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Final : 8 questions for case study

Contract law
+ Nang luc phap luat dan su (civil legal capacity)
+ Nang luc hanh vi dan su (civil capacity)
+ full 18
 To enter the contract
- A breach of contract (vi pham hop dong) khong thuc hien nghia vu ghi trong hd; or
thuc hien nghia vu co sai sot.
 Be liable for the breach, except: force majeure events, free from the liablity,
penalties ( cty pha san, nhan vien khong nhan duoc luong because of covid 19 is NOT
force majeure events)
- HOW to liable?
+ remedies (failure cause damage cho ben con lai -> pay compensation, trong hd quy
dinh ve cac dieu khoan dong phat -> fines, neu khong thi khong co nghia vu neu co vi
pham, …)
+ Compensation for material damages and mental damages
+ Fines levels of fines should not be over 8% of the value of breached obligation
- Most common security measure is deposit.
+ pledge of property (cam co tai san)-> hand over the right…
+ mortgage of property (the chap tai san)-> you still present that property and have the
right to use.
Only dong san duoc used for pledge (xe), ca dong san va bds duoc the chap.
+ escrow account (ký quỹ), xong hop dong se duoc lay quy do ve.
+ guaranty: third party dung ra bao dam.
- Scope of the security

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