 3:15 And 1Peter 5:9-10. It’s Not About Race When It Comes To The Devil. But, For The Few Chosen From The Many Called, I Sift To Find Those Beings That Wish To Become One With The Supreme In All. So I, The Supreme Grand Hierophant: Amun Nebu Re Akh Tah, As | Am Known Throughout The Mystical Schools, The Incarnation Of Tebuti “Thoth” Student Of The Great Tum, Known As Atum-Re, The First Point Of Resurrection From Ignorance To The Right Knowledge, The Right Wisdom And The Right Overstanding. | Have Blended In With Each Of The Religions Most Interesting To My People. 1 Lived As One Of Them, Practiced As One Of Them In Order To Reveal The Misconceptions Of These Doctrines That Have Plagued And Discased The Minds Of My People. Many Take Offense To That Practice, But I'm Sorry The Truth Must Be Told, For The Very Soul Of God Is At Risk. Amongst The Arabs Of Al Islaam In The Degree Of Muhammadism, | Was Known As As Sayyid Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi Or Simply Imaam Isa. Being Fluent In The Many Dialects As Well As The Classical Arabic Language, I Translated Word For Word Without Biasness [In Favor Of The Islaamic Religion, The Qur'an (Koran) From Syretic Arabic Into English. 1 Sat Beneath The Great Shuyuwkh As A Student, One Of Which Was Mahmoud Muhammad Mahmoud And The Great Master Karama Shaikh Al Hasoun Of The Khalwatiyya Order Of Sufis Out Of Sudan, As A Mahdiyya Or Ansaar. As A Moorish-American Under Noble Drew Ali As M. York-EL, TE Republished And Revised The Holy Koran Circle Seven. Their Connection With The N.O.L "Nation Of Islam", Known As The Black Muslims, Encouraged Me To Do An In-depth Study Of The Teachings Of Master W.D, Fard, Allah In Person To His Final Messenger, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. | Released Several Books Explaining In-depth, Their Doctrine, Which Led Me To Another Ex-Member Of The Nation Of Islam Called Clarence 13X, A Self-Styled Allah Who Founded The 5 Percent Nation Of Gods And Goddesses, I Collected Data And Published The Problem Book, Their Interpretation Of The English Class Lessons Of The Nation Of Islam. Amongst The Hebrew Israelites, While In The Degroe Of Mosesism, 1 Was Known As Rabboni: Yashu'a Bar El Haady. As A Hebrew, 1 Was Bar Mitewahed By The Great Rabbi: Matthews Of Harlem Through The School Of Judaism, 1 Translated The Torah And The Psalms From The Ancient Hebrew Into English Amongst The Christians, In The Degree Of Christism, 1 Am Known As Reverend: Malachi Z. York Or Dr. York, Pastor And Founder Of The Egiptian Church Of Karast "Christ" Through The School Of Christism, I Translated And Explained The Book Of Revelation, From The Galilean Arabic And The Ancient Greek, In This Day And Time, I Received A New Holy Tablet, Our Own Scripture That Each Day, As Scientists, Astronomers, Paleontologists, And The Likes Uncover New Evidence Confirming That It Was Indeed Divinely Inspired, And Is Not Mercly A Book But A Revelation A Holy Scripture With Prophecies Of The Future Which Are Manifesting Daily. Also, I Translated The Book Of The Coming Forth By Day, Called The Egiptian Book Of The Dead From Hieroglyphics As Amunubi Rabkaptah. I Also Released A Series Of Books Called Behind The Nine Ball And Bible Interpretations And Explanations. I Felt It Is Ul My Duty As The True Reformer And Savior To My People To Make Nhat, Which Is Unclear, Clear. I Have Also Revealed The Doctrine Of (hose Called The Hebrew Israelites, And The Likes With A Series Of Hooks Called 360 Questions To Ask And 3 Volumes Of Over 1,000 cs Each Entitled The Degree Of Mosesism, The Degree Of Christism, And The Degree Gf Muhammadism Covering Any Question That Anyone Could Have Pertaining To Any Of The 3 Monotheistic Religions. | Haye Also Traveled The Rough, And Rugged Path Of Freemasonry And Have Arrived As The Imperial Grand Potentate Internationally, Of The Ancient Arabic & Oriental Order Nobles Of The Mystic Slirine New Mecca Temple No. 11 Macon Ga. And I.G.P. Of A.E.O. & A.N.O.M.S. Al Mahdi Shrine Temple No. 19 Macon, Ga. Northern & Southern Jurisdiction, The Worshipful Master Of Nuwaupian International Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M., Also Deputy Grand Master Pride Of Georgia Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. 33rd Scottish Rite Freemason Of Amos Grand Lodge of Macon, Ga. I, As Al Mufti Sit Oa The Council Of 9 The International Supreme Grand Council Of ‘Shrine Abli'l Bait. I Entered The Order Of The Acacia, Under The Most Worshipful Master The ILL. Charles Tinsley, 33rd Degree At Kimg Solomon's Lodge No. 4 Of Brooklyn, New York The Grand Enoch Lodge In Brooklyn N.¥. On Putnam And Nostrand Ave. Prince Hall Affiliated And Of The Amciemt And Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry A.F. & AM. Jurisdiction Of Georgia Called Zerubbabel Grand Chapter Royal Arch Mason, United States And Canada. ‘My Travels Took Me Throughout The World From Sitting With The Mystics And The Monks Under The Tibetan Master Lama Mott Kokomau Of China To The Grand Lodge In Cairo, Egypt, North East Africa; To Being A Member Of The Rosicrucian Order Since 1974 A.D. As Well As Astara Mystic Order Since 1975 A.D. For More Than, IL 25 Years. As The Supreme Grand Hierophant, Of The Ancient Egiptian Order, A.E.O., Mir "Pyramid" No. 9, My Family Has Been Freemasons For Generations In Virginia's Zen Shriner Temple No. 122, Newport News, Virginia And Daughters Of Isis, Zen Court No. 98, Prince Hall Affiliated. I Stepped On To The White Lodge Freemasonry From The Black Egiptian Mystery As Tehuti "Thoth", Called Hermes Thrice Times Great, The Possessor Of The Master's Key, Keeper Of The Secret Word To Become A Haru "Horus", A Companion Of The Great Hierophant: I- M-Hotep, The Scribe Of The Secret Doctrine, Conferret Of The 720 Degrees In The Secret Number 9, And The Guardian Of The 9 Gate, Raising From The Ninth Chamber The Secret, Which Will Give You The Power To Re-Align Yourselves. 1 Was There, Which Is Here, When ‘The Word "Let There Be Light” Was Uttered. 1 Have Stood The Test Of Time. I Have Been Questioned By Scholars, And Historians Of All Religions And Denominations. I Am Capable Of Answering The Unanswered And Solving The Problems Of The World; Yet, My Personal Interest Is In Each And Every One Of You. I Am Not A Holy ‘Man Or A Preacher I Am A Master Teacher. I Have Resurrected In The ‘West, The Ancient Fraternity, A.E.O. With Healing In My Wings, The Spiritual Order Of Our Ancestors, The Egiptians, And Your True Bloodline Under The Reincarnation Of Neter: Amunnubi Raakhptah, ‘Your A'aferti "Pharaoh" For This Day And Time "Atum-Re”. I Have Experienced All The Religions And Sacred Orders, And Now, I Bring To You, The Ancient Egiptian Order, A.E.O., The Truc Order Of The Egiptians That Which Gave Birth To All Others And In This Day And Time It Has Become The Fastest Growing Movement For World Peace Of The New Millennium. You Have Found Your Way To That Which ‘You Have Sought All Your Life. Don't Believe A Word I Say, "Check Jt Out For Yourself”. “Only Fools Duck When The Truth Is Thrown At Them!” Iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Author’s Note Introduction Ques: Does God Have A Beginning? Ques: What Would God's Purpose Be Without Man? Ques: Do You Believe In Angels? Ques: Then Where Do You Think The Concept Of Angels Originated? Ques: Where Do Angels Fit Into The God Concept? Ques: What About The War Mentioned Between Angels? Ques: Do Christians Look At God As A Supreme Being? Ques: So Are You Saying There Is No God Or Creator Who Is Responsible for Creating Humans? So You Can’t Have Light Without Oxygen? Can You Prove This With Facts? Ques: Why Does God, Manipulate Human Thought Ques: How Do You Prove There Is No God? Ques: Is There A God That Puts Anything Anywhere? Ques: Where Did The Concept Of God Come From? Ques: You Mentioned Homo-Sapiens’ Loneliness, Please Explain Further? Ques: So Religious Scholars Knew This And Used These Fears And Needs Against Us? Ques: Did God Start The Concept Of Beginning? Ques: If God Is The First And The Last, Who Established His Time Zone & What Was It Based Upon? Ques: Does Time Go Forward & Backward? Ques: So Does That Mean That It’s Not Possible For Time To Trav Ques: If Time Does Not Move Backward Or Forward, ‘Then Explain How John Prophesied The Book pee aw Ww 13 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 Of Revelation, Because The Book Of Revelation Speaks Of Things Happening In These Days And Time? Ques: So Does That Mean Time To You Is Based On Experiences? ‘Ques: Is The Universe Going Somewhere? ‘Ques: How Is Here There And There Here? Ques: What Laws Govern The Universe? Ques: Why Is Earth Not In Tune With The The Rest Of The Universe? Ques: How Would The Universe As We Know It Begin Again? Ques: When Did Life Begin? Ques: What Happens When You Move The Concept Of Time? Ques: If There Is No Beginning And No Ending, Then Why Does The Physical Body Die And Then Become Reborn? Ques: If There Is No Beginning And No Ending, How Do We Know When Our Existence Has Ended? Ques: Exactly What Is The Beginning? Ques; How Many Beginnings Are There? Ques: What Is The Purpose Of The Beginning? e, The Source Of Faith? Ques: What Governs This Abode? Ques: What Is Wrong With Beli Concept? Ques: Is There A Difference Between Heaven And Paradise? Ques: So When Was The Beginning Of The Creation Of Earth? Ques: Does Each Planet Have It’s Own Time Zone? Ques: Were All Planets Created At One Time Or At A Gradual Process? Ques: Do Bible Scholars Acknowledge Other Planets? g In The Heaven VI 28 29 29 29 30 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 41 EES Ques: Aside From The Theory Called The Big Bang ‘Theory; Do Scientists Have Facts On The Beginning? hat Does The Words Beginning Mean? ‘What Is The Difference Between The Word Khalaga And Bara? (Ques: Can You Explain The 24,000-Year Cycle? (Ques: When You Say That Genesis 1:1 Is Not The Beginning Does That Also Mean, This Is Not The Original Creation Of The Heavens And The Earth? (Ques: Can You Explain What Does The Word “Create” Really Mean? Ques: Why The Letter “B”? Ques: You Mentioned Earlier That There Are Many Stages Of Creations, What Is The First Stage? What Are The Different Interpretations Of The Beginning Or Creation According To The Three Monotheistic Religions? Ques: What Is The Sumerian Creation Story? Ques: What Are Other Interpretations Of The Beginning Or Creation Through The Eyes Of Different Religions And Peoples? Ques: What Do Religious Scholars Say About The Beginning? Ques: When Was The Beginning Of Humans On Earth? Ques: According To Christians, When Did Creation Begin Or When Did All Things Come Into Being? Ques: What Does The Word Genesis Actually Mean? Ques: How Did The God Of The Bible Form The So-Called Creation Or Beginning According Religion? € Vo 47 48 48, 49 51 52 56 70 87 92 92 95 ‘Ques: How Do You Know This Is True? 8 ‘Ques: Does The Omnipotent, Omniscience, And Omnipresence God Need Resting? Yes Or No? 99 Ques: So When Was The Beginning Of The Creation Of Earth? 99 Ques: What Do Scientist Believe Caused The Creation Of The Planet Earth? 99 ‘Ques: Was There Existence Before Creation? 102 Ques: Are You Saying There Is More Than One Adam? 103 Ques: Are You Saying That There Were Beings Before Adam & Eve? 105 Ques: Who Were These Four Sets Of Adam And Eve? 106 Ques: What Do Modern Day Scientists Say About The Very Beginning? 110 Ques: Is The Big Bang Theory True Or False? 110 Ques: Where Did They Get The Word Theory From?) 112 Ques: So The Big Bang Is Not A Theory? 115 Ques: But Is It "The" Big Bang, Or "Another? Big Bang? us Ques: So There Is More Than One Big Bang? 11s ‘Ques: So What They Call It, Is True? 115 Ques: So Then, The Original Black Dot Was Not Alone? 116 Ques: Which "Big Bang" Is The Most Important? 116 Ques: Which One Affected Earth People? 116 Ques: Was There One Before That One? 116 Ques: Is It Possible For A Chain Of Events To. Occur By Accident? 116 Ques: Why Are We Taught That? 417 Ques: Do They Know These Facts? 417 Ques: What Sound Did It Make? 117 Vin : So Which Is The "Biggest Bang"? 118 : What Caused Its Explosion? 118 Vhat Happens In This Event? 119 s: Does All This Just Happen By Chance? 120 Vho Or What Is Hu? 120 so, This Is Creation, As We Know It? 120 How Were These Scriptures Being Plagiarized? 124 s There A Mathematical Code In The Bible? 125 What Were They Trying To Hide? 127 actly What Took Place At The Very Beginning? 128 's: What Is The Difference Between Regular Time And Human Time? 129 : So Are You Saying That God Didn't Create The Planet Earth And The Sun And The Moon And Stars And Man All In That Same Period Of Time?130 ‘Ques: And What Does That Have To Do With Time? 130 Q 131 Ques: When Did This Happen 132 What Is Pre-Dynastic Egipt? 133 135 Ques: Are You Saying That Solomon Was In The Beginning As Well? 138 Ques: Was Jesus, Solomon And Adam There In The Beginning With God In Physical Form Or Spirit? 141 Ques: When It Mentions God In The Beginning Of Creation, Is It Speaking Of One God Or A Plural? 142 Ques: Are You Saying Genesis 1:1 Is Speaking Of A Group Of Gods And Not Just One? 143; Were There Vowels In The Original Scriptures? 143 Ques: What Does The Word God Mean? 146 What Is It Composed Of? 147 How Can Eloheem Be The Very Beginning Xx And Be A Plural? Ques: Is There Really A Difference Between, At The Beginning And In The Beginning? Ques: How Can You Prove This Is Not The First Creation? Ques: Where Is This Event Plagerized From? Ques; What Is Symbolic Of The Number Ques: Who Is The Supreme Being RE (RA)? Ques: Isn’t The Name Amun Used At The End Of Our Prayers? ‘Ques: How Did The Egiptian Supreme Being Amun Witness The Creation Of The Hebrew God Yahweh? Ques: How Can An Egiptian Supreme Being Witness The Creation Of The Hebrew God? Ques: What Is The Egiptian Story Of The Very Beginning Of Creation? Ques: Is This The Same Mogen Or Shield Of Da And Abraham? Ques: Who Is Shemesh? Ques: Is Sun Worship Also Found In The Koran? Ques: Do The Egiptians Worship The Actual Sun Itself? Ques: When The Bible Speaks Of God Initiating Creation, Was This Also Copied From Re Initiating Creation? Ques: When It Speaks Of “The Word” In John 1:1, Was That Also Copied From The Egiptian Story As Well? Ques: Could You Explain It’s Meaning? Ques: Was John The Baptist Related To Jesus? Ques: What Was This Conversation? Ques: Wouldn’t The Gods Be Plural Through The Father, Son And Holy Ghost? x 166 167 172 175 176 181 191 193 194 195 199 199 Ques: Doesn’t The T Egipt As Well? Could You Explain Jesus Not Being Part Of This Trinity? s: Are You Saying That We All Existed In The Beginning? ‘st What Does The Koran Of The Muhammadans Teach? : Is There A Difference Between The Father And The Son In The Bible? 's: You Mentioned Something About An Oath In John 1:1, How Does This Tie Into Genesis 1:1? (Ques: Do The Eloheem’s Personify In Physical Form? (Ques: Are There More Forms Of God Throughout The Bible? Ques; So Does This Mean There Were Male And Female Gods? Ques: Ave They Composed Of The Same Substance As God? Ques: Is This Also The Composure Of The Male And Female Gods (Eloheem) Who Created Us In Their Image And After Their Likeness? Ques: Is This “Image And Likeness” Term Used Anywhere Else In The Bible? (Ques: Is This Also Found In The Koran? Ques: Was This Male And Female Concept Also ‘Copied From Ancient Egipt? (Ques: Since You Say That The Gods Were Males And Females, Did They Also Have Lineage Or Generation? Ques: How Many Times Is This Word Found In The Bible? Ques: What Is The Difference Between The Hebrew Words ‘Towledeth’ And ‘Dore’? ity Originate In Ancient at 201 203 204. 204 207 210 214 216 219 220 221 221 223 224 227 228 229 Ques: Is There Another Place In The Bible That “Toled-Aw” Is Used With The Physical Birth Of Beings? Ques: So Does This Mean That The Devil Was In The Beginning With The Gods When The Gods Said Let There Be Light In Genesis 1:14? Ques: Does This Mean That There Is A Physical Seed Of God Or Gods And The Devil Or Devils As Well? Ques: So What Is This Quote Saying’ Ques: Are You Saying God Lives In Darkness? Ques: What Is Neolithic And Pre-Dynastic Tama-Re “Egipt”? Ques: What Is Neolithic? Ques: Just When Was And Where Was This Beginning? Ques: What Was The First Act Of Creation? Ques: Can We Go Back To The Beginning? Ques: So The Creation Of Our Universe Was Caused By An Explosion? Ques: And Who Is This Tehuti That You Spoke About Previously? Ques: And Who Is Khnum? Ques: I Thought Asaru “Osiris” Was The God? Ques: Who Is Anubis? Ques: Who Is Khonsu? Ques: And Who Is Ptah? Ques: Is This What’s Being Talked About In Genesis 1:2? Ques: What Are The Firmaments? Ques: Who Became The First Ruler Upon Earth? 