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Financial Analysis of Cipla Limited and Its Competitors

Vaibhav Mittal

Masters of Global Management, Royal Roads University

MGMT 565: International Accounting Tools for Financial Health

Gordon Gunn

June 03, 2020


Table of Contents


Company and Industry Overview..................................................................................3

Liquidity Ratios..............................................................................................................4

Solvency Ratio...............................................................................................................9

Profitability Ratio.........................................................................................................12

Altman-Z Score............................................................................................................16

Recommendations and Conclusions............................................................................17



Financial Analysis of Cipla Limited and Its Competitors


Investors looking to invest in the best pharmaceutical companies have a with a wide

range to choose from among publicly traded companies, to stand out from their competition,

a company should always monitor its financial indicators that are effective in the analysis and

equity valuation of pharmaceutical companies and help them analyze current

profitability, risk and frame future business plans. Pharmaceutical companies have become

the leading players in the healthcare sector in the era of ageing populations, rising healthcare

costs and the increasing production of innovative and highly lucrative medicines. This paper

analyses the current business and financial performance of India's leading pharmaceutical

company Cipla Limited, engaged in the business of pharmaceutical and biotechnology. The

report addresses the overall financial performance of the company, its abilities and its

inadequacies by applying various financial indicators, such as the annual report, financial

ratios and financial statements, and by comparing it with its three industry rivals, Sun

Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Limited and Lupin Limited

Besides. The study includes an assessment of the financial techniques used in the analysis,

using all the research tools, makes recommendations for the future of the business by

evaluating the profitability, liquidity and solvency of the company.

Company and Industry Overview

Cipla is an Indian company with a multinational presence in pharmaceutics and

biotechnology, and one of the largest generic medicine producers worldwide (Cipla, 2020). In

India, Cipla has 34 cGMP-compliant development facilities that meet with national

and international standards (Cipla, 2020). The formulas for this drug are distributed in over

170 countries, including America, Canada, Europe, Africa, Australia, Latin America and the

Middle East (Brand India Pharma, 2020, para.2). Cipla's portfolio includes over 2,000

products across multiple therapeutic categories, including treatments for acute, chronic and

rare conditions (Edwards, 2018, para. 8). Pharmaceutical companies are distinguished by

high capital spending on research and development (R&D) and a prolonged period between

initial testing and eventually to the distribution of a drug (Kennedy, 2019, para. 7). When a

pharmaceutical product enters the marketplace, the company has to decide how high the price

the company will charge for medicine in order to produce a reasonable return on its

investment in the shortest amount of time (Sullivan, 2019, para. 2). The main financial factors

for pharmaceutical companies are those related to R&D expenses and the capacity of the

company to handle high rates of debt and profitability and their current cash flow (para. 3).

The liquidity, solvency and profitability ratios of Cipla are evaluated and compared to their

competition to get a better understanding of the company financial health.

Liquidity Ratios

Liquidity ratios help Cipla to determine their ability to repay their current debt

without raising external capital (Bragg, 2018, p. 1). Cipla's Current Ratio (CR) was 2.66 in

2018-2019 (Cipla Limited, 2020), which shows that the company is leveraged enough to pay

its debts by balancing its existing assets to its financial obligations for the next twelve months

(Lumen, 2020, p. 1). The table below shows the comparison of CR between Cipla Limited

and its three competitors. Good pharma companies have ratios of 1.5 to 3 (CFI Education Inc,

2020, para. 4), as their proportions vary by industry and circumstances. Cipla has a very high

CR and highest among its competitors in 2019, which also means that a company maintains a

high amount of cash and uses its current assets inefficiently.

Current Ratio (CR)








2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Working capital (WC) is an excellent measure for checking a firm's short-term

financial health as in 2019, and Sun Pharma has very high working capital compared to

Cipla, which shows the company's liquidity and operating efficiency is on a higher side.

