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Dispute settlements (giai quyet tranh chap) – ARBITRATION

- 2 main types of dispute: commercial – civil

- Selling motorbike -> civil
- Disputes related to the packing design between vinaacecook and asia foods ->
- Between franchise contract -> commercial
- 2 individual -> mainly be civil
- Flight tickets between vna and customer-> civil
- Commercial settlements:
 Negotiation(thuong luong) is the most peaceful way, cac ben lien quan tu giai
quyet tranh chap.
 Its results are not legally binding (rang buoc phap ly) – khong co gia tri phap
ly, khong duoc phap luat thua nhan (ben lien quan be keo thi ben con lai cung
khong lam duoc gi).
 Arbitration (phan quyet trong tai)
- trung tam trong tai la to chuc khong truc thuoc chinh phu vn nhung duoc cp Vietnam
cap quyen giai quyet cac tranh chap thuong mai, con cac tranh chap dan su bat buoc
phai giai quyet o toa an nhan dan.
- arbitral award is final (phan quyet trong tai la cuoi cung) - khong phuc kham, khang
- jusisdiction (tham quyen): have the right to choose to…., do not want to settle their
dispute in vn, can bring to other countries, then bring award back to vn.
(litigation: If you settle your dispute at people court, must happen according to
law, have no rights to choose who will be the judge, place…)
- forms of commercial arbitration: 2
+ ad hoc atbitration (trong tai vien)
+ arbitration committies -> duoc quyen tu do lua chon -> expensive; khong truc
thuoc chinh phu -> khong co quyen trieu tap cac nhan chung-> phai thong qua toa
- When will dispute be settled by commercial arbitration:
+ valid arbitration agreements
- When will a contract amended?

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