9 Ques: Is There Any Proof Of These Egiptian Gods Ever Really Existing? Index To Dictionary Of Words Index To Figures And Diagrams Index XID 235 236 238 246 246 248 249 255 259 260 263 267 267 270 271 275 276 278 285 305 313 37 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Introduction ‘This Book Is To Reveal The Facts About A Much Controversial And Disputed Subject, The Beginning And Just Who Recorded ‘The Actual Beginning And From When, What Point In Time And Which Place Did All Religions Get Their Concept Of A Beginning; Because There Are Many Stages Of Beginning Or Creation. The Most Commonly Accepted Story Is The Western World Story As Found In Their English Translations Of The Bible, And Lately English Translation Of The Koran, Who Seem To Feed The Hungry Mind Of The Westerners, Who Are In Constant Pursuit Of Identity, Being The Melting Pot Of Many Nations And Nationalities Stripped Of Their True Identity. So We Will Begin By Addressing This Concept. Ques: Does God Have A Beginning? Ans: Yes, God's Beginning Is With Each Religious Denomination Or Sect. For Instance, Allah Is Declared The One And Only God Through The Declaration Of The Islamic Faith. When Muhammad, Who Was Born In §70 A.D. And Died In The Year 632 A.D. In Arabia Made An Islamic Declaration Of Faith That “There Is No God But Allah”, That Declaration Was The Birth Of The Allah Concept As Taught In Islam. When Moses Declares In His Question, “Who Should I Say Sent Me?” (Exodus 3:13) And The God Of The Jewish Torah Answers, “J Am That | Am” (Exodus 3:14), (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh/ 718 “WR IN) Then He Declares The Jewish Concept Of God. In The Bible God Enters As Eloheem First In Genesis 1:1, Then Becomes Yahweh Eloheem Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning (Genesis 2:4), Onto Just Yahweh (Genesis 4:26) And Even Onto Adonia (Genesis 18:3), A Title Also Used By Human Beings (Genesis 15:2). This Growing Process From Plural To Singular, Establishes The Birth Of Each Of The God Concepts Of Judaism In The Torah, Though He Has Many Other Names There. These Are The Basic Principals. Now For The Christians, Who Choose To Use Greek And Latin; Two Languages That Jesus The Christ Did Not Speak. They Took On The Same Principle Of Judaism And Used Theos (620) God, Kurios (xvpio¢) Lord Or Despotes (@eonoms) And Dios (810¢), While Each Claim That The God That Represents Them By Whichever Name They Call On, To Use According To Whichever Language They Chose, Was The Very God Of The Beginning Of Creation. All The While, Their Books, Scriptures, Scrolls Or Tablets Were Written Many Thousands Of Years, After The Fact. The Fact Is, That Their God Has Its Origin With The Birth Of Each Of Their Religions. The Same Will Apply To: Hinduism, Buddhism, Seikism, Baha’ism, Which Are Religions To House Their God Concept. There Would Be No God, So In This Sense, God Has A Beginning, Or As Each Of You Come To Know Of God That Is His Beginning, Or At Least To Each Person. Ques: What Would God’s Purpose Be Without Man? Ans: Nothing. What Would Man’s Purpose Be Without God? The Answer Is Quite Simple. The Same As With A God “Survival,” Simply Animalistic Survival. Man Can In Fact Exist Without God, But A God Cannot Exist Without Man. That Is Why Man Created God In His Image And After His Likenesses, And Then Said God 2 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning. Created Man In His Image And After His Likeness. Because Man Is In Fact God And Admits It In His Holy Scriptures By Calling Himself The Son Of God (Luke 3:38) At One Point, And God At Another Point (Psalms 82:6) (John 10:34) (1.Corinthians: 3:16). Ques: Do You Believe In Angels? Ans: The Word Angel In Greek Is Ang’elos (ayychos) And Simply Means “Messenger”. The Hebrew Word For Angel Is Mal’ak (7872) And The Arabic Word Is Malaa-ik (#4 34), All Having The Same Meaning “Messenger”. To Commit Oneself To Believing In Angels Is To Admit To The Belief In God, Who Supposedly Sends These Angelic Or Apparitional, Spiritual Or Ghost-Like Beings With Messages For Humankind. Angels As Spirit Beings Have Not Been Confirmed. No One Has Proven Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt That These Beings, Oftentimes Depicted With Beings, Exist. Ques: Then Where Do You Think The Concept Of Angels Originated? Ans: It Was Not The Greeks, Who Have Their Olympia Of Gods That Settle In Heaven Such As Zeus, Who Has Sex With Humans And Has Half-God Half-Man Children That Walk The Earth. And Then They Guide Them To Humans That Are All Mortal. These Beings Would Be Angels Or Christ Like. A Little Research Into Cultures That Predate The Greeks And The Bible, Such As The Sumerians, Reveal Stone Carvings Of Winged Mortals. Also The Native Americans And The Oldest Of All Cultures That Have 3 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E] About The Beginning Carvings Of Winged Beings And Deities Are The Egiptians. Theologians Of The Monotheistic Religion Namely Judaism, Christianity, And Muhammadism Have Divided These Mythological Creatures Into Groups: The Seraphim, The Cherubim And Even Thrones. The Animal Egiptian Had Them As Enneads, Ogdeads, And Nebaat. They Even Break Them Up Into Good And Evil. Then Europe Steps In And Their Architecture, Cathedrals Are Covered With Demonic Winged Creatures Called Gargoyles. That Became Your Angels And Devils Today. qr ~&, Figure 1 Figure 2 Winged Gargoyles Winged Gargoyles On Top Of A Catholic Church Ques: Where Do Angels Fit Into The God Concept? 4 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ans: Well, When Man Created The God Concept, He Raised God To Such A High Pedestal Where God Became Unseen. Thus, Unable To Speak To God One On One. Therefore, Man Needed A Mediator, Because He Placed God Up There, As In Matthew 6:9 Where It States: “Our Father Who Art In Heaven”, And The Koran 43:84 Where It States: “It Is He Who Is Allah In Heaven...” It Became Necessary For These Mediators They Call Angels To Have A Means To Transport Themselves Thus, They Gave Them Wings. So In Fact, Angels Were Created By Man To Be Messengers Of Man To Man, But Claim It’s From God To Man. Ques: What About The War Mentioned Between Angels? Ans: This War Mentioned In The Book Of Revelation 12:7 Of The New Testament Is Late Information Added On At The End Of The Bible. To Make These Beings Appear More Human, Which Explains Why Several Quotes In The Bible And The Koran Personify Them Into Human Form As In The Koran 19:17, And In The Bible Daniels 9:21. In Both Cases, These Angelic Beings Have Now Become Mortals In Physical Form, But Man Wasn't Satisfied With That. His Ego Made Him Bring God Into Physical Form. Like Jesus, The Son Of God At One Point, And God Himself At Others. Ques: Do Christians Look At God As A Supreme Being? Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El _About The Beginning Ans: Not Being A Representative For All Christians Of Each Denomination, Cult Or Sect Makes Answering This Question Unfair, For 1 Would Be Taking On The Responsibility Of All Those Who Call Themselves Christians And No Man Can Honestly Do That. However, Many That I Have Spoken To In My Travels Have A Quite Confused Concept Of God The Father, God ‘The Son, God The Holy Spirit, One God, A Supreme Being, And The Heavenly Father. When You Question Them On That Subject, They Become Extremely Evasive. Ques: So Are You Saying There Is No God Or Creator Who Is Responsible For Creating Humans? Ans: That Is Exactly What I Am Saying. Human Beings Are Not Created Spontaneously. Everything That Exists Grew, And Growth Is A Process, The Way Mold Forms, The Way Bacteria Forms. They Form Out Of Conditions Like Mushrooms, Which Need Darkness. Corn Needs Sunlight, And There Is Actually Particles Of Energy In The Sun That Is Going Into The Earth And Causing Plants To Reach For It's Warmth And Light, Thus Growth. To Date, They Have Found Life On The Planet Mars In This Solar System. And Even More Is Known About Life And Living Beings From Other Worlds And/Or Dimensions, But They Can’t Tell You Yet. The Real Truth Could Destroy The System, The Order, And Religious Belief System. So They Will Never Tell You The Whole Truth. Diagram 1 Article By Kathy Sawyer, Dated February 27, 2001 A. Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; ov + Torsmar, Famxuasr ay. 3001 3 ‘New Findings Energize Case for Life on Mars Fossil Bvidence Likely to Spur Research By Keswr Sarna gen Ps Sf Wier ‘uapreeedenid ovels Gf micro scope dca nie, 2 meteorite ey erdaoee ol pout pelle Two research tat nay the tsi ‘enaina Touma ina eetoorte Frome ‘Mara cauldhuve en generate ‘nt by vece-Gving creams. croncope, wing 4 special (ech- ‘ges, the Year onl se feet [ped eafecy ofboth the Chale sod ‘lcmnraeare, Edin si spurte am baluimgonite famanetite iro ae, silat to cxteniveealer work, Fete Matjeseh aoealeethofsainch aw dtl the hagas ‘n'thmeter Oo Harty they lau oftheeryaain Shape ancthers) ons Mg bar magi or eoee tment conaered sigan Te paw, to aid nigra when determing whether the Gnas Titel seidewwining bacterin. Sve Melogheal i Gi case the Magee cys area come team mys K cacowered (hat: the only forsed ie nonSiclogeal shape ofthe cays formed by the Proccuen bower, andocentis Eth bacteria wat dierent fora [ittectinyprocturectest. sant senteis fe fae Be hich wk In today’s nee ofthe Proceed ‘ng othe National Academy of Se dance af oe ‘mp ee ‘ais om de Mare rosk fm chal Ina ap bese of peas ta ‘oe omsige expert pat ke seme ‘ing ne tne “Ts Sinhiaraton sacurss bagi ‘Meant tad ee chad rer iSnana ey mag eu athe |_Sumcmeedeacs Sar nar mace 7 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin Satellite photos indicate Mars once rich in water ASSOCIATED PRESS Photos from a satellite orbiting Mars suggest the Red Planet was ence a water-rich land of lakes, strengthening the theory that bil” lions of years ago it had the condi- Hons needed for the evolution of ife. ‘The photos, taken by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, show massive sedimentary deposits, with thick layers of rock stacked one on top of another in miles-deep formations. “Some of the . . . images of these outcrops show hundreds and hun- dreds of identically thick layers, which is almost impossible to have without water” said Michael C. Malin, first author of a study being published Friday in the journal Science. Mr. Malin and his co-author, Kenneth 8. Edgett, both research- ers at Malin Space Sciences Sys- tems in San Diego, said the photos show clear views of horizontal de- posits of rock, a characteristic of sedimentary rock, in the walls of Diagram 2-Article By Associated Press, Dated December 5, 2000 A.D. Taken Out Of “Washington Times” 8 craters and chasms cut into surface of Mars. Such layered rock structuy are common on Earth, where the were once lakes. Sediments < settle to the lake bottom and, ov geologic time, form sheets of roc! one on top of the other like p cakes in a stack Mr. Malip and Mr. Edgeti such layer¢d rock can be form by wind or volcanic activity, bt se of sedimentary ol crops on $ suggests strong! the action of ler. J. William Schopt, head of 1 University of California at Los geles’ Center for the Study of Ev Tution and the Origin of Life, sai the study gives strong support ff theories that Mars billions of ye. ago was wetter, warmer and pote tially more friendly te life. “This is the strongest eviden: yet for what appear te be sedine tary units on Mars,” said M Schopf. “If we saw these thin from Earth orbit, we'd know” th were formed by water. the preval Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Eresh Evidence of Water fra the Mert Geka! Survepor ca ronal eurapping of sand lant rik. sane al wch ave dency thik “Invern: Phe lagen ave sirwagsoraence o he nd Ree af water. ACh ian cummpe The suerspecra Diagram 3 Article By Kathy Sawyer, Dated December 5, 2000 A.D. From “Washingtore iceman anus ime nin 1 ssknes, Th etter Post” Teese woetit Lapeer tr Denatexs Oa wabieraren fe arse Sesion Heer het beavas eee 9 «AVOOL VSN» UL O'V 0007 ‘5 Jaquiasaq pang ‘ourda,, weg Ag apriy = p wEABeIG fas sagre ips 3 snp, saiaywcepe py 05 BD a) ‘Saye yoy At fap adie pansodead es say st a ry cg ag) ey apy ~ gb ang Apes apa UR aS Se arab SSN SIRLLAGGSTS — Dey EW AUS Gh Ra, SL a a a ane ss05 ra About The Beginning 7 i s a 4 A g é . 3 2 } & i zi 3 4 3 sl pana a, gy aR | Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El Sang ose HATA pr YRS IO aa Saye] Jo purl, eo yuNod SIPWY WO SUIseG YOY Questions Lo Dr. Malachi 4. York-E1 About The Beginning Looking At The Words: “And God Said Let There Be Light” (Genesis 1:3), The Word Ur (78) Used In The Bible For Light Is Really The Word Fire, Because There Was No Electrical Lights During That Time Period, And Fire Cannot Burn Without Oxygen. So, Now “Ler There Be Light” Meant, Let There Be Fire And Scientific Data Has Proven That Every Element Has An Atomic Weight. So You Need Oxygen (O2) For God To Say Let There Be Light (Meaning Fire). If 1 Brought This Chemical Up To The 8” Element, Which Is The Atomic Number For Oxygen, At Least Eight Elements Would Have To Be In Existence Between (H') Hydrogen And (Oz) Oxygen Ques: So You Can’t Have Light Without Oxygen? Ans: In Order For Fire To Burn, You Need Oxygen. So Before God Said “Let There Be Light”, At Least One Of Those Elements Would Have To Exist, Which Would Be The 6" Element Carbon, Which Is C® Between 1 And 8. We Are Not Talking About Incandescent Or Fluorescent Lights, We Are Talking About Fire, And Fire Needs To Consume Something To Exist. When Fire Consumes Something, It Transforms That Something Into Carbon, Because You Needed The Oxygen To Have Fire The Opposite Of Fire Would Be Water, And In Order To Get Water, You Need Hydrogen And Oxygen. You Have To Have 1,0, So Actually You Have To Pass (He) Helium, With Atomic Number 2, A Buming Substance Like The Sun. 1 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning .@@ Hydrogen Helium carton Mass Number # Mass Number 4 Mass Number 12 Atomic Number 4 Atomic Number 2 Atomic Mumber 6 Diagram 5 “Let There Be Light,” Is Talking About A Sun, But Not The Sun, Because Three Forms Of Light Are Created In The Bible. You Have One Form Of Light Created In Genesis 1:3 Where It States: “And God Said, Let There Be Light: And There Was Light.” The Second Form Of Light Created In Genesis 1:14 Where It States: “And God Said, Let There Be Lights In The Firmament Of The Heaven,” And The Third Form Of Light Created In Genesis 1:16 Where It States: “And God Made Two Great Lights; The Greater Light To Rule The Day, And The Lesser Light To Rule The Night:” Let There Be Light, And Poof, Light Just Appears Out Of Nowhere, Is Religious Rhetoric. It Is Not Current Information Or Scientific Fact. The Koran And The Bible Are Both Out-Dated And Do Not Match Up To Scientific Data, But Is An Institution That Keeps Man In A Spell Bound State, Because They Don’t 12 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Want An Amoral Society, Which Would Cause “Chaos” That They Could Not Control. (Ques: Can You Prove This With Facts? Ans: Yes. Just Look At These Examples: God Made Two Great Lights; The Sun And The Moon. Bible - Old Testament, Genesis 1:16 (With Hebrew Inserts) And God DYTS8 <'elohiym> made THY Iwo BP great 9773 lights INE) ; the greater 3773 light TIND to rule T5200 the day 27" , and the lesser JQP light UND to rule 7572 the night 5 : he made the stars 2DID also “And God Made Two Great Lights; The Greater Light To Rule The Day, And The Lesser Light To Rule The Night: Ue Made The Stars Also.” King James Version The Moon Is Not A Light, It Is A Reflection Of The Sun. According To “The American Heritage Dictionary”, The Moon Is “The Natural Satellite Of Earth, Visible By Reflection Of Sunlight...” 13 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning God Made The Sun Stand Still Bible - Old Testament, Joshua 10:13 (With Hebrew Inserts) And the sun 22K stood still D7 , and the moon [77 stayed “TH! <‘amad>, until the people had avenged OPI themselves upon their enemies JN <‘oyeb>. Is not this N17 written 39> in the book WO of Jasher YW" ? So the sun WL? stood still TY <‘amad> in the midst “M77 of heaven DDL , and hasted 7N <'uwts> not to go down N12 about a whole D7 day 21" . “And The Sun Stood Still, And The Moon Stayed, Until The People Had Avenged Themselves Upon Their Enemies. Is Not This Written In The Book Of Jasher? So The Sun Stood Still In The Midst Of Heaven, And Hasted Not To Go Down About A Whole Day.” King James Bible This Is A Scientific Mistake, Because: Neither The Sum Nor The Moon Stands Still. They Revolve And Rotate In Its Planetary ‘Course. The Moon Revolves Around The Planet And Receives Its Light From The Sun, While The Earth Revolves Around The Sun. 14 Questions To Dr. Malac! » York-El ___ About The Beginning Bats Are Called Birds (Fowl) Bats Are Called Birds (Fowl), However, According To The Bible In Leviticus 11:13 It States: Bible - Old Testament, Leviticus 11:13-19 (With Hebrew Inserts) And these are they which ye shal! have in abomination PP? among J the fowls 1° ; they shall not be eaten FIN <'akal>, they are an abomination PPG : the eagle "222 , and the ossifrage O7D , and the ospray TW <‘ozniyah>, And the vulture JT87 , and the kite 78 <'ayah> after his kind J" ; Every raven JW after his kind [12 ; And the ow! 13 7732" , and the night hawk OV7 , and the cuckow #7! , and the hawk 2 after his kind ]2 , And the little owl OID , and the cormorant ‘T42 , and the great ow! 123" , And the swan J72@37 , and the pelican FNP , and the gier eagle DIT? , And the stork TT'OM , the heron *TDIN after her kind 72) , and the lapwing FIE‘D17 , and the bat 720 15 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning “And These Are They Which Ye Shall Have In Abomination Among The Fowls; They Shall Not Be Eaten, They Are An Abomination: The Eagle, And The Ossifrage, And The Ospray, And The Vulture, And The Kite After His Kind; Every Raven After His Kind; And The Owl, And The Night Hawk, And The Cuckow, And The Hawk After His Kind, And The Little Owl, And The Cormorant, And The Great Owl, And The Swan, And The Pelican, And The Gier Eagle, And The Stork, The Heron After Her Kind, And The Lapwing, And The Bat.” King James Version Bats Are Not Birds. According To “The American Heritage ionary”, A Bat Is Defined As “Any Of Various Nocturnal Flying Mammals Of The Order Chiroptera, Having Membranous Wings That Extend From The Forelimbs To The Hind Limbs Or Tail And Anatomical Adaptations For Echolocation, By Which They Navigate And Hunt Prey.” The Hebrew Word For Bat Is Fwy Which Means “Of Uncertain Derivation: A Bat”. Now Let’s Find Out What The Word Fowl Means. The Hebrew Word For Fowl Is 1 <“Owph> Which Means “A Bird (As Covered With Feathers, Or Rather As Covering With Wings), Often Collectively:--Bird, That Flieth, Flying, Fowl” It Comes From The Root Word */\) ‘Uwph, Which Means, “To Fly, Fly About, Fly Away”. According To “The American Heritage tionary”, Fowl Means “Any Of Various Birds Of The Order Galliformes, Especially The Common, Widely Domesticated Chicken (Gallus Gallus). 2.A. A Bird, Such As The Duck, Goose, 16 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z, York-El - About The Beginning. Vurkey, Or Pheasant That Is Used As Food Or Hunted As Game. iA Bird Of Any Kind.” Now Let’s Look At The Word Bird. \ccording To “The American Heritage Dictionary”, Bird Means, \ny Of The Class Aves Of Warm-Blooded, Egg-Laying, Feathered Vertebrates With Forelimbs Modified To Form Wings. bo You See The Mistake? They Use The Word Fowl For Bat And A Bat Is Not A Fowl, It’s Not Even A Bird. It's A Nocturnal Mammal”. Ques: Why Does God Manipulate Human Thought? Ans: To Answer This Question One Would Be Committing Themselves To The Belief In A God, Or The God Concept, When In Actuality, What Would God Be Without Man? What Would Man Be Without God? The First Has No Answer And The Second Is Quite Simple. They Are Not Separated At All In All Existence. Now Look, Mortals Are Just Another Animal Who Evoluted To An Intelligent Level That Succeed Most Other Animals, And In Realizing Homo-Sapiens Superiority, Their Fears Compel Them ‘Yo Create A God In Their Image And After Their Likeness, Who States Created In His Image And After His Likeness According To Genesis 1:26. So In Fact, God Did Not Create Man, Man Created God. Man Wrote The Books And Say They Come From God. They Make The Mistake When It Says, “And God Said”, Not “And I Said”. (Ques: How Do You Prove There Is No God? Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ans: By Your Own Existence, For God Only Exists In And Through Man, Not Before And Not After As He Needs Him. It’s This Concept Of God Being An Old Man Sitting In Heaven With A Lot Of Winged Angels Around That Don't Exist. God Came Into Existence With Each Individual’s Awareness Of God. Terms Like “God The Father”, And “Our Father”, Help To Create The God Image. The Day That You Became Aware Of God Was The Day That God Began To Exist. So In Fact, God Only Exist As Long As Man Existed. And God Cannot Exist After Man Except In Concept. Remember, You Made This God A Man. God Is A Part Of Man’s Intellect As An Assurance That He Is Superior To Other Animals; A Way Of Feeding His Insecurities, Such As Having Pets. Ques: Is There A God That Puts Anything Anywhere? Ans: This Is An Interesting Question Because Propaganda And Indoctrination Has Made The Very People Responsible For The Monotheistic Belief In “A God Force”, Guilty Of Ignoring The Very Scripture That They Declare Infallible. For Instance, The Word Eloheem, Which Is Being Translated As God In Genesis, In The Translation Is Read As A Singular, But Grammatically Could Be Read Plural. In Fact, In The Language That The Theologians Of Judaism Claim It Was Revealed In Hebrew, Such As The Word Eloheem (O77). In Fact, It Is Plural In That Language So, The Question, “Is There A God?” Leaves Room For Questioning. Are They Ready To Face The Fact That Their Holy Book Begins With “In The Beginning Gods Created;” And Not, “In The Beginning The God Or A God Created”? Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning (Ques: Where Did The Concept Of God Come From? Ans: The Concept Of God Came Out Of The Loneliness Of The Intelligent Homo-Sapien. When This Being Evolved To The Point Where It Could Separate Hate From Love, Fear From Courage, Be Decisive, Make Decisions, Become Possessive, It Bred Desire, Need, Want, Jealousy, And Loneliness. When Human Creatures Feel That No Other Human Quite Understands ‘hem Or Can't satisfy Their Craving, They Created The God Concept. A Universal Father Or Grand Father Type That Is Ever Forgiving And Most Merciful; Even To The Point Of Justification'For Wrong Doing Through Confession And Forgiveness. One Of The First Signs Of This Is In The Bible Genesis 2:18 Where It States And I Quote: Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 2:18 (With Hebrew Insert) “And the LORD 71" God BY758 <'elohiym> said FON , It is not 200d 3 that the man O78 <'adam> should be s77T alone; I will make Wey <“asah> him an help meet Wi <‘ezer> for him. “And The LORD God Said, It Is Not Good That The Man Should Be Alone; [ Will Make Him An Help Meet For Him.” King James Version Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El ____ About The Beginning The Word “Alone” And “Not Good” Tells You That This God Knew What Loneliness Was, Giving God Human Feelings. Ques: You Mentioned Homo-Sapiens’ Loneliness, Please Explain Further? Ans: For Years I Have Taught You About This, While | Walked You Through The Degree Of Muhammadism/Islamism. 1 Explained To You About The Secret Meaning Of The 112 Chapter Suratu’l Al-Ikhlas Of The Koran, The Degree Of “Pure Faith”. When We Look At The 1" 2-Verses “Say He Allah Is Alone He Allah Is Needless”, | Explained To You How You Have Placed Within You The Divine By Way Of The Breath Of Life, Thereby You Are God (Psalms 82:6 And John 10:34) And 1 Quote: Bible — Old Testament, Psalms 82:6 (With Hebrew Insert) “Thave said WON <'amar>, Ye are gods OVTOK <'elohiym>; and all of you are children J2 of the most High JOD <‘elyown>.” “I have s: Most High.” , Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the King James Version Bible — New Testament, John 10:34 (With Greek Insert) 20 ‘Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Jesus Ipoous answered anoKpivouce upokrinomai> them avrog , Is it eartt not ov vu> written ypag@ in ev your vu@y law vouog , I eye said exe , Ye are £ote este> gods 60¢ ?” “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye © gods?" King James Version Yet, You Lack All The Experiences To Bring You Back To The Fullness Of Its Realization. Homo-Sapiens Would Have To Get Past The Point Of Fearing Being Alone, Not Alone As In Lonely, \lone As In Need Of A Cruteh To Praise Or Blame For Events In One's Life, And Feeling Without Need Thereby, Needless. Not Needless As In Wants Of Material Things, But Instead Needless As In Complete Within Oneself By The Realization That Once Union With God Is Made, There’s Nothing You Need, Desire, Want, Etc, For Which You Don’t Already Possess, The Potential ‘lo Manifest Through The Power Of Thought.” Ques: So Religious Scholars Knew This And Used These Fears And Needs Against Us? Ans: That Is Correct. They Know That If Homo-Sapiens Ever Realize His Full Potential, There's Nothing He Would Be Unable To Do (Genesis 11:6). 21 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 11:6 (With Hebrew Insert) “And the LORD (177? said WON <‘amar>, Behold, the people BY <"am> is one IN <'echad>, and they have all one TWIN <'echad> language 77 ; and this they begin 5577 to do TW : and now nothing *5 5D will be restrained T¥2 from them, which they have imagined DP? to do FUL <\asah>.” “And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” King James Version Ques: Did God Start The Concept Of Beginning? Ans: No. God According To Them Wouldn't Have A Concept Of Beginning And Ending Because They Declare God The Alpha (A) And The Omega (©) In Christianity, The Awal (Js!) And The Akhir (05!) In Islam And The Reeshone (]10"7) And Akheron QT9M8) In Judaism, All Meaning The Beginning And The Ending, The First And The Last. And For God To Be The Author OF The Concept Of, The Beginning And Ending Would Subject Him To The Ultimate Question Of Beginning OF WHAT? And Why Do We Say That? Because The Concept Of In The Beginning 22 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E] = About The Beginning In Genesis Is Followed By The Statement, A Group Of Gods (Eloheem) Created The Heavens, And The Earth, The Next Question Would Be FROM WHAT? But The Third Part Of The Statement Of Genesis. Verse 2 Clears It Up When It States, “And The Earth Was Without Form And Void And Darkness Was Upon The Face Of The Deep”. That Means Clearly That Something ixisted, But It Was As Stated Without Form And Void And Darkness Was Upon The Face Or Surface Of The Deep, And The Spirit Of Gods (Eloheem) Moved Upon The Face Of The Waters. So This Couldn't Possibly Have Been The Very Beginning Of All Things Because Water Is A Compound Element H20, Which Reveals The Existence Of At Least Eight Elements: 1. Hydrogen, 2. Helium, 3. Lithium 4. Beryllium 5. Boron 6. Carbon 7. Nitrogen And 8 Oxygen. In Order To Have Carbon, Which In Itself Is A Substance Produced By Burning Or Deterioration, Tells Us That Not Only Did Water Exist, But A Substance Or Matter Existed. So There Is No Way One Can Declare The Statement In Genesis Chapter 1 As The Beginning Of All Creation And Of All Things. Ques: If God Is The First And The Last, Who Established His Time Zone & What Was It Based Upon? Ans: Firstly, Again You Are Assuming That 1 Am One That Has Succumbed To The God Propaganda Of The Monotheistic Religions, By That Question. But, To Address It Based On The Alpha Omega Theory, If Believers Believe Their God, Be It 23 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Jehovah, Allah, Or Theos To Be The First And The Last, This Would Be The Foundation For Their Laws Of Time. Even Though Their Holy Book Establishes Time After Their God Was Already Here When It States In Genesis 1:14 And I Quote: Bible - Old Testament, Genesis 1:14 (With Hebrew Insert), “And God OVTON <'elohiym> said WON <'amar>, Let there be lights JIN) in the firmament £977 of the heaven IY to divide 972 the day OY from the night >*5 ; and let them be for signs FUN , and for seasons T272 , and for days BI" , and years 132 made THY two BWP shenayim> great 5173 lights TIND ; the qreater S772 light TIND to rule i77@12 memshalah> the day 2! , and the lesser J&P light TING to rule 75YBB the night 474 : he made the stars IP1P also.” nd God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the y, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars 0.” King James Version So, It Is Plain To See That Time Existed Before The Creation Of Time In The Bible, And Even Genesis 4:3 Adds The Word Time, When In Fact In The Hebrew, The Word Yowm (07) Is There For Day. What I Am Saying Is Based On The Bible. There Is No Accurate Calculation Of Time. Ques: Does Time Go Forward & Backward? Ans: Time Doesn’t Go. Time Is Not A Process Of Motion, But The Confirmation Of Existence. Ques: So Does That Mean That It’s Not Possible For Time To ‘Travel? Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ans: The Word Travel In Itself Implies Moving From One Point To Another Point, While The Same Word Travail Means To Stay. Time Only Appears To Move From One Point To Another Because Man Has Numbered Existence, To Create Once, Moment, Moments, 60 Moments, 60 Seconds, 60 Minutes, 24 Hours, Days, 7 Days, A Week, 29/30 Days, A Month, Years, 10 Years (A Decade), 20 Years (A Score), 50 Years (A Jubilee), 100 Years (A Century), 400 Years (A Generation), 1,000 Years (A Millennium), 25,000 Years (An Equinox), 26,000 Years (A Precession) And Eons. Man Took Existence And Declared It From One Point To The Next And Called It Clocking Time. Man Numbered It Into A. Repeated Mathematical System And Thus, People Who Are Looking At A Flat Circular Concoction Called A Clock. Then, They Watch A Hand Go Into A Complete Circle, And Think That They Are Moving Forward, When In Actuality Time Just Is. If Time Was In Part Moving, Then The Whole Solar System Would Be Moving And It’s Not. The Earth Is Moving Around The Sun, And The Earth Is Rotating On Its Axis. However, The Whole Thing Isn't Moving, And A Clock On The Wall Is Not Moving, Time Travel Is Another Form Of An Mlusion From Travailing, To Make You Think You Are Going Forward And Backward, When In Fact You Are Not. 26 Diagram 6 The Solar System 27 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning. Ques: If Time Does Not Move Backward Or Forward, Then Explain How John Prophesied The Book Of Revelation, Because The Book Of Revelation Speaks Of Things Happening In These Days And Time? Ans: By The Statement, “As Jt Was In The Beginning So Shall it Be In The End” (Matthew 24:37), Which Is The Same Thing. The Book Of Revelation Is Merely Talking About Things That John Saw, If John Saw All Of These Catastrophes, Then They Were Already Happening As They Were Being Revealed To Him. God Was Merely, As You Say, Opening A Gate, Making It Possible To See Here And There At The Same Time. The Point Being, If John Saw These Things Happening, Then They Were Happening. Prophecy Is Merely Carrying The Thought To The Event, Or Carrying The Point To The Event. Prophecy Of What Happened Today, Happened Ten Years Ago. 1 Remember A Man Saying, “I Was There Which Is Here, When They Asked, “Let There Be Light?”. John Had A Vision Of The Future. He Saw And Witnessed The Vision. He Woke Up And Cried As If It Was A Nightmare. He Saw The Animals, And He Saw The Beasts. If It Happened In His ‘Head, Then It Happened. There Is No Prophesy That Is Coming From The Past Forward, They Are All Here. Ques: So Does That Mean Time To You Is Based On Experiences? 28 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ans: Yes, Today Is Like Trying To Catch Tomorrow. When lomerrow Comes, You Call It Today, And Today Becomes Yesterday. There Is Not One Yesterday, And There Is Not One Jomorrow, So You Are Not Going Anywhere. This Is A Part Of The Ulusion That The Planet Moves Around The Sun And That Is Niue, But They Are Really Not Going Anywhere. (Ques: Is The Universe Going Somewhere? Ans: Scientist Also Want To Know If The Whole Universe Is On A Journey Somewhere. The Answer Is Absolutely Not. Motion Is Defined By Moving From One Point To Another. There Is Here \nd Here Is There. However, That Doesn't Mean That There Is No Such Thing As Motion, It Takes 25,000 Years For The Whole erse To Make A Complete Revolution. It Works With The nox, Which Is 25,000 Years. Thus I Say, That Is What Time It (Ques: How Is Here There, And There Here? Ans: Realize That They, By Adding A Letter, Have Us Under The Illusion That There’s A Difference. Take These Words: 1. Where, 2. There, And 3. Here. What Is The Difference? If We Remove: The Letter W From The Word Where, We Have Here, And If We Remove The Letter T From There We Have Here. So In Reality, They Are One And The Same. It’s Just A Play Based On What You Are Being Misled To Believe, Which Is Only An Musion. Ques: What Laws Govern The Universe? 2 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z.. York-El About The Beginning Ans: Its Not What Laws. It's What Law, And That Is CHANGE. The Only Definite In All Existence Is Change. Ques: Why Is Earth Not In Tune With The Rest Of The Universe? Ans: It Is On A 23-Degree Axis Creating A Precession Of 26,000 Years. It Is In One Sense In Time And It Isn't In Another. At It's Circumference Or Certain It Is Creating The Equinox Of 25,000 Years And Its Polar Is Off Creating A Precession Of 26,000 Years. So, It Is In A Sense That Because It's A Part Of A Solar System In This Case Sun And Planets Revolve And Rotate Around One Another. It Isn’t In A Sense That Each Planet Is Unique In It’s Growth Based And The Distance It Is From The Center Of This Solar System Or Sun System. ‘Ques: How Would The Universe As We Know It Begin Again? Ans: Quite Simply, Take A Bag Of Dehydrated, Stale Bread, Where All Life Has Appeared To Have Disappeared, Sprinkle Some Water In Your Hand, Throw It Into The Bag, Seal The Bag Up And Wait A Period Of Time, Upon Which You Will Find Mold. This Is Life Created By The Right Conditions. If You Ask Any Astronomer Questions On The Universe, They Really Don’t Know The Answers. They Will Tell You What They Think According To Their Knowledge. They Use Words Like Could Be, Maybe, Might, Possibly, I Think, I Don’t Know, I Have To See, Just To Name A Few 30 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning 1S THE AIR Inflation explains, among other — things, seh mysteries as why ihe universe looks pretty much the same in all directions and how a proanut-butter-smooth thstribution of mater in the young cosmos pralved into today's lumpy distribution, with clusters of — galaxies sunrounded by empty syrace. Diagram 7 Article Entitled: “How Is The Cosmos Structured?" Taken Out Of “Time” Magazine States That “Tod Lauer Has Found Evidence Of Something Far Bigger Which Will Stretch The ‘Theories Beyond The Breaking Point” ‘As Scientist Look Farther Into The Universe, They See Larger And Larger Structures. The Biggest Structures That Are Being Observed Cannot Be Explained By Any Current Theory. Lately, Cosmologist Have Used The Hubble Space Telescope To Study The Universe. However, They Are Still Not Sure Ye A Cosmologist States: “The Universe Started Out In A Very Hot And Very Dense State Somewhere Between 8 Billion Years Ago, And That [t Has Been Expanding Outward Ever Since - The Big Bang In A Nutshell”. 31 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El Figure 3 The Hubble Telescope Of Which New Data Came From 32 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning WMAT IS THE AGE OF THE Tat “The most straightforward interpretation of their data implies that the cosmos is 12 billion years old, max. But experts insist that the oldest stars in the Milky Way have been around for at least i4 billion years. They could quite easily be several billion years older than that.” Vcd reece oct vem ean tc.ten a Bo i oF ia {iin a poi Se __sappeerelremteer eter leh Diagram 8 Article Entitled “What Is The Age Of The Universe?” Taken Out Of “Time” Magazine States, “To The Distress Of Many, They've Found The Cosmos Could Be Far Younger Than Many Stars Are Thought To Be.” 33 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning “Observation after observation showed that galaxies moved as if they were embedded in clouds of invisible matter containing 10 times as much mass as was accounted for ene ers by visible gas Coeerce tees and stars.” d thence Diagram 9 Article Entitled “What Is The Fate Of The Universe?” Taken Out Of “Time” Magazine States That “Andre Linde Thinks Inflation Could Permit The Universe To Go On Forever, In A Sense, Even If Our Part Of It Eventually Collapses, The Idea Is That Some Spots In The Cosmos Would Suddenly Start Inflating On Their Own, Creating Brand-New “Baby Universes". 34. Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El ____ About ‘The Beginnin: “Leaving aside theory. the challenge of identifying and understanding the staff that makes up the univerte has become one of the most frustrating quests in ‘science. For more than a decade, the campaign has proceeded on two fronts: attempts to directly observe the missing matter, and attempts to identify it via computer stimulations”. Diagram 10 Article Entitled “What Is The Universe Made Of?” Taken Out Of “Time” Magazine States “The Partnership Is Necessary Ibecause Nobody Knows For Sure Whether The Elusive Stuff Is Made Of Subatomic Particles Or Large, Planet like Objects Or Something More Exotic”. ‘These Articles Are Basically Telling You That They Are Not Sure About The Information That They Are Giving You On Space, Universe, Life, Planets, Etc. But, The Holy Tablets Has The 35 ‘ions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Answers, And Each Day They Are Realizing That It Does, Then. They Print It And Pretend It Came From Them. Ques: Ques: When Did Life Begin? Ans: When That Which Is Living Realized It. Now They Know There Is life Qn Mars. The Holy Tablets, Chapter 3 Told Them That Years Ago. Ques: What Happens When You Move The Concept Of Time? Ans: If Time Doesn’t Actually Go Forward Or Backward, There Is No Beginning That Way Or This Way. If You Remove The Concept Of Time, Then You Take Away Heaven And Hell. And Again, Time Doesn't Go Backward And Forward. It Is The Misconception Of Time That Gives God The Power. Ques: If There Is No Beginning And No Ending, Then Why Does The Physical Body Die And Then Become Reborn? Ans: Your Question Is In Actuality The Answer. The Physical Body Is Composed Of Elements Formed And Shaped In The Womb From Other Elements, Ovum And Semen, That Is Formed And Shaped In The Male And Female, Who Are Also Inturn Composed Of Elements. So We Are Speaking About Bulk Matter, Mass- The Human Body. Once One Appears To Be In A State Of What People Are Calling Dead Or Death, Dehydration Into Rigor Mortis, Into A Breakdown, They Retum To Dust Or Dirt To Become A Part Of The Substance Needed To Grow Life. So In 36 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E1 About The Beginning Hut, Phe Process Of Life Is Better Said As Living, And Living Is Heiermined Over A Period Of Time From What Is Called Birth To Heath. But, The Being Did Not Begin At Birth, As I Previously fxplained, And Does Not Really End At Death. But, Is Merely A Put OF An On Going Metamorphoses Into Becoming. Ques: If There Is No Beginning And No Ending, How Do We \snow When Our Existence Has Ended? Ans: Existence In Itself Confirms No Ending. In Order To Have An Ending Or An End Of Days On The World, A Final Day, A Host Day, You Must Have A Beginning. And Whoever Is Kexponsible Or Whatever Is Responsible For That Point Of Origin, Must Have Been There, Thus Predating The Beginning. (Ques: Exactly What Is The Beginning? Ans: Beginning Is A Declaration Of A Point Of Origin Of Something Or Action, What Is Prefixed To It Can Change The Whole Concept. For Instance: In The Beginning, Or At The Heginning, Or The Beginning Of, And 1 Can Continue On And On, What I Put Before