Cipla also has significant positive WC; it shows that it has the potential to invest and grow. In

2016, Cipla had a negative WC, which indicates that the current assets of the company

are marginally exceeding its current liabilities; if the situation had remained the same, it

might have faced trouble in raising or paying back creditors or even going bankrupt, but it

has bounced back from the situation well. Companies with positive WC may face problems

when they have only enough money to pay for day-to-day operations and not enough funds to

pay for additional expenses (CFI Education Inc, 2020, para. 4). It happens in the

pharmaceutical industry, which can mean that the company has trouble moving goods,

collecting customer receivables too soon, or paying the vendor's debts too early.

Working Capital (WC)

2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

In the last four years, Cipla's receivables turnover ratio (RTR) has always remained

the highest among the four comparable firms, showing its productivity and effectiveness in

collecting its receivables or money owed by customers (Wood, 2020, para . 1). It also

demonstrates that the business has a high proportion of loyal customers who settle their debts

promptly, which can also be the same for their rivals.

Receivables Turnover (RTR)








2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Average Collection Period (ACP)







2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Cipla's Average Collection Period (ACP) is comparatively lower than its other three

competitors, although, an increase of 24 percent is seen in 2019, which is not a good sign.

Overall, Cipla's have a lower ACP, which shows that the firm takes the faster processing time

to convert balances from receivable accounts back into cash flow in comparison to its

competitors (Nolet, 2017, p. 1). The lower that number, the more efficient it is for the

business to collect payment from its clients. Higher numbers show that their clients are not

paying their bills promptly, especially for Sun Pharma and Lupin, which is rising

proportionately (p. 1). However, a high number may also indicate more severe problems or

possibilities that might adversely affect the business.

Inventory Turnover (ITR)








2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Dr. Reddy has the highest Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITR), which states that the

number of times a company's entire inventory has been sold during the accounting period is

high compared to Cipla and its other two rivals. It is a critical factor in the performance of the

pharmaceutical business that keeps an inventory that has an expiry date. Dr. Reddy's

inventory turnover ratio demonstrates how well a company handles its inventory rates and

how often it replenishes its inventories. In general, higher ITR is better because inventories

are the least liquid form of assets (Trade Gecko, 2020, p. 1). Sun Pharma's lower inventory

turnover ratio indicates that the company could be doing over-storage or failures in the

product line or the marketing campaign (p. 1). It is a sign of poor inventory management, as

inventory typically has a zero rate of return and a high cost of storage in the medicine sector.

Higher inventory turnover rates are considered to be a good measure of successful inventory


Days In Inventory (DIN)

Lupin Ltd.

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd.

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Cipla Limited

0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00

2019 2018 2017 2016

Days In Inventory (DIN) calculate the profitability, liquidity and cash flow of a

company, and illustrate how secure the inventory is for investors and shareholders because

existing, expired inventories of generic products are worth less than the latest, new inventory

and stock sales demonstrate how quickly the stock moves (BLI, 2020, p. 1). Cipla has very

high DIN sales, which is not a positive sign in comparison to other rivals (p. 1). Inventory

sales by Dr. Reddy show how fast the firm moves its inventory and shows the liquidity of its

inventories. Shorter outstanding DIN means the company is transforming the inventory into

cash more quickly and the product is highly liquid (p. 1).

Cash Current Debt Coverage (CCDR)

2019 2018 2017

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

The Current Cash-Debt Ratio (CCDR) is essential for current and prospective

investors to determine the solvency of a pharmaceutical business, which indicates whether

the company generates enough cash from its operations to keep the company operational and

whether it produces enough cash from its operations to pay dividends on time. In

pharmaceutical, liquidity is more important than income generation to continue day-to-day

operations (Assets America, 2020, para. 4). Cipla has the highest CCDR among all its

competitors in 2019, but it is still lower and means that the company has inferior liquidity and

has not produced enough cash flows in the past.

