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1  General Cleaning and Inventory Wine Equipment
 Introduction to Wine Equipment Function
 Practicing set up wine equipment for red, white and sparkling
wine service
 Introducing the wine serving procedure for red, white and
sparkling wine
2  White Wine Serving and Tasting
 Set up table for wine serving
 Practicing Opening white wine
 Serve white wine
 Introduction To Wine Tasting
 White Wine Tasting (Local Wine)
- Beringer & Two Island Chardonnay
3  Red Wine Serving and Tasting
 Set up table for wine serving
 Practicing Opening Red wine
 Serve Red wine
 Introduction To Wine Tasting
 Red Wine Tasting (Local Wine)
- Fantinel & Two Island Shiraz
4  Sparkling Wine Serving and Tasting
 Set up table for wine serving
 Practicing Opening Sparkling wine
 Serve Sparkling wine
 Introduction To Wine Tasting
 Sparkling Wine Tasting (Local Wine)
- Two Island Chardonnay Sparkling Wine
- Jepun Sparkling WIne
6 1. Rose Wine Serving and Tasting
1. Set up table for wine serving
2. Practicing Opening Rose wine
3. Serve Rose wine
4. Introduction To Wine Tasting
5. Rose Wine Tasting (Local Wine)
- Hatten Rose Wine
7 6. Decanting Wine Process
7. Set up table for decanting wine
8. Practicing decanting wine process
9. Serve wine by decanting (Fantinel & Hob Nob Wine)

1 Wine opener Membuka botol wine

2 Wine Opener for Old Wine (Two Prong Cork) Membuka cork untuk old
wine agar tidak patah

3 Wine stopper Pengganti tutup wine yang

sudah terbuka.

4 Champagne stopper Pengganti tutup

sparkling/champagne wine
yang sudah terbuka
5 Wine Decanter (Red Wine) Decanter untuk red wine.

6 Wine Carafe (White Wine) Decanter untuk white


7 Wine Glass (Red Wine Glass) Gelas untuk Red Wine

8 Wine Glass (White Wine Glass) Gelas untuk White Wine

9 Wine Glass (Champagne flute) Gelas untuk

10 Wine Glass (Champagne Tulip ) Gelas untuk


11 Wine Cooler + Stand Pendingin Wine

12 Wine Basket Serving equipment untuk

Red Wine
13 Taste Du Vin (tas du van) Alat Tasting wine untuk

14 Le Nes Du Vin Alat Pengenalan untuk

Tasting wine

15 Wine Cooler Alat pendingin wine

16 Wine Cellar Tempat penyimpanan



Penempatan glass wine dengan cara lain dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut ini :
Pada prinsipnya peletakan wine glass adalah fleksible tergantung dari ruang (space)
yang tersedia untuk meletakkan wine glass. Penempatan wine glass pada prinsipnya
tidak mengganggu wine glass yang lainnya (tidak perlu menggeser glass lainnya) ketika
akan mengambil salah satu jenis wine glass yang ter set up di meja.


1. Wine list must be clean, correct, current and easy to read

2. Glassware must be clean, and free from odour -Glasses should be polished with
steam and clean linen cloth
3. Glass cloths should be made from cotton/linen (service cloth are folded and
prepared before service)
4. Glass steam ware is the only thing to touch the tablecloth -bottles, decanters &
cork should be place on an under liner which should be cleaned and polished
before service)
5. Bottle opening tools are organised before service
6. Wine cooler and wine basket must be clean and organised before service
7. Round tray and chinaware needed should be prepare before service
8. Wines are stored neatly and organised
9. Wines should be stored and offered for service at correct temperatures
10. Beverage service is always performed (Where Possible) to the right of the guest
11. All steam ware required for service must be checked for soundness and
cleanliness steam ware should be given a final polish and checked before
placement on the table