You Is That The Translators Were Quite tive Of The Words They Used To Leave One Unable To Grasp Just What They Were Trying To Say, Now, Looking At Cienesis, And I Chose Genesis Of The Judaic Doctrine Because It Pathered Both Christianity And Islam. Look At Genesis, Chapter |, Verse 1 Where It States: “In The Beginning God Created The Heavens And The Earth”, As Stated Earlier, This Quote Leaves oF Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Doubt To Just What Is Meant By Beginning And Exactly When, Where And How A Beginning Began. Ques: How Many Beginnings Are There? Ans: You Are The Beginning Of Everything, And With You Everything Begun, And When You Die That Is The End Of You. You Are Worshipping For What Is Promised To You And It's Not Guaranteed. For Example, You Were Promised Your Whole Life That If You Worship And Obey This God, And Turn The Other Cheek, Then You Go To Heaven. This Is Something That Is Not Guaranteed Or Confirmed To Be True, You Can Get Everything That Is Promised To You In The Scriptures Right Here On Earth. No One Has Returned From The Dead And Publicly Confirmed Your Hopes Of A Heaven Or Paradise. All You Do Is Wish And Hope For What You Have Been Promised. Or Is Everyone Who Died Somewhere, Just Waiting To Get Into Heaven? Now Imagine How Chaotic That Would Be. Ques: What Is The Purpose Of The Beginning? Ans: Religious Teaching Will Give You One Purpose And Scientific Facts Will Give Another. While Religion Is Based On Faith, Belief And Finally Hope, Scientific Data Is Based On Research, Confirmation And Results. Scientists Discuss The Beginning Of This And The Beginning Of That To Determine Where We Are In Time, Space And Matter. Where As Religious Theologians Put Theories Forth That A Male God Decided To Create Beings To Serve Him And His Purpose. And If They Obey 38 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning His Commands And Wishes, He Will Grant Them Luxuries, Thus Making God’s Purpose From The Beginning, Service To Him. Ques: Is Promise The Source Of Faith? Ans: Yes. In The Monotheistic Religions, The Tactic Used Is A Promise Of All The Things That One Couldn’t Obtain While Living On Earth. Some Cal] It Heaven, Others Paradise And Even Others The Garden Of Paradise. It’s What's Promised To Those Who Blindly Follow The Dictations Of Mortals, Who Claim To Speak With, Have Spoken To, Or Are Inspired By God, Thus Having Faith, Beliefs, And Hopes For What Is Promised. This Is An Abode Where Responsibilities, Obligations, Accomplishments, Failures, Challenges, And Fears Don’t Exis Ques: What Governs This Abode? Ans: Cause And Effect. Ques: What Is Wrong With Believing In The Heaven Concept? Ans: Nothing Is Wrong With A Belief In Anything, As Long As You Realize It Is Just That, A Belief And Not A Fact. Just Look At It This Way: If You Were To Die And Go To This Place Called Heaven, You Would Want To See All Of Your Past Relatives, Who Would Also All Be Looking For Their Past Relatives. You Would Want To See Muhammad, Moses, Jesus, Maybe Your Favorite Hero Caesar Or Genghis Khan. But, Imagine The Confusion Of Everybody All Running Around Looking For Someone Else. 39 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Figure 4 Figure 5 Muhammad Moses Figure 6 Jesus 40 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Figure 8 Genghis Khan (1162?-1227 A. juss ls There A Difference Between Heaven And Paradise? tis: Yes, The Word Heaven Has Its Root In The Middle English onl Heven, From Old English Heofon. You Will Find As The nyuages Shift From Latin To The More Recent English, Heven ‘(ume From Haefen, Meaning “A Harbor Anchorage Or A Port”. ) In Fact, The Original Meaning Of Heaven Was Not The Abode here God Dwells, But, The Port To Which You Dock And Meet (God, A Place You Would Arrive At. Mow The Word Paradise Is Generally Thought Of As Being From ‘the Greek Word Paradeisos, Meaning “Garden, Enclosed Vurked” Or Area. It Has Is Root In Pairi, Which Means “Around,” And Daeza, Meaning “Wall Around The Wall Or The 41 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginni Enctosure”. The Bible Uses Gan “Eden” In Genesis 2:8, Whe States: “And The LORD God Planted A Garden Eastward In Eda And There He Put The Man Whom He Had Formed." The Hebre Is Gam “Garden” And Eden For “Delight”. So You Get Simp The Enclosed Garden Of Delight, Where One Receives Gre Pleasure And Joy. The Word Delight Is From The Latin Wor Delicere Meaning “To Allure”, And The Word Lacere Meani “To Entice". Again, We Are Back To Promises Of Pleasure Luxury To Lure People To A Specific Place. Why Would A G That Knows Your Every Thought, Feelings, Plan, And Wish (Psalms 44:21) Need To Lure You? Ques: So When Was The Beginning Of The Creation Earth? Ans: The Word Earth In The Bible Is (778 ) And In Thi Qur’aan 2:11 It Is (0+) ) Which Just Means “Ground' And Can Actually Apply To Any Planet In Any Solar System Any Universe And Any Galaxy. It Is That Possessive Part Man’s Nature That Makes Him Think That The Word Earth, Is Hii And His Alone. Just As Mortals On This Planet, Called Eart Take It Upon Themselves To Name Other Planets: Mercus Venus, And Star Constellation Galaxies And Systems. So, Y Seek An Answer To The Beginning Of Earth, When In Fact W! You Want To Know Is The Beginning Of This Very Planet Or Which You Stand. So Neither The Bible Nor The Koran Can Give You A Scientifi Answer To That Question. But, Mineralogist Who Study Deca! 42 E Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ail Aging Soil Sample, Have The Answer. Funny As It May ound, Genesis Of The Bible Chapter 2, Verse 11-12 States; wi ie — Old Testament, Genesis 2:11-12 (With Hebrew Insert). I) The name GY of the first TN <'echad> is Pison PWD : that NIT is it which compasseth 3IO tubab> the whole land PIN <'erets> of Havilah 75°07 Chaviylah>, where RON <'aher> there is gold 371? ; [2 And the gold 37? of that NIT land PON ereis> is good 319 : there is bdellium M7973 hedolach> and the onyx B77 stone j3N <'eben>. “The Name Of The First Is Pison; That Is It Which Compasseth The Whole Land Havilah, Where There Is Gold; \nd The Gold Of That Land Is Good; There Is Bdellium And Onyx Stone.” King James Version So The Bible Is Identifying With An Element Of The Atomic Chart Gold. The 79" Atomic Number And Weight 196.967; And A Melting Point Of 1,063.0°C. It Takes The Element Gold Further Than The Calculation Of Creation In The Bible And Qur'aan, Which Is Dated Only As Far Back As 4,004 To 6,000 Years According To The Best Of Judaic, Christian And Islamic Scholars, So The Very Mention Of Gold, And Good Gold, 43 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin Implying That There Was Other Than Good Gold, Changes Whole Concept Of The Age Of The Planet You Stand On And Cal Earth. Ques: Does Each Planet Have It’s Own Time Zone? Ans: Yes. If You Can Call It A Time, Based On The Rotating A Mass Around A Sun, Which Is Going Nowhere, How Long Takes For It To Complete That Cycle Would Be Based On Ho" Far Away It Is From The Central Mass, Designating A Perio From Start To Finish In A Circular Motion In This Solar System, Mercury To Date Is The Closest Planet To Your Sun. So, It Has Shorter Period Of Rotating Than Does Earth, Which Is The Thi In Distance From The Sun Ques: Were All Planets Created At One Time Or At Gradual Process? Ans: Note How Time Is Being Used Now. At One Time With Single Moment Not Moving Forward. Planets Were Not Created, They Grew Through Time. To Say That Planets Were Created I To Say That Some God Being Went Poof The Magic Dragon, An ‘Things Just Started; And That's Just Not The Way Science Works. ‘Ques: Do Bible Scholars Acknowledge Other Planets? Ans: Yes, In Fact Job 9:9 Mentions Orion And Pleiades. It Ev Points Out The Star Constellation Of Arcturus. It States: 44 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning ile Old Testament, Genesis 9:9 (With Hebrew Insert) Wich maketh FRAY <"asah> Arcturus PY <‘Ayish>, Orion DOD Kacivi>, and Pleiades T° , and the chambers 77T ‘wder> of the south J2%71 . hich Maketh Arcturus, Orion, And Pleiades, And The »bers Of The South.” King James Version Jso The Book Of Amos 5:8 States: le — Old Testament, Amos 5:8 (With Hebrew Insert) ck him that maketh WAY <‘asah> the seven stars TO? Kiymak> and Orion 9°03 ....” “ck Him That Maketh The Seven Stars And Orion,...” King James Version nd Job 38:32 Mentions Mazzarot here It States: And Arcturus Again, ible — Old Testament, Job 38:32 (With Hebrew Insert) 45 Questions To Dr. Malachi About The Beginning Canst thou bring forth 3" Mazzaroth 7771 in his season SW <‘eth>? or canst thou guide 7 Arcturus GY <‘Ayish> with his sons {3 “Canst Thou Bring Forth Mazzaroth In His Season? Or Ca Thou Guide Arcturus With His Sons?” King James Version A Little Research Into These Names Will Enlighten You To Fact That They Were Very Conscious Of Other Systems In Universe, Which To Date Have Been Proven To Contain Othe Planets. a prs UL! ee Figure 9 Orion Constellation Pleiades Constellation Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E] About The Beginning Figure 11 Arcturus Constellation ‘(jwes: Aside From The Theory Called The Big Bang Theory; ‘Wy Scientists Have Facts On The Beginning? Ave Scientists Do Have Facts On The Beginning Because, Ascording To Theologians The Beginning Was Of A Heaven And Jib, And Scientists Have Studied This Planet Earth And Are Able To Determine The Age Of The Mantle From The Crust To The Center, Which Would Be The Radius. And The Many (hunges That This Earth Has Gone Through, And How Long Each Period Of Time Existed, And When Change Came About. So In Tcl, Scientists Are Well Aware Of The Age Of The Planet Earth. Abo, Astronomers Who Have Probed The Universe, Have Brought Wack Samples Taped From The Planet's Surfaces. They Watch 47 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Begin! Stars Being Born And Die. They Watch Galaxies Form And Th Are Now Even Aware Of How Long The Universe Existed You Know It. Ques: What Does The Words Beginning Mean? Ans: According To “The American Heritage Dictionary”, Word “Beginning” Is Defined As Such: “The Act Or Process Of Bringing Or Being Brought Into Being, A Start. 2. The Time When Something Begins Or Is Begun: 3. The Place Where Something Begins Or Is Begun: A Source; An Origin:”” The Beginning Means “The First Time” Of Something. In The Mistranslated King James Version From The Aramic (Hebrew) Genesis 1:1, It Says (“In The Beginning God Created...”) AS Translated In English. However, This English Translation In You Bible In Genesis “Chapter 1, Verse 1”, Using The Word “Create” Is Incorrect, Because The Word Reing Used Is Rara Q872) In Aramic Hebrew, Which Means “Reconstruction,” Not Creation. The Correct Word For Creation Would Be Khalaga (P9M) In Aramic (Hebrew) And In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) (GS) Khalqu, Meaning “The Creation”, And It Is Not Used In This Case. Ques: What Is The Difference Between The Word Khalaqa And Bara? 48. Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning \ns: The Difference Between The Word Khalaga And Bara Is Vhat The Word Bara (8712) In Aramic (Hebrew) And Bara (cs) ii) Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic), Means To “Re-Construet, Re-Create, (Or Remodel Something That Already Existed, Was Pro-Created Ov Made”; This Refers To The 12” Attribute, El Baariy (s's!!) Meaning “The Maker.” This Is The Same Word As Bara (8712) |) Genesis 1:1. The Words Used For Make Is Also Ja’ala (Js), Suna’a (@44) Or ‘Amala (4) Or To Do Or Make. Whereas, The Word Meaning Create In Aramic (Hebrew) Is Khalaga wom, Which Is The Same As Khalaga (34) In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) Wt Khaaliq (3! SS) The 11" Attribute Of Allah (Koran 13:16), Means “The Creator’. So You See They Played Games With Words. Therefore, The Creation Story As You Know It Is Not Really Creation, But A Re-Creation Or Re-Construction Which Is ra, Not Khalaqa. This Took Place 19,000,000 Years Ago. This construction Period Brought About A New Replenshing For The net Earth, Which As The Bible Book Of Genesis 1:28 Tells You That Adams's Job Was To Refill And Replenish The Planet Earth. This Replenishing Process Happens Every 24,000 Years, Bringing In A New Cycle. (Ques: Can You Explain The 24,000-Year Cycle? Ans: If You Are Referring To An Equinox, It’s Quite Simple. here Is A Universal Equinox And An Earthly Equinox; Equinox Simply Being When The Length Of Day And Night “Shadow Hour” Are Equal, Coming From Latin aequinoctiwm: aequi-, equi- 49 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning + nox, noct-, “night”, The Planet Earth Goes Around The Sun, Called Solar, From The Latin Word Sol, Meaning “Sun” And Ar, From The Hittite, A Canaanite Deity Named Arinma, “Goddess Of The Sun", (Which Is The Center Of This Solar System), In 365 Earth Days. There Are 4 Cycles, 2 Moon Cycles And 2 Sun Cycles. Each’ Cycle Lasts 6,000 Years. These Four Cycles Make Up What Is Called An Equinox, Which Lasts 24,000 Years. We Are Currently: In The 4th Cycle Of The 24,000 Years. This Cycle Is Called The Sun Cyele. So The First Cycle In This Equinox Was A Moon, That Changed To A Sun Cycle, That Changes To A Moon And Back To: A Sun Cycle, Where We Are Currently Ast Moon Cycle 6,000 Years Ist Sun Cyele 6,000 Years 2nd Moon Cycle 6,000 Years Diagram 11 The 24,000 Year Cycle 50 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning. —— These Cycles Not Only Involve A Change In Evolution, Which Has Actually Come To An End And Is Thrown In Reverse, But they Are Now Regressing To The Original Primitive State They Were Evoluting From. This Is What Is Happening To Mankind With The Sun Cycle, It Has Turned Into A Revolutionary Cycle. You Have This Whole Galaxy Or Solar System, Central Solar, With Systematic Bodies Moving Around It. It Moves Around A larger Mass Every 24,000 Years. Of Course, That Varies In An Fquinox. Your Equinox Varies From 24,000 To 24,896 Years, Which Is Also The Circumfrence Of The Planet. 24,896 Miles Where Land That Is Equal To One Mile For Every Year. The Planet Called Earth Positioned Itself In The Location Of The Itevolution Of Earth In The Year 1970 A.D. Which Was The End Ol The 3" Cycle, As You Know It. When The Sacred Seal Was Broken, The 7" Seal, And The Right Knowledge Started Pouring Out. The Reformer Was Made Known And He Began The Healing Or Renewal Of Our History. Ques: When You Say That Genesis 1:1 Is Not The Beginning, Does That Also Mean This Is Not The Original Creation Of The Heavens And The Earth? Ans: Yes, It Was Simply A Pro-Creation Period. If Genesis 1:1 Was Making Reference To The Original “Creation Period”, It Would Use The Correct Hebrew Word Khalag 77M, And Arabic Word GIS. However, It Is Making Reference To A “Re-Creation Or Re-Construction Period”. Thus, It Uses The Right Hebrew 51 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Term Baw-Raw “To Pro-Create, Re-Creare”, Just As In Genesis 1:28, Replenish And Genesis 9:1, Replenish The Earth. By The Simple Fact That God Said To Re-Plenish The Earth, Which Was Also Told To Noah After His Flood, Genesis 9:1, Then This Shows You That This Was Not The Original Creation, For If It Was, There Would Be No Need For God To Say Replenish To Something That Was Just Created. Ques: Can You Explain What Does The Word “Create” Really Mean? Ans: What You Should Be Asking Is: “According To What Language Does The Word Creation Mean This Or That, And Who Said So?” First Of All, When You Start Researching The Definition Of Any Word, You Must Look At The Person Defining The Word, Look At Their Background, And Their Beliefs: Be They Scientist, A Theologist, A Philosopher, Or An Anthropologist. People Define Words According To Their Own Definitions, Their Own Languages, Their Own Experiences, And. How They Sce Things. When You Take A Look At The Word Create You Can Find Its Meaning Through The Eyes Of Science. According To “Funk & Wagnalls New Comprehensive International Dictionary Of The English Language,” The Word Create Is Defined As: “To Grow, To Cause To Come Into Existence; Originate, To Be The Cause Of, To Be Produced, To Be The First.” 52 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E] About The Beginning \ Large Majority Of The Population Sees Creation As Causing Something To Come Into Existence That Did Not Exist Before, To Originate And To Be The First. All Of These Definitions Of The Word Are Telling You That Creation Is Something That Happens At A Moment In Time, But This Is Not Fact. Creation Is Something That Happens Over A Period Of Time, However, It Has Yo Have One Point To Start From. This Is Important For The Mental State Of You Humans, Because Without This Fact, You Will Go On Getting Caught Up In Spookism; Thinking That Some All Powerful Aum-Nipotent (Omnipotent), All-Seeing Aum-Niseient (Omniscient), All-Present \um-Nipresent (Omnipresent) Individual God, With A Magic Wand, Simply Decided To Create The Solar System With All The Planets, Animals And Man; Then “Ta-Daa!”, It Happens At The Snap Of A Finger By He Who Has No Beginning Or End. Some Even Say He Is The First, El Awwal (Js¥!) And The Last, El Aakhir (52Y!) Or The Alpha (A) And The Omega (@). Still They Can't Say Where He Came From, Or Who Created Or Gave Birth Fo Him. They Will Just Avoid This Point, Or Call You Names For Asking. They Make You Afraid To Even Ask Yourself, Where Did He, God, Allah, Yahweh, Thehos, She Or It Originate? Look At The Word Creation; The Root To Finding Out The True Meaning Of This Word Is By Examining The Word Itself. The Word Creation Is Made Up Of The Root Word “Create”. In The English Language It Is Classified As A Verb, Thus Making It An Action That Is Carried Out. Create Means To “Bring About A Thing; To A New, Or For The Very First Time, Bring Something 53 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Into Existence.” The Suffix ‘Ion’? When Applied To The End Of A Verb, Turns The Word Into A Noun, Which Is A Person, Place Or Thing. So, The Word “Create” With The Suffix ‘-lon” Added On Turns The Act — “Create” Into A State Or Condition Of Create; And A Condition Is Defined As “An Agreement”, “To Agree Upon”, “Or To Talk Over”. This Would Also Mean That It Was Something That Took Some Time Te Happen. When Analyzing Any Other Verb And Adding ~ Ion To It, You Will Find That In Whichever Language You Speak It, And That Alone Tells You, You Don’t Know Because When You Analyze The Word Create, It's Always From Someone Else’s Point Of View. That’s Why I Tell You When You Define Any Word, You Must Define It From Its Original Language, Not By The Person's Translation. Otherwise, That Person Is Defining The Words For You. Overstanding The English Word “Creation”, Is An Important Step In Overstanding Everything In Your Universe, Including The Composure Of Your Universe. The Same Thing Happens In Aramic (Hebrew) And Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic), Just As It Happened In English With The Word Creation. There Are Some Things In Your Universe That Are Beyond Your Comprehension, Because Your Definitions, Your Interpretations, Your Explanations Are All Within Your Circles Of Time, Everything Keeps Leading Back To Your Definition Of Some Movie You Were Shown. Then When I Try To Tell You Things, I Have To Relate Everything To What You Know, According To Your Definitions. You Are In A Vacuum Of Laws, Time, Space, And Information. Just Like When Using The English Language, Take A. 54 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z, York-El About The Beginning Word, Any Word, When Trying To Overstand What You Would Call A Foreign Language. You Try To Associate The Definition Vhat Is Set By English Standards, Or Whatever Language You Speak. Your Information Is Limited, Your Space Is Limited, And Your Time Is Limited. You Are Trapped Within A Vacuum Where Everything Must Be Defined In The Category Of Person, Place, Or Thing. You Can't Even Think Of A Number Greater Than The Number Nine (9). Don’t Think The Numbers: 10, 11,12... Are Greater Because 10 Is Merely 140 =1; 11 Is 1+} =2 And 12 Is . So These Numbers Are Not Greater Than The Number Nine. Therefore In Trying To Explain “Everything” In The Universe To You, I Will Have To Try To Put Them Into Terms, Or Within These Categories That You Overstand, And In The Process, Take Away From What I Am Trying To Explain To You About The Beginning. However, In Order To Get The Full Breakdown We Must Go Into The Meaning Of The Word “Begin”, Because That Is Where The Word Begin-ning Originated From. According To “The American Heritage Dictionary”, The Word “Begin” Is Defined As: BEGIN: Middle English Beginnen, From Old English Beginnan, From Gothic De-Ginnan, “To Begin”, From Teut, Bi-Ginnan, Meaning “To Touch, Begin”. The Etymological Dictionary Defines “Beginning” As: Beginning From Begin: Middle English Beginnen, From Old English Beginnan, From Gothic Du-Ginnan From Teut. Bi-Ginnan, From Bi- (See Be) And Ginnan, Which Is Prob. Cogn. With Alb. Ze And Zq, Meaning “To Touch, Begin”. 