Solvency Ratio

Cipla's Debt-To Total Assets Ratio (DTA) is 0.29, which means that creditors finance

29 percent of its assets, and 71 percent is financed by shareholders' equity, in the form of

equity and not by creditors in the form of debt (Bragg, 2018, p. 1). Cipla has enough cash to

meet its current obligations, and the current DTA shows that it is successful enough to pay a

return on its investment. Only Sun Pharma has a marginally better ratio of existing debt to

assets than Cipla.

Debt-To-Total Assets (DTA)

2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Debt To Equity (DTE)








2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Cipla has 29 percent of its Debts-To-Equity, which indicates that its solvency ratio is

better relative to Lupin Ltd, as it has 60 percent of its debts. The Debt-To-Equity allows the

company to understand how to fund the activities of the organization. Cipla, Sun Pharma and

Dr. Reddy have a relatively lower Debt-To-Equity, considering they are highly capital

intensive and do not have higher debt-to-equity ratios.

Debt Coverage Cash (DCC)

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Dr Reddys Lupin Ltd.
Industries Ltd Laboratories Ltd.

2019 2018 2017

Cipla operates at a Debt-Coverage-Cash Ratio (DCC) of 0.22 (22 percent) which

implies that the business operating cash flow is just 22 percent of its total liabilities, which

suggests that they cannot comfortably meet its debt obligations by using its current operating

cash flow (Wealthy Education, 2020, para. 15). However, Cipla and Dr. Reddy had the

highest DCC in 2019, shows their position is more reliable than the other two rivals, given

that pharmaceutical firms have a high debt due to pre-production development costs and pay

off their debts based on their operations.

The Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR) states how easily a company can pay its fixed

interest charges on both short-term and long-term debts with current earnings before interest

and taxes (EBIT). Cipla's ICR increased and stood at 22 percent in FY19, from 0.20 (20

percent) in FY18. In comparison, Cipla still has a higher ICR Ratio, which explains that they

had attracted more investments compared to Sun Pharma and Lupin.

Times Interest Earned (Interest Coverage Ratio- ITR)







2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Profitability Ratio

Profitability ratios measure the relationship a business handles between its expenses

and profits gained by the efficient use of its assets. The Return-On-Equity (ROE) of the

company indicates how much after-tax profit a corporation receives in comparison with the

total sum of shareholder equity recorded on the balance sheet (Nasdaq, 2020). Cipla has

reported the highest ROE among its opponents, which suggests that it can better generate

profits with new investments, providing a sense of how effectively the business manages it's

capital (Fuhrmann, 2019, p. 1).

Return On Equity (ROE)






2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Return On Assets (ROA)



2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

ROA discusses how successful an organization is in using its assets to produce income

(Gallo, 2016, para. 5). Cipla's ROA improved proportionately from 2018 to 2019, by 6.17

percent compared to 8.67 percent of Dr. Reddy, which indicates that the company is earning

more money on less investment which is a positive sign

Asset Turnover (ATR)







2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

The Asset-Turnover-Ratio (ATR) helps investors understand how effectively

companies use their assets to produce revenue. Usually, the ATR is calculated on an annual

basis. The higher the ATR, the better the company performs, as higher ratios mean high sales.

(Hayes, 2020, p. 1). Pharmaceutical companies have relatively very high asset reserves, but

they have a comparatively smaller sales share because of competitive business and, thus, a

lower ATR. Cipla and Dr. Reddy were having 0.85 and 0.88 ATR in 2019, which means that

slowly turn their assets into sales, whereas Sun Pharma turnover may indicate that the pharma

company was experiencing slow sales or holding obsolete inventory. The firm collection time

may be too long, leading to higher accounts receivable.