1. Introduce your self and ask the host
2. Present the wine list from the right hand side to the host
3. Offer assistance with the wine list
4. Be prepared to answer questions on the character & quality of wines, vintages
and food compatibility
5. Stand to the right of the host to take the order.
6. Reconfirm the wine order with the host in the right side of the host
7. Select the correct glassware (white wine glass) and B&B plate on tray
8. Put the glass on the right position, ladies first, clock wise and prepare one glass for
the sommelier
9. Glass stemware is placed to the right of each guest and keyed off the knife.
Actual positioning is often dictated by house style or size of the table, but the
standard forma for one wine glass and water glass should be to place the wine
glass above the larger knife with the water glass diagonally below to the right or
diagonally above to the left.
10. Glass placement starts with the person to the hosts left (ladies first) and continue
clockwise to finish with the host.
11. Put the glass for sommelier at the right side of the host.
12. Prepare the wine cooler and stand to the host’s right with red napkin on top
13. Take the white wine bottle from wine cooler and wipe the bottle with red napkin
14. Presenting the white wine to the host and reconfirm the order
15. Open the white wine with wine opener
16. Cut the foil at the bottom of the cage
17. Remove the foil and place in the sommelier’s pocket
18. Wipe the neck of the bottle with red napkin
19. Put the corkscrew on the cork and pull the cork.
20. Using red napkin, pull out the cork and put the cork in the B&B plate
21. Show the cork to the host
22. Wipe the bottle lip with the red napkin
23. Sommelier take a sample by host approval to make sure the wine is in good condition
24. Serve a small amount of wine to the host glass for tasting
25. Wait for the host approval for serving the white wine
26. Serve the white wine in the right side from the guest, women first, men second. The
host is always served last.
27. Serve the wine in a single pours
28. While serving the wine add recommendation for food pairing and valid reason
29. After serving, ask the host for the wine bottle location, example on the table or in the
30. Take tray to clear up the sommelier taster glass
31. Ask the guest if we can clear up the B&B plate with cork
32. Please the guest for enjoy the wine

1. Introduce your self and ask the host
2. Present the wine list from the right hand side to the host
3. Offer assistance with the wine list
4. Be prepared to answer questions on the character & quality of wines, vintages
and food compatibility
5. Stand to the right of the host to take the order.
6. Reconfirm the wine order with the host in the right side of the host
7. Select the correct glassware (RED wine glass) and B&B plate on tray
8. Put the glass on the right position, ladies first, clock wise and prepare one glass for the
9. Glass stemware is placed to the right of each guest and keyed off the knife. Actual
positioning is often dictated by house style or size of the table, but the standard
forma for one wine glass and water glass should be to place the wine glass abo ve
the larger knife with the water glass diagonally below to the right or diagonally
above to the left.
10. Glass placement starts with the person to the hosts left (ladies first) and continue
clockwise to finish with the host.
11. Put the glass and B & B plate for sommelier at the right side of the host
12. Prepare the red wine, and red napkin
13. Presenting the red wine to the host and reconfirm the order
14. Open the red wine with wine opener (can be done on air or on the table)
15. Label always facing to the host
16. Cut the foil at the bottom of the cage
17. Remove the foil and place in the sommelier’s pocket
18. Wipe the neck of the bottle with red napkin
19. Put the corkscrew on the cork and pull the cork.
20. Using red napkin, pull out the cork and put the cork in the B&B plate
21. Show the cork to the host
22. Wipe the bottle lip with the red napkin
23. Sommelier take a sample by host approval to make sure the wine is in good condition
24. Serve a small amount of wine to the host glass for tasting
25. Wait for the host approval for serving the red wine
26. Serve the red wine in the right side from the guest, women first, men second. The host
is always served last.
27. Serve the wine in a single pours
28. While serving the wine add recommendation for food pairing and valid reason
29. After serving, put the bottle with underliner B & B plate
30. Take tray to clear up the sommelier taster glass
31. Ask the guest if we can clear up the B&B plate with the cork
32. Please the guest for enjoy the wine

1. Introduce your self and ask the host
2. Present the wine list from the right hand side to the host
3. Offer assistance with the wine list
4. Be prepared to answer questions on the character & quality of wines, vintages
and food compatibility
5. Stand to the right of the host to take the order.
6. Reconfirm the wine order with the host in the right side of the host
7. Select the correct glassware ( champagne wine glass) and B&B plate on tray
8. Put the glass on the right position, ladies first, clock wise and prepare one glass for the
9. Glass stemware is placed to the right of each guest and keyed off the knife. Actual
positioning is often dictated by house style or size of the table, but the standard
forma for one wine glass and water glass should be to place the wine glass above
the larger knife with the water glass diagonally below to the right or diagonally
above to the left.
10. Glass placement starts with the person to the hosts left (ladies first) and continue
clockwise to finish with the host.
11. Put the glass for sommelier at the right side of the host.
12. Prepare the wine cooler and stand to the host’s right with red napkin on top
13. Take the sparklimg wine bottle from wine cooler and wipe the bottle with red napkin
14. Presenting the sparkling wine to the host and reconfirm the order
15. Open the sparkling wine with wine opener
16. Cut the foil at the bottom of the cage
17. Remove the foil and place in the sommelier’s pocket
18. Wipe the neck of the bottle with red napkin
19. Place red napkin over the cage with sommelier tumb
20. Maintain control at all times, always point the cork away from the guest
21. Untwist the wire cage and loosen for removal- tumb always over the cork
22. Holding the bottle 45 degree angle, twist the bottle away from the cork
23. Gently release the cork with little or no noise
24. It can be done in the air or in the bucket but never against body
25. Remove the cage from the cork and place in the sommelier pocket
26. Place the cork on the underliner to the host’s right
27. Wipe the bottle lip with the red napkin
28. Sommelier take a sample by host approval to make sure the sparkling wine is in good
29. Serve a small amount of sparkling wine to the host glass for tasting
30. Wait for the host approval for serving the sparkling wine
31. Serve the sparkling wine in the right side from the guest, women first, men second.
The host is always served last.
32. Serve the wine in a single pours
33. While serving the wine add recommendation for food pairing and valid reason
34. After serving, ask the host for the wine bottle location, example on the table or in the
35. Take tray to clear up the sommelier taster glass
36. Ask the guest if we can clear up the B&B plate with the cork
37. Please the guest for enjoy the wine


