Steps in Developing Logic Circuits

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Logic circuits are developed from 2 or more logic propositions combined by logic gates
A logic proposition is a statement describing a condition which should be satisfied in order
to give a certain outcome. Below are examples of logic propositions

Turbine speed <= 1000 rpm is a logic proposition / condition

Bearing temperature > 80oc is also a logic proposition / condition

Steps in developing logic circuits

1. Convert logic propositions into logic statements/expressions
A logic statement/expression shows
 Conditions/ input (usually represented by letters of the alphabet) e.g turbine speed
which can be represented by alphabet letter S and bearing temperature which can be
represented by alphabet letter T
 boolean value (1 or 0) for each condition e.g S=1 , T=0
 logic operators (AND, OR, NOT) combining the conditions/input e.g S=1 AND T=1
 the required output e.g warning alarm as output represented by X=1
Consider the following conditions (propositions) and their output:

The logic statement/expressions for the above conditions/propositions is

Ringing of Alarm (X) is the output represented by the logic statement X=1

Proposition/Condition 1: input A represents ON AND input B represents OFF expressed by

logic expression: A =1 AND B=NOT 1
(remember ON is represented by 1 and OFF is represented by 0 or NOT 1)

Proposition/Condition 2: input B represents ON AND input C represents OFF expressed by

logic expression: B=1 AND C=NOT 1
2. Develop a logic circuit for each condition
A =1 AND B=NOT 1 B=1 AND C=NOT 1

3. Combine the logic circuits for the conditions to form the final circuit

Hints on how to identify the last logic gate that should be connected to the
output X on a logic circuit
Given some propositions/conditions one can identify the last logic gate which comes just before the
output using guidelines below
1. The logic gate does not usually directly combine initial input A,B and C

Consider the following conditions (propositions) and their outcome:

An alarm X sounds (IF input A represents ON and input B represents OFF) OR (IF input B
represents ON and input C represents OFF)
In the above example, the OR gate is the one connected to output X because it is not directly
combining input A and input B or input B and input C. The AND gates have been used to directly
combine inputs A,B and C
2. The logic gate may be written between two propositions/ conditions with each condition
beginning with the word “IF”. The gate usually comes just before the “IF” on the second

Consider the following conditions (propositions) and their outcome:

An alarm X sounds (IF input A represents ON and input B represents OFF) OR (IF input B
represents ON and input C represents OFF)
In the above example, the OR gate (written in bold) is the last one before output X because it is
combining 2 conditions that start with the word IF. The OR is written just before the IF for the
second condition. Sometimes the second IF may be silent (not written) on the second condition. The
statement may be written as:

An alarm X sounds ( IF input A………) OR (input B………..)

3. In the case of 3 propositions/conditions the logic gate that connects the last 2 propositions is
the last gate before the output

Consider the following conditions (propositions) and their outcome:

The OR gate combining the last 2 conditions is usually the one that is connected to the output X

Practice Questions
1. A traffic signal system will only operate if it receives an output signal (D = 1).
This can only occur if:
Either (a) signal A is red (i.e. A = 0) Or (b) signal A is green (i.e. A = 1) and signals B
and C are both red (i.e. B and C are both 0)
i. Write a logic statement / expression for the conditions above
ii. Design a logic network / circuit for the conditions above

2. A power station has a safety system based on three inputs to a logic network.
A warning signal (S = 1) is produced when certain conditions occur based on
these 3 inputs:
A warning signal (S = 1) will be generated if:
Either : (a) Temperature > 120C and Cooling Water <= 100 l/hr
Or (b) Temperature <= 120C and (Pressure > 10 bar or Cooling Water < 100 l/hr)
Write a logic expression and draw a logic network for the conditions above

3. A steel rolling mill is to be controlled by a logic network made up of AND, OR and NOT
gates only. The mill receives a stop signal (i.e. S = 1) depending on the following input

A stop signal (S = 1) occurs when:

either: Length, L > 100 metres and Velocity, V < =10 m/s
Or Temperature, T <=1000 C and Velocity, V >10 m/s
Write a logic expression and draw a logic circuit for these conditions

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