Gross Profit Margin (GPM)







2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Profit margin is a proportion of profit calculation that indicates the value a business

receives in each product sold.  When a corporation makes more money per sale, it has a

higher profit margin per transaction. The Gross-Profit-Margin (GPM) and the Net-Profit-

Margin (NPM) are two different profitability indicators used in determining the financial

stability and overall health of a business. A high GPM means that a corporation is effectively

generating profits over and above its expenses. Cipla's GPM showed an upward trend since

2017 and was just 10.75 percent, while its competitor Sun Pharma had a 46% higher PM

figure, which is not a positive sign for Cipla. The NPM is a ratio of the net income to the

revenue of a company; it represents how much each dollar of revenue is income. Net

profitability is an essential distinction since increases in revenue do not necessarily translate

into increased profitability. Lupin has achieved lower NPM in 2019 of 3.62% compared to

Dr. Reddy, who has 12.62% of net profits, whereas Cipla NPM has been remarkably constant

since 2018, which shows that pharma market is very competitive in India. Analysts and

investors generally use both GPM and NPM to gauge the efficiency of the company 's

management in making profit relative to the cost of developing their products and services.

(Maverick, 2020, p. 1)

Net Profit Margin (NPM)






2019 2018 2017 2016

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Ltd.

Altman-Z Score

Using the results of Altman-Z, which has been a reliable method of predicting

bankruptcy since it was developed in 1967, gives a snapshot of Cipla and its competitor's

position on the market. It uses profitability, liquidity, leverage, solvency, and operations to

determine whether a firm is likely to become insolvent.

Altman Z-Score

Cipla Limited Sun Pharmaceutical Dr Reddys Lupin Ltd.

Dr. Reddy has the highest Altman Z-Scores of 6.95, followed by Sun Pharma of 6.68

and Cipla of 6.52. That states that all three firms are at least risk of going bankrupt; however,

Lupin Ltd Altman Z-Score is 3.78, which means that the business is also most likely to be

secure based on financial data and there is no possibility of either company going bankrupt as

all the companies are in safe zone. Pharmaceuticals Investors use Altman Z-scores to

determine whether to buy or sell a stock if they are worried about the underlying financial

strength of the business. Investors consider buying a stock if its Altman Z-Score value is

closer to 3 and above and sell or shortens a stock if the value is closer to 1.8. Cipla, Dr.

Reddy and Sun Pharma will have the upper hand in the industry as their Altman Z-Score

continues to attract investors.

Recommendations and Conclusions

Cipla's overall financial performance looks brilliant, as the company's liquidity and

operating efficiency are on the higher side. Cipla also has considerable positive working

capital, which shows that it can spend and expand and has grown in recent years. The

company has a high percentage of loyal customers who pay their debts timely, as

demonstrated by its high receivable turnover ratio, and the firm has the highest overall

recovery rate among its rivals, which gives the company a competitive advantage. Cipla has

enough cash to maintain its current obligations, and the current debt-to-total

assets ratio shows that they are profitable enough to pay a return on their investment. Cipla's

profitability looks very strong, despite the competitive pharmaceutical industry in India.

Higher ROE and ROA indicate that the company is making more money on less spending,

which is a good indication with improved gross profit and net profit margins in recent years.

The only issue that a company has to concentrate on would be that they have a very high

inventory ratio, which means that a company holds a high amount of cash and uses their

existing assets inefficiently, which needs change. They do need to focus on turning their

unsold inventory into sales by decreasing their inventory period because higher inventory

turnover in the healthcare market is safer as inventories are the least liquid source of assets

and are a critical factor in the success of the pharmaceutical business. Its debt-coverage cash

is weak and needs to be focused so that it can fulfil its financial obligations by using the

existing operating cash flow. Also, Ciplas' Altman-Z score shows that the chances of a

company going bankrupt over the next two years are minimal.


Bragg, S. (2018, December 4). Debt to assets ratio. Accounting Tools.

Bragg, S. (2018, August 29). Liquidity ratios. Accounting Tools.

Brand India Pharma (2020). About Cipla pharmaceuticals. Pharmexcil.


Business Literacy Institute. (2020). Days in inventory. BLI.

Assets America (2020). Cash coverage ratio, complete guide. Assets America Inc.

CFI Education Inc. (2020). What is the current ratio? CFI.


CFI Education Inc. (2020). Working capital formula? CFI.


Cipla Incorporation Limited. (2020). Investor information. Cipla Limited.