1. Introduce your self and ask the host
2. Present the wine list from the right hand side to the host
3. Offer assistance with the wine list
4. Be prepared to answer questions on the character & quality of wines, vintages
and food compatibility
5. Stand to the right of the host to take the order.
6. Reconfirm the wine order with the host in the right side of the host
7. Select the correct glassware (white wine glass) and B&B plate on tray
8. Put the glass on the right position, ladies first, clock wise and prepare one glass for
the sommelier
9. Glass stemware is placed to the right of each guest and keyed off the knife.
Actual positioning is often dictated by house style or size of the table, but the
standard forma for one wine glass and water glass should be to place the wine
glass above the larger knife with the water glass diagonally below to the right
or diagonally above to the left.
10. Glass placement starts with the person to the hosts left (ladies first) and continue
clockwise to finish with the host.
11. Put the glass for sommelier at the right side of the host.
12. Prepare the wine cooler and stand to the host’s right with red napkin on top
13. Take the white wine bottle from wine cooler and wipe the bottle with red napkin
14. Presenting the white wine to the host and reconfirm the order
15. Wipe the neck of the bottle with red napkin
16. Hold the neck of the bottle and make a circle move to open the bottle of wine
17. Put the screwcap on the B & B Plate
18. Wipe the bottle lip with the red napkin
19. Sommelier take a sample by host approval to make sure the wine is in good condition
20. Serve a small amount of wine to the host glass for tasting
21. Wait for the host approval for serving the white wine
22. Serve the white wine in the right side from the guest, women first, men second. The
host is always served last.
23. Serve the wine in a single pours
24. While serving the wine add recommendation for food pairing and valid reason
25. After serving, ask the host for the wine bottle location, example on the table or in the
26. Take tray to clear up the sommelier taster glass
27. Ask the guest if we can clear up the B&B plate with screw cap
28. Please the guest for enjoy the wine

1. Introduce your self and ask the host
2. Present the wine list from the right hand side to the host
3. Offer assistance with the wine list
4. Be prepared to answer questions on the character & quality of wines, vintages
and food compatibility
5. Stand to the right of the host to take the order.
6. Reconfirm the wine order with the host in the right side of the host
7. Select the correct glassware (RED wine glass) and B&B plate on tray
8. Put the glass on the right position, ladies first, clock wise and prepare one glass for the
9. Glass stemware is placed to the right of each guest and keyed off the knife. Actual
positioning is often dictated by house style or size of the table, but the standard
forma for one wine glass and water glass should be to place the wine glass above
the larger knife with the water glass diagonally below to the right or diagonally
above to the left.
10. Glass placement starts with the person to the hosts left (ladies first) and continue
clockwise to finish with the host.
11. Put the glass and B & B plate for sommelier at the right side of the host
12. Prepare the red wine, and red napkin
13. Presenting the red wine to the host and reconfirm the order
14. Wipe the neck of the bottle with red napkin
15. Hold the neck of the bottle and make a circle move to open the bottle of wine
16. Put the screwcap on the B & B Plate
17. Wipe the bottle lip with the red napkin
18. Sommelier take a sample by host approval to make sure the wine is in good condition
19. Serve a small amount of wine to the host glass for tasting
20. Wait for the host approval for serving the red wine
21. Serve the red wine in the right side from the guest, women first, men second. The host
is always served last.
22. Serve the wine in a single pours
23. While serving the wine add recommendation for food pairing and valid reason
24. After serving, put the bottle with underliner B & B plate
25. Take tray to clear up the sommelier taster glass
26. Ask the guest if we can clear up the B&B plate with the cork
27. Please the guest for enjoy the wine

1. Open wine tableside. If there is room, place the bottle on the table (preferred), if not,
open in the air . Place napkin on your left forearm

2. Place a knife under the lip of the bottle and turn to remo ve foil.

3. The foil is placed in the sommelier pocket and the top of the cork is wiped with
a clean serviette

4. Position corkscrew in center of the cork and twist clockwise.

5. Place the first step onto the lip of the bottle.

6. Lift handle until cork is halfway out.

7. Repeat using the second step in the corkscrew, pulling until the cork is almost

8. Use your hand to pull the cork all the way out. The cork is then gently lavered
out of the bottle without causing a pop.
9. Wipe the top of the bottle again with the serviette and present the cork to the
host placing it on the under liner to his/her right.