55 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning The Beginning Is Termed By The Ryrie Study Bible, Page 7, Column 1, As The Beginning Of The Creation Of The World, Not Of Eternity, However, The Word Begin Is Simply Two Words Put Together, “Bi” And “Gin”. The English Word Bi Comes From The Latin Word Bis, Bi Meaning “Twice”, And Bini, Meaning “Two By Two”, And The English Word Gin, Spelt With A “J” (Jin), The Root Of The Word Jinn Or Jinni Or Genie, Which Is Defined As: 4. A Supernatural Creature Who Does One's Bidding When Summoned. A Jinni, From French Génie, “Spirit” From Latin Genius, “Guardian Spirit; Make Note That The First Book Of The Old Testament, Genesis 1:1 Says “In The Beginning”, It Begins With The Hebrew Letter “B” Or Bayth (3). The First Book Of The New Testament Matthew 1:1 Begins With The Greek Letter “B” Beta (B) “The Book (BiBioc- Biblos) Of The Generation...”, And The First Opening Prayer Of The Koran 96:1 Begins With The Arabic Letter “BY Or Baa (~) “in The Name (eo & -Bismi) Of Allah...” Al Alaq "The Clot”. Ques: Why The Letter “B”? Ans: “B” Is The Second Letter Of The Hebrew, Arabic And Greek Alphabet. It's The Latin Or Greek Number 13, 10 + 3 = 13, But The Letter “B” Falls Second And Has The Numerical Abjad Number 2, And Represents “House Or Tent”. So When It Uses The Hebrew Letter “Be (3)" For “In” The Beginning, Then It 1s Making The Implication That God Or The Gods - Eloheem 56 ‘Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning (or), Thehes (6c0¢), Aalihaat (tel), Were Encompassed Within A House. They Were Within The Beginning Taking Part Of The Creation. However, They Were Not At The Very liceinning Of All Creation. il ‘This In Fact Is The Beginning, And The Word Genesis— Karasheeth (M°WNAD) In Itself Implies By Meaning “The fievinning, Chief, Principle Thing First”, And The Hebrew Word Used For Beginning Is Ray-Sheeth, We Find This To Be No Coincidence That The Name For Seth, The Third Son Of Eve And The God (Genesis 4:25) Is Sheth (Shayth) In Hebrew Meaning “Compensation”, From The Root Word Shiyth (Sheerh), Meaning "Te Place, Apply, Appoint”, Which Is Also The Chaldean Word Meaning “Six”, For 6 Days Of Creation. Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 4:25 (With Hebrew Insert) “25 And Adam BTS <'adam> knew 27" his wife ON again TW <‘owd>; and she bare 79" a son 2 , and called NP his name DY Seth IW : For God DION <'elohiym>, said she, hath appointed JTW me another “WIN <'acher> seed LTT instead S17 of Abel 9377 , whom "2 Cain J77 slew 77 .” “And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.” King James Version Ques: You Mentioned Earlier That There Are Many Stages Of Creations, What Is The First Stage? Ans: The First Is The Original Or Ps ary Creation, Primarus, From Primus, First. Before The Lightest Atom, Hydrogen, Energies Existed, As A Form Of Energy Existing In The Form Of Gases. Nine Levels Of Them From Quarks To Bi-Aps To Zedes/Zeles, Referred To As Sub-Atomic Energy, Before Weight Or The Sum Of Any Weight, Registering As Nothingness. Yet Existing, Being Lighter Than The First Form Of Existence, 38 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El - 2 About The Beginning llydrogen. The First Set: Before Light, Before Energy, And Isefore Matter. lhe Second Or Secondary Stage Is The Evolutionary Creation, rhe Evolving Of Existence From Density To Matter, To Atoms, To Cells, To Organisms, To Bodies. The Second Set: Before Time, Before Space And Before Place. The Third Or Tertiary Stage, Which Comes From Tertiarius, Vrom Tertius Third, Are The Ghostational Creations. The Breath Of Life, The Living Soul, The Existing Conscious Being. The Vhird Set: Before Body, Before Soul, And Before Spirit. Ques: What Are The Different Interpretations Of The inning Or Creation According To The Three Monothei Ams: The Christian Interpretation Clarke’s Commentary Defines The “Beginning” As: Before The Creative Acts Mentioned In This Chapter All Was ETERNITY. Time Signifies Duration Measured By The Revolutions Of The Heavenly Bodies. There Could Be No Measurement Of Duration, And Consequently No Time; Therefore In The Beginning Must Necessarily Mean The Commencement Of Time Which Followed. Or Rather Was Produced 59 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning By, God's Creative Acts, As An Effect Follows Or Is Produced By A Cause. The Jewish Interpretation The Pentateuch And Rashi’s Commentary, A Linear Translation Into English, By Rabbi Abraham Ben Isaiah And Rabbi Benjamin Sharfman, Defines The “Beginning” As This Passage Calls For A Midrashic Interpretation, As Our Rabbis Have Interpreted It: “{God Created The World] For The Sake Of The Torah” Since lt ls Called (Prov, 8.22), “The Beginning, Of His Way”... But If You Should Come To Interpret It In its Plain Sense, Thus Explain It: At The Beginning Of The Creation Of Heaven And Earth, When The Earth Was Unformed And Void. And Darkness {Was Upon The Face Of The Earth, Etc.} God Said: “Let There Be Light.” For The Passage Does Not Come To Teach [Us} The Order Of The [Acts Of} Creation, To Say That These [Heaven And Earth] Came First. For If t Came To Teach Us That, It Would Have Been Necessary To Write: “At First” He Created The Heavens, Etc.; The Muslim Interpretation Yusef Ali’s Commentary Defines The “Beginning” As 60 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning God's Creation Is Not A Simple Act, Once Dene And Finished With. It Is Continuous, And There Are Many Stages, Not The Least Important Of Which Is The Hereafter, When The Fruits Of Our Life Will Be Achieved. According To Different Religions, The Creation Of The Planet Farth, The First Man, Or In Other Words, “The Very Begiming’’, Dates Back At Different Times. According To Christianity, The Christians Claim The Concept Of The Very Beginning Or Creation Dates Back 4,004 Years Ago (New Testament). According To Islam, The Muslims Claim That The Concept Of The Beginning Was 6,000-10,000 Years Ago (Koran), And According To The Hebrews Or Jews, They Claim That The Beginning Was 7,000 Years Ago (Torah). But, It Has Been Proven Through Scientific Facts That The Sun Is Billions Of Years Older han The Planet Earth. In Genesis 1:14, It Says In Part And I (Quote: “Let There Be Lights...” Also, In Genesis 1:10 It Says In Part: “..And God Called The Dry Land Earth; According To ible Scholars The Events Of The Bible Occurred In The Order Ihey Are Recorded (Qur’aan 21:33 As Well As Qur’aan 6:1) The Beginning, According To The Biblical And Koramie Concept Is Widely Accepted As The Beginning Of All The Creation And All That Exist In The Heavens And The Earth According To Genesis 1:1 And I Quote: Bible — Old Testament Genesis 1:1 (With Hebrew Insert) 61 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning “In the beginning ONT God OYTON <'elohiym> created ND FN <'eth> the heaven BYX? and DN <'eth> the earth PIN .” “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” King James Version And Koran 2:117 (With Arabic Insert) And I Quote: QisS SAI ROMY coi Bb scales THE (WONDERFUL) BADIY’U & (ORIGINATORS) OF AL- SAMAAWAATI & 504) (THE HEAVENS) WA 3 (AND) AL ARD V2 ¥1 (THE EARTH) MIN &« (FROM NOUGHT) (IS HE) WA 3 (AND) ETHA \3) (WHEN) HE KADA-YA .=~>3 (DECREETH) AMRAAN \ «| (AN AFFAIR) FAA-NEM-AA 131 (HE ONLY) sh (SAYETH) LA-HU 4) (TO IT) KUN OS (“BE”) FAYA KUWN ©3834 (AND IT “IS”). The Wonderful Originators Of The Heavens And The Earth From Nought Is He And When He Decreeth An Affair He Only Sayeth To It “Be” And It “Is”. Mir Ahmed Ali Version 62 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Both Religions Will Openly Admit A Birth Date Record For Their Seripture And It’s Recordings, Which Clearly States That It Was Not Written At The Very Beginning Nor In The Beginning, But rhousands Of Years After, Out Of Memory, Or Recorded In The Very Beginning. Yet, When You Go Past The English Translations And Research These Texts According Io The Original Languages Of Which None Of Them Claimed To Be In, Concerning The Very Usage Of The Names For Deity, There Is Deception. Arabic Is Not An Original Language, Nor Is Hebrew Or Greek. For Instance, Throughout The Koran And Bible, The Word God Is Used Often Times Referring To Idols, Demons And Even Mortals. So, They Had To Have Concocted A System Of Deterrence Where They Claim Big G And Small g Makes The Difference. Meanwhile, In The Koran, Muslims Are Confronted With The Pluralization Of The Word Allah (45!) Alihat (e!), And Even A Female Idol By The Name Of Allat (=), Where As The Greeks Alternate Thehos (@c0c), Kurios (xvpros), Or Despotes (Seaxotnc). Never Anticipating Thousands Of Years Avo When Scribes Ruled By The Pen, That The Computer Would Come Into Existence And Give One The Ability To Scrutinize And Analyze These Biblical Text, And Reveal The Startling Facts Albout Their God’s Creation And The Beginning. Let’s Begin By Looking At The Word God. Stop And Think One Moment. The Name God Is Not Really In The Bible. If This Is Not An English Book Written By Englishmen, It’s Not There; It Was 63 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Added. You Will Also Find That God, Whether You Have A Big G, Or Little g, Is Not Being Used In The Singular Tense, As Eloh (T5®) Or Allah (4), The Beings Spoken Of In The Bible And ‘The Koran Are The Eloheem ends), The Plural Of Eloh cad) Not GOD, god Or Lord, And The Malaa-Ikat (4% ><) (Koran 21:16, 51:47), Who Was Sent Down To Earth From Heaven To. Do The Works Of El Ow). The New Testament In Greek, Which Jt Was Not Originally Has Angelos Meaning “Messenger”. However, That Was Not In The Original Text. And Just Why Are The Plural Forms Being Used In These Texts, The Bible And Koran, When Making Reference To The Actual Beginning? Isn"t “The Beginning” Supposedly When It All Began? And Doesn't Genesis 2:1 State: Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 2:1 (With Hebrew Insert) “Thus the heavens D3? and the earth Pw <'erets> were finished 75D , and all the host of them NDB .,” “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.” King James Version The Hebrew Uses The Word N23 (Tsaw-Baw) Meaning “Army, Host (Of Angels)” For Host In Genesis 2:1. These Host Or What 64 4 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning. They Now Call Angelic Beings Originally Called Eloheem In (Genesis 1:1, And Cherubims In Genesis 3:24 Were Included In Yhe Creation Of The Heaven And The Earth, Which Was Witnessed By One God The Bible Says, Who Is An Egiptian God Supreme Being’, Called By Name In Revelation 3:14 Ho Amane (© apny) Or Simply “The Amen” Amon-Re, Amun-Ra, Amen, The Faithful, And True Witness, The Beginning Of The Creation Of God. And The Greek Word Used For Ged Is Thehos (8606), Which Would Be Eloheem cay) In Hebrew. So Shouldn’t God In The Singular Tense Be Speaking And Not Gods In The Plural Tense? The Question Comes Up Now, Just Who Is Or Are hese Gods Spoken Of In The Beginning? And If Genesis 1:1 Is Not Making Reference To The Beginning, Then Just When Was he Beginning Of The Creation Of Heaven And Earth? Where bid The Biblical And Koranie Concept Of The Beginning Come From, Which Is Still Being Taught To Every Child Throughout The Three Monotheistic Religions, Judaism, Christianity And Islam And Their Many Sects And Denominations, Despite The Scientific Evidence Proving The Creation And Evolution Of The Planet Earth Dated Back Further Than The Origin Of The Bible? These Holy Texts, Be It The Tanakh (Torah), The Evangel (New Testament), Or The Qur’aan (Koran), Each Have Their Version. Of The Beginning, All Extracted And Changed To Suit Their Likings From The Creation Stories Found In The Aneient Sumerian Tablets In Cuneiform, Such As The Enuma Elish, The tra Hasis, The Gilgamesh Epics, The Etama, And Ishtar Descent To The Underworld, Just To Name A Few. It Is My Duty To Inform You Of The True Story Of The Beginning And Where It Was Copied From. 65 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Figure 13 The Gilgamesh Epic Of Creation Ques: What Is The Sumerian Creation Story? Ans: When The Anunnaqi Descended On Qi, The Planet Earth, In Search Of Gold And Other Minerals To Take Back To Their Original Planet Rizq, Because It Was Dying, They Had To Work The Gold Mines. The Work Was Too Hard And Back Breaking And The Anunnaqi Were Complaining. So, They All Gathered In Assembly To Solve The Problem. And One Anunnaqi By The 66 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Name Of Engi, Son Of Anu And Id, Stood Up And Said, “Let A Primitive Worker Be Created!” The Idea Appealed To The Anunnaqi. The More They Discussed It, The More Clearly Their Clamor Grew For Such A Primitive Worker To Take Over The Workload. But They Wondered, How Can You Create A Being Intelligent Enough To Use Tools And To Follow Orders? And Engi Answered, “The Creature Whose Name You Uuered-It Fxists. All You Have To Do is Bind Upon it The Image Of The Anunnagi”. The Anunnaqi Decided And Resolved To Proceed With The Task, And On Enqi’s Suggestion, Assigned The Task To Ninti, Their Chief Medical Officer (Refer To “The Holy Tablets” Chapter Two, Et Abd, The Slave). Ail The Anunnaqi Agreed To Create A Being That Would Do The Job For Them. And This Ueing They Called Lulu Amelu, Meaning “Primitive Worker.” The Creation Of The First Human Was Done By Genetic Manipulation. It Was Not Done In An Instant. It Took Six Hundred Years In The Grafting And The Making Of This Being Called The Humim. The Anunnagi Went Through A Lot Of Trial And Error To Get ‘The Perfect Being, Which Accounts For All Of Your Defects In Your Body, And This Is Mentioned In The Correct Translation Of El Qur’aan 76:2, By Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York-El 33/720" And 1 Quote: “Surely We, The Elohkeem, Anunnaqi Procreated, Khalaq The Enosite From Semen, ‘Nutfah,’ Mixed With Ovum, That We May Test Him; So We, The Eloheem Made Him Hearing And Seeing.” o7 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Nekaybaw (Hawwah, Eve), Daughter Of Ptah And Anath, Their Prime Concern Was What Genes Would Produce What Type Of. Being. Thus Began The Process Of Genetic Breeding. In Order For The First Adam And Eve To Breed, They Were Transformed From Non Gender Beings (Without Separate Sex) To Male And Female. This Was Done By Genetic Engineering. (Refer To “The Science Of Creation” Scroll #89 By Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z.York-EL 33°/720"). Ques: What Are Other Interpretations Of The Beginning Or Creation Through The Eyes Of Different Religions And Peoples? In 1654 A.D., An Irish Scholar Of Trinity College In Dublin And Anglican Archbishop Named James Ussher, Who Was Born January 4, 1581 A.D., And Died Mareh 21, 1656 A.D., Published The Results Of His Scientific Investigation Into The Creation Of The World. He Claimed He Had Pinpointed The Precise Moment Of Creation, Which Was 9.00 A.M. On October 26, 4,004 B.C.z 9:00 A.M. October 25" Was Also The Traditional First Day Of The New Year For Trinity College. He Was Ordained In 1601 A.D., And Was Professor Of Divinity At Trinity College In Dublin, Before Becoming Bishop Of Math (1621 A.D.) And Archbishop Of Armagh (1625 A.D.) In England. During The Irish Revolt Of 1641 A.D., He Never Returned To: Ireland. He Leaned Toward Calvinism In Theology, But He Was Royalist In Politics, And Very Wrong I Might Add. 70 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El _ About The Beginning The Hopi’s Interpretation “fhe Hopi”, Authored By Nancy Bonvillian Defines The “Beginning” As: “The Earth Was Covered With Water, There Was No Dry Ground. Ne Animals Roamed The Mountains And Plains, No Birds Flew In The Air, And No People Lived. But Inside The Darkened Earth Dwelled Deities And Spirits With Great Knowledge And Power. ‘The Sumerian’s Interpretation “The Sumerian Inventors And Builders”, Authored By Elizabeth Lansing Defines The “Beginning” As: “According To Sumerian Belief There Were Four All- Powerful Creating Gods In The Universe: An, Enlil, Enki, And Ninhursag. The “Exalted Lady," Who “Nourished” The Sumerian Rules, Was Ninhursag, The Mother Of All Living Things She Occupied Herself In The Creation Of Man And In Bringing Green Things To Earth. The Sumerians Believed That This Garden Of The Gods Existed Somewhere To The East. Enki Carried Out Enlil’s Commands And Did The Actual Work Of Creating, After Enlil Had Formed The Master Plan”. 