Edwards, C. (2018, August 6). Pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in India: ones to

watch. Pharmaceutical Technology. https://www.pharmaceutical-

Fuhrmann, R. (2019, June 24). How to calculate return on equity – ROE. Investopedia.


Gallo, A. (2016, April 4). A refresher on return on assets and return on equity. Harvard

Business Review.


Hayes, A. (2020, April 28). Asset turnover ratio. Investopedia.

Kennedy, J. (2019, September 9). The link between drug prices and research on the next

generation of cures. ITIF.


Lumen. (2020). Reporting and analyzing current liabilities. Lumen Candela.


Maverick, J. (2020, April 4). The difference between gross profit margin and net profit

margin. Investopedia.




Nasdaq. (2020). Return on equity (ROE). Nasdaq Inc.

Nolet, M. (2017, November 13). What is the average collection period ratio? Bill Gosling



Sullivan, T. (2019, March 21). A tough road: Cost to develop one new drug is $2.6 billion;

Approval rate for drugs entering clinical development is less than 12%. Policy &



Wealthy Education. (2020). Cash debt coverage ratio. WE Inc.

Wood. M, (2020, January 30). Accounts receivable turnover: formula, definition, examples.



Liquidity Ratio
Current Ratio 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 3.29 2.82 2.61 1.14
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 1.79 1.59 1.84 2.28
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 1.88 1.52 1.15 1.86
Lupin Ltd. 2.26 2.40 1.95 1.95
Working Capital 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 8655 6982 5431 1065
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 13730 11772 15067 16797
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 5213 3605 1264 5447
Lupin Ltd. 7724 7114 5832 4826
Cash Current Debt Coverage 2019 2018 2017
Cipla Limited 0.44 0.41 0.43
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 0.12 0.21 0.46
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 0.24 0.29 0.51
Lupin Ltd. 0.30 0.31 0.74
Quick Ratio 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 2.24 1.77 1.58 0.65
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 1.34 1.25 1.46 1.79
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 1.31 1.10 0.81 1.46
Lupin Ltd. 1.63 1.68 1.36 1.31
Inventory Turnover 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 4.13 3.75 4.13 3.62
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 3.69 3.84 4.58 4.44
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 4.60 4.91 4.98 6.09
Lupin Ltd. 4.36 4.31 4.77 4.32
Receivables Turnover 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 4.51 5.35 5.85 6.33
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 3.48 3.52 4.48 4.71
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 3.84 3.64 3.56 3.79
Lupin Ltd. 3.23 3.33 3.95 3.92
Average Collection Period 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 81 68 62 58
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 105 104 81 77
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 95 100 103 96
Lupin Ltd. 113 110 92 93
Days In Inventory 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 88 97 88 101
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 99 95 80 82
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 79 74 73 60
Lupin Ltd. 84 85 77 84

Solvency Ratio      
Debt-To-Total Assets 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 0.36 0.36 0.38 0.44

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 0.31 0.35 0.34 0.33

Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 0.38 0.44 0.44 0.38
Lupin Ltd. 0.22 0.19 0.23 0.22
Debt To Equity 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 0.29 0.29 0.33 0.45
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 0.24 0.26 0.22 0.25
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 0.24 0.40 0.40 0.27
Lupin Ltd. 0.60 0.51 0.59 0.64
Cash Total Debt Coverage 2019 2018 2017
Cipla Limited 0.04 0.07 0.11
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 0.03 0.06 0.12
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 0.08 0.10 0.16
Lupin Ltd. 0.06 0.07 0.17
Times Interest Earned 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 13.34 16.29 8.67 9.36
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 10.05 9.56 23.63 14.87
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 26.78 18.14 25.51 35.61
Lupin Ltd. 7.02 10.82 24.18 56.89