1. Introduce your self and ask the host

2. Present the wine list from the right hand side to the host
3. Offer assistance with the wine list
4. Be prepared to answer questions on the character & quality of wines, vintages
and food compatibility
5. Stand to the right of the host to take the order.
6. Reconfirm the wine order with the host in the right side of the host
7. Confirm the guest that the wine should be serve with decanting process
8. Place the correct glassware for the wine on the table
9. A gué ridon is indispensible for decanting - all materials should be placed on it
before placing alongside the table
10. Equipment required: Clean decanter, Candle, matches, Ashtray, Cork removal tool,
multiple clean serviettes, decanting basket, 3 underliners for cork, bottle &
11. If a gué ridon is not available, a small table may be placed by the guests table. The
decanting equipment should be placed on this table
12. Line the decanting basket with a clean serviette and take to the cellar to obtain the
selected bottle
13. Place the bottle in the basket carefully “Label upwards “ so as not to disturb
sediment. Return the bottle & basket to the gué ridon
14. Light the candle away from the table and place the gué ridon on the hosts right.
15. Present the bottle in the basket to the host and repeat the wine & vintage verbally
16. Return the basket & bottle to the guéridon & position for opening. If the decanting
basket angle is too low, prop with an under-liner or serviette
17. Cut the foil below the second lip & remove – Removal of the whole foil cap is
acceptable. Wipe the lip with a clean serviette.
18. Carefully remove the cork without moving the bottle.
19. Carefully wipe the lip again
20. Carefully lift the bottle from the basket. Pick up the decanter in the other hand and
position yourself so that you can see the light of the candle through the glass of the
bottle neck.
21. Pour the wine slowly and steadily into the decanter in a single pour. Preferably
avoid touching the neck of the bottle on the neck of the decanter.
22. Pour steadily until the sediment appears in the neck but does not enter the
decanter. Careful pouring will minimise the amount of wine remaining in the
23. Present the cork on an under liner (This could be done prior to decanting or at this
24. Wipe the bottle on a clean serviette and place on an under-liner on the table
25. Wine is served from the decanter for the host to taste & service is completed in
the standard manner.
26. Place the decanter on an under liner on the table.
27. Ask the host if the cork & empty bottle may be removed.


1. 1st method – Open on a guè ridon next to or close by the table, preferably to the
hosts right and placed in an ice bucket & stand next to the hosts table to the hosts

2. 2nd method – Open in the ice bucket and stand. Return the bottle to the bucket
after pouring the wine

3. 3rd method – Open on the guests table on an under-liner or serviette( if there is

sufficient room on the table) and place in an ice bucket and stand to the hosts right
or in a cooler on an under-liner on the table to the hosts right

4. 4th method – Open on a side table or stand and return to an ice bucketand stand
to the hosts right or to a cooler on an under-liner on the table (hosts right)

5. 5th method- Open in the air and return to an ice bucket and stand placed on the
hosts right or to a cooler on an under-liner on the table (hosts right) Opening in
the air is common practice at a cash function with the bottle being placed on an
under-liner on the table or in an ice bucket close by.


1. 1st method – Open on a gué ridon next to, or close to, the table, preferably to the
hosts right. Place bottle on an under liner on the table on the right of the host.

2. 2nd method – Open on a side table or stand & place on an under liner on the table
to the hosts right after pouring

3. 3rd method - Open on the guests table on an under-liner or serviette (if there is
sufficient room)
4. 4th method - Open in the air to the right of the host & place on an under liner on
the table to the hosts right after pouring.


Always Store Wines:

a. At a constant temperature 10 -13 ̊c – ideal for long term storage
b. Where they can be easily reached in an organised manner
c. Away from unpleasant smells which could penetrate corks
d. Away from insect & rodent pests – damage to labels, corks & boxes
e. Lying down – moisture keeps corks intact
f. Store spirits and sherries standing up
Never Store wines
a. In strong light it will prematurely age wine & fade labels
b. in damp conditions moisture will destroy labels and develop mould on corks
c. where there is vibration – can cause premature ageing of wine
d. upright for more than a few weeks. (except wines with twist off closures) – corks
will dry out & shrink and let in air , oxidising wines
e. exposed to excessive heat - Wines will be permanently damaged

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