71 Questions To Dr, Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning The Hindu’s Interpretation According To The Book “Great Religions Of The World”, “Beginning,” Is Defined As: “dn The Beginning There Was Neither Naught Nor Aught: Then There Was Neither Sky Nor Atmosphere Above, Then Was There Neither Day, Nor Night, Nor Light, Nor Darkness. Only The Existence One Breathed Calmly, Self-Contained. The Act Of Creation Is Past; The Creative Power Of The Deity Has No Immediate Interference In The Preservation Or Destruction Of The Universe. Brahma Is Cailed First Of The Gods; Framer Of The Universe; Guardian Of The World. He Is The Personification Of Matter Generally: From Him All Things Proceeded, And In Him Pre-Existed The Universe; Comprehending Alt Material Forms, Which He At Once Called Into Creation Or Arranged Existence. The Hindu’s Acknowledge Only One Supreme Being, Whom They Call Brahma, Or The Great One. They Believe His Essence To Be Infinitely Removed From The Comprehension Of Any Mind But His Own; And They Supposed Him To Manifest His Power By The Operation Of His Divine Spirit, Vishnu, The Pervader; Both Masculine Gender; Whence He Is Often Denominated, The First Male. And By This Power It Is Believed, That The Whole Order Of The Universe Is Preserved And Supported. When They Consider The 72 Questions To Dr, Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Divine Power Exerted In Creating, They Call The Deity Brahma...”. The Chinese Interpretation According To “World Religions” Book, Authored By John Kowker, The Chinese Interpretation Of “Beginning” Is Defined As: “Tao Means ‘The Way’ By The Source And Guarantee Of All There Is In This Or Any Other Universe. This Means That The Tao Is The ‘Unproduced Producer Of Al That Is’ — The Source Of All Things Taoism Is So Called, Because It Shows To Live According To The Tao, By Going With The Flow And Not Struggling Against The Tide. Tao Is Related To Te, The Power To Bring The Tao Into Realization In All Things. As The Taoist Liu Ling Said, ‘I Take The Whole Universe As My House And My Own Room As My Clothing? The Great Virtue Iy Active Non-acting, Or Wu-Wei: Tao invariably Does Nothing, And Yet There Is Nothing That Is Not Done.” The_Japanese Interpretation According To “World Religions”’ Book Authored By John Bowker, The Japanese Interpretation Of “Beginning” Is Defined As: Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; “Kami. In It's Most General Sense, it Refers To Alt Divine Beings On Earth Or In Heaven That Appear In The Classic Texis. More Specifically, He Kami Ave The Spirits Abiding In And Worshiped At Shrines, In Principle, Humans, Birds, Animals Trees, Plants, Mountains, Oceans, Can All Be Kami. In Ancient Usage. Anything That Was Out Of The Ordinary, Or That Was Called Kami... Evil And Mysterious Things, If They Are Extraordinary, Are Called Kami.” There Are Innumerable Kami, in Japanese Yayoroau No Kami, Vast Myriads Of Kami, Divided Into Those That Are Earthly. The Most Important Are The Creators Izanami And Izanagi, And The Sun Kami, Amaterasu,” The Shoshoni’s Interpretation According To A Book Entitled “Northern Shoshoni”, Authored By Brigham D, Madsen, The Shoshoni’s Interpretation Of “Beginning” Is Defined As: “Shoshoni Culture Was Enriched With A Tradition Of Legends To Explain The Distant Past. A Variety Of Complex Mythological Tales Of Creation Make Up An Important Part Of The Shoshoni Heritage: Ordinarily These Portray Two Participants: Wolf And Coyote. Wolf Usually Starts As Creator While His Younger Brother, Coyote, Enters As A Trickster Responsible For Death, Disease, And Pain. Coyote Brings Ill To The World, Normatly Through Carelessness, Laziness, 4 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Or Error. His Mistakes Confused And Disrupted The Original Perfection Of Woif's Creation And Resulted In A World Less Good, Which Replaced The Perfection Of The Original World. As An Example, In One Of These Creation Stories, Wolf (Who Was Wise And Knew What Was Needed For An Ideal Earth) Told Coyote To Lay Soil On The Original Water On Which Their Land Was Formed. Following Wolf's Instructions, Coyote Ran Over The Area In All Four Directions Placing Land On The Water As Required. But Coyote Was Too Lazy To Keep Running Long Enough To Make Territory Sufficient For Everyone Who Would Need Living Space. Because Of The Coyote’s Lack Of Industry The Earth Grew Overcrowded. “In The Beginning There Was Only Allah. Then He Decided To Make Light, And When He Did, That Was The First Morning. From That Light He Created The Souls Of The Angels, The Prophets, The Saints, And All Ordinary Human Beings. Then Allah Created Seven Things: The Canopy, The Great Tent Where Allah Lives; The Throne, Upon Which Allah Sits; The Pen Which Writes The Fate Of All Human Beings; Day And Night, The Book Where Everything That Will Ever Happen Is Written Down; The Trumpet, Which Will Sound On The Last Day Of Creation; Paradise, The 75 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Garden Where All Righteous Souls Will Go Te Live Forever After Death; Hell Fire, In Which The Wicked Will Be Tortured For Eternity. Beneath The Throne Is A Giant Tree, The Cedar Of The End. Millions Of Leaves Hand From The Tree And When One Withers And Falls, A Persan Dies. For On Each Leaf, A Person's Name Is Written.” “Then Allah Created The Sun And The Earth. He Made The Suns And Painted The Skies In Brilliant Colors. Then He Put Stars In The Sky, He Made All The Animals, Including A Giant Rooster With A Colorful Tail. Every Morning That Rooster Crows, And All The Roosters On Earth Echo His Call. Then Everyone Knows It Is Time To Get Up And Worship The Lord. They Believe That The Earth Is Flat Like A Saucer And It Rests On The Horns Of A Bull. And The Bull Stands On A Huge Fish. The Earth Has Seven Layers, Separated By Air Just Like A Building. The First, Top Floor, Is Where The Children Of Adam And Eve Live. The Second is The Home Of The Winds. On The Third Lives A Race Of Very Good People, Who Have Big Ears And Dog Like Faces. The Fourth Is Where Fire Lives; The Fifth Houses Scorpions As Big As Camels With Poisonous Tails Of Steel. On The Sixth Floor Are The Souis Of The Damned, Who Will Be Beaten With Red Hot Steel Rods Until The End Of Time. The Seventh Floor Is The Deepest And Darkest Part Of The Underworld. The Devil Iblis Lives There. 76 Questions To Dr. Malac! About The Beg York-El ining, Ie Has Demons Spying On The Children Of Adam Trying To Lure Them Into Doing Evil Deeds. And Hell Is Even Deeper. The Worst Criminals Live There. s Is The Creation Story According To The People Who Speak In Tanzania, Zanzibar, And Swahili; It Is Islamic. A Hindu Concept Of Creation “At First There Was Only Brahma, And He Was Formless, Only An Idea, Then He Revealed Himself As A Vowel, A Golden Embryo Of Sound. The Sound Went Out Inte The Void And Came Back On Itself. The Waves Of Sound Criss Crossed Qver And Over Uniil They Became Wind And Water. And That Was The Beginning Of The World.” Babylor Enuma Elish “Before The Heavens Were Named, And Before There Was Ground To Walk On, There Was Only Afsu, The Salty Ocean Waters And Tiamat, The Fresh Waters. Afsu And Tiamat Lay Together Untit They Mingled into One Single Body And Soul. They Gave Birth To Six Children, Lahmu, Lahamu, Who Became Earth; Anshar And Kishar, Who Became The Horizons Of Earth And Skies; Anu, Who Was The Authority Of Heaven; And Ea The Earthy Water And Ail Wisdom.” TT Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning J “As These Children Grew, They Rebelled Against Their Parents. Afsu And Tiamat Became Angry And Tried To Take Control Back. Mummu, The Mist Of The Clouds, Told Them That The Only Way To Succeed Was To Kill All Their Rebellious Children. But Tiamat, The Mother, Would Not Kill Her Own Children. So Ea The Earthly Waters, Killed His Father Afsu And Captured Mummu. Ea And His Wife Damkina Produced Marduk, The Greatest Anunnagi Of All. It Was Marduk Who Brought True Order Out Of Chaos, Placing The Stars In The Heavens, Separating Heaven From Earth, And Finding The Kingdom Of Babylon.” This Is The Enuma Elish Story According To The Babylonians. Do Not Mix It With The True Story Of The Enuma Elish, (Refer To Chapter 4 Of “The Holy Tablets, Nabu Shanamma, The Enuma Elish). wai “In The Beginning There Were 4 Great Gods: Kane, Ku, Lono And Kanaloa. Kane Was The God Of Creation. He Picked An Enormous Clabash, Or Gourd Out Of The Sea And Threw it Up Into The Air. The Top Came Off And Became The Sky. Two Other Pieces Flew Off- One Became The Sun, The Other The Moon. All The Seeds Became The Stars. The Rest Of The Calabash Became The Earth. Kanatoa, God Of 78 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning __ The Sea, Filled The Waters With Living Creatures; Coral And Starfish, Conah And Fish, Porpoises And Sharks. Kane Filled The Earth With Creatures, Fast And Stow Movers. Creepers And Flyers, Birds And Caterpillars, Turtles And Lizards. Ku, The God Of The Forest, Made Trees For The Chief To Use: The Koa Tree For Paddles, The Hau Tree For Thatch, The Wiliwili For Floats, And So On.” “Lono, God Of Growing Things Made All Sorts Of Food Sprout Out Of The Earth. Sugar Cane And Coconut, Sweet Potato And Yarn, Towo And Banana. Now Said Kane: We Have To Make A Chief Go Find What We Need To Make A Chief. And They Went Away And Brought Back Red Earth. From This, Kane Made A Man, Red Earth Man.” Atum Produces All- Concept Of Egypt “Atum Had Many Names: Ra, Re, Neb-Er-Tcher, Or Sometimes Khepera. Atum Rose Out Of The Watery Depths Of Chaos. He Decided To Create Living Things, So He Masturbated, Put His Seed In His Mouth And Then Spit It Out. He Spit Out Twins, Shu, The God Of Air And Life, And Tefnut The Goddess Of Moisture And World Order.” “Shu And Tefnut Had Another Set Of Twins, Nut And Geb. Geb Was The Earth And He Stretched Out On 79 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-F1 About The Begin His Back. Nut Was The Heavens, And She Bent Down To Earth Like A Great Arched Bridge Over Geb’s Body. Geb And Nut Loved Each Other And They Gave Birth To Two Seis Of Twins, Osiris, Isis, Ser And Nephthys, Who Provided A Balance For Human Life, Both The Light And Dark Side. Osiris And Isis Loved Humans And Watched Over Them. Set And Nephthys Were The Opposite. They Were Destructive And Dark., But Were It Not For Them, Life Would Be All Gluttony And Lust. God Of Flint, A Bowl Of Light- ‘Creation Story According To The Aztecs “In The Beginning There Was Only The God Citlaltonacand And The Goddess Citlalicve. They Were Lovers. Citlalicve Gave Birth Ta A Flirt Knife, Which She Threw Away. Sparks Exploded When The Flint Hit The Ground And Produced 1,600 Gods And Goddesses Who Went Down Into The Underworld And Stole A Home From The Chief Of That Land. They Smeared It With Their Won Red Blood And Blue Light. Out Of The Blood Emerged Two Children, A Boy And A Girl. The Parents Of All Human Beings. Then Two Deities Emerged From The Bowl, And Set Fire To Themselves. One Became The Moon,” 80. Questions To Dr. Malacl About The Beginning A Golden EF; du Concept Of Creation “In The Beginning Darkness Cloaked The Universe And Only The Lord Existed. He Wanted To Create Living Creatures From His Own Body. So He Created Water And Placed A Seed In It. The Seed Grew Into A Golden Feg. And Then He Himself Was Born In It. Swollen From A Year Inside The Egg. The Lord Split in Two. The Top Half Of The Shell Became The Spiritual World The Heavens. The Bottom Half Became The Physical World, The Earth. Our Of The Egg Came Brahma, A Primeval Being With 1,006 Heads, Faces, Eyes, Thighs And Feet. Each Of His Limbs Became A Different Creature In The Social Order. The Brahman Cast Came From His Mouths. Demons Came From His Beily. Merchants And Cattle Came From His Thighs. His Feet Produced Earth, Horses And Workers. The Sun Came From His Eye. The Moon From His Soul And The Seasons Came From His Arm Pits, Air Was His Navel. And The Sky Came From His Head.” Indonesia-Yami Tribe “The Great God Looked Down On The World; And Said, Yami Is A Good Island. So He Dropped A Big Rock On I. When The Rock Hit The Ground, It Split Open And Out Popped A Man. He Was Hungry, Se He Ate Some Paptok, A Bean Plant. Then He Went For A 81 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Watk To The Sea. There He Saw A Bamboo Plant Growing And Growing Right Before His Eyes. Soon It Split Open. And Out Popped Another Man. Who Are We Said Bamboo Man? We Are Man Said Rock Man Rock Man Went One Way, Bamboo Man The Other. Rock Man Found Iron; Bamboo Man Groaned: His Knees liched And Swelled Up. From His Left Knee, Out Popped A Girl, And From His Right Knee, A Boy. Then This Same Thing Happened To Rock Man. When The Son Of Bamboo Man Grew Up, He The Married The Daughter Of Rock Man And They Had Children And There Were Many Generations Of Happy Families. They Learned To Use The Iron For Tools And The Silver For Ornaments. They Learned To Fish And Build Canoes And Sing Songs To Insure Success On Voyages. And So They Lived Wonderful Lives.” Purusha-Hindu “Pursha Is A Deity Who is Both Femule And Male. Pursha Split In Half And Mated With Him/Herself And Then Gave Birth To Human Beings. But The Female Half Of Purusha Was Ashamed And In Pain. She Tried To Disappear, But Was Instead Turned Into A Cow. The Male Pursha Turned Into A Bull And Mated With The Cow, Thus Creating Cattle. Every Living Creature Was Made In This Way. The Female Pursha Would Turn Into A Kind Of Animal; The Male Purshua 82 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Would Turn into Its Male Counterpart. They Would Mate And So On.” Rangi And Papa- Polynesia And Maori “For More Than A Million Years, Father Sky, Whose Name Was Rangi, And Mother Earth, Whose Name Was Papa, Made Love. Everything In The World Was Created In The Darkness And Movement Between Their Two Bodies. Rangi And Papa's Children Were Gods, And They Were Tired Of Living In Such A Cramped Space, in The Dark, With Constant Motion. They Held A Meeting To Decide What To Do. The Father Of Human Beings, Whose Name Was Tu- Matau-Eenga, Said, ‘We Should Kill Our Parents.’ The Father Of Forest, Whose Name Was Tane-Mahuta Said “Ne. Let's Just Push Them Apart. Then Our Mother Can Still Support Us, And Our Father Can Watch Over Us From Above. Many Gods Tried. He Pressed His Head Into His Mother’s Navel, And Pushed His Feet Up Against His Father. He Pushed And Pushed And Pushed. What's Going On? What Are You Doing? Cried Rangi And Papa. How Dare You Be So Disrespectful? But The Father Of Forests Kept Pushing And Finally The Two Separated. And At Last There Was Light. But There Was Also Anger And Sorrow, For Father Sky Missed Mother Earth Desperately. One Of The God Children, Father Of Winds And Storms (Whose Name Was Tawhiri-Ma- 83 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Ta,) Sided With His Father And Took Revenge Upon His Brothers. And Ever Since Then, From Time To Time, The Wind Will Blow And The Storm Will Come And They Will Cause Pain And Destruction For All Those Creatures Who Live In The Light Of The Earth.” Ymir-Norse “Once There Was A Land Of Ice And A Land Of Fire, Which Met In A Great Abyss Called Ginnungagap. Mists Rose Up From This Chasm, And Out Of It Came Audhomla. The Cow Audhumla Licked The Ice And Released Three Gods. One Of Them Was Odin. Then Out Of The Mist Came A Giant Ymir. He Drank The Cow's Milk And Giant Children Sprang Into Life From Between His Toes. Odin And The Other Gods Decided To Kill Ymir. So Odin Thrust A Spear Into His Heart. The Blood That Gushed Forth Drowned All The Giants. Ymir’s Skull Became The Dome Of The Sky. His Bones, The Continents, His Brain The Clouds, His Hair The Plants, And Blood The Rivers And Seas. ¥mir's Eyebrow Became Midgard, The Home Of The Gods. Humans Were Firsi Little Toys Made By Elves From The Joints Of Ymir's Bones.” Uranus-Greek “First There Was Chaos, And Then Came Gaea, Mother Earth. She Gave Birth To The Sky, Uranus, 84 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning And They Lay Together And Made Many Children. Among Them Were Titan And Cyclopes. Uranus Hated These Two Children And Sent Them Away. This Made Gaea Angry And Resentful. She Asked The Seven Sons Who Had Not Been Banished To Push Uranus Off Of Her. The Youngest, Cronus, Led The Auack. He Castrated His Father With A Sickle. The Blood That Spilled Became The Furies. Uranus Left Gaea, His Goddess Of Love And His Eyes Became The Stars, Which Look Down Coolly On The Violent Happenings Of Earth.” Tlaltechuhtli-Aztec “Before This World We Live In Existed, There Were Four Other Worlds. Each Had Sun And Each Were Destroyed. The Aztec (Fifth Sun) World Was Created When Quetzalcoat!_ (Feathered Serpent) And Tezxcailipoca (Smoking Mirror) Came Down From The Heavens With The Earth Goddess, Tlatecuhili Tlaltecuhtli Had The Form Of A Monster. There Were Snapping Mouths On Her Limbs And She Had The Body Of A Giant Toad And The Teeth And Claws Of A Jaguar. Quetzalcoatl And Tezxcatlipoca Watched Her Floating On Unformed Waters. They Turned Themselves Into Serpents Coiled Around The Goddess, And Tore Her In Two. One Half They Took Back To Heaven, And From It Made Many Gods. Those Gods Saw The Other Half Of Her Mutilated Body And Heard 85 Questions To Dr. Malac! About The Beginnin; York-El Her Cries, And They Felt Sorry For Her. They Turned Her Body Into The Earth, And Ordered That Living Things Would Grow From It, Fruit And Plants And Trees. Elaltecuhti’s Eyes Became Ponds And Springs. Her Mouth Made The Rivers, And Her Nose Made Both Valleys And Mountains.” Nu-Kua’s Rope- Chinese Nu-Kua, The Wife Of Ru-His, Thought There Should Be People On Earth. So She Took Some Yellow Earth And Carefully Shaped Human Figures Out Of Mud. Then She Breathed Life Into These Forms. ‘Oh’, Thought Nu-Kua, ‘This Is A Long And Boring Task I Have Set Out For Myself. I Have To Find A Way To Speed It Up.’ So She Found A Rope, Dipped It Into The Mud, Then Shook The Rope And Tailed It Behind Her. Mud Dripped Off Onto The Ground In Lumps. Nu-Kua Breathed Life Into Ali Of Them. The People Whom She Molded So Carefully Became The Masses Of The Poor.” As You Read All Of These Stories You Can See For Yourself, That These Stories, Or Myths, Or Concepts Of Creation All Come: Down To The Same Thing, Which Is That One Supreme Being Called Allah, Or God, Or Jehovah, Or Brahma, Or Yahweh, Of Whatever Name You Call Him, Decided To Create The Earth And All The Living Beings Within It. 86 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning (ues: What Do Religious Scholars Say About The Beginning? Ans: When Religious Scholars, Be They Hebraic, Christian, Or jlamic, Agree That The Beginning Started With The Creation Of Adam, Which Is No More Than 6000 Years Old, It Means That {he Gold Genesis 2:11 Had To Be In The Process Of Forming liefore Adam And Eve Were Born. Thus, The Planet Predates \dam And Eve By Millions Of Years. Also, Make Note Of The Statement That The God Of The Bible Makes Literally In Genesis N12, “And The Gold Of That Land Is Good". He Differentiates Good Gold From Bad Gold, Which Means He Was Able To | \amine Gold To Make The Decision, Rendering Him A Scientist, \ Mineralogist. Ques: When Was The Beginning Of Humans On Earth? Ans: The Word Human Is The Trick; You Meant Homo-Sapien. man Is From Middle English Humain From Old French From Lulin Humaness, Meaning “Earth” Or Homo-Human Being, Man. The Theologians Used The Word Adama In Genesis 1:26 Where It States: ltible — Old Testament, Genesis 1:26 (With Hebrew Insert) And God BYT5N <'elohiym> said WON <'amar>, Ler us make WY <‘asah> man DN <'adam> in our image B9¥ , ufier our likeness S727 . and let them have dominion ‘777 over the fish 777 of the sea D” , 87 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin: and over the fowl J2 of the air T7232 , an over the cattle TTI , and over ail the earth PP , and over every creeping thing @27 thal creepeth 22977 upon the earth PN <'erets>.” “And God Said, Let Us Make Man In Our Lnuge, After Oui Likeness: And Let Them Have Dominion Over The Fish The Sea, And Over The Fowl Of The Air, And Over The Cattle, And Over All The Earth, And Over Every Creeping Thing That Creepeth Upon The Earth.” King James Version The Word (Aw-Dawm) Finds Its Root In The Akkadian Language As Ah-Dam Meaning “Life Blood”, And For The Ashuric Meaning “Dark Red Brownish”. So As You Can See, A Creation Concept Of A Man Named Adam Is In Actuality Talking About The Whole Earth According To The Hebrew And The Dust Of It By The Time The Word Adam Got To The Sumerians, The Meaning Of The Word Became “Blood Clof? Congealed. Paleontologist To Date Have Concluded That The First Homo- Sapiens Appeared On The Scene In And Around The Nile And Called It Neolithic Pre-Dynastic Humans. The Dates Are Confirmed Down To Year Exactly. But, They Far Succeed The Theologians: Be They Judaic, Christian, Or Muhammadan Story Of The Creation. None Of Which Go Beyond 10,000 Years. 88 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Figure 14 Lvidence Shows That Early Humans Left Africa Much Sooner Than Once Thought 89 sMyNy [eD15O} ; Suyeasy Puy sxe9x 000'008 £4 MISY UT [rap s,CyumuNy Sayysng, ‘worynjoag JO AaoaqLL, VW ULM dp ato; avy asuaIag S10]S99UY ING JO Yaeag uy s] auniyy About The Beginning Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El mt Cea 3 ee ae | eae PR bat Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Skull May Alter Experts’ View Of Human Descent’s Branches NS NORE E WH COKE formate ma Ct'the humina family Kenyauth, Hops paltyips, oF Tae face ain For une towsits, cams. ftom 32 t) 23 emithaan’ Nero derived tram vol Mheae ae teat Ee ate Now “ip sees JEMice Avstrslopimecus ali ion tes veo emtiiion arnese ayes da ia beeat Lovo Irom the wel Sratca Tey ceeeledon is” mse ie ceapiex than we prewinw uly Sine teaateat bn evans” "Bre cack emt The siti! diacowory was ade nnaeine, hares Berni saereenan eoame Gaby SNC ou ee ise ve Amar ial MU ‘vers: Iwsporiant becuse’ 6 eh nally” recognized ‘the civersisy Towel tasonac was, nett recently. scientists hove wore thom tc Diagram 12 - An Article From “New York Times” Dated March 22, 2001 A.D. a1 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ques: According To Christians, When Did Creation Begin Or When Did All Things Come Into Being? Ans: According To Christians, Who Use The Gregorian Calendar, The Earth Is No More Than 5,000 Years Old. We Know That This. Is Not True Because Archeologists And Scientists Both Have Found Remains Of Human Bones And Other Things Older Than 5,000 Years Old. The Above Articles Were Taken From Several Sources Proving That The Earth Is Older Than What Christianity, Judaism And Islam Believes It Is; Which Means That Creation Or Their Concept Of Beginning Has No Facts In It. The Christian's, Jew’s And Mohammadan’s Concept Of Beginning Starts In The Book Of Genesis Ques: What Does The Word Genesis Actually Mean? Ans: Genesis As A Word In Greek, Implies "The Very Beginning" Or Commence. The Word Genesis As A Greek Word In Itself Means "Origin"= Or Genealogy. In The Greek Language, Genesis Is Gennesis (Ghen'nay-Sis), From Genos, Ghen-Os, Meaning A Particular Kind Or Kindred; And Also Gennao, "To Pro-Create" Of A Father, But By Extension Of A Mother, To Be Delivered Of, Or To Regenerate, Conceive Or Be Born. However, In The Aramic_ Hebrew Language The Word Genesis Is Barashiyth, Which Comes From The Root Word Bara, Meaning To "Reconstruct, Or Reconstruction". Barashiyth Is A Replenishing And Repopulating Of A Selected Part Of The Planet Earth By A Selected And Bred 92 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E] About The Beginning Stock Or Tribe Of People. Now If You Look At The Word Genesis Closely, You Get Gen-esis. You Also See The Egiptian Mother Of God Horus, God The Mother And Son, Gene (Genealogy) And Isis, Meaning The Genealogy Of Isis. The Word Genesis Or The Genes Of Isis Is The Book Of The Genealogy Of Isis, Whose Original Name Was Aset, Also Called Iles. The English Word Genesis Is From The Greek Word Ghen- Nay-Sis Meaning, “The Very Beginning”, So Genesis In Itself Means “Origin Or Genealogy.” Figure 16 The Egiptian Supreme Being Aset (Isis) 93 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Genesis Comes From The Root Word Ghen-Os Meaning “Kind Or Kindred” And Ghen-Nah-O Meaning “To Pro-Create Of A Father, But By Extension Of A Mother, To Be Delivered Of, Or To Regenerate, Conceive Or Be Born;” And The Word Genealogia And Genealogeo Means “Tracing By Generations”, Making. Genesis A Book Of Generations. So Now, Let’s Go Back And Re-Read Genesis 2:4 And I Quote: Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 2:4 (With Hebrew Insert) “These 79 ON <'el-leh> are the generations TT9IN of the heavens O° and of the earth PW ..” “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth...” King James Version You Will See That Its Root Is Birth, To Beget Or To Have A Child. Children Born On Earth And Children Born In Heaven. That's What It Says, Whether You Like It Or Not. If You Look At The Hebrew Word Towledah (7777M), You Will See That It Is Speaking Of The Re-Plenishment, Not Creation, Of The Generations Or Births Of The Heavens And The Earth. The Hebrew Word For These Is El-Leh Gabe), Which Is The Same Word Used For Eloh Ty), The Singular Form Of Eloheem (amy). The Eloheem Are A Group Of Elohs Who Are Angeli¢ 94 Questions To Dr, Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning, _ Beings Or Messengers Of El. The Anunnaqi Are The Messengers Of Anu. That Is Where The Word Anunnagi Comes From, And They Come From The Neteraat “Supreme Beings” Who Are Messengers Of The Supreme Being Re. The Egiptian God Amen-Ra Or The Amen (Revelation 3:14). Ques: How Did The God Of The Bible Form The So-Called Creation Or Beginning According To Religion? Ans: First You Must Know That There Were Several Creations Or Beginnings. You Have The Beginning Or Creation Of The Earth Being Replenished By Water (Genesis 6:17), The Creation Of Canaan (Genesis 9:18), The Creation Of Yaquwb, The Creation Of Adam And Eve (Genesis 3:20), And Now We Are Going Through Another Process Of Beginning By The Creation Of The New Species And Cloning In Which We Are At Voday. Adam And Eve Are Just Two People In A Long Line Of Descendants Who Have Stood Out Because Of Their Creation Story, The Propagation Of Their Religion And Translation Of Their Bible Into So Many Languages. Now Muhammadans Are Doing The Same With Their Koran, And It Also Is Spreading All Over The World. The Problem Comes In Because People Tend To Confuse These two: Adam And Canaan, Both Being “Adams” Because They Are Only Familiar With What The Scholars Say About The Origin Of The Original Birthdate Of Adam Being 4,000 Or 4,004 B.C.E. ‘And Not The Time Span Of 49,000 Years Ago. 95 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Figure 17 Figure 18 Adam Son Of Canaan Son Of Atum And Lilith Ham And Haliymah However, According To The Bible, It Took God 6 Days To Create All Living Things And Rested On The 7"° Day (Exodus 20:11). This Is Why You Have The Celebrating Of The Sabbath. There Is Also A Date ] Released In My Previous Publication, The Date 4026 B.C.E. This Was Also From Another Calendar That Was Before The Christian Bra Or B.C.E. It Has Nothing To Do With The Birth Of Jesus Because The Calendar Ends At The Birth Of Jesus Of 2,000 Years Ago. Let Me Show You What I Mean. 96 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning | 7,000 77,000 [7,000 | 7,000 | 7,000 Years | Years | Years | Years | Years Day 1 | Day2 | Day3 | Day4 | Days 7,000, 7,000, Years Years Day6 ) Day7 ' The Shaded Area Indicates Where We Are At Now. 7X7, 000 = 49,000 Vhese Are The Seven Days Of Creation Totaling 49,000; We Are In The Day, To The Seventh Day. Within That Day, We Ave Entering Into The 6,000" Year Of That Last Day And Have 1,000 Remaining. 7,000 Years Adam’s Calendar TAC 1700 A.C, 4007 A.C 6000 A.C. | 7000 A.C. Birth Of Birth Of Birth Of End Of Kadmon Canaan, Jesus ‘The (Adam) Adam To Devil's The Pale Rule - Race Before Christian Era 4026 B.C.E. Birth Of Kadmon (Adam) 2326 B.C.E. Birth Of Libana (Canaan) 7 AD. Birth Of Yashua End Of B.C.E. Calendar 97 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Gregorian Calendar 6000 B.C. | 4000 B.C. 1 A.D. 2000.A.D. | 1,000 Years Birth Of Birth Of Birth Of End Of (Millennium) Adam Canaan Yashua Devil's Reign i Ques: How Do You Know This Is True? Ans: Because The Bible And The Koran (Koran 3:58) Make Jesus And Adam Like Bach Other, And They Both Brought In A New So-Called Time Zone. Adam Would Be Day One, Date One, And Jesus Was Day One, Date One. Koran 3:58 (With Arabic Insert) Mbt BE Hi ET dhe ste DS GI 04 OCB SHB OC BS INAA &! (VERY), MITHUL Ss (SIMILITUDE) OF EE-SA (os (JESUS) IN-DAA %© (WITH) AL-LAHI 41) (GOD) KA-MA- THAL eS (1S AS THE SIMILITUDE) OF A-DAM 3) (ADAM); KHA-LAQA-HU +318 (HE CREATED HIM) MIN (+ (OUT) OF TU-RAA-BIN <4 (DUST) THU-MA = (THEN) QALA JG (SAID) HE LA-HU 4\(UNTO HIM) KUN CS (BE), FAYA-KUN. Os (AND HE BECAME) 98 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning, Verily, Similitude Of Jesus With God Is As The Similitude Of Adam; He Created Him Out Of Dust Then Said He Unto Him BE, And He Became Mir Ahmed Ali Version Ques: Does The Omnipotent, Omniscience, And Omnipresence God Need Resting? Yes Or No? Ans: That Is Part Of The Spell Binding Religion Created By The luciferians, Because That Is What They Want You To Believe. Ques: So When Was The Beginning Of The Creation Of arth? Ans: The Earth Broke Away 66 Billion Years Ago From Our Sun, Which Is 93 Million Miles Away And 93 Billion Years Old. The Varth Has Had Many Beginnings And Replenishings, Such As The lke Age, And Stone Age, Which Was Destroyed By Meteorite Showers. There Are Many Proofs Of This, Such As The Grand Canyon And Meteorite Crates. This Also Explains The 23-Degree Axis Earth Is On. Ques: What Do Scientists Believe Caused The Creation Of The Planet Earth? Ans: There Are Several Different Theories About The Creation And Origin Of Life On This Planet. Scientists Say About 15 To 20 Billion Years Ago, The Universe Started To Expand. When The 99 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Universe Was Contracting, There Was A Big Bang. The Galaxi Were Closer Together. It Had High Density And The Univ Itself Was Compressed. The Conditions Of The Universe At Particular Time That Existed Could Not Have Been Created N Produced. Scientists Also Have Claimed For Many Years That Thi First Life Forms Came From Simple One Cell Animals Call Protozoa, Amoeba, Bacteria, And Amino Acids. Thus, Was Beginning Of Evolutionary Life. This ‘Theory Ignores ‘It Intelligence Of The Cell Itself. Along With The Previous Theory, Is The Charles Darwin Theory, Also Called Darwinism. Darwin (1809- 1882 A.D.) Was Best Known For His Theory Of Evolution Through Natural Selection. This Theory Was Based On Four Presumptions. Darwin Claimed That Life Began Spontaneously From Inanimated, Inorganic Matter From Water. A Single Cell Formed, Split, And red, Figure 19 Multilies Ana Evolved pe Charles Darwin ‘orms fe. Fossils An 1809-1882 A.D. Other Remnants ‘Were Found, Parts Of Darwin's Theory Were Unworkable And Do Right Wrong. Fossil Records Did Not Support His Theory. Th 100 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning __ Were Many Missing Links Causing Scientists To Call The Theory “Punctuated Equilibrium”. A Third Theory Is That A Supernatural Being Called “God” Created The Earth And Everything In It, In 6 Days And 24 Hours Or 144 Hours, And On The 7" Day He Rested “Slept”. If You Say hat God Can Create A Whole Universe, All The Stars, All The Animals, Design The Wings Of Each Butterfly And The Wings Of Each Species In A Mere 7 Days Simply Because God Can Do Anything And Everything, Then 7 Days Is Too Long Of A Period For An All Powerful God, Allah, Yahweh, Rabb, Or Adonai, Kloheem, Ha-Shem, Thehos, Christ, Khrishna, Or Whatever You Call Him To Do It. A God Or Gods Of This Caliber Could Have Done It In Less Time, Especially When All He Has To Say Is Be, And Instantly, It Is. So You Mean To Say That In Only Six Days Of 24 Hours Each, Your All Mighty God Got Tired? What Foolishness. That Would Mean Adam At This Time Was Only A Few Hours Old Or 86,400 Seconds Old When He Named All The Animals. Make Note That The Bible Tells Them, That “Each Day With The Lord, Yehweh Is 1,000 Years And 1,000 Years One Day” (Psalm 9:4; 2 Peter 3:8), And Time Is Based On How Far You Are From The Sun. This Is A Religious Theory, That After Existing From Before Time, He Just Decided To Start Then And Say Let Us Create, Where A God, By Whichever Name He Or She May Be Called Always Existed, Decided To Create A Being Called Human (Humim), “Jn His image And After His/Her Likeness” (Genesis 1:27). This Creation Is What Is Termed As The “6 Days Of Creation”. Different “Sacred” Books Called: The Bible, Koran, Hadith, Talmud And The Mishna, Kabala, 101 ns Lo Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning ‘Que: Urantia, Book Of Mormons And Many Other Books Support This Theory, That After Existing From Before Time, He Just Decided To Start Then And Say Let Us Create. It Is Recorded That Some Kind Of “God” Waved His Hand And Made All Things Possible. This Is Believed By Many To Be The Total Truth By Different Religious Sects, Never To Ask Who Created This Single Creator. That Would Be A Sin. They Don’t Care What New Information Is Being Provided Each Day By Scientists, Or Anthropologists. Facts Are Being Found Each Day To Prove Their Religions Wrong. For Example, Zecharia Sitchin Books Entitled: The 12 Planet”, The Stairway To Heaven”, “The Wars Of Gods And Men”, The Lost Realms When Time Began, Genesis Revisited, Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?, And Many More, Don’t Acknowledge These Facts, Because They Are Under A Religious Spell. ‘The Most Recent Theory Is That Earth Was Like A Melting Pot In The Universe Causing All Kinds Of Beings To Visit, And Life Was Transplanted Here Intentionally By Extraterrestrials Who Bred Here For Whatever Reasons. In Order For This To Be Possible, Two Basic Molecules Had To Have Been Here On The Planet Earth, Proteins And Nueleie Acid-DNA And RNA. Wha Is So Interesting Is That Each Of These Conflicting Theories Have Their Own Truth? Ques: Was There Existence Before Creati 102, Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El ______ About ‘The Beginning. Ans: In The Very Beginning Was The Word Ewistence And Creation Came After. Nothing Would Exist If The Sumerian Supreme Being Called Anu, In Which He Is Known In Egipt As Annu Or On Also Amen- Ra Didn't Create It. In Order For The Supreme Being To Create, He Must Have Existed. If The Christians Say That Ged Is The Creator Of All Things, Or The llebrews Say That Yahweh Is The Creator Of Everything, Or The Muslims Say That Allah Created Everything, Then Yahweh, Allah Or God Must Have Existed. So Yes, There Was Existence Kefore Creation. Figure 20 ‘The Sumerian Supreme Being Anu, The Heavenly One (jues: Are You Saying There Is More Than One Adam? 103 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Ans: Yes. That Is What The Plagiarized Scriptures From Ancient Tablets, That You Believe In, Teaches. In Genesis 5:2, States: Bil — Old Testament, Genesis 5:2 (With Hebrew Insert) “Male 72 and female 7372 created X he them; and blessed 773 them, and calle NP their name DY Adam OWN <'adam>, int) day D7" when they were created N72 .” “Male And Female Created He Them, Blessed Them A Called Their Name Adam, In The Day When They Wei Created.” King James Version Adam, Whose Real Name Is Zakar, As You Can Read Above Was Told To “Be Fruitful And Multiply And Replenish The Earth” As Found In Genesis 1:28, Each Time The Planet Was Refilled. That Was A New Adam, Such As In The Case With Adam Genesis And Noah (Genesis 8:17), Whose Real Name W: Utnafishtim In The Gilgamesh Epics Tablets TL, He Was Als: An Adam. In Genesis 9:1, Noah Is Told The Same Thing Adam In Genesis 1:22. “To Be Fruitful And Multiply.” Adam I: Merely A Term Meaning “Man, Or Mankind” From Thi Cuneiform Adamah, Meaning “Earthling”, Also Meaning “OQ The Ground”. The Hebrew Phoenician Translation Of It Bec: Edom For “Ruddy Or Reddish Brown”. 104 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ques: Are You Saying That There Were Beings Before Adam & Eve? Ans: As It Was Mentioned Many Times Before, Yes, There Were Beings Here Before Your Adam And Eve. According To “The Holy Tablets”, Adam And Eve Were Described As Having nts Named Atum And Lilith. Lillith Being From The Cuthite lribe And Atum Being A Hindu From The Watusi Tribe. Eve's Parents Were Ptah Of The Dogon And Anath Of The Havilahites, Both Of Which Were Pygmy Tribes. As A Matter Of Fact, There Were More Than One Adam And Eve. There Were Actually Four Sets Of Adam And Eve Figure 21 Atum Father Of Adam 105 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; For Instance, The Name Adam Pronounced Aw-Dawm In Akkadian Tongue (A Dialect Of Cuneiform) Is A Title And Ak A Tribe (Genesis 1:27) Meaning, “Dark Brown, Of The Earth, Life Blood”. A Name Like Adam Does Not Necessarily Mean Il! Talking About The Same Adam That Is Recorded In Scriptures, Because There Was A Different Adam In Cuneif I's Adama And Means “Earthling Upon Each Reconstructii And Replenishing Of The Planet Earth”. The First Tribe Beings Were Called Adamites Or Adam. What I Mean By Reconstruction And Replenishing Is That The Planet Earth Wj Destroyed More Than Once (Genesis 5:2), And Called Name Adam. Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 5:2 (With Hebrew Insert) “Male “It and female 7373 created N he them; and blessed 773 them, and calle SP their name OY Adam OTN <'adam>, in if day D7" when they were created N73 “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, at called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” King James Version Ques: Who Were These Four Sets Of Adam And Eve. 106 ns To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ques' Ans: The Four Sets Of Adam And Eve Were Originally Referred lo As The 8 Ogdoads Or Pa Khemenu, And They Existed When This Was Completely A Water Planet. These Four Sets Represented Genetic Shifts Every Four Generations Giving Birth To Various Types Of Humims That Would Eventually Dwell On The Dry Land That Later Appeared. rhe First Set Of Adam And Eve Were The Sumerian Apsu, Meaning “One Who Existed From The Beginning”, And Tiamat, Meaning “Maiden Of Life.” They Were Known To The Ancient ligiptians As Nun Meaning “Supreme Being Of The Ocean”, And Nunet Meaning “Female Supreme Being Of The Oceans”, Gods Over The Deep. Figure 23 Figure 24 Apsu Tiamat 107 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; The Second Set Of Adam And Eve Were The Sumerian Lah Meaning “Deity Of War”, And Lahamu, Meaning “Lady Battles”, And Who Were Known To The Ancient Egiptians Heh Meaning “The Supreme Being Of immeasurable As In Ti Or Neter Of Infinity” Represented By Tadpoles, Each Of Whi Symbolizes 10,000 Years; And Hehet Meaning “Female Suprei Being Of Immeasurable”; Hch Was Also Called The Supre Being Of Chaos. They Were Destroyed 17,250,000 Years Ago A Meteorite Shower And Sandstorms. Figure 26 Lahamu The Third Set Of Adam And Eve Were The Sumerian Ans! Meaning “Foremost Of The Heavens”, And Kishar Meanit “Foremost Of The Firmamenis”, Who Were Known To Ancient Egiptians As Kek, Meaning “Supreme Being Of Darknes Void And Darkness”, And Keket, Meaning “Female Supre 108 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning licing Of Darkness”. They Were Destroyed By A Second Meteorite Shower 14,250,000 Years Ago. Figure 27 Figure 28 Anshar, Father Of Anu Kishar, Mother Of Anu And The Fourth Set Of Adam And Eve Was Zakar Meaning “Remember”, And Nekaybaw Meaning “Female Tribal Leader”, Who You Know As The Adam Meaning “Life Blood”, And Eve Meaning “Hawwah [Female Living Being] Means “Mother of All Living”, Of The Hebrew Bible Today. The 5 Set Or Ist Set Of The New Equinox Was Anu And Antum Known, As Amun And Amunet To The Egiptians. 109 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Figure 29 Figure 30 Kadmon (Zakar, Adam) — Hawwah (Nekaybaw, Eve) Son Of Atum And Lilith Daughter Of Anath And Path Ques: What Do Modern Day Scientists Say About The Vi Beginning? Ans: It Is Clear By The Gems And Minerals Of The Barth A Their Age, That Anyone With A Scientific Mind Would N Accept A 6000 Year Old Age For The Planet Earth. In Fact, The Very Beginning According To Scientists Of This Day A Time, We Have What Was Called "The Big Bang” , As Mention: Earlier, Which Took Place Many Millions Of Years Ago Ques: Is The Big Bang Theory True Or False? 110 ing. ‘ini Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Begi Sung Sig spoary uowsopdeg aondg,, spormug vayst9sog] [ned AF AVAOL VSO IO WOR, SEA PNY IHL, ¢[ messerg va Crkentectd Ce tea trees seg Sig S[BALI UOISOTdxo aaedg ‘Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin, Ans: First, Make Note That They, The Scientific Commu Refer To The Big Bang As A Theory. When You Look Up Word “Theory” In “The American Heritage Dictionary,” Defined As Sucl the. o- ry (the’s-re, thir'e) m, pi. the. o- ries. 1.a. Systematically organized knowledge applicable in a relatively wide variety of circumstances, especially a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of procedure devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena. The Word Theory Comes From The Late Latin Theoria, Fi Greek, From Thkeoros, Meaning "Spectator": From Thea, Viewing + -Oros, "Seeing". Make Note That, Though They C: A Theory, They Say "Seeing Is Believing". When In Actu Hearing And Reading Is Believing, And Seeing Is Knowing. Ques: Where Did They Get The Word Theory From? Ans: Their Word Theory As The Greeks Say Theoris Or Th Becomes Thehos For God In Greek, Where They Get Theol Taken From The Egiptian God Taweret, The Egiptian God Of Women In Childbirth, And This Birth Is Of The Sun ( Taweret Was Hated By The Greeks Because She Was The Of The Iunet Or Tantere, Called By The Greeks Dend Calendar And She Represented Mitochondria DNA In The Of The Denderah (Zodiac). 112 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning ae ) Figure 31 ‘The Egiptian Zodiac With The Hippopotamus Symbol Of Taweret, Netert “Supreme Being” Of Ancient Egipt In The Center 113 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Figure 32 Pa Netert “The Supreme Being” Taweret Egiptian Deity Of Fertility And Protector Of Women And Children 114 York-El a Questions To Dr. Malae! ___ About The Be; So The Big Bang Is Not A Theory? An Although They Call The Big Bang A Theory, Contact Is A Reality, Like The Sperm Hitting The Ovum. Though, The Human bar Can't Hear It, It Is A Big Bang To Microscopic Existing Entities. When Positive And Negative Charges Clash, Though You Don't Hear It, It Is A Big Bang To Minute Energy. So In \ctuality, The Big Bang Is A Reality. Ques: But Is It "The" Big Bang, Or Another” Big Bang? Ans: It Is Just Another "Big Bang", As An Incident That Occurs And Re-Occurs. Ques: So There Is More Than One Big Bang? Yes. As Things Come Into Existence, Or Where Things liccome Something, The Sum Of A Thing; A Thing Would Need Another Thing To Bang Into To Have A Big Bang. Their Problem \s. Comprehending Matter And Anti-Matter As The Things That Clash To Bring About, Alternate Things Ques: So What They Call It, Is True? Ans: It Is Untrue By Their Title. There Was No Single One "Big Rang", As The Statement Would Imply, That Something Just Went "Bang", Without A Reason Or Cause, Or Under Control, Direction Or Command. ws Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin, Ques: So Then, The Original Black Dot Was Not Alone? Ans: No, For It Existed In A State Of Existence. Ques: Which "Big Bang" Is The Most Important? Ans: It Depends On The Beings That Were Affected By It. Ques: Which One Affected Earth People? Ans: In Your Beginning, This "Big Bang" Was Twenty Billion Years Ago (24,000,000,000), When Nibiru, A Craft Und The Control Of The Neteraat/Anunnagi Collided Into The Plan Tamtu Or Tanen Called Tiamat And Qi, And Caused A "Bil Bang". Ques: Was There One Before That One? Ans: Indeed! There Were Others. This Incident Was Not At Thr Very Beginning Of All Things, But In The Beginning Of An On Going Event. As You Know, This Planet Earth Is Just One Many In This Solar System, And Even Less Important In Th Universe. It Is Egotistical And Naive To Think That No Oth Intelligent Life Exists In The Boundless Universes, Except Hi On The Seventh Planet, The Third Planet From Your Sun. 116 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning. Ans: If It Is A Chain Of Events Then Each Action Has A Previous Cause, So You Can't Have A Chain Of Events To Occur By Accident. It Is Impossible For A Chain Of Events To Have Occurred By Accident The Same Way Each Time, Year In And Year Out For Many Thousands Of Years. In That Case, Accidents Would Still Be The Rule In Our Universe And They Are Not. They Are Also A Part Of The System Of Things. (Ques: Why Are We Taught That? Ans: Because The Luciferians And Reptilians, The Serpent Children (Genesis 3:14) Must Keep You Ignoring True Scientific Data To Enforce Religious Beliefs, And Keep You Worshipping fhem (Revelation 13:15), And In Their Image, So As Not To Marm The God Within (Psalms 82:6) And (John 10:34). (Ques: Do They Know These Facts? Ans: Indeed! They Do, And Of The Many Bangs And The Biggest Bang. The Dragons's Seed Comes In All Races. ‘They Could Be Anybody; Maybe You Reading This Book Are One. Ques: What Sound Did It Make? Ans: The Bangs Created A Vibration, A Friction That Results In Sound. Each Additional Bang Had A Different Time And Distance \nd Magnitude That Created A Harmony Of Music Heard By The true Listener Of Om Or Aum As Amun “The Amen". It Vibrates 117 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginni At A Rate Of 144, And It Is The Letter '"D" Of The Ist Cent "C" Octave Bass. Its Color Is Green. Figure 33 A Key Board Showing The Letters “‘ And “@* Ques: So Which Is The "Biggest Bang"? Ans: Seventy Six Trillion (76,000,000,000,000) Years Ago. A Small Dot Or Nuqta Exploded, And This Was Called The "Bi Bang." Ques: What Caused Its Explosion? This Event Still Happens To This Day. It Is A Result Of Expanding, Then Collapsing Of A Universe. In Your Case, Universe Which Caused The Explosion Of Positive And Negatit Forces, Caused The Negative And Positive Forces To Clash Inti Each Other, Matter And Anti-Matter 118 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning, : What Happens In This Event? HI Hydrogen Becomes He-Helium, From El -Ether To -Ether Two, Onto 08 -Oxygen-Liquid, And E8 -Ether Liquid (as, This Was The Birth Of Your Sun, Which Is 93,000,000, Miles Away. Diagram 14 The Transformation Of Hydrogen Into Helium 119 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E] About The Beginnin; Ques: Does All This Just Happen By Chance? Ans: No, It Is A Master Plan With Countless Experiments. ©} Such Being Is Referred To By The Egiptians As Hu, The Creati Force Of Will, And This Entity Dwells Outside Of This Ti Zone. Hu Became Huhi, And When Reading Backwards Whi The Hebrews Did, It Became Ihuh Or YHWH And The Latino’ Changed It To Jehovah “LORD”. Ques: Who Or What Is Hu? Ans: In Egipt, Huhi, Which Is Hu, Or Huwa Was Considered Th Personification Of "Utterance” or Tone, With Which The Crea Ptah "Ta", Who Was Regarded As Creator Of The Physic: World And Deity Of Technology Does Its Work. Hu Was Th Utterance Or Tone, The Vibration And Pulsation Of Existence Ani That, Which Comes To Existence Within The Sacred Breatl Those Things Made That Manifest Within Creation, True Growth, Hu Is That Tone From Which The Creator Calls Things Im Being, With Wika And Sia. Iuhi Is One Of The Creative Force; Of Will That Constantly Accompanies Re, "Ra" The Sun Deit The Source Of Life, The Sustainer Of Life, The Provider Sustenance In This World, The Eternal. So All Sound Has Its Bi In These 3 Sounds TA-TU-TI, Or HA-HU-HL. Then The N You Get Your Second Sounds HAN-HUN-HIN. Now You Ha) All The Sounds HA-HU-HI-HAN —HUN-HIN, Ques: So, This Is Creation, As We Know It? 120 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning Ans: Yes, Sound Waves According To What Is Recorded By Your Scientists And Religious Men, This Small Side Of The Universe Where Zeles And Bi-Aps Became Atoms, Or Adam. It Began As A Result Of An Explosion To Become An Explosion Called The “Big Bang" By Those Who Don't Really Know. The One They Refer To Actually Occurred 13 Billion Years Ago. However, The Original Big Bang Occurred 76 Trillion Years Ago. At Least That's What They Record To Enforce The Law Of Ignorance And Keep The Spell In Power, And They Still Record It’s Sound. Scientists And Archeologists Both Have Found The Remains Of A. Prototype Of Human Beings Much Older Than Your Bible And Koran’s Existence. They Have Recently Found A 3.5 Million Year Old Skull And It Is Believed That This Is The Oldest. So The Bible And Koran Can’t Be Right Or Authentic When It Comes To Creation. Figure 34 A Recently Found 3.5 Million Year Old Skull 121 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Diagram 15 Article From U.S.A Today Dated 12/5/00 A.D. States: “Scientist Have Discovered A.L5 Million Years Old Remains Of “Millennium” Man”. This Is Further Proof That The Biblical Concept Of Beginning Is Much Older Scholars Say It Is. ‘Our family album grows French and Kenyan scientists said Monday that they have un- earthed fossilized remains of what they believe is mankind's earliest-known ancestor, predat- ing previous discoveries by more anew hevantners than 15 million years. The Grst Very old bone: remains of “Millennium Man," as Hfominid remains. the creature has been nick- named, were discovered in the ugen his of Kenya's Baringo district Oct. 25 by a team, from College de France in Paris and the Community Maseurne ef en oes then the scientists have un- earthed dist longing to at least five individuals. “Not only Binet find older than any else previously known, itis also in.a more advanced stage of evolution.” paleontologist Martin Pickford told a news conference in Nairobi, “It is at least 6 million years old, which means it is older than the ey Oldest) remains found at Aramis itr Ethiopia, whic were 4.5 million years old.” But some in the scientific community are skeptical of Picktord’s claims and are taking a wait-and-see attitude toward the discover “Only time will tell whether the claims being mac aye telable and factually correct” says anthrpaciogst Bernard Wood of George Washington University. 122 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning. {s skull from new human ancestor? ily unknown spaces ew aa sets ra genes ners emt a se nt —- geet irs ot ‘goes Se tne Sana Diagram 16 Article From Philadelphia Inquirer, March 22, 2001 A.D. Entitled: “/s Skull From New Human Ancestor?” ‘he 3.5 Million Year Old Fossil From Kenya Appears To Be A Completely Different And Previously Unknown Species Millions Of People Pour Their Heart And Soul Into These Religions That Have No Validity. You Are Basing Your Whole Life, And Many Of You Have Devoted Your Whole Being Into These Man Made Scriptures That Have Been Plagiarized And 123 Questions To Dr. Malac! About The Beginnin York-El Tampered With By The Disagreeable Ones Who Are Bett Known As The Luciferians, The Serpent's Seed Apophis, Ques: How Were These Scriptures Being Plagiarized? An: The King James Version Of The Bible Was Written B: im Tynsdale, In The Year 1611 A.D., Whose Other Na Was William Shakespeare Or Bill. As You Know, Willi Really Means “Holy Bible” Or “Wholly By “Bill”. They Use Or god Or GOD To Confuse You, Because They Don’t Reall Overstand Or Can’t Explain To You Why God Is Pluralized 1 ‘The Beginning (Genesis 1:1) As Eloheem And Not Being Used In ‘The Singular Tense As Eloh. Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 1:1 (With Hebrew Insert) “In the beginning S7ON7 God BY758 <‘elohiym>: created N72 ON <'eth> the heaven DY the earth PIN <'erets>.” “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” King James Version Or They Try To Hide The Fact Away From You That Their Religion Is Not Really A Monotheistic Religion, But Was Copied From The Babylonian Tablets Which Consisted Of Polytheism, Which Is The Worship Of Or Belief In More Than One God. ‘Then 124 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginning “outs 941, PUY a9 aay Mi PAYMIOT autodsayeyg ure Sou. Zuproyg apepsucy we 9g andy “sc aunty A, SepenkL A, auvadsayeys wena eg aang 126 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-E} About The Beginning _ (Ques: What Were They Trying To Hide? : They Were Trying To Hide The Fact That The Bible Was Viagerized From The Babylonian Tablets. And If That Fact Was Discovered, Then The Question Would Come Up ‘Where Did The Rabylonian Tablets Come From’? Then It Would Be Clear, By The Deities That The Babylonian And Sumerian Tablets Uses, Such As Tammuz For In The Bible (Ezekiel 8:14) And Anu Vound In The Bible As On (Genesis 41:45) Which Is The Egiptian Supreme Being “Re”, That Their Doctrine Came Out Of Egipt This Would Tear Down The Structure Of Christianity, Christism Which Was Copied From Judaism, And Christianity Which (ater Bred Islam ‘Muhammadism’, IF You Have Analyzed The Bible In Languages Other Than \inglish, And You Start To See The Fallacies Of The King James Version Of The Bible And The Mistakes, The Outright Lies, The Misuse Of The Languages And How People’s Souls Were Being Directed Down The Wrong Path, And You Say Let Me Explain What The Bible Really Is. There Is A Group Of Demons Out There, Who Immediately Come Up To Keep The Bible In A State ‘Of Confusion, And Look Like They Are Helpers, And They Call You A Cult. And What They Also Have Done Is Fabricated Many Christian Cults And Then Bashed Them And Brought It Into The Public. So When The Truth Finally Came, People Wouldn't Accept It The New Testament, The Church, And Christianity Were All Creations Of Calpurnius Pise’s Family, Who Were Roman 127 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; Aristocrats. The New Testament And All Characters In Tt Are Al Fictional. The Stories Were Taken From Ancient Tablets And Ti Into A Specific Time And Place In History To Suit Their Belic The Romans Made The Whole Story As A Big Play. All Ancient Intelligent Societies Had A System Based On Facts, Often Times Over A Period Of Time, As Positions Of Powel Changed And Individuals With Vivid Imaginations Began To Rule, They Would Add And Subtract From The Facts To Create Fictions, Fables, And Myths, Which Sometimes Included Themselves. All Were Rooted In Some Facts, And The Fact That All Calculations, Numbers, Time, And Space Began At Some Point. All Agree That There Is A Point Of Origin, And That As Things Expanded Or Spiraled Away From It, It Began To Lose Its Pure Essence. That Is Every New Time The Story Is Told, It Gets Further Away From The Truth. Read The Book “J0I Myths Oj The Bible” By Gary Greenberg. I Have Written About This Subject In Many Of My Books, Such As: The Holy Tablets, Science Of Creation, Extraterrestrial And Creation And Many Others. Ques: Exactly What Took Place At The Very Beginning? Ans: At The Very Beginning, That Is Before Genetic Breeding, Which Took Place In The Beginning Period Of Human Time, There Was A Black Print Of Creation And Then After, A Cloning, And Then Another Re-Construction Period. 128 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El _About The Beginning (Ques: What Is The Difference Between Regular Time And man Time? Ans: That's A Good Question, Because Most Religious People Overlook The Fact That Their Bible Gives The Impression That Adam Was Created With The Planet, (Genesis 1:31). And That This Creator Saw Everything That He Had Made Was Good, And Then Discusses The Creation Of The Heavens And The Earth, And Vhe Creatures, The Stars, The Sun, And Even The Creation Of Man In His Own Image. And Then In Genesis 2:1, It Clearly States: Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 2:1 (With Hebrew Insert) Thus the heavens O30 and the earth PIN <'erets> were finished s793 , and all the host of them NIS ctsaba'>. "Thus The Heavens And Earth Were Finished And The Host Of Them". King James Version Verse 4 Confirms It When It Says: Bible — Old Testament, Genesis 1:4 (With Hebrew Insert) “These 175 58 <'el-leh> are the generations ‘77510 of the heavens D2 and of the earth PIN <'erets> 129 Questions To Dr. Malachi Z. York-El About The Beginnin; when they were created N13 , in the day B37" that the LORD sTi7" God O775N <‘elohiym> mat TL <‘asah> the earth PIN <'erets> and the heavens 2 ," "These Are The Generations Of The Heavens And The Eartl When They Were Created In The Day The Lord God Mad The Earth And The Heaven". King James Version Ques: So Are You Saying That God Didn't Create The Plat Earth And The Sun And The Moon And Stars And Man All In That Same Period Of Time? Ans: Yes, There Is A Major Mistake If You Understand Right Genesis 2:11-12, It States: "The Name Of The First Is Pison, That 1s It Which Encompasses. The Whole Land Of Havilah, Where There Is Gold". (12) "And The Gold Of That Land Is Good, There Is Bdellium And Onyx Stone". The Hebrew Word For Gold There Is Zawhab, Which Is "Gold" That Is Produced By Nature Within The Earth. Ques: And What Does That Have To Do With Time? Ans: Everything, Because Gold, Which Was Called Nub By The Ancient Tama-Reans Has An Atomic Number 79; Atomic Weight 130

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