Return On Equity 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 10.17 9.91 8.02 11.80
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 6.43 5.67 19.00 13.78
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 0.24 0.40 0.40 0.27
Lupin Ltd. 4.47 1.85 18.94 20.25
Return On Assets 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 6.37 6.17 4.78 6.43
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 4.12 3.36 11.34 8.18
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 8.67 4.19 5.92 10.45
Lupin Ltd. 2.20 0.95 9.61 9.99
Asset Turnover 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 0.85 0.85 0.84 0.93
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 0.55 0.53 0.67 0.70
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 0.88 0.82 0.86 1.06
Lupin Ltd. 0.79 0.75 0.87 1.02
Gross Profit Margin 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 10.82 9.92 8.00 12.51
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 15.66 15.55 28.18 24.99
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 13.22 8.92 10.18 16.99
Lupin Ltd. 10.75 13.04 20.46 22.63
Profit Margin 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 9.33 9.30 6.99 9.86
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 9.17 8.18 22.24 15.95
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 12.62 6.62 9.10 13.68
Lupin Ltd. 3.62 1.59 14.72 15.99
Earnings Per Share 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cipla Limited 18.97 17.53 12.52 16.93

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 11.10 9.00 29.00 18.90

Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. 117.53 57.08 77.53 124.93
Lupin Ltd. 13.41 5.56 56.69 50.25

Altman Z-Score Calculation

Cipla Sun
Altman Z-Score Dr. Reddys Lupin Ltd.
Limited Pharmaceutical
Working Capital 8655 13730 5213 7724
Total Assets  23963 64694 22466 27949
Retained Earnings 10829 12037 9625 10707
EBIT 2248 4365 2381 1821
Market Value of Equity 42376 114940 46352 34666
Total Liabilities 8619 19971 8442 14160
Revenue 16839 30091 15786 17082

Altman Z-Score Calculation

First Factor = 1.2 * (Working Capital/Total Assets )
Second Factor = 1.4 * (Retained Earnings/Total Assets )
Thrid Factor = 3.3 * (EBIT/Total Assets )
Fouth Factor = 0.6 * (Market Value of Equity/Total Liabilities )
Fifth Factor = 0.999 * (Revenue/Total Assets )
Altman Z-Score = First Factor + Second Factor + Thrid Factor + Fouth Factor + Fifth


Cipla Limited
First Factor = 1.2 * ( 8655.12 / 23963.32 ) = 0.36
Second Factor = 1.4 * (10828.56 / 23963.32 ) = 0.45
Thrid Factor = 3.3 * (2247.57 / 23963.32 ) = 0.09
Fouth Factor = 0.6 * (42375.85 / 8619.07 ) = 4.91
Fifth Factor = 0.999 * (16838.98 / 23963.32 ) = 0.70
Altman Z-Score = 6.52

Sun Pharmaceutical
First Factor = 1.2 * ( 13729.57 / 64693.81 ) = 0.21
Second Factor = 1.4 * (12037 / 64693.81 ) = 0.18
Thrid Factor = 3.3 * (4365.45 / 64693.81 ) = 0.06
Fouth Factor = 0.6 * (114940.14 / 19971.21 ) = 5.75
Fifth Factor = 0.999 * (30091.4 / 64693.81 ) = 0.46
Altman Z-Score = 6.68

Dr. Reddys
First Factor = 1.2 * ( 5212.8 / 22465.6 ) = 0.23
Second Factor = 1.4 * (9624.7 / 22465.6 ) = 0.42
Thrid Factor = 3.3 * (2380.9 / 22465.6 ) = 0.10
Fouth Factor = 0.6 * (46352.32 / 8442 ) = 5.49
Fifth Factor = 0.999 * (15785.7 / 22465.6 ) = 0.70
Altman Z-Score = 6.95

Lupin Ltd.
First Factor = 1.2 * ( 7723.71 / 27949.37 ) = 0.27
Second Factor = 1.4 * (10706.73 / 27949.37 ) = 0.38
Thrid Factor = 3.3 * (1821.25 / 27949.37 ) = 0.065
Fouth Factor = 0.6 * (34665.54 / 14160.28 ) = 2.44
Fifth Factor = 0.999 * (17082.2 / 27949.37 ) = 0.61
Altman Z-Score